How Long is Streets of Rage 4?
The main campaign of Streets of Rage 4 can be beaten in about 3 hours through skillful play. Though that may not seem significant, it's important to remember that this is rather similar to other beat ‘em ups that have been released over various decades.
All in all, this is the perfect sort of game to grind out in an afternoon! Right in line with the legacy its younger siblings laid out.
In Streets of Rage 4, you have a meter that continuously fills at the end of each stage you complete with a lifetime score. As your score increases, you’ll hit various milestones that will net you unlockable retro characters that play as they did in the prior games.
You start from the original Streets of Rage cast and must grind your way out until you’ve unlocked characters all the way through Streets of Rage 3. It takes a while too. Easily 20+ hours because how fast you reach each milestone is partially dependent on your skill level.
The Mr. X Nightmare DLC adds three characters, (as well as a secret one), a survival mode, and unlockable moves for the entire roster.
Survival Mode has you fighting randomly generated infinite swarms of enemies, wave after wave, that only end when your character dies. This means that it truly has no real end until you meet yours.
The unlockable moves for each fighter can take quite a long time because you must grind through Survival Mode with each and every member of the character roster. This means that you’ll easily grind another 20+ hours into unlocking everything for the entire roster. (Once again dependent on both how long you are able to endure the onslaught of enemies and how fast your score racks up.)
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