[Top 10] Genshin Impact Best Healers (Ranked)

23 May 2024

With the different enemy types and new gameplay effects, raw strength in your team just isn’t enough anymore, and that’s where healers come in. These units provide you with health and safety when you take significant damage in combat. Save yourself a trip to a statue of the seven and bring one of these healers with you instead.

Read along to find out who the best healers in the game so far (Patch 4.0). Take note that by “best”, we mean to evaluate the character as a whole, not just combat and utility but also when it comes to characterization, style, and impact in the game. Also keep in mind that these characters are judged at C0 to measure combat prowess fairly.


10. Sayu

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Rolling isn't the only thing she does.

Starting our list is a must-have unit for exploration. She can take you around Teyvat with ease, all while being able to recover health for your team. This ninja makes it to our list as she packs a whole lot of value in such a tiny frame.


Sayu is a highly mobile character. Using her skill to roll around while causing swirls will allow her to heal her team as well. This can be used to reposition or simply cause havoc on the battlefield. She also provides you with a handy off-field healing option through her burst. In exploration, she is also handy when it comes to collecting crystalflies as her passive allows her to sneak up to them undetected.

The Viridescent Venerer Set is great for her as this allows Sayu to debuff enemies everytime she triggers swirl. This adds value to her already tactical kit which brings a lot to the table. She also works well with many free-to-play options making her a good budget anemo unit.


Overall, she’s a fun unit to have. Whether it's combat or just simply roaming around Teyvat, you can expect that she will deliver. In terms of endgame damage and efficiency, however, you can find many more practical and better options here in our list.

Sayu’s Healing Abilities:

  • Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry: The other super special technique of the Yoohoo Ninja Arts! It summons a pair of helping hands for Sayu. Deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents and heals all nearby party members. The amount of HP restored is based on Sayu's ATK. This skill then summons a Muji-Muji Daruma.
  • Someone More Capable: When Sayu triggers a Swirl reaction while active, she heals all your characters and nearby allies for 300 HP. She will also heal an additional 1.2 HP for every point of Elemental Mastery she has.This effect can be triggered once every 2s.
  • No Work Today!: The Muji-Muji Daruma created by Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry gains the following effects:·When healing a character, it will also heal characters near that healed character for 20% the amount of HP.·Increases the AoE of its attack against opponents.


9. Qiqi 

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Who knew zombies could be this cute?

This spooky unit walks the line between life and death. She can, however, provide lots of healing for you and your team. You also have a pretty good chance of getting her, as she’s always present in the standard banner.


Qiqi is one of the original 5-stars that came out during the launch. She provides a ton of healing with her talismans, as she can grant you huge chunks of HP as these get hit. Casting her burst will mark all enemies around her, granting you the freedom to attack who you wish while getting healed as you go. 

She also provides healing with her Herald of Frost, but it isn’t really the most efficient option to go for. The healing this provides is decent, but lacking compared to others on our list. Not to mention the really poor cryo application it does.

Build her with any ATK focused weapon so you can get the most out of her healing. She can be raised with the Ocean-Hued Clam set to deal great damage, or the Maiden Beloved set to focus on her healing capabilities.


Qiqi's main objective is to heal her team. Aside from this, there is little more that she can provide, especially elemental application. Take her on your team if you really need a strong healer to provide support for your DPS.

Qiqi’s Healing Abilities:

  • Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost: Using the Icevein Talisman, Qiqi brings forth the Herald of Frost, dealing Cryo DMG to surrounding opponents.
  • Herald of Frost· On hit, Qiqi's Normal and Charged Attacks regenerate HP for your own party members and nearby teammates. Healing scales based on Qiqi's ATK.· Periodically regenerates your active character's HP.· Follows the character around, dealing Cryo DMG to opponents in their path.
  • Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune: Qiqi releases the adeptus power sealed within her body, marking nearby opponents with a Fortune-Preserving Talisman that deals Cryo DMG.
  • Fortune-Preserving Talisman: When opponents affected by this Talisman take DMG, the character that dealt this DMG regenerates HP.
  • Life-Prolonging Methods: When a character under the effects of Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost triggers an Elemental Reaction, their Incoming Healing Bonus is increased by 20% for 8s.
  • A Glimpse Into Arcanum: When Qiqi hits opponents with her Normal and Charged Attacks, she has a 50% chance to apply a Fortune-Preserving Talisman to them for 6s. This effect can only occur once every 30s.


8. Jean

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She's a calm leader and fierce on the battlefield.

This knight is undoubtedly one of the most capable fighters in Mondstadt. She is the Acting Grand Master for good reason. She fights in the front lines, all while backing up her team with healing.


Jean is another unit featured on the standard banner. Her normal attacks have a 50% chance of providing healing for your team, but her true power lies in her burst. When cast, she creates a field that pushes away enemies and instantly heals all members. When built with enough ATK, this burst can get your low HP teammates to near-complete health. 

Her skill allows you to channel the power of anemo in the tip of her sword to pull enemies in when held while also giving you the option to toss them wherever you wish.

She is another unit that can greatly utilize the Viridescent Venerer set to shred enemy resistance. You can also equip her with any high ATK sword to bolster up her healing.


Despite being a capable instant healer, all her other abilities are not that efficient to use in combat, thus, she only places 8th on our list. 

Jean’s Healing Abilities:

  • Dandelion Breeze: Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG. At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.
  • Dandelion Field· Continuously regenerates HP of characters within the AoE and continuously imbues them with Anemo.· Deals Anemo DMG to opponents entering or exiting the Dandelion Field.
  • Wind Companion: On hit, Jean's Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to regenerate HP equal to 15% of Jean's ATK for all party members.
  • Let the Wind Lead: Using Dandelion Breeze will regenerate 20% of its Energy.


7. Barbara

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Let the show begin!

All of us have her on our team, as we can get her free through the archon quest. She is our very first hydro unit and healer as we’re introduced to the different elements in the game. 


Her skill surrounds the active unit with hydro that can also be applied to enemies. This would then periodically heal you, but when playing Barbara, her hits grant healing to the entire team. Her burst is similar to Jean but without the crowd control aspect. Her entire kit mostly revolves around HP, so building her can be quite a breeze.

At C6, Barbara is granted the ability to revive a fallen teammate. This is a mechanic in the game that only she can provide as of this moment, aside from eating reviving food of course.

Barbara can save a lot of lives when built with the Maiden Beloved set. You also only have to worry about her HP, thus, the Prototype Amber makes a good free-to-play option for her.


The introduction of dendro and all the new off-field synergies has Barbara taking a good spot on our list, despite previously being one of the less appreciated units in the past. Her healing and consistent hydro application are a very reliable asset for elemental teams that are definitely taking over the meta today.

Barbara’s Healing Abilities:

  • Let the Show Begin♪: Summons water droplets resembling musical notes that form a Melody Loop, dealing Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and applying the Wet status to them.
  • Melody Loop· On hit, Barbara's Normal Attacks heal your own party members and nearby teammates for a certain amount of HP, which scales with Barbara's Max HP.· On hit, Barbara's Charged Attack generates 4 times the amount of healing.· Periodically regenerates your own active character's HP.· Applies the Wet status to the character and to opponents who come in contact with them.
  • Shining Miracle♪: Heals your own party members and nearby teammates for a large amount of HP that scales with Barbara's Max HP.
  • Encore: When your active character gains an Elemental Orb/Particle, the duration of the Melody Loop of Let the Show Begin♪ is extended by 1s.The maximum extension is 5s.

6. Yaoyao

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Radishes for everyone!

She’s as capable as she is cute. When it comes to rapid healing, she’s the 4-star you call for. With the limite roster of dendro supports, she fills a slot that only few can work in.


Her skill throws a device that in turn throws radishes at either the on-field unit for healing or at enemies for dendro damage and application. This is a well-balanced ability that can provide a lot of utility, especially since it can be left on the field.

Her burst allows her to enter a special state that allows her to run around the battlefield while throwing around multiple devices similar to her skill. All of these would then also be throwing radishes, dealing damage, or bringing a big stream of continuous healing for the team.

As a debuffer, she can be built with Deepwood Memories to aid her team's elemental reactions. You can also take on weapons that either focus on EM or HP, depending on what you need more.


Yaoyao is someone that you can rely on in this current state of the game, as she is one of the few characters that can actually provide good dendro off-field application. She also has crazy healing abilities that can keep any team alive for long durations. 

Yaoyao’s Healing Abilities:

  • Raphanus Sky Cluster: Calls upon "Yuegui: Throwing Mode," a special device created by a certain adeptus to help Yaoyao solve her problems.
  • This skill will be used differently in Holding Mode. Hold Enters Aiming Mode to adjust the throw direction.
  • Yuegui: Throwing ModeThrows out White Jade Radishes that will explode upon hitting characters or opponents, dealing Dendro DMG to opponents within a certain AoE, and healing characters within that same AoE based on Yaoyao's Max HP. If a radish does not hit either an opponent or a character, the radish will remain where it is and explode on contact with a character or opponent, or will explode after its duration expires.
  • Yuegui: Throwing Mode will choose its radish-throw targets.· If all nearby characters have more than 70% HP remaining, then it will throw the radish at a nearby opponent.· If nearby characters have 70% or less HP remaining, it will throw a radish at the character with the lowest HP percentage remaining. If no opponents exist nearby, Yuegui will throw White Jade Radishes at characters even if they all have more than 70% HP and less than 100% HP remaining. Otherwsie, it will throw radishes into the area at random.
  • A maximum of 2 instances of Yuegui: Throwing Mode can exist at any one time.
  • Moonjade Descent: At the enjoinment of a certain adeptus, Yuegui's full potential can be unleashed in an emergency, dealing Dendro DMG to nearby opponents and entering an (in some sense) unsurpassed Adeptal Legacy state.
  • Adeptal Legacy· White Jade Radishes generated will be changed to heal and deal DMG according to this skill. Explosions will heal all nearby party members, and the Dendro DMG that they deal will be viewed as Elemental Burst DMG instead.· Summons "Yuegui: Jumping Mode" at intervals until their limit has been reached. The behavior of this version of Yuegui is the same as that of "Yuegui: Throwing Mode" in the Elemental Skill, Raphanus Sky Cluster. A maximum of 3 Yuegui: Jumping Mode can exist at any one time.· Yaoyao's Movement SPD is increased by 15%.· Yaoyao's Dendro RES will be increased.
  • The Adeptal Legacy state will end once Yaoyao is off-field, and all remaining Yuegui: Jumping Mode will be cleared once this state ends.
  • Starscatter: While affected by the Adeptal Legacy state caused by Moonjade Descent, Yaoyao will constantly throw White Jade Radishes at nearby opponents when she is sprinting, jumping, or running. She can throw 1 White Jade Radish this way once every 0.6s.
  • In Others' Shoes: When White Jade Radishes explode, active characters within their AoE will regain HP every 1s based on 0.8% of Yaoyao's Max HP. This effect lasts 5s.

5. Diona

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She makes booze that can actually buff you.

This next unit is someone who most players rely on when defensive capabilities are highly needed. Her kit is well-rounded, and she doesn’t need all her constellations to provide value. 


Diona is one of the most utilized supports in the game due to her being able to heal and shield her teammates. Her skill provides a sturdy shield that can protect any on-field unit. Her burst is where the healing is, as she creates an icy ring that heals all members inside and damages enemies while applying cryo.

Mastering the perfect balance between her defenive capabilities is the key to ensuring the safety of your team.

Tenacity of the Millelith gives her shield additional strength while also boosting the ATK of her allies. The Sacrificial Bow can almost guarantee you that you will always have a shield handy whenever you switch to her.


As a shielder and healer, you get the complete defensive package with her. She is definitely a great unit to have on a team, but there are still other units that would be deemed better healers than her.

Diona’s Healing Abilities:

  • Signature Mix: Tosses out a special cold brew that deals AoE Cryo DMG and creates a Drunken Mist in an AoE.
  • Drunken Mist· Deals continuous Cryo DMG to opponents within the AoE.· Continuously regenerates the HP of characters within the AoE.
  • Drunkards' Farce: Opponents who enter the AoE of Signature Mix have 10% decreased ATK for 15s.


4. Kuki

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Any gang would be lucky to have her.

Initially, people didn’t see her value when she was first released. She had a wonky kit that made no sense during the previous meta. She did, however, prove to be one of the best healers and supports in the game with the release of Sumeru.


Kuki’s value is mostly based on her skill. She creates a ring around her that consistently pulses to deal electro damage and heal the on-field unit simultaneously. With the way that she scales off HP and EM, and with the release of the dendro, she proved why her kit was built as it is and is now one of the best options for hyperbloom teams.

She is one of the best users of the Flower of Paradise Lost set. This takes her damage to a whole new level while giving her healing a bump due to the EM provided. She also works with the Iron Sting to double up on this stat.


There is no doubt that she is a must-have in hyperbloom teams. If you're placing her on other team compositions, you might want to consider using other units.

Kuki’s Healing Abilities:

  • Sanctifying Ring: Creates a Grass Ring of Sanctification at the cost of part of her HP, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents.
  • Grass Ring of Sanctification: Follows your current active character around. Deals Electro DMG to nearby opponents every 1.5s and restores HP for active character(s) within the ring's AoE based on Kuki Shinobu's Max HP. The HP consumption from using this skill can only bring her to 20% HP.
  • Breaking Free: When Shinobu's HP is not higher than 50%, her Healing Bonus is increased by 15%.
  • Heart's Repose: Sanctifying Ring's abilities will be boosted based on Shinobu's Elemental Mastery:· Healing amount will be increased by 75% of Elemental Mastery.· DMG dealt is increased by 25% of Elemental Mastery.

3. Bennett

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One of the rare moments where he actually finds treasure.

A list of top healers would be incomplete without this guy. He is arguably the best buffer in the game and is also one of the best healers as well. He is a unit that has dominated usage among the player base, especially when it comes to Spiral Abyss.


The only healing that Bennett has is through his burst, but it is so good that it got him to the top 3 on our list. His burst summons a field that heals units inside with an insanely high amount every tick. The healing is so good that you can almost tank any enemy hits from within it. This field is also best known for the ATK buff that it provides, and you can get up to 1000 ATK as buff if your Bennett is built right.

As his burst relies on base ATK, it is ideal to give him a 5-star sword to maximize this. As per artifacts, he matches well with Noblesse Oblige which further enhances the buff for his allies.


This adventurer proves that you don’t need to have a complicated kit to be one of the best in the game. Simple and straightforward, any team would be lucky to have him.

Bennett’s Healing Abilities:

  • Fantastic Voyage: Bennett performs a jumping attack that deals Pyro DMG, creating an Inspiration Field.
  • Inspiration Field· If the health of a character within the AoE is equal to or falls below 70%, their health will continuously regenerate. The amount of HP restored scales off Bennett's Max HP.· If the health of a character within the AoE is higher than 70%, they gain an ATK Bonus that is based on Bennett's Base ATK.· Imbues characters within the AoE with Pyro.

2. Baizhu

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The doctor is in.

It makes sense that the top 2 on our list is, of course, a doctor. He and his snake companion were already present in the early days of the game, but it was only recently that he was released as a playable character. Let’s just say that he did not disappoint.


Baizhu is one of the most sought-after healers in the game due to his great healing, capable shield, and good off-field dendro application. His main healing comes from his skill, which summons a snake to attack enemies, then heals the team for a good chunk once it returns.

His burst creates a shield that comes and goes periodically but also deals damage to enemies while healing you at the same time. It also helps Baizhu that he has passives that amp up his capabilities even further and fit well in his kit. Something worth noting as well is that when he’s on the team, any allies that pickup any harvestable items can be healed for a portion of Baizhu’s HP, which is great for passive healing while on the go.

Build Baizhu with the Deepwood Memories set so he can debuff enemies while his allies pour on the damage. As a catalyst user that focuses on HP, the Prototype Amber is an excellent free-to-play weapon to equip him with.


He is a 5-star shielder and healer that takes away your worries when it comes to defense. Baizhu's value in a team is nearly unmatched, and he is only beaten by one character on our list.

Baizhu’s Healing Abilities:

  • Universal Diagnosis: Controls a Gossamer Sprite that cruises and attacks nearby opponents, dealing Dendro DMG. After it performs 3 attacks or if there are no opponents nearby, the Sprite will return, healing all nearby party members based on Baizhu's Max HP.
  • Holistic Revivification: Enters the Pulsing Clarity state, creating a Seamless Shield that absorbs Dendro DMG with 250% effectiveness. While in this state, Baizhu will generate a new Seamless Shield every 2.5s. The Seamless Shield will heal your own active character based on Baizhu's Max HP and attack opponents by unleashing Spiritveins, dealing Dendro DMG under the following circumstances:· When a character is under the protection of a Seamless Shield and a new Seamless Shield is generated.· When the Seamless Shield's effects expire, or when it is shattered.
  • Five Fortunes Forever: Baizhu gains different effects according to the current HP of your current active character:· When their HP is less than 50%, Baizhu gains 20% Healing Bonus.· When their HP is equal to or more than 50%, Baizhu gains 25% Dendro DMG Bonus.
  • All Things Are of the Earth: Characters who are healed by Seamless Shields will gain the Year of Verdant Favor effect: Each 1,000 Max HP that Baizhu possesses that does not exceed 50,000 will increase the Burning, Bloom, Hyperbloom, and Burgeon reaction DMG dealt by these characters by 2%, and will increase the DMG Bonus provided by Aggravate and Spread by 0.8%. This effect lasts 6s.
  • Herbal Nourishment: When Baizhu is in the party, interacting with certain harvestable items will heal your current active character for 2.5% of Baizhu's Max HP.

1. Kokomi

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This is one fish who thrives out of water.

A princess takes our top spot, and a really powerful one. She faced a lot of backlash when she was first released, but now she has reached the point where she is well respected as arguably the best healer in the game.


Every part of Kokomi’s kit is dedicated to healing. Her skill summons a jellyfish that periodically heals you while also applying hydro to enemies in a decent AoE. Her burst has her entering a special mode that enhances her attacks, refreshes the duration of her jellyfish, and lets her hits heal her entire team.

Pair all this with the 25% automatic healing bonus and a decent Ocean-Hued Clam set, and you have a near-indestructible tank that can solo almost any boss if you have enough patience. Her value also increased with dendro, as she is one of the most sought-after on-field units to have in hyperbloom and bloom teams.


She is the queen of healing and nobody in the roster right now can do it better than her. As a hydro unit, she also fits in well with a lot of reaction-based teams so be sure to roll on her banner when you get the chance.

Kokomi’s Healing Abilities:

  • Kurage's Oath: Summons a "Bake-Kurage" created from water that can heal her allies. Using this skill will apply the Wet status to Sangonomiya Kokomi.
  • Bake-Kurage: Deals Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and heals nearby active characters at fixed intervals. This healing is based on Kokomi's Max HP.
  • Nereid's Ascension: Summons the might of Watatsumi, dealing Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents, before robing Kokomi in a Ceremonial Garment made from the flowing waters of Sangonomiya.
  • Ceremonial Garment· Sangonomiya Kokomi's Normal Attack, Charged Attack and Bake-Kurage DMG are increased based on her Max HP.· When her Normal and Charged Attacks hit opponents, Kokomi will restore HP for all nearby party members, and the amount restored is based on her Max HP.· Increases Sangonomiya Kokomi's resistance to interruption and allows her to walk on the water's surface. These effects will be cleared once Sangonomiya Kokomi leaves the field.
  • Song of Pearls: While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid's Ascension, the Normal and Charged Attack DMG Bonus Sangonomiya Kokomi gains based on her Max HP will receive a further increase based on 15% of her Healing Bonus.
  • Flawless Strategy: Sangonomiya Kokomi has a 25% Healing Bonus, but a 100% decrease in CRIT Rate.

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