Quarantined in the slums of Gotham City with Batman’s deadliest villains had us glued to the screen.
Eights years later Batman Arkham City is the action-adventure beloved by all. Playing as Catwoman, Robin, and the Caped Crusader was unforgettable.
With the Arkham series for all we know finished here are the Top 12 Games Like Batman Arkham City.
12. Remember Me
Remember Me Gameplay
Get your memories back in Remember Me. You play as Nilin. She has no idea who she is, but she is the only who can bring down a tyrannical, memory controlling corporation.
Nilin can rearrange her target’s memories to gain an advantage in combat. Like Arkham City, Nilin is open to exploring the futuristic world of Neo-Paris.
Put your mind back together, but don’t get a headache along the way.
A Splitting Headache: Get your memories back, by kicking ass.
The City of Lights: Explore the wonders of Neo-Paris as Nilin.
11. MGS5 Phantom Pain
MGS5 Phantom Pain Gameplay
In this installment in the Metal Gear series, you play as “Venom” Snake hunting down an assassin bent on ruling the world.
You won’t be using a cape to fly across the desert, but options of jeeps, helicopters and rock climbing are at your fingertips. With huge playable maps with weather and day/night cycles, this is a worthy addition to Metal Gear series.
Hiss: Play as “Venom” Snake as you hunt down a deadly assassin.
He Bites! Snake will do whatever it takes to finish his mission.
10.Tom Clancy Splinter Cell Blacklist
Tom Clancy Splinter Cell Blacklist Gameplay
Sam Fisher is back in Tom Clancy Splinter Cell Blacklist. This time his mission, stop a terrorist cell from wreaking havoc upon the country. Blacklist’s gameplay focuses on stealth.
Players can complete a level without getting spotted. For the hostiles Fisher catches, you have the option to kill or spare them. Those choices have effects on the story and characters. In Splinter Cell national security in your hands.
The Ultimate Spy: Play as Sam Fisher, the badass spy. Try getting through a level without being spotted.
007 Who? Play as Sam Fisher, the greatest spy. He’s ready for action.
9. Rise of The Tomb Raider
Rise of the Tomb Raider Gameplay
Looking for the city that promises immortality? It is a normal day for Lara Croft. In this installment of the Tomb Raider series, Croft must discover the secrets of an ancient city before a deadly military group.
Croft can use a variety of weapons including assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, and a neat bow and arrow. Fans of the dynamic Arkham City will love the open levels of Tomb Raider, filled with wild animals free to be hunted for collectibles.
Nothing out of the ordinary for an archaeologist with an attitude.
She's Back: Play as Lara Croft in her new adventure.
Lions, Tigers, and Bears! The wilderness levels are filled with deadly animals Lara can encounter.
8. Sleeping Dogs
Sleeping Dogs Gameplay
Not all heroes wear capes. In Sleeping Dogs you play as Wei Shen, an undercover cop tasked with bringing down a Triad organization.
The open world is taken to new heights as you are free to room around contemporary Hong Kong. Be careful the Triad is watching your every move.
You can fight with or without weapons in the amazing combat system. There’s even time to do some karaoke. If fighting doesn’t work, maybe singing will stop the Triads.
Who Let The Dogs Out? Play as Wei Shen as he dives into the deadly world of the Triads.
A Hong Kong Minute: Fight for your life on the streets of Hong Kung. Btw, don’t blow your cover!
7. Shenmue 3
Shenmue 3 Gameplay
The third installment in the Shenmue series teenage martial artist Ryo Hazuki is searching for his father’s killer. Explore the open world of the Chinese countryside.
Shenmue 3 offers 3 new open areas. Each area will have its own vibe as well as unique missions. Exploring leads to uncovering the mysteries that will change Ryo’s life forever.
Falling in Love: As you search for your father’s killer meet all new interesting characters.
Never Forget: Find your father’s killer! Kill anyone that stands in your way.
6. Watch Dogs 2
Watch Dogs 2 Gameplay
In the city by the Bay, you are hacker Marcus Holloway, you must bring down corrupt corporations abusing the city’s surveillance system.
Watch Dogs 2 focusing on the hacking system. Marcus can manipulate cell phones, disrupt traffic lights, control cars. He can move through the open world of the Bay Area on foot, by car, bus, trucks, motorcycles, and boats.
Be on the lookout, because you never know who is watching you.
Watch Out: Hack the Bay Area to stop an evil corporation.
Call Me, Beep Me, If You Wanna Hack Me: Play as Marcus Holloway, a master hacker in an open world adventure.
5. Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0 Gameplay
Yakuza 0 is an open world action adventure that sets you in the heart of Tokyo’s red light district. Play as Kazuma Kiryu as you try to survive a power struggle between criminal organizations.
Arkham fans will enjoy the gritty atmosphere of Japan’s underworld in the 1980s. Open cabaret clubs and restaurants in the side missions to increase your skills set and cash flow.
Just be careful of the deadly clients.
Welcome to the Cabaret: Tokyo's red light district, danger, and decadence in every shop.
The Underworld: Battle against the criminal world of Tokyo. Your life depends on it.
4. Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami Gameplay
In Yakuza Kiwami you return to Toyko’s dangerous red light district as Kazuma Kiryu. This time you are returning from a ten-year prison sentence to find your missing friend.
You can still open a variety of businesses as in Yakuza 0, but compete will the other criminal factions formed in your absence. Your enemies can appear anywhere in the city, so use any available weapons to defeat them and rule Japan’s underworld.
Pay Up Front: Money and fist talk in Tokyo’s red light district and Kiryu knows this very well.
Kazuma Kiryu: Back on the streets to find your best friend before it is too late.
3. Hitman 2
Hitman 2 Gameplay
Not a fan of Batman’s no-kill rule? Hitman 2 might be for you. This time you, Agent 47, are on a global mission to hunt down the Shadow Client.
Batman fans will jump at the chance to use Agent 47’s new gadgets. Guns that can knock hostiles unconscious and the return of the briefcase, allowing players to conceal weapons.
Work fast or you might miss your target.
He Gets Around: Join Agent 47 on his global mission to finish his hit list.
On His List: Play as Agent 47, on a mission to hunt down the mysterious Shadow Client.
2. Assassin's Creed: Origins
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Gameplay
The sun setting behind the majestic Pyramids. The crystal blue water of the Nile washing the rocks of the riverbank. Hippos sitting in the sand, waiting to be fought.
It is open world taken to a new level in Assassin’s Creed: Origins. You play as the founder of the Assassin Order Bayek. His mission, save Egypt from the grip of Order of Ancients.
Fans of Arkham’s “Detective Mode” will like Bayek’s “eagle vision”. The eagle vision allows Bayek to track his enemies in and outdoors.
Origins has it all, a massive open world, great weapons, and hippo wrestling. It’s practically perfect.
No Mercy: Follow Bayek as you lay the foundations of the Assassin Order.
Valley of the Kings: Egypt is yours in Assassin's Creed: Origins.
1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekrio: Shadows Die Gameplay
Sekiro: Shadows Die sets you as a ninja in 16th century Japan. Your mission, rescue your lord and get revenge on the samurai that severed your arm.
Arkham fans will adore the use of stealth to take out your enemies and the use of a grappling hook. Rather than bring down the enemies health bar, you break the rival’s balance until you take them out with one final blow.
What more could you want?
Ninjas: Play as an elite assassin of feudal Japan.
Honor: Sekiro: Shadows Die is different. You have to work hard to defeat your rivals.
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