Is Layers of Fear 2 Good?
Ah yes, the sequel to that creepy artist game. Well, it's really only a sequel in name only. It has a similar feel to its design of course, since it's made by the same people. But it's very different and you don’t even need to play the first one to follow this game’s story. But as for how good it is…. opinions vary of course, but I didn’t like this one quite as much. It's not bad by any means, but compared to the original, its impression was quite lacking.
10. Graphics
Oh joy, more narrow hallways in a horror game
Visually Layers of Fear 2 is quite comparable to the original, looking about the same or even better in some areas. In addition, you will find more location variety here due to the nature of the setting, which is a bit of an advantage it has. I still prefer the creepy house setting of the original, it's a horror staple for a reason. But this ship is worth the exploration as well, just don’t trip on the wires.
9. Gameplay
And someone’s chasing you, of course
The core gameplay is once again the usual walking around and examining things and solving puzzles. The only notable addition is the occasional chase sequences, which are kind of annoying, to be honest. The level design makes moving fast a chore and when combined with the heightened anxiety of being chased, these sections are more obnoxious than fun. At least they have cool imagery.
8. Horror
Anyone need a hand?
Once again you’re playing as someone with an unstable mental state, meaning a lot of what you are seeing in the game may or may not actually be happening. This is used greatly to the game’s advantage though,
While not having as much mental horror as its predecessor, Layers of Fear 2 still has plenty of creepy imagery, leaning more towards the terrifying monsters side of things. There are moments of genuine horror in this game, so be prepared.
7. Difficulty
Totally not reminiscent of The Shining
Don’t expect any real difficulty here, aside from the annoying chase sequences. Most of the game is rather simple walking and solving puzzles, with not a lot of layers to it. Some puzzles might take time to solve, but that’s about it.
6. Characters
The characters actually have names this time!
There are slightly more characters this time. You play as James, a young actor trying to find himself. His sister Lily and the unnamed Director are also prominent figures, along with their abusive father in the early scenes.
While in the first game, you played as someone who was slowly growing more and more insane, here you are driven by loss and incompleteness. It's a different type of mind, and this leads to a different experience of horror.
5. Story on Film (spoilers from here on out)
There might be a real person in this image
The story features you playing as the actor, who you notably don’t see until a decent time into the game. You are playing as James of course, but due to his struggles over the loss of his sister and who he is, a reveal later in the game could upend this (more on that later).
The game and its story are a bit more clearly structured this time. The Director has you collect film reels, having to navigate a different setting for each one. This is where the greater visual variety comes into play, and it's alright I guess. I remember snippets but nothing too notable, so that’s something to say about the quality of these areas.
4. Fun Factor
Nope, not fun, go away
But aside from the chase sections, the core gameplay is about the same level of enjoyment as before. It's just in a film flavor as opposed to fine art. So if you liked playing the first one or this kind of game in general, this one shouldn’t be too bad to experience.
3. Music
So many hands on the soundtrack
Unsurprisingly Layers of Fear 2 has a similar soundtrack to its predecessor. Again it is largely atmospheric and serves to further highlight the setting. Just once again I preferred the original setting and this applies to its music as well. But that could be just me, so have a listen and see for yourself.
Layers of Fear 2 - Full Soundtrack
2. Replayability
Care for a repeat viewing?
Yeah not going to hide it, there’s a lot less to do here after the credits roll. There’s no DLC this time and aside from getting each ending, not much to aim for. There is of course the weird remake that came out recently, but I can’t comment on it as I have not played it yet. This is largely a one-and-done experience, maybe return after a while when you’ve forgotten the twists and turns.
1. Story Behind the Scenes
Who even are you in this game?
The ending of this game is confusing, to say the least. Well, endings, since they are multiple. Of these, two are the most notable. In one, James sees himself in the mirror, showing he has moved on from his tragic past and found himself. He is ready to be his own person and not remain in his sister’s shadow.
And yet in another, you see Lily. James cannot let go of her and she has taken control. He is still there but she is the one who calls the shots. I have seen some interesting analyses of gender identity regarding this ending. I am not experienced at all to delve into this topic, but if you are interested they’re not hard to find.
But in conclusion, Layers of Fear 2 is a game with rather soaring highs, especially in its exploration of the human condition. But its lows drag it down to a lower pedestal than its predecessor, with it not quite having any moments that stuck with me as much as the endings of the original. It's a solid work of art, but here the layers don’t quite reach the level of a masterpiece.
Score: 8/10
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