10. Crucio
Crucio is one of three unforgivable curses. It’s called the Cruciatus Curse and it causes your opponent extreme pain.
You can use Crucio to intimidate an enemy or gain an advantage in battle by distracting your enemy with pain. Breaking their concentration is good. It’ll disorient them. Crucio will cause damage over time. It’s best used just before a powerful attack such as Incendio or Glacius. This technique is especially useful against powerful enemies.
How to get it…
- Complete the Welcome To Hogsmeade quest and have a chat with Sebastian. Your dialogue choices matter.
- Keep reading Sebastian’s Owls and you must be level 16.
- Receive the Shadow of the Study side quest with Sebastian.
- Enter the Syltherin’s Scriptorium. Lumos will be your best friend here. Be warned. This is the path of a dark wizard.
- Unlock three doors.
- Sebastian will teach you the Cruciatus Curse.
Spell Details:
Crucio is an unforgivable curse. Causes most enemies to writhe in pain as they take damage over time. Also curses the victim - and cursed enemies take extra damage.
9. Depulso
Depulso, also known as the Banishing Charm, will push enemies away with a lot of force. It will also let you push away objects.
There is no damage done but this spell can buy you time. It will also let you throw your enemies onto surfaces or toward other enemies. This is useful in a battle against multiple enemies.
How to get it…
- Complete the main quest Jackdaw’s Rest
- Learn Expelliarmus in Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2
- Complete Professor Sharp’s 1st assignment by drinking a Focus Potion, a Maxima Potion, and an Endurus Potion at the same time. These potions will cost a total of 1,100 galleons at J. Pippin’s Potions shop in Hogsmeade. You could also learn to brew them yourself.
- Attend Professor Sharp’s morning class to learn Depulso.
Spell Details:
Depulso is a force spell. Repels many types of objects and enemies with considerable force. Although it deals no direct damage to foes, enemies and objects alike can be launched into each other with destructive results. Also useful for pushing and spinning objects for a variety of purposes.
8. Diffindo
Diffindo can disarm your enemy, cut through many obstacles, and create an escape route.
This spell is quick and decisive. It causes a decent amount of damage. It’s best used with other offensive spells. Also, if you are going to be defeated you can use it to help yourself escape.
How to get it…
- Complete Professor Sharp’s second assignment by getting an Invisibility Potion and a Thunderbrew Potion. Then you use these potions. You can either buy them at J. Pippin’s Potions shop in Hogsmeade or you can brew them yourself.
- Learning Diffindo will be your reward.
Spell Details:
Diffindo is a damage spell. Slashes objects and enemies from afar dealing considerable damage.
7. Expelliarmus
Expelliarmus, also known as the Disarming Charm, will disarm your opponent. It can be a very versatile spell in your arsenal.
While it disarms your opponent it will also cause damage. It has a ten-second cooldown. Expelliarmus can be used to push enemies away and is very effective at long range. If you have a couple of opponents trying to rush you, then Expelliarmus would be handy to knock one back while dealing with the other.
How to get it…
- Complete Professor Hecat’s second assignment. This will involve dodging 10 attacks and using Incendio 5 times.
- Talk to Professor Hecat in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and you will receive Expelliarmus as a reward.
Spell Details:
Expelliarmus is a damage spell. Disarms wands and weapons from most enemies who wield them. Also deals damage to all enemies, even if they do not carry a weapon.
6. Glacius
Glacius will cover your opponent in a layer of ice and immobilize them.
When your opponent is immobilized with Glacius the amount of damage they take is increased. This spell can be particularly effective against multiple opponents when combined with other spells. If three people are attacking you, you can immobilize one with Glacius, knock another back with Expelliarmus, and then take care of the third with the offensive spell of your choice.
How to get it…
- Finish the Map Chamber main quest.
- Complete Madam Kogawa’s popping balloons from your broom quest.
- You learn Glacius as a reward.
Spell Details:
Glacius is a control spell. Freezes enemies, increasing the damage they take from follow-up attacks.
5. Incendio
Incendio will turn your wand into a virtual flamethrower and damage your enemy over time.
This is an excellent spell for close combat damage. It has an eight-second cooldown. You should pair it with Confringo and Bombarda if you like using or seeing a lot of fire and explosions.
How to get it…
- It has to be at least your second day at school and you need to have visited Hogsmeade
- Get your assignment from Professor Hecat in the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom
- Join the Crossed Wands club - see Lucan
- Win two battles and complete a round of spell combination practice
- Talk to Professor Hecat again and learning Incendio will be your reward
Spell Details:
Incendio is a damage spell. Its range is short and requires you to be close to the target. This spell deals significant damage and lights certain objects on fire. Enemies hit with fire-based attacks will continue to take damage for a few seconds, during which time collisions will result in incendiary bursts.
4. Confringo
Confringo is like a Molotov Cocktail. Your wand will cast a fireball and set your target on fire.
There will be lots of damage and a ten-second cooldown. This is like a long-ranged version of Incendio. If you like fire spells, cast confringo at your opponent as he/she is coming towards you and then hit him/her with Incendio. This is a very powerful fire combination.
How to get it…
- Complete the Jackdaw’s Rest main quest and your first broom lesson
- Talk to Professor Weasley to unlock the Room of Requirement
- Talk to Sebastian he will give you a quest and he will show you to a secret chamber
- Use Revelio to see the chests and get your loot
- Talk to Sebastian again and he will teach you Confringo
Spell Details:
Confringo is a damage spell. A long-range bolt that deals impact damage. Enemies hit with fire-based attacks will continue to take damage for a few seconds, during which time collisions will result in incendiary bursts.
3. Bombarda
Bombarda causes explosions and can, at times, be hard to direct.
A large amount of damage and best used against groups. The larger the group the better. You can hit multiple enemies at once and from a distance. This is great if you sneak up on the group of enemies, cast Bombarda, and then pick off the rest with Confringo, Glacius, and Incendio (once they get close). Don’t forget to use Expelliarmus if too many of them get close to you.
How to get it…
- Complete the Charles Rookwood’s Trial quest. As a bonus, this will turn the season into winter.
- Go to Professor Howin, Beasts Class, and get the assignment to capture a Diricawl and a Giant Purple Toad.
- Once you have captured them go back to Professor Howin. You will get the Bombarda spell as a reward.
Spell Details:
Bombarda is a damage spell. Deals heavy impact damage, accompanied by an explosion that can destroy heavy obstacles and hit surrounding enemies.
2. Imperio
Imperio, otherwise known as the Imperius Curse, is one of three unforgivable curses. Imperio controls your opponent.
The best use for Imperio is when you are fighting two people. You can control one enemy and make them fight against your other enemy. A fair warning though, this will mark you as a Dark Wizard. Only the darkest wizards will use an unforgivable curse.
How to get it…
- Find Sebastian
- Get the In The Shadow Of Time relationship quest
- Make sure to pay attention to your interactions with Sebastian. He will offer you the chance to learn Imperio. If you choose the wrong interaction you will not learn Imperio.
Spell Details:
Imperio is an unforgivable curse. Temporarily forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. While under your control, they take reduced damage from other enemies to prolong their allegiance to you. Also curses the victim - and cursed enemies take extra damage.
1. Avada Kedavra
Avada Kedavra is called the Killing Curse. It is the worst of the unforgivable curses because it will kill your opponent instantly.
This is the most powerful spell you can learn and it would come in handy against your most powerful opponents but, remember it is an unforgivable curse and the use of it will mark you as a Dark Wizard. An efficient use of this would be to combine it with stunning or disarming spells. In the case of multiple enemies, use Bombarda to damage/stun as many as possible. Then use Glacius to freeze the opponent closest to you. Next use Avada Kedavra to kill the next closest. Keep cycling through until all your opponents are defeated.
How to get it…
- You must be level 28
- Finish Sebastian’s side quest In The Shadow Of The Relic
- Your reward is that Sebastian will teach you Avada Kedavra
Spell Details:
Avada Kedavra is an unforgivable curse. Kills enemies instantly.
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