The Charger resembles a Ram with its curled horns at the front. It is one of the first mounts that you encounter. It’s a fast sprinting mount which lets you transverse Horizon Forbidden West’s enormous map during the early game. You can use the chargers horns to get a sneak attack off on unsuspecting enemies
Charger Stats:
Available very early on
Fast and helps you get around the map
Feels like a horse and very familiar, it’s one of the few mounts from the first game!
How to get this mount:
You start off with the charger override already built into your spear so you just need to find the mount. The Charger is found very early on and is part of the main storyline. On the quest the “The Embassy” you are given an optional quest objective to override a charger. To do so, you just need to go to the charger location and sneak up to them to get the prompt to override them.
You can find a nearby Charger nest right next to Chainscrape – the first town in Horizon Forbidden West:
Map of one of the many locations where you can find a Charger
3. Bristleback
Aloy riding on a Bristleback
See the Bristleback in action:
[PS5] Horizon Forbidden West Bristleback Mount gameplay
The Bristleback is a large machine based on a warthog. It is the second mount that you encounter. The Bristleback is a faster, stronger and bulkier mount than the charger and is also a reliable companion during combat. With its mighty tusks, grinding blades, and fire (or acid depending on the variant) spray there are few that can match its might!
Bristleback stats:
Fastest land mount in the game
Very bulky & tanky – perfect for taking punishment
It’s taller than other mounts so you feel like a huntress
How to get this mount:
To unlock the Bristleback mount you need to go to the TAU cauldron which is located west of Plainsong in order to unlock the override. Once you have the override, you can head over to the Bristleback locations; sneak up to them and override and you have your mount!
You can find a Bristleback location right outside Aloy’s base of operations, but there are many others as this is a common mount:
Map showing one of the many locations where you can find a Bristleback
2. Clawstrider
Aloy riding on a Clawstrider
See the Clawstrider in action:
How to tame & ride a Clawstrider! Horizon Forbidden West
The Clawstrider is based on a velociraptor/Dromaeosauridae designed to hunt humans! It is designed for combat and is the strongest mount in the game (in combat). It is the slowest mount so for travelling, the Clawstrider would not be the best choice, but if you want an extra hand against one of the bigger machines then it’ll be a reliable ally. The Clawstrider comes in 2 variants, a fire-breathing or acid-breathing version.
Clawstrider Stats:
Strongest combatant mount – great to use as a mount to clear out mobs for farming materials as you run around the map
Strong companion, especially if you build towards buffing ally machines
Slow sprinting speed
How to get this mount:
To unlock the Clawstrider you will need to visit The Cauldron: Iota and complete it to unlock the override. The Cauldron is found at the top of the map, North / North West of Scalding Spear. Once you have the Clawstrider override you can visit one of the many Clawstrider locations on the map and capture them.
Cauldron: Iota location on the Horizon Forbidden West Map
1. Sunwing
See the Sunwing in action:
Horizon Forbidden West how to fly – Flying a machine 101
The Sunwing is the last mount you unlock and the best of them all. As the name may imply, it flies! It’s fast, once unlocked you can reach every location on the map including a Tallneck that was previously inaccessible. The Sunwing can be called wherever you are once but watch out during fights, as the Sunwing can be destroyed and you will need to capture another one before it can be called again.
Sunwing Stats:
It flies so it’s great for getting around the map and running away
It’s not very strong in combat compared to the land models
It’s not very tanky, but there’s a spawn right outside Aloy’s base so it’s easy to change to a new one
How to get this mount:
You will need to complete the mainline storyline mission: Gemini which is one of the last missions in the game. During the mission, Aloy receives the Sunwing override which allows you to capture a Sunwing. You can easily find a Sunwing near your base of operations where you can sneak up and capture one.
Map showing one of the many Sunwing site locations
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