10. Accio
Accio will allow you to bring objects toward you.
Using this on an enemy would be great with Incendio. You would bring them in with Accio and then hit them with Incendio (close-range fire attack). Also, using this spell would stop your enemy from doing whatever he/she was doing.
How to get it…
- Go to the sorting ceremony and then go to sleep
- Wake up and talk to some of the students in your house
- You will have 2 classes on your first day, choose Charms Class
- The professor will give you this spell
Spell Details:
Accio is a force spell. Summons a variety of objects and enemies to close range. Certain magical and heavy objects require sustained effort to pull close. When a summoned object reaches you, you will automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa to continue levitating and controlling it without additional button inputs.
9. Wingardium Leviosa
Wingardium Leviosa lets you levitate objects similar to Levioso.
You could use this spell to move and stack barrels. This would create a defensive barrier or a good hiding place. The only default with this strategy is that it takes time to put in place.
How to get it…
- Get to your “third” day as a student.
- Finish Jackdaw’s Rest main quest
- Attend Herbology class
- Complete a task involving mandrakes and tentaculas
- Professor Garlick will teach you Wingardium Leviosa
Spell Details:
Wingardium Leviosa is a utility spell. Levitates and controls a movable object. Control its position with your movement and use your keys to fine-tune its distance and rotation. Wingardium Leviosa is automatically cast on objects summoned to you with Accio.
8. Glacius
Glacius will let you freeze your enemies.
This is great against multiple enemies where you could freeze one and then fight the other. You could also freeze an enemy that you want to run away from. Some enemies you just aren’t ready to fight.
How to get it…
- Finish the Map Chamber main quest.
- Complete Madam Kogawa’s popping balloons from your broom quest.
- You learn Glacius as a reward.
Spell Details:
Glacius is a control spell. Freezes enemies, increasing the damage they take from follow-up attacks.
7. Levioso
Levioso will let you levitate your enemies and move them where you want to move them.
This is great for moving weaker enemies out of your way. You could also use it to hold off a strong enemy and then attack it.
How to get it…
- Wake up on your first day
- Talk to some students in your house
- Go to your first Defense Against The Dark Arts Class
- Your professor will give you the Levioso spell
- Then your professor will have you practice against a dummy and then Sebastian
Spell Details:
Levioso is a control spell. Levitates objects and enemies. Useful for solving puzzles and surprising enemies alike.
6. Arresto Momentum
Arresto Momentum will allow you to slow your opponents down.
This works great as an escape tool if there is only one opponent. If you are fighting against more than one opponent, it’s still useful to slow one down while you fight the other.
How to get it…
- Complete all flying-related tasks so you buy your own flying broom
- Finish the Map Chamber main quest
- Unlock Flipendo with one of Professor Garlick’s assignments
- Unlock Flacius with one of Madam Kogawa’s assignments
- Then Madam Kogawa will contact you via Owl Mail to give you the assignment for Arresto Momentum
Spell Details:
Arresto Momentum is a control spell. Slows objects and enemies, giving you extra time to plan your next move.
5. Transformation Spell
The Transformation Spell will let you turn your enemies into objects that can’t move.
Being able to transform your enemies has a similar effect to Glacio except when you take into account the Transformation Mastery. With that level of mastery, you can turn your enemies into things that explode! You turn an enemy into a weapon.
How to get it…
- Complete the Charles Rookwood’s Trial quest
- Complete the Fire and Vice quest
- Professor Weasley will give you the assignment to earn the Transformation spell
Spell Details:
The Transformation Spell is a control spell. Transforms objects and enemies into alternate forms whether puzzle solutions or harmless knickknacks.
4. Stupefy
Stupefy is a spell that will stun your opponent.
This stunning spell is very critical to have in your arsenal. After you stun your opponent you can then deal extra damage while they remain stunned. If you don’t want to fight then it will allow you to run away.
How to get it…
- At the very beginning, you will get into a carriage with Professor Fig
- This will start you on an adventure where you will learn Stupefy
- You will learn this before you get to Hogwarts
Spell Details:
The Stupefy Spell is an essential spell. Stuns enemies, making them easy targets for follow-up spells. It deals no direct damage but stunned enemies take extra damage, indicated by gold numbers. It also breaks enemy Sheild Charms (except on Hard difficulty). When successfully deflecting an incoming attack with Protego, keep the button held to cast a Stupefy counter-attack at whichever enemy you choose to target.
3. Petrificus Totalus
Petrificus Totalus will completely bind or freeze your enemy’s body.
Using this sneak attack, you can walk by your enemy without fear of attack. It is an essential tool for sneaking around. You can also try to use it in combat or rather just before combat to take out one or two enemies in a group.
How to get it…
- Complete the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest
- Be able to use stealth
Spell Details:
Petrificus Totalus is an essential spell. Powerful enough to bind most enemies permanently but, more dangerous foes will only take some damage and then quickly break free from the effect. Sneak up undetected to an enemy and press the button when prompted to cast.
2. Disillusionment Charm
The Disillusionment Charm will make you practically invisible.
This is critical to being able to sneak around without being seen or attacked. If you don’t want to fight, then this charm is your new best friend. On the other hand, if you want to fight then it will let you make sneak attacks which are great against powerful enemies or multiple enemies.
How to get it…
- Start your Defense Against the Dark Arts class
- Be invited to Professor Fig’s room who starts talking about the Forbidden Section of the library but is interrupted by the headmaster
- Talk to Sebastian who will help you sneak into the Forbidden Section
- Sebastian teaches you the Disillusionment Charm
Spell Details:
The Disillusionment Charm is a utility spell. Causes you to blend into your surroundings, making it more difficult for others to perceive you. Perfect for sneaking or approaching enemies undetected to be able to cast Petrificus Totalus.
1. Protego
Protego creates a shield around you.
Protego will protect you from most attacks. Using it in combat is the only way you will survive. It is essential!
How to get it…
- At the very beginning, you will get into a carriage with Professor Fig
- This will start you on an adventure where you will learn Protego
- You will learn this before you get to Hogwarts
Spell Details:
Protego is an essential spell. Protects against a variety of attacks, including spell casts, weapon strikes, and more. Cast with the button. Waiting to cast Protego until the last moment before an impact results in a Perfect Protego that damages melee attackers and reflects projectiles back, breaking enemy shields.
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