[Top 10] Hades Best Keepsakes

Hades Best Keepsakes
01 Dec 2021

10. Pierced Butterfly

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Thanatos with his scythe

Pierced Butterfly is great for when you are great at dodging and avoiding damage consistently room after room. Given the relative difficulty of not getting hit at least once this keepsake is really useful in the first stage or high skill players.

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Thanatos 


  • Every encounter you get through without taking damage increases total damage my 1/1.5/2

9. Sigil of the Dead

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Hades glaring menacingly from his desk

Because Sigil of the Dead isn't available until later in the game it's hard to capitalize on the full potential as most players will know the attack patterns of bosses by the time they can get this keepsake. It is still great to get out of sticky situations. 

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Hades


  • Call is Hades aid, making you invincible for a brief time
  • Start with god gauge 10/20/30 full

8. Lucky tooth

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Skelly's character model with zagreus

Lucky tooth basically gives you an extra life allowing you to keep fighting and healing you after you would have died. A useful boon especially with how early you have access to it. But a keepsake that can become obsolete depending on your skill level and other upgrade trees.

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Skelly 


  • When you take lethal damage survive with 50/75/100 health

7. Distant memory

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Orpheus sitting with his lute

Distant Memory is a great keepsake for any time you use the ranged weapons (either the bow or the gun). At its maximum potential this keepsake increases your damage enough to cut down the total number of hits needed by 2 or 3 shots at least.

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Orpheus 


  • Additional 10/20/30 damage to distant enemies

6. Black shawl 

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Nyx character art from the Hades team

Depending on your playstyle Black Shawl can be a powerful keepsake if you can consistently get in attacks from behind your foes.

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Nyx


  • Additional 10/15/20 damage to undamaged foes
  • Additional damage from behind 

5. Myrmidon bracer 

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Achilles holding up his spear

Myrmidon Bracer is great for when you can keep your enemies in front of you. The trade off of additional damage can be damning if you are prone to getting surrounded though. 

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Achilles 


  • Take 20/25/30 less damage from the front
  • Additional 10 from the back 

4. Cosmic egg

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Chaos showing how insignificant everything is to it

Some of the best boons in the game are from Chaos but they're all a double edged sword requiring a sacrifice of precious health and the debuffs forced on you to receive the benefits of the boon. Cosmic Egg lets you enter without sacrificing health and gives you a better chance of having one of the boons be rare or better. 

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Chaos


  • No damage when entering chaos gate 
  • Boons increased chance to be rare 20/30/40

3. Pom blossom

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Persephone showing herself as queen of the Underworld

Pom Blossom lets you level up a random boon every 3-5 encounters depending on how leveled up.

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Persephone 


  • Pom of power every 5/4/3 encounters
  • Level up boons often 

2. Evergreen acorn 

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Eurydice being the shining beacon of light

Evergreen Acorn helps you survive the most difficult fight of each level, the boss. It negates taking damage from the boss 3-5 times drastically increasing your survivability to advance to the next level.

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Eurydice


  • No damage on boss first 3/4/5 hits

1. Old spiked collar

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Cerberus being a good boy with good scratches

One of the most straightforward keepsakes but also one is the most powerful. With the potential to easily double your base amount of health. 

Who to give Nectar to:

  • Cerberus


  • Additional health 25/38/50
  • Great for any skill level

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