What Are The Best Games Like Anthem?
10. Secret World Legends
Secret World Legends Gameplay
In Secret World Legends players are plunged right into a war against supernatural monsters. The world is filled with ancient myths and legends that your character will discover through at least a 100 hours of story time. The game is an MMORPG, where you pick between three clans and several classes, team up with your friends, gather the ultimate customizable gear and push back the evil that threatens the world.
Pick On Someone Your Own Size...these monsters are powerful, but you have magic.
Explore… The land is massive and full of adventure.
9. Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Gameplay
Destiny is one of those games where if you haven’t played it there's two responses. “Why in the world haven’t you played it” and “Good, save your money…”. Bungie's massive hit in 2014, Destiny 2 starts you off fresh, with your character losing everything (RIP Destiny 1). You'll have to build up your powers, get some new tricks up your sleeves and be ready to take on the galaxy once more. With a vast amount of content you can explore with your friends, the adventure for new gear and weapons will take you on an exciting journey. The story is limited, but the game makes it up with its action packed gameplay, raids, community, and events.
The Grind...Don’t go into this game thinking you'll finish the grind in oh….try a year or more.
There's Never Enough Loot...There’s always more to buy and more to scavenge.
8. Warframe
Warframe Gameplay
Warframe is a cooperative free to play action game set in a bizarre sci-fi world. You are a Tenno, a warrior wielding swords, guns and master of none other than...the warframe armor. Given the another chance at life, follow the Lotus that will guide you into mastering your skills and unlocking new powers as you fight againsts the vast armies of the Grineer. Level up and craft new weapons in this thrilling sci-fi adventure.
Weird Flex but Ok… Craft the best to flex the best.
A Sight To Behold… The places you’ll see will stun you in this marvelous spectre of a world.
7. The Surge 2
The Surge 2 Gameplay
Mix a little bit of Horizon Zero Dawn into a post apocalyptic future and you'll get the Surge 2. With a dynamic fighting system and new ambitious level designs, you find yourself brawling it out with weird and unique robotic creatures. Gather new gear and materials and go out and explore this new and upcoming game of Surge 2.
SPECTACULAR… The game has an endless amount of beauty and will satiate your thirst for adventure.
Find Their Weak Spot...New and unique fighting style to bash your way through some metal.
6. Defiance
Defiance Gameplay
Welcome to, yet another, sci-fi open world shooter. Compete against thousands of players for alien loot and fight creatures/monsters of all shapes and sizes. Level up powerful weapons and fight massive battles alone or with help from your friends.
We might need a bigger gun… Gear up with the best, because your enemies aren't holding back.
Oh Boy...These bad boys will have you tucking tail if you’re not prepared.
5. Fallout 76
Fallout 76 Gameplay
Fallout 76 isn’t what you’ll expect out of a fallout game. The games does hold up to it’s legacy though, the vast open world of looting and lore is driven deep in the center of the game. The graphics have improved since the last game and hits you with a bit of nostalgia. There are no NPCs this time around so the focus here is the multiplayer online aspects and exploration. Gather your friends and put on your trusting pipboy because this one’s gonna be a ride.
I'm All ALONE! ...Or are you. It’s quiet..too quiet.
Hey Bud. The world is a little less lonely with a few pals to accompany you on your adventure
4. Crackdown 3
Crackdown 3 Gameplay
Crackdown 3 gives me the feel of Tron. The bright neon lights and the sci-fi open world is outstanding in Crackdown 3. This chaotic sandbox world will break under your feet before you can get your footing. Destroy your enemies hideouts and level up through orbs to gain skills in agility, firearms, explosives and driving.
Into The Fire!...Fly around and explode everything in site.
Shoot On Site...The games unique fighting system will leave a pleasant aftertaste.
3. The Division 2
The Division 2
Going off its predecessor, The Division, your new mission is to save Washington D.C which is on the brink of collapse. The game promissies a 1:1 representation of the real city of the capitol, making your search and adventure around the map more intriguing and life like. The game offers new enemy factions and gear that aligns itself closely with the original game but given a fresh new look in an entirely different environment. Search and gather with friends in the Division’s known co-op feature and become Washington's last hope.
Search And Destroy! Kill and loot bandits to find new and powerful gear.
A Night Out On The Town. The environment is highly diverse in searching abandoned buildings to the woodys outdoors, so take advantage of every little nook and cranny.
2. Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay
With a series like Mass Effect and BioWare combined...what can go wrong? This massive galaxy adventure is driven hard with Bioware’s highly in depth storytelling. With amazing cutscenes and NPC interactions, you’ll fall head over heels into the games lore. Collect and craft thousands of weapons and level your character up to great heights and dive into the (steamy) story of Andromeda.
The lore is endless in mass effect and only expands into Andromeda.
Galaxy Far Far… Explore and save every planet you come across.
1. Star Wars Battlefront II
Starwars Battlefront II Gameplay
Can’t wait till the next Star Wars movie to come out? Well, Star Wars Battlefront II comes with an incredible full story campaign were you can get a glimpse of the dark side for once. With multiple maps resembling scenes from the movies, fight in either the campaign or PVP. With their classic Star Wars weapons and maps to fight your way through, the lore of Stars Wars is endless and is there for your discovery.
Join the dark side..We have cookies. The story campaign will have you wanting them cookies.
Ready Up...The PVP will have you grinding to play a jedi master.
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