[Top 15] LOL Most Expensive Skins
1. DJ Sona
This is one of six ultimate skins in League of Legends and makes you the best Dj in Runeterra able to play three different sets of music that changes your look in-game as well as the type of music you play.
What makes Dj Sona awesome:
- With this skin anyone on your team can tune in on the chat and listen to whatever music you choose to play, this is the only skin that allows that kind of interaction
- This skin has three unique looks and sets of music that will get your heart pumping with the great music that’s played
- If you’re with a full party and they want to go K/da skins but you don’t have one this skin is great and matches the music theme of any of the band skins in League of Legends
How To Get Dj Sona:
- You’re able to get this skin by opening a masterwork chest or buying it for 3,250 Riot Points. You'll need $25 minimum to buy just enough RP to buy it $35 to get the best deal with extra RP
See Dj Sona in action:
2. Elementalist Lux
This ultimate skin is one of the best with the most changes out of all of them with 10 different elements. You can be light, air, fire, nature, water, magma (nature+fire), storm (air+fire), mystic (water+nature), ice (water+air), and dark (water+fire or nature+air) each with its own special unique splash art for each ability in Lux’s kit.
What makes Elementalist Lux awesome:
- You can match almost any other skin by changing your element to any of the ten elements this skin offers
- Every element has unique splash art for every ability in Lux’s kit
- For your dance, you summon back up dancers with a special new dance that the other Lux skins don’t offer
How to get Elementalist Lux:
- You’re able to get this skin by opening a masterwork chest or buying it for 3,250 Riot Points. With $25 minimum you'll buy just enough RP to buy this skin
See Elementalist Lux in action:
3. K/DA All Out Seraphine
This skin is a recent creation to go along with the new champion Seraphine, a rising pop idol in the group K/DA it’s her life long dream to join, and with this skin, you get to help her live this dream with special missions to take her from indie to rising star, then finally a superstar.
What makes K/DA All out Seraphine amazing:
- It gives you a feeling of accomplishment as you help this new champion climb her way up to be an all-out superstar
- With this skin, you are getting three skins for the price of one
- As you do the missions Seraphine unlocks the next skin and changes the stage, her style, and the splash art of her abilities
- With this skin, your party finally has enough champions with K/DA skins to match
How to Get K/DA All Out Seraphine:
- To get these skins you’ll have to get the bundle for 3,250 Riot Points as well as the champion for 975 RP or 6,300 blue essences if you don’t have her already it’ll be $25 minimum to buy just enough RP to get the skin. If you get the $35 deal you’ll have enough to get the champion and the skins for her
See K/DA All Out Seraphine in action:
4. Pulsefire Ezreal
This skin gives Ezreal a sci-fi look, instead of the simple explorer he travels through time collecting artifacts and anything he wants with the help of his gadgets.
What’s great about Pulsfire Ezreal
- Every time you recall to base the animation changes a bit for the different places Ezreal travels, he throws a map, disappears and reappears with a cool random artifact after recalling back to safety
- As you level up in-game Ezreal’s tech becomes more impressive as he becomes completely cybernetic as seen in the splash art
- You have a cute little drone friend that pops up when you use your E skill and it creates a hologram for you to dance with
How to get Pulsefire Ezreal:
- To get this skin you’ll have to be lucky with a masterwork chest or spend 3,250 RP to get it. You’ll have to spend $25 minimum to get enough RP to buy the skin on its own or buy a chest and hope you get lucky enough to get this great skin
See Pulsfire Ezreal in action:
5. Spirit Guard Udyr
Udyr takes the spirit of the animals and uses them to fight and this ultimate skin goes all out to show it, with this skin you’ll feel as powerful as Udyr as you fight with the force of nature.
What’s great about Spirit Guard Udyr:
- Every spirit is different and Udyr embodies this with his voice lines as well as his recall, which is different for every spirit
- He makes jokes with every spirit and some of them are actually funny
- Along with the skin when you get this you’ll be rewarded with four new icons of the spirits
How to get the Spirit Guard Udyr skin:
- This skin cost 3,250 RP and can be found in the masterwork chest if you’re lucky enough. With $25 you’ll have enough to buy RP to get this skin and Udyr if you don’t have him already
See Spirit Guard Udyr in action:
6. Gun Goddess Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is the Gun Goddess and this skin gives not just one but four different suits to use so you can destroy your enemies in style.
What’s the hype of the Gun Goddess Miss Fortune:
- You get four different forms of weaponry to be able to destroy your foes
- You get a virtual assistant with, clever dialog for each set of weaponry
- With this skin, you get 4 new heart-shaped icons to use to show your love for Miss Fortune that are modeled after the distinct designs of the suits
This is one of the skins of the four Steel Valkyries
- How to Get the Gun Goddess’ love:
This is another ultimate skin that costs 3,250 to unlock as long as you have Miss Fortune, she herself is one of the beginning champs for most players and is cheap. With $25 you’ll be able to easily afford the skin as well as the champ if you don’t have her already
See Gungoddess Miss Fortune in action:
7. Aether Wing Kayle
Kayle is a champion of justice and Aether Wings Kayle is the embodiment of justice.Her form of justice is a little twisted and she jokes in a funny way about it.
What’s great about Aether Wing Kayle:
- As you level up Kayle’s wings get stronger and better and levels
- As she gets exalted her wings get larger and glow with power
- Her voice lines are hilarious to listen to such as “Loitering...Death, carrying a weapon without a permit...community service” and many other funny lines
- This skin is part of a set of only four others called the Steel Valkyries
How to get on the right side of Aether Wing Kayle:
- Aether Wing Kayle can be found easier than ultimate skins but is still rare in masterwork, and hextech chest. To buy this skin without having to be lucky it’ll cost a minimum of $15 to get enough RP to get it because it cost 1,820 RP for just the skin
See Aether Wing Kayle in action:
8. Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux
In an event you were able to choose the sides of lux from either Cosmic Lux or Dark Cosmic Lux and you got a quest specific to that choice, League of Legends created these two skins to be polar opposites of each other so I’ll be covering both of them.
What’s great about spacing out on these skins:
- No matter which skin you get they’re both amazing with unique differences
- As Cosmic Lux you are a gentler person while Dark Cosmic Lux is out for destruction
- The splash art of cosmic lux feels like you’re forming the stars and the galaxy while the splash art of Dark Cosmic Lux is like you’re destroying planets
- Your dance animation is literally the VR video game Beat Saber and it’s amazing just to watch Lux play a game in League of Legends
How to get these far out skins:
- Both of these skins will cost 1,820 RP each or 3,640 for both it’ll cost a minimum of $15 to get one and $30 for both but the $35 deal is the best if you need some RP to get Lux and both of these amazing space skins it’s also possible to get them in hextech and masterwork chest even though it is rare
See Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux in action:
9. Battlecast Alpha Skarner
Skarner is a tank type of champion and Battlecast Alpha takes that literally by giving Skarner a metal chassis and a hooked chain as a tail making him a tank like killing machine.
What’s great about this tank:
- You feel like a tank with tread legs as you’re playing with the power to match
- You dance the robot instead of the normal skarner dance animation and you hum to yourself as you dance
- You have a harpoon as well as blades as your arms making you feel like a true killing machine in the jungle
How to get this killing machine:
- This one cost 1,820 RP so you’ll need $15 minimum or, if you’re lucky it can be found in hextech and masterwork chest
See Battlecast Alpha Skarner in action:
10. Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath
Attack of the machines has never been more real than when Cho’Gath became Battlecast Prime, with this skin you feel like an unstoppable machine ready to destroy anything in your path and as you get larger through the game you feel more and more powerful.
What’s great about this unstoppable machine:
- Every ability you use has some kind of explosion and you feel it as you fight
- When you get larger and larger with you’re ultimate you go nom nom nom on the enemy and it’s funny when you realize the power Cho’Gath has
- You’re the life of the party as you bring the music in your shoulder speakers
How to get this unstoppable machine:
- This machine can be found in hextech and master work chest or simply bought for 1,820 RP which will cost a minimum of $15
See Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath in action:
11. Dawn/Night Bringer Soraka
You must choose, night or dawn, no matter which you choose. Both of these skins are amazing for the healer champion Soraka, add it to your roster of amazing skins.
What’s great about the Night and Dawn:
- When you recall back to base both skins have a unique way of caring for a soldier, Dawn cares for the soldier and sends him to the afterlife as Night puts him back on his feet right back into the battle
- Both skins are beautiful with unique splash art that are different for both night and dawn
- Your ultimate is elegant and feels powerful as you use it to save your team from certain death
How to get Night and Dawn:
- These rare skins can be found in masterwork or hextech chest if you’re lucky but it’d be easier, if not more costly, to get them for 1,820 each or $15 minimum for one and another $15 for the other one
See Dawn/Night Bringer Soraka in action:
12. Star Guardian Rakan/Xayah
These two love birds are inseparable and their skins match to show. These star guardians are strong alone but together they really soar. See these two in action with these amazing star guardian skins for everyone's favorite birds of a feather.
What’s great about these two birds of a feather:
- On their own they’re recall is beautiful but together it’s amazing because too few of skins work with other skins how these two do
- Rakan is obsessed with his looks to the point it’s hilarious
- The playful banter between these two is the real reason to never separate them
- They both have a small star guardian bird pet and when they’re together they are adorable as they dance or recall with each other
How to get the two songbirds:
- Both of these skins cost the same price if you and one other friend wants to play the other champ these skins would make a great gift for only 1,820 RP or a small amount of $15 for one of these elegant birds
See the Star Guardian pair in action:
13. Nunu & Willump Bot
These two best friends have snowballed into our hearts and this skin is an adorable addition to the amazing duo of Nunu & Willump that gives Willump a robotic voice with new lines with his
best friend forever Nunu.
What’s great about these best friends:
- Willump finally gets a voice we can understand as he talks to Nunu and it’s adorable
- When you make the biggest snowball you start with a small round robot that has this force field around it that is adorable as you roll it
- Willump makes 4th wall breaks as you play and Nunu has playful banter with him
- The dance changes to a disco, while Nunu hops down to dance Willump does the robot while the music plays
How to be a best friend:
- This skin is well worth the $15 to get 1,820 RP to buy and if you find it in a masterwork or hextech chest be sure to unlock is asap
See Nunu and Willump Bot in Action:
14. Dark Cosmic Jhin
Watch as Jhin gives a show of celestial proportions with this Dark Star Jhin skin that gives our favorite four shot fanatic the power of space itself, smile everyone is watching.
What’s behind that mask:
- You get to destroy enemies with the power of the cosmos
- The reload with this skin is amazing and unique with the space theme
- As you recall you create a black hole and fall into it like a badass
How to become the Space Fanatic
- This skin comes in masterwork as well as hextech chest but it’d be easier to just pay the $15 to get enough Riot Points to pay the 1,820 RP it cost to get this great skin for our favorite fanatic Jhin
See Dark Cosmic Jhin in action:
15. Lunar/Solar Eclipse Leona
Justice isn’t as clear as night and day and Leona is here to enforce the law, with these two eclipse skins Leona becomes a true protector with an amazing look that will make you feel as though you have the power of the eclipse behind you as you face your foes.
The amazing eclipse:
- This skin has some history it was actually the idea from an older skin that was never released as an actual skin
- When you dance you get a spotlight on only you one of moonlight and one of sunlight depending on which skin you get
- Both recalls are extremely unique from each other as you become your true self and recall back to base
How to become the Eclipse:
- Both of these skins are amazing and can be found in chest but if you have $15 laying around getting one for 1,820 RP is worth it
See Lunar/Solar Eclipse Leona in action: