GTA 3 is and will forever be a modern classic. This game introduces us to the big open 3D world we’ve come to love and expect from Grand Theft Auto. Whether you’re trying to follow and complete the story, or you just wanna get a bunch of guns and cause mayhem, you’ll want to have a car ready. Here are our picks for the best cars in GTA 3 to travel the whole map with. It may not be as fast as the other taxi variant in the game, but the Cabbie looks a little smoother and drives a little better
10. Cabbie
This New York Classic car can be found everywhere
If you need a car in a jiff, then you can find one of these running around. The cabbie is as basic as it comes, but for all the good reasons. This car has good speed, that can outspeed a police cruiser, while also being able to take a decent hit.
Live out your dreams of becoming a New York Taxi Cab driver, as weird as that sounds. You can find Cabbies all over the city, and if you want to you can make some extra dough by chaffering people around the city.
What's Great About the Cabbie:
- The Cabbie has great braking and speed
- If you need this car specifically they are super easy to find
- Cab drivers won't put up too much of a fight if you “borrow” the Cabbie
Cabbie stats:
- 99 mph
- Based on Real life Taxi Cabs
9. Sentinel

The Snazziest and classiest Sedan in the game
The Sentinel is a little bulkier, and a bit speedier than your average sedan. It can take hits, and not mention has that classy look like a real-life sedan luxury car. It’s a great balance between fast but breaks-easily Sports cars and slow tanky Big body cars.
Live out your dreams, and roleplay as that Upper middle-class business fella you’re trying to act like. This car also comes in a variety of colors, all looking really classy on this car. This car is truly average, in the best way possible, being good at every situation you need it.
What's Great About the Sentinel:
- Tougher than the average sedan
- Also faster than most basic cars
- Find them easily in the luxury side of town
Sentinel stats:
- 102 Mph
- Based on BMW, Mercedes Benz, and other premium IRL sedans
8. Landstalker

SUVs are just great for all occasions.
The Land stalker is my pick for the best SUV in the game. It has good speed, and good handling, and is a bit slow on acceleration, but it can take a hit and looks great. This car is just that perfect getaway option no matter where you end up on the map.
This car looks tough, and it has the strength to back it up. It has the bulk to spear through Police cruisers and other pursuing cars with ease, while also not being a slouch on speed.
What's Great About the Landstalker:
- Underrated Cornering and speed
- Can go up the bumpiest outskirts and can pierce through the streets
- Can take hits from all over
Landstalker stats:
- 99 mph
- Based on old-school SUVs like the Land Rover or the Ford Explorer
7. Banshee

As the name suggests, This car will make you scream
The Banshee is by far the easiest to find Sports car in the game. This car is way faster than all the other regular cars, and it has that stylish racing stripe across the hood too. It’s also a pretty fun ride with its open roof.
This car can be terrifying to ride with its speed and acceleration being almost uncontrollable, but once you get the hang of it this car is fun. This car can easily get through those tight corners and get chasing cops lost.
What's Great About the Banshee:
- Easiest Sports car to find
- Looks super fine in a bunch of colors
- Speedy and accelerates in a blink of an eye
Banshee stats:
- 124 mph
- Based on Dodge Viper, Chevrolet Corvette, and other muscle cars at the time.
6. Rhino

This car tanks every hit, cause it’s a tank.
The Rhino is a literal tank, it can cause havoc blowing cars and pedestrians up with ease. And even 5-star wanted levels won't be able to stop you. This car is slower than just sprinting, but the fact that it can blow up cars either by crashing into them or by shooting at them is a huge plus point.
The Rhino is just pure chaotic fun. It’s not winning you any races, but you’re not driving the Rhino to win races, you’re using the Rhino to cause havoc and mayhem. This car is special for making you pretty unstoppable.
What's Great About the Rhino:
- It’s a tank
- This thing can tank even grenades
- Bodies everything in its way.
Rhino stats:
- 50 mph
- Not based on any specific tank in real life
5. Stallion
This car is your quintessential muscle car.
The Stallion can gallop all over the place with its blend of speed and style. The Stallion is a muscle car that you can find pretty easily throughout the city. It’s decently fast, handles well, and looks super classy with its old-school muscle look
The Stallion is a blazing-fast Muscle car. The Stallion just like its IRL counterpart is cheap but high performing. It’s one of the best cars for races and escaping cops with how versatile it is and overall is just un to travel miles and miles in.
What's Great About the Stallion:
- Clean 2-door coupe
- Accelerates super fast
- Takes corners and turns with ease
Stallion stats:
- 100 mph
- Based on Mustangs, Camaros, and Cutlasses
4. BF Injection

This Dune buggy is a whole lot of fun
The BF Injection is an open vehicle based on Dune buggies. This car is fast, handles super well as a 4x4, and is super fun to drive. It can handle some damage and is just super zippy even on the streets.
As a 4x4 this car handles super well, with no delays or lags between turns and shifts. This car is just fun to drive, especially if you find yourself on a rough patch, as this thing handles off-roading super well.
What's Great About the BF injection:
- Best car for off-roading
- Super easy to drive and handle
- Underrated speed
BF Injection stats:
- 106 mph
- Based on the Real life Meyers Manx
3. Cheetah
This car can burn some rubber
This car is based on the highest-class supercars in the world. It does the one thing you want a car of this caliber to do, which goes really, really fast. The cheetah handles well, accelerates like a laser, and is just fast
The Cheetah will let you dominate any race or time trial, it’s fast and does all arts of racing super well. It has an insane top speed, and of course, looks stylish just like those million-dollar cars you love to see.
What's Great About the Cheetah:
- Super quick
- Accelerates fast
- One of the best driving experiences through all the GTA’s
Cheetah stats:
- 143 mph
- Based on real-life cars like Jaguars, and Ferraris
2. Patriot
This Car is built to survive warzones
The Patriot is my pick, for one of the best most balanced cars in the game. It’s faster than most sedans. And can take even more hits than trucks and SUVs. The car can bump off any other car standing in its way and it just has that looks that mean business.
You feel just like a general driving this car. No car can equal the amount of testosterone and toughness you feel driving this unmovable behemoth around, with a base so wide you can fit two cars in there. This car isn't the fastest but it sure is one of the strongest.
What's Great About the Patriot:
- Can take bumps and hits like their nothing
- Faster all SUVs and trucks and even most sedans.
- Can be fast both on flat roads and on inclines
Patriot stats:
- 105 mph
- Based on the Humer H1 in real life.
1. Infernus
Makes Even the Cheetah look slow.
The Infernus is the absolute best car you can get in the game no question. No other vehicle can match the sheer speed and blistering animation this car can go for. This car might legitimately go on fire if it was any faster.
As you can imagine driving the fastest car in the game is gonna be fun. It’s also fun to drive because despite going this insane speed this car is still relatively stable and easy to handle from a driving perspective.
What's Great About the Infernus:
- The Infernus has the most blistering speed out of all cars
- It just looks super nice with its supercar exterior
- No other car can keep up in races and most cops will get left in the dust.
Infernus stats:
- 149 mph
- Based on Lamborghini and Ferraris of different types in real life.