Katanas are quite a popular class of weapon in the world of Kenshi. Among players and NPCs alike, they fit with the vibe and style of the game's design.
Still, they aren’t entirely without their drawbacks and are a specific type of weapon to master and primarily focus on causing cutting and blood loss damage. Most of them fit in the secondary weapon slot, opening up your Katana wielders for different primaries and even ranged weapons.
In this article, we will go through the best ones out there and how you can get your hands on them.
5. The Wakizashi
The small and deadly Wakizashi.
The Wakizashi has a smaller and lighter blade than a regular katana. Its primary function is as a sidearm, making it ideal for your dedicated rangers and characters training with heavy weapons. They can use this one in one hand if their arms are damaged so much that they can’t wield their heavy weapons.
You can buy all manner of versions of this weapon in all kinds of quality from different shops. Mainly in the United Cities, but other Ronin weapon shops and Flotsam ninjas will stock them.
If you want a Meitou version, you must hunt down some of the United Cities Nobles. There isn’t anything noble about them; they aren’t hard enemies to beat, being the fat, bougie slobs that they are. Their guards, though, you’ll have to be careful of.
Lady Kana can be found in the United Cities of Port North, and after getting to hear her views on slavery, you’ll be more than happy to shuffle her off this mortal coil and claim her Meitou Wakizashi. Slave Mistress Ren, a lower-class noble in the United Cities, also wields one and can be found at the slave farm on Heng. Her counterpart, Slave Mistress Grace, will have another, and she can be found at the slave farm south of The Hook.
Taking nobles out will piss off the United Cities, but it's not like they don’t deserve it. Just be prepared to deal with all the armoured samurai that will come after you for taking out their noble lords.
Wakizashi Stats
Unless otherwise stated, all stats are listed at Meitou level. The highest quality level in the game.
- Cutting Damage - 1.98
- Blunt Damage - 0
- Blood Loss - 120%
- Armour Penetration - -30%
- Attack Bonus - +2
- Defence Bonus - -2
- Indoor Bonus - +4
- Damage Vs Robots - -40%
- Damage Vs Humans - +10%
- Required Strength Level - 1
4. The Nodachi
From the smallest to the biggest, the Nodachi is too big to fit in its inventory profile.
Going from the smallest side arm Katana to the largest one in the game, the Nodachi is a massive two-handed Katana that can only be equipped in the primary weapon slot. Its longer and heavier blade comes with increased range and damage compared to other Katanas. The downside to this is that it is an unwieldy weapon when fighting indoors.
A weapon for elite samurai units and mercenary heavies, this is a rare weapon to come across, but they can be bought or looted from shops in the United Cities as well as a few others around the world. If you can take down the samurai using one, even better.
Savant holds the Meitou version of the Nodachi. He is the crazed leader of the Skin Bandits. Skeletons that believe they are human. They will take their captives to a peeler machine and rip the flesh and limbs from their bodies until the victim slowly succumbs to blood loss. Then, they will don the skin of the dead.
Savant, for his part, is a human himself and batshit insane. He is wanted for a hefty bounty in the United Cities, so do the world a favour and bring him down. Claim the Meitou Nodachi as your reward. It won’t be easy, though, so come prepared.
Nodachi Stats
- Cutting Damage - 2.64
- Blunt Damage - 0
- Blood Loss - 120%
- Armour Penetration - -20%
- Attack Bonus - +4
- Defence Bonus - -4
- Indoor Bonus - -4
- Damage Vs Robots - -40%
- Damage Vs Humans - +10%
- Required Strength Level - 8
3. The Topper
The Topper.
The topper is a top-heavy katana, from which it derives its name. It sacrifices some of its cutting damage to give it some blunt damage in return. It also has the same reach as the Nodachi without the attack and defence bonuses/ penalties that come with it.
They are a rarer weapon to come across when out in the world as they aren’t seen as very modern. However, they can be picked up for reasonable qualities at reputable shops such as the Catun Scrapmasters. The Scraphouse will sell much better versions if they have them in stock.
As this is the only weapon in the Katana class with no penalty against fighting robots and the lowest debuff to armour penetration, it is a decent all-rounder for those who don’t want to fully commit to studying the blade.
The Meitou version of this weapon can be found deep in the Ashlands. In the second Ash dome resides one of the exiled lieutenants of Cat-lon’s second empire. Rhinobot, a callous and emotionless skeleton once tasked with operating child prisons, now watches Cat-lon’s exile armed with a Meitou Topper.
Relieving him of it will be challenging as he is surrounded by a unit of screamer bots, but it is not impossible. A strong enough squad can finally snuff out the second empire. One bot at a time.
Topper Stats
- Cutting Damage - 2.42
- Blunt Damage - 0.20
- Blood Loss - 100%
- Armour Penetration - -15%
- Indoor Bonus - -4
- Required Strength Level - 8
2. Guardless Katana
The Katana sans a guard.
The guardless Katana is the sword for aggressive and offensive fighting styles. Those who prefer to hit fast and win the fight. Thus, it comes with a large boon to melee attack at the cost of an equal penalty to melee defence.
It is less common to be wielded by the upper echelons of polite UC society and more of a weapon for thugs and gang leaders. The more aggressive weapon serves as a psychological throw-off. In the right hands, though, it can be very deadly.
General Jang of the defunct Second Empire holds the Meitou version of this weapon. He can be found in the third Ashdome. Known to cannibals as “The Inedible One”, this legendary commander of the Second Empire will be a challenge to defeat, but with the right squad and training, you can do it.
Guardless Katana Stats
- Cutting Damage - 2.20
- Blunt Damage - 0
- Blood Loss - 130%
- Armour Penetration - -30%
- Attack Bonus - +6
- Defence Bonus - -6
- Damage Vs Robots - -40%
- Damage Vs Humans - +10%
- Required Strength Level - 1
1. The Katana
The most recognisable weapon in Kenshi.
The fastest and lightest weapon around, the Katanas are the most recognisable weapon in the game. The better the quality, the better the blade. This tends to make them more expensive, but they are great weapons to wield as backups and secondaries. Providing you have the skill and dexterity to use them.
They can be bought at most shops in the United Cities and Ronin weapon traders throughout the world. The very best ones can be found at the Scraphouse and looted from ruins.
The Meitou Katana is held by none other than Emperor Tengu himself. The fat despot sits atop his throne in Heft. He isn’t much of a challenge to defeat, but his elite samurai are, so watch out. His sword serves him as more of a status symbol, and with it being the strongest Katana in the game, he clearly doesn't deserve it.
Katana Stats
- Cutting Damage - 2.20
- Blunt Damage - 0
- Blood Loss - 120%
- Armour Penetration - -30%
- Attack Bonus - +4
- Defence Bonus - -4
- Damage Vs Robots - -40%
- Damage Vs Humans - +10%
- Required Strength Level - 2
The Katanas are among the most widely popular weapons in the game for most players. Even ones specialising in heavy weapons will equip a katana as a side arm. They are quick, light, and can cause a lot of blood loss.
Getting the best katanas in the game from the people holding them will be challenging, but it doesn’t mean you have to go in under-armed. With enough skill and determination, you can craft your own masterwork katanas to rival their Meitou counterparts.