Kenshi may seem overwhelming at first, but after some gathered experience, you’ll get better at this game and eventually… bored. That’s why this game is extra mod-friendly, there are mods that will increase the size of recruitable prisoners, mods that enhance your graphics, and many more cool things that I’ll include in this article. Anyways, let’s get started:
15. SOYLENT limbs
Why this mod is useful:
- Useful when you started a base on a complete wasteland of a zone(no water/fertility)
- Cool if you’re an edgelord who specializes in cannibalism!
- Also awesome if you’re an animal person…
Mod link:
14. Copper Ore Drill
Why this mod is useful:
- It automatically gathers copper for you. What else can you ask for?
- Allows you to start an outpost in places that are very poor in copper resources.
- Looks cool!
Mod link:
13. Finisher Feature Mod
Why this mod is useful:
- Allows you to kill people faster.
- You can also collect skulls. They’re fancy and you can feel like the Predator!
Mod link:
12. Play as Bad Guys
Why this mod is useful:
- Allows you to spawn in different zones.
- Let’s you play as completely repulsive and utterly evil factions…
- Also, you can also practice cannibalism. Yay!
Mod link:
11. Panic Room - New Building
Why this mod is useful:
- Kenshi is hard, this mod slightly makes it more bearable for newer players.
- You can use this thing literally everywhere!
- Cozy. Safe. Those are two words that you won’t hear in Kenshi!
Mod link:
10. Breadnought's Facepaints
Why this mod is useful:
- Gives your little army more personality and identity
- Makes you and your soldiers look badass, especially when slaughtering countless Holy Nation fanatics!
9. Lost in the Ashlands
Why this mod is useful:
- The author did a good job with adding war to the game, factions attack each other more and can occupy each other’s territories.
- You can start your game with a few new playthroughs, such as: “Let it be treason”, “Mark of the Veteran”, “No Rest for the Wicked”, etc.
- More dialogues!
Mod link:
8. Idle training
Why this mod is useful:
- Improve your character’s stats by not even being near the keyboard!
- Allows you to focus on other things, as your other characters are gettin’ ripped.
- You mirin, brah?
Mod link:
7. Slopeless
Why this mod is useful:
- Allows you to build buildings on steep or uneven lands.
- Cool for starting outposts in previously inaccessible areas!
Mod link:
6. Kenshi Kaizo
Why this mod is useful:
- Cool mod for veterans of Kenshi who want a bigger challenge!
- Carrying valuable people from factions will draw the attention of people of that faction
- Countless bug fixes and tweaks, little details that make the game highly enjoyable!
Mod link:
5. Fast Travel Machine
Why this mod is useful:
- Allows you to transport your characters more efficiently
- Allows the building of multiple outposts across the map
- Saves up on time and nerves!
Mod link:
4. More Combat Animation Extended Edition
Why this mod is useful:
- Diversifies the combat animations
- Makes combat far more intense and epic
- Combat becomes more unpredictable and fun!
Mod link:
3. New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Why this mod is useful:
- Adds more OP weaponry for you to cut off limbs with
- Some weapons deal pure cutting damage
- Also some weapons bypass armour!
- The list of weapons is LONG. +30 weapons!
Mod link:
2. Lost in the Ashlands
Why this mod is useful:
- The author did a good job with adding war to the game, factions attack each other more and can occupy each other’s territories.
- You can start your game with a few new playthroughs, such as: “Let it be treason”, “Mark of the Veteran”, “No Rest for the Wicked”, etc.
- More dialogues!
Mod link:
1. Kenshi Genesis
This mod has everything that Kenshi needs - countless new locations, new factions that will gladly kill you, new armors and weapons and in summary, Kenshi Genesis is basically a list of mods that greatly enhance this game. It’s a must-have if you are completely burned out in Kenshi after good 500 hours of game-time. Get it, takes a bit to download, but it’s worth the wait!
Why this mod is useful:
- 256 character limit
- more than 5000 new dialogues
- More attack slots
- New quests to complete
- and much, much more!
Mod link:
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