[Top 10] Best Inuyasha Moments We Love

The blame always falls onto the hotheaded half demon!
20 Nov 2020

[Top Ten] Inuyasha Best Moments We Love

Everyone loves Inuyasha. With its general nostalgia and the new sequel recently released, the Inuyasha fandom has been reawakened to its fullest. But we all have our favorite moments, despite seeing every episode and every movie. It's the Top Ten Inuyasha Best Moments We Love!

10. Kagome and Sango affected by Mist

This moment takes place in season five, during the episode “The Last Banquet Of Miroku’s Master.” During this episode, Hachiemon, one of the regular side characters, comes to Inuyasha’s group to inform Miroku that his former master Mushin is dying. So, as a last request, everyone performs tasks around the temple, the final task being a request for a rare sake. 

In order to acquire the sake, they have to find the sages on a sacred peak, Kasumidake, who are known to make it. When they reach the peak, Hachiemon, Sango, and Kagome become drunk on a poisonous mist, and begin acting silly and wild. Only Miroku and Inuyasha were not affected, as they managed not to breathe in the mist. In the end, the others are cured when Miroku uses his Wind Tunnel to suck the mist away.

Why It’s Great 

  • It’s always great to see a bit of humor In Inuyasha, especially from two of the most level headed characters that wouldn’t normally behave this way. It’s also a form of unconventional humor, compared to some of the other Inuyasha jokes.
  • Hachiemon also makes an appearance after not being seen for several episodes. Hachiemon is a staple for the series’s humor, as well as a consistent use and ally to Miroku and the others. He’s a great character that we all miss when he’s not around.
  • There’s finally some true background revealed on Miroku even throughout the humor, something we’ve been looking for in his character so far. It’s nice to know he’s more than a goofy, powerful, womanizer.

9. Inuyasha and Koga Fight over Chips 

This moment takes place in season four, during the episode “Sesshomaru and Koga: A Dangerous Encounter.” During this episode, the wolf demon tribe meets Sesshomaru and his group in the forest. When Sesshomaru realizes this was the group that attacked his human traveling companion, Rin, the tribe runs away in fear.

After they run, they come across Koga and Inuyasha fighting over what? You guessed it, chips. Koga questioned his followers why they came back without food, Kagome gave Koga a bag of her chips, making Koga happy and Inuaysha utterly irritated. Koga and Inuyasha are notorious for fighting each other, but this silly moment takes the cake.

Why It’s Great 

  • Inuyasha and Koga are known to fight each other, but not over something this ridiculous and inconsequential. This was such a serious episode that it was quite nice to have a laugh.
  • Inuyasha is widely known for his obsession with Kagome’s modern chips, and it’s hilarious to see him fight for them as he would his friends. His determination towards food is quite funny.
  • Kagome gave Koga the chips in the first place, and that’s one of the reasons Inuyasha argues with Koga in the first place; he’s determined to care about Kagome more than Koga. It would make sense then for Inuyasha to be jealous over the fact that she gave Koga chips over himself.

8. Inuyasha and Koga Fighting Over Kagome

This moment takes place in season five, during the episode “Vanished in a River of Flames.” After Renkotsu heals from his fight with Koga using a Shikon Jewel shard, and decides to attack Inuyasha, Kagome, and Koga with his wolves so he can steal the shards Koga has taken for himself. Renkotsu, privately, knows that Bankotsu will kill him for taking a jewel shard, therefore meaning he has to take Koga’s if he wants a chance of winning. 

This leads to a huge fight with Renkotsu and the others. The river below the cave they were next to was blocked off by a giant rock, sending a water raft of flames onto what is now surface oil. Outside of the cave, Renkotsu attacks the group with his weapon collection. Kagome is the only one able to defend the group with her arrows at this point, a very dangerous situation.

In a moment of quick thinking, Inuyasha protects Kagome against the flames with his Fire-Rat kimono while falling to his death while defeating Renkotsu. However, the group tries to be optimistic about his potential return, excluding Koga who states that Inuyasha was “probably blown to bits.” 

He regrets this statement when he sees Kagome crying into Inuyasha’s kimono, blaming herself for the accident, as she had the kimono when Inuyasha needed it most. Koga tries to comfort her, but gets hit in the head by an angry Inuyasha who scolds Koga for thinking he could die that easily. Suddenly, Kagome rushes to Inuyasha’s side, embracing him with relief as she cries. 

However, despite the touching moment, Koga and Inuyasha still leave each other fighting over who could win Kagome’s heart. Koga leaves with the rest of his tribe, and Inuyasha stays with the others.

Why It’s Great 

  • Normally, Koga is defined by his determination to show Inuyasha up when it comes to who cares about Kagome the most, and who can care for her the most. However, when Koga sees that Kagome is upset over Inuyasha and what Koga said about him, he puts his pride aside and comforts her instead. That’s some great character development. 
  • Seeing Inuyasha sacrificing his kimono and putting himself in danger to save Kagome’s life is proof of his character development as well, adding to that his budding feelings for Kagome.
  • There’s also some really nice action with this, and also a cliffhanger for the audience. After all, for a split second, the audience might seem as dead as well.

7. Inuyasha Meets Kagome’s Family

This moment takes place in season one during the episode, “Yura of the Demon-Hair.” After the first three days of her absence, Kagome tries to explain to her family where she was, but they don’t believe her. Her grandfather decides to put seals on the well to prevent more demons from coming through, although Kagome doubts it will work.

Kagome goes about her normal routine when Inuyasha, back in the Feudal Era, sees that Kagome had left her clothes behind. He finds his way towards the well, and travels to Kagome’s world to give them to her. Kagome continues to go about her life, thinking what she had been through was just a dream. That is, until Inuyasha shows up at her family dinner.

Her family is speechless, her mother even touching Inuyasha’s ears to see if they’re actually “real.” He rudely demands if she got permission to go home, telling her she has to go back to help him find the jewel shards. Kagome travels with him, leaving her family speechless. 

Why It’s Great 

  • Seeing Inuyasha in the 21st century, interacting with Kagome’s family, is a great source of comedy and hilarity, considering that he looks so out of place and is rather confused about where he is.
  • This scene also proves to Kagome’s family that she was telling the truth about traveling to the Feudal Era to see Inuyasha. This proves to be key later on in the show.
  • The fact that Inuyasha traveled all the way to Kagome’s time to come and find her proves that he cares just a little about her already, despite being so early in the show. For those who like Inuyasha and Kagome together, this is only the start.

6. Inuyasha and Kagome Meet Shippo

This moment takes place in season one during the episode “Enter Shippo...Plus, The Amazing Thunder Brothers!” Kagome is telling Inuyasha and Myoga the flea about some materials and moments from her world when a young Kitsune Fox turns into a balloon. Inuyasha grabs his tail and he turns into a jizo statue instead. He begins to go through Kagome’s bag, looking for shards of the Shikon jewel, taking what they already had and disappearing into a cloud of foxfire.

At least, that’s what they think until they see a skull with a fox tail sticking out of it. Shippo explains to them that the Thunder Brothers Hiten and Manten killed his father. It also seems to be that they have shards of the sacred jewel, as well as Shippo’s father’s pelt. 

After several fights in order to retrieve the jewel shards, Shippo’s father’s pelt, and a newly kidnapped Kagome, Shippo later begins to travel with them. He proves himself to be a kind and useful traveling companion throughout the series.

Why It’s Great 

  • Here we get to meet one of our key characters that proves to be a great ally later on. Shippo proves to be kind-hearted, useful, and loyal to the group, making his presence worth his chaotic introduction.
  • Shippo is the first character to become part of the Inuyasha group, excluding Kagome, and his introduction proves to be one of the most emotional character introductions of all. What with his father being killed by the Thunder Brothers, it was hardly a friendly introduction, however necessary it was.
  • Shippo proves to be great comedic relief throughout the rest of the show, and is one of Kagome and Inuyasha’s biggest supporters when it comes to their romantic relationship. 

5. Kikyo Meets Bankotsu 

This moment takes place in season five during the episode “Lured by the Black Light.” Kikyo is traveling through the enchanted forest, thinking about Naraku and how she felt his presence at Mt. Hakurei when she comes across Bankotsu mourning his fallen allies and bitter about his mortality. He chooses to continue his path of death and destruction when he comes across the traveling Kikyo.

Kikyo chooses to challenge him to fight, and in his rage, Bankotsu rises to it. The former priestess then asks Bankotsu why he chose a life of despair and destruction instead of using the gift of the Shikon jewel for good. Bankotsu declares that he likes the way he is currently, cruel.

He says that nothing exists after death, that once you’re dead, you’re gone forever. Kikyo seems to be the only exception to this rule, and she is ultimately told to back off.

Why It’s Great 

  • Here we get to see that Kikyo is not like the other wandering spirits such as herself; she isn’t vengeful, she isn’t violent, and she doesn’t desire destruction. This proves to be a useful observation later in the series.
  • This proves that Kikyo interacts consistently with living souls and consistently asks them questions about their experiences or helps them with some issue or experience. Although it hasn’t yet been revealed as to why she does this.
  • We also get to know about Bankotsu’s personality, and this happens to be rather important to know about later on in the show, considering he’s a bit of a minor troublemaker.

4. Sesshomaru Meets Kikyo 

Sesshomaru and Kikyo happen to meet up in the first Inuyasha movie, “Affections Across Time.” In the movie, a Mongoi moth named Hyoga was killed by Inuyasha’s father two hundred years ago, and his son, Menomaru, has come seeking revenge. He resurrects his demons, Ruri and Hari, to scheme against Inuyasha. 

The group find themselves fighting a scorpion demon, and Kilala is scratched by a poisonous claw. But things seem to be fine, and they find themselves eating a nice picnic. However, Kilala runs off, and here the dangerous plot begins.

Later on in the movie, Sesshomaru appears, learning that the enemy battling with his half brother is an old foe of their father’s. Sesshomaru decides not to get involved, and he has his first interaction with Kikyo. The dead priestess somehow knew of the relationship between the two brothers, and warned them she was nothing but dead.

Sesshomaru made it clear that he didn’t care, and that the only thing he was interested in was killing Inuyasha himself.

Why It’s Great 

  • This is another instance as to how Sesshomaru only cares when he feels it’s truly important, and he wasn’t interested in Inuyasha’s problem at all, although this is never revealed. His only goal is to kill Inuyasha, and while he never makes another appearance in the movie, this attitude remains throughout the series.
  • This is one of the rare moments Sesshomaru and Kikyo are together, and while it’s a little random and short, it’s a key moment that gives some slight insight into their general relationship.
  • It seems like Kikyo wanted to talk to every character throughout the movie, Sesshomaru being one of them. While it isn’t revealed as to why during the film, her motives are revealed towards the end.

3. Meadow Scene Between Sesshomaru and Rin

This moment takes place in season six during the episode “Forever with Lord Sesshomaru.” In this episode, a demon has started kidnapping young children. Miroku and the others were called to destroy the demon, but Rin is taken by Onoguki before they can defeat him. After they do, Unagi, the so-called monk compared to Miroku, tries to take Rin with him. Rin says no, and leaves with Sesshomaru once he arrives.

The others had tried to convince her Sesshomaru was more dangerous than humans, that demons were not to be trusted, but Rin still chooses to go with Sesshomaru. During the meadow scene, Rin asked that if she were to die, would Sesshomaru remember her? This takes him off guard, and he simply tells her not to “say such silly things.”

They then set out to find Naraku, but it’s obvious Sesshomaru does care.

Why It’s Great 

  • Sesshomaru is known to be unfeeling, emotionless, and having no priorities other than killing Inuyasha. However, by caring for Rin and deeming her a priority, it proves that Sesshomaru does have emotions towards others that aren’t purely negative. 
  • It’s also a rather nurturing and cute scene, something that isn’t common in Inuyasha beyond the main group. It’s hard to love an unexpected moment.
  • This is some great character development for Sesshomaru, if you remember how he was in the beginning. Because of Rin, he’s showing more emotions and more character beyond being filled with violence and total hatred for Inuyasha.

2. Kagome Hurts Inuyasha

This moment takes place in season four during the episode “Hidden in the Mist: Onward to Mt. Hakurei!” where the group continues to struggle against the Shichinintai and Renkotsu’s flames. Suikotsu seems to have some internal problems of his own, and Kagome theorizes his personality is split. After they defeat Renkotsu and the Shichinintai retreats, Inuyasha becomes worried about Kikyo. When Kagome sees them talking closely, she becomes sad that he seems to care for Kikyo more.

The very next day, a clueless Inuyasha asks Miroku why Kagome is ignoring him. Miroku informs him it’s due to the fact that she feels betrayed by him, and that by letting her be for a while, she may come around. But Inuyasha, being the person he is, decides to push the problem until Kagome tells him that she knows he has a special relationship with Kikyo, and therefore doesn’t need her.

However, that doesn’t matter to her, as she promises to stay by his side no matter what. But then in her anger at him for being so insensitive, she makes him “sit” over and over again.

Why It’s Great 

  • This is a great step in the relationship between Kikyo, Kagome, and Inuyasha’s relationship. Kagome finally admits that Inuyasha talking to Kikyo in the way he does hurts her, but that she won’t leave him. This is the first real admittance of feelings beyond the basics of what was felt at the beginning, and for people who ship Inuyasha and Kagome, it’s a great moment.
  • Inuyasha seems to finally have opened his eyes a bit, as his interactions with Kikyo since then are less intense and have decreased. 
  • And of course there is a little humor in there, as any time Kagome makes Inuyasha sit is a comedic one. It was a great way to balance out the emotional intensity.

Best Inuyasha Moment: Inuyasha and Kagome Kiss 

This moment takes place in the second Inuyasha movie “The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass.” Inuyasha and his groups battle it out with Naraku, ultimately defeating their archenemy. After this Miroku loses his Wind Tunnel and Sango’s brother, Kohaku, is finally free of Naraku’s evil clutches. Everyone part ways; Inuaysha, Kagome, and Shippo to search for the jewel shards, Miroku goes to visit his old master, Mushin, and Sango goes to her village to find Kohaku.

Meanwhile, Kagura and Kanna, two surviving incarnations of Naraku, find a mirror in a hidden shrine and manage to awaken an ancient maiden named Kaguya, Princess of the Heavens. Kaguya, in exchange for releasing her, promises Kagura her true desire; freedom. Soon after, chaos ensues when Kagome sacrifices her life for Inuaysha, causing her to get taken by Kaguya as a prisoner. Kaguya tells Inuyasha that if he becomes her servant, she will let Kagome go.

The rest of the group plan to attack Kaguya when she freezes time into eternal night. The group, excluding Hojo and Hachi, are spared because they were wearing Kagome’s bandages from a different time period, Inuyasha being spared by a locket Kagome gave to him before this all took place.

However, their battle plan fails, and Kaguya turns Inuyasha into a pure demon. Kagome, still trapped, tries to talk Inuyasha down with words, but to no avail. But the minute Shippo frees her, she races to Inuyasha’s side, kissing him back to his regular self. After this, Inuyasha promises to remain a half-demon for a while longer for Kagome’s sake, and they succeed in their fight against Kaguya.

Why It’s Great 

  • This is what the Inuyasha x Kagome shippers have been waiting for. This is a huge step in their relationship, something tension throughout the show has definitely been building up towards. While it’s part of an awkward conversation between the group later, it still happened.
  • The fact that Inuyasha literally needs Kagome’s physical presence to come down from being a full demon means that their relationship is close enough to make Inuyasha regain his human side.
  • Inuyasha literally promised Kagome to remain a half demon for a period of time, something so far away from his original goal to becoming a full demon. This shows major character development for Inuyasha, as he clearly loves Kagome. Inuyasha saying that he would be willing to stay a half demon for a little while for Kagome shows a true difference in his overall character. 

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