With so many weapons available for use in GTA online, the common question raised is, “Which ones are the best?” This article can serve as your guide for which assault rifles to use for the next time you play GTA 5.
5. Assault Rifle (AK-47)
The Assault Rifle is the first automatic rifle unlocked in GTA online, at level 21. It has a default magazine size of 30 bullets but the modification can be purchased to extend this to 100 bullets. This weapon is modeled after the AK-47 assault rifle in real life. The statistics of the Assault Rifle are shown below:
- Damage: 30/100
- Fire Rate: 60/100
- Accuracy: 45/100
- Range: 45/100
The cumulative average of this weapon’s statistics is 44/100 and each category individually is average at best. With better options available from level 1, this is not a rifle you want to be using in too many gun battles.
- The main strength of this assault rifle is consistent damage over longer ranges.
Obtaining this weapon is not difficult at all. As soon as you reach level 21 in GTA online you can make your way to one of the numerous Ammu-Nation gun stores around the map and purchase it for $8,550.
4. Bullpup Rifle
The Bullpup Rifle is a weapon that was added in an update, specifically 1.13 The High Life Update. It is available as soon as you start the game, so this can be a reliable early-game weapon. Like the other rifles the base magazine size is 30 rounds but is actually limited to 60 rounds in its upgraded form. This rifle is modeled after the QBZ-95-1 assault rifle in real life. The posted stats are shown below:
- Damage: 32/100
- Fire Rate: 70/100
- Accuracy: 45/100
- Range: 45/100
The Bullpup Rifle’s average sits at 46.4/100 which is a good increase from the 44/100 of the Assault Rifle.
- This rifle holds a tie with a weapon later on the list for the best fire rate.
- Average combination of accuracy and range.
- Overall this is a great option for closer ranged battles, since the fire rate and close-range accuracy can give you the upper hand.
This weapon is available as soon as you start the game from level 1. It will be available for purchase at any Ammu-Nation location for $14,500.
3. Special Carbine
The Special Carbine is a rifle that was added in the 1.11 update titled Business Update and is a very reliable rifle. It is available from level 1 making it a go-to weapon for new players. This weapon has a default 30 round magazine but can be upgraded to a capacity of 100 rounds. This Special Carbine is based upon the Heckler and Koch G36C in real life.The statistics are as follows:
- Damage: 34/100
- Fire Rate: 65/100
- Accuracy: 55/100
- Range: 40/100
This weapon has a slight overall edge over the Bullpup Rifle, with a statistical average of 46.8/100. Deciding between this and the next weapon for which got the higher spot was difficult, but holding the worst range of all the rifles, the Special Carbine sits at the 3 spot.
- Holding a tie for best damage and accuracy, with an average fire rate, the Special Carbine’s only downside is the poor range.
- Very versatile weapon that is effective at close to medium range encounters.
The Special Carbine is available right away from level 1 and can be purchased for $14,750 from any Ammu-Nation store.
2. Carbine Rifle
The Carbine Rifle is the second assault rifle that is unlocked in GTA online through progression of the game, at level 42. This rifle also has a 30 round magazine that can be upgraded to have 100 rounds. It is based off of the AR-15 or the Remington R5 GDP from real life. The official statistics are the following:
- Damage: 32/100
- Fire Rate: 65/100
- Accuracy: 55/100
- Range: 45/100
The average of this weapon’s stats is a 47.4/100 and it doesn’t have an obvious weakness that sticks out like the previous rifles on this list do.
- With no obvious downside, this is one of the most versatile rifles in the game.
- Above average accuracy, with average damage, fire rate, and range.
To obtain the Carbine Rifle in GTA online, you first need to reach level 42. Then make your way to any Ammu-Nation store on the map and purchase it for $13,000.
1. Advanced Rifle
The Advanced Rifle is the final unlocked automatic rifle in GTA online, becoming available to buy at level 70. It has a base level ammo capacity of 30 rounds, and can only be expanded to hold 60. This rifle is modeled after the CTAR-21 Carbine. The official statistics are shown below:
- Damage: 34/100
- Fire Rate: 70/100
- Accuracy: 50/100
- Range: 45/100
This rifle posts a statistical average of 47.80/100 making it the highest overall rated weapon in the game. In addition to this, it also has the most balanced stats. The only downside is that it can’t hold more bullets, but 60 rounds in a magazine is plenty.
- Best fire rate and best damage in the assault rifle class, making it the most lethal weapon.
- Great balance of accuracy and range, making it effective at any range.
Since this weapon has good reason to be considered the best, it also takes the longest to obtain. You have to reach level 70 before you can purchase the Advanced Rifle from the gun store.
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