Luigi wins a mansion in a contest that he didn’t even enter and he goes to check it out. Mario goes to the mansion ahead of time and he doesn’t return. When first exploring the mansion, Luigi tiptoes into the parlor and a ghost appears out of nowhere. Just when he feels that certain doom is upon him, a strange old man attempts to capture the ghost with a vacuum. They then go back to E. Gadd’s lab and he teaches Luigi how to capture ghosts. Luigi’s Mansion is definitely one of my all-time favorite games. I’ve played the GameCube version many times and I was over the moon when it was remade for the 3ds. I did not have access to a GameCube ever since I got the Wii U, so I was unable to play it. The biggest side quest throughout the game is collecting treasure. At the end of the game, E. Gadd will help Luigi buy a new house based on how much treasure you find. The more money you find, the better house and higher rank you achieve.
Final Battle:After defeating all of the boos and portrait ghosts, you enter a sacred altar with King Boo talking to Mario trapped in a painting. He feels as if he’s finally getting his revenge on Mario. After talking to Luigi, he turns Mario’s painting into Bowser’s and teleports him on the roof for the final battle. King Boo is inside of a Bowser machine. Once Luigi defeats King Boo, Bowser’s head, and body fall to the ground, and Luigi is teleported back to the altar in the basement. E. Gadd contacts Luigi after the battle and asks what happens. He says that Luigi’s adventure is the most fantastic tale he’s heard in his sixty-year career.
Rank H:This is the lowest rank and it only requires $5,000- $4,999,999 which will earn you a tent with holes in it. This amount is actually the equivalent of King Boo’s crown or a single coin. When I attempted to get this rank I actually had to try to do badly. When battling the gallery ghosts I would make sure to release them before they got to 50 hp so I’d only get small pearls, I didn’t capture optional gallery ghosts and I tried to take as much damage as possible so I’d lose coins. Interesting thing: this is the only ending that says “The haunted mansion disappeared without a trace” while the others all say “Welcome to Luigi’s new mansion”. However the A rank (and S rank in the 3ds version) says “Congratulations! Your mansion is complete!”. Luigi’s new house is merely a tent with holes in it. You move from a giant mansion to a tent on the streets.
Rank G:This rank will earn Luigi a run-down shack as a new house. It’s a bit of an upgrade from the tent with holes in it. At the very least it will protect you from the rain. Required Score: $5 million-$19,999,999
Rank F:You are able to purchase a modest house which is much more liveable than a shack or a tent. You definitely have room for a TV, couch, coffee table, and gaming system. Kitchen and bedroom are also included.
Required Score: $20,000,000 to $39,999,999Rank E:
Here Luigi can purchase a house with a loft. Room for all the essentials along with some extra storage.
Required Score: $40,000,000 to $49,999,999
Rank D: Luigi buys a medium but spacious house. Required Score: $50,000,000 to $59,999,999
Rank C:
This is when the houses get more luxurious. When Luigi earns this rank he is rewarded with a two-story house.
Required Score: $60,000,000 to $69,999,999
Rank B:
Here is where you start earning new mansions. A large compound in this instance. Lots of bedrooms, a big kitchen, and a giant rec room. Luigi can definitely fit a game room in this house. The first time I found both of the gold diamonds I got around $80 million.
Required Score: $70,000,000 to $99,999,999
Rank A:
There are many side quests that need to be completed in order to achieve this rank. Treasure is spread all throughout the mansion and there are many ways to obtain them. Make sure to water the plant in the boneyard every area (starting with area 2), capture all fifty boos (these two will result in finding a gold diamond worth $20 million which will definitely boost your score), there are hidden rooms with tons of treasure, find the speedy spirits (aka blue ghosts), look for gold mice (some appear in rooms and hallways when you walk by them and others are found by examining blocks of cheese with the Game Boy Horror), watering the plants and just generally checking every nook and cranny for hidden treasure. It’s definitely harder but at the same time, it’s also a lot more fun. Luigi can buy a luxurious mansion where he can invite everyone from the Mushroom Kingdom over for some Mario Party.
Required Score: $100,000,000
Rank S:
This is the highest and toughest rank to obtain. In order to achieve this massive feat, you are required to find $130 million in the hidden mansion. This is only available in the 3ds remake. It’s the biggest challenge as there’s much more treasure in the hidden mansion and many aspects of the regular mansion are different. Something that makes this more difficult is that Luigi will take twice as much damage as the regular mansion so it will be harder to keep all of your coins. Along with more damage, ghosts are stunned for half as long so it’ll be harder to capture the speedy spirits. Overview: Initially, I would attempt to get the highest rank every time I played the game. However, once I got the 3ds version I started attempting to get each rank of house. I had to constantly check my inventory whenever I would find treasure so I could monitor my progress.
Random Epiphanies:
A few things I realized about this game: It just recently occurred to me that one house Luigi could have bought was a small apartment. This would be in between H and G. Also, the scores required for each house could be the new rent. https://www.mariowiki.com/Luigi%27s_NEW_Mansion