Hard-core fans of Magicka and its sequel, Magicka would remember fondly about killing enemy mobs (and their friends) in spectacular fashion and laugh at the Swedish gibberish that was spoken by the NPCs or the pop culture references in the game.
What makes Magicka so fun to play is its unique game mechanic that allows you to create and cast your own spells from 8 core elements, namely water(Q), life(W), shield(E), cold(R), lightning(A), arcane(S), earth(D) and fire(F). Each of these elements can be stacked or cast by those alphabets on your QWERTY keyboard.
They can then be combined by stacking them together in 5, to create offensive and defensive spells. Additionally, two extra elements, “Steam” and “Ice” can be created by mixing two of the base elements while in Magicka 2; a new hybrid element, “Poison” was added. The strength of each spell depends on the number of stacked elements.
The spells addressed here are considered the top 10 best ones to be used by you Wizards in-game.
10. Healing mines
A mere healing spell may not seem as impressive as a casting a fireball, but there is no denying that this spell is one of the most practical ones for a Wizard. By stacking your deck with “Heal” and “Shield”, you will drop 4 mines that you can walk over, healing yourself and your friends at a very efficient rate.
Healing Mines’ details
- Elements required are “Heal” (W) and “Shield” (E). Press the keys to stack your deck.
- To cast 4 mines, stack your deck and right-click on your mouse
- To cast them around yourself in a circle, press “Shift” and “right-click” on your mouse.
- Special tip: You might accidentally heal those pesky enemy mobs chasing you; so, for a quick time out, cast a dome-shield around yourself before rejuvenating yourself with those mines.
Why “Healing Mines” is Awesome
- They can heal you more effectively than stacking yourself with “Life” element to heal yourself.
- This makes them very useful for solo players without friends to heal them.
- Casting them is quick and efficient, with just two elements required.
9. Volcanic Rock Barriers
What’s better than a simple rock barrier (“Earth” + “Shield”) as a sturdy defence? A volcanic rock wall! “Earth” is a versatile element so you can improve your sturdy rock barrier with other elemental enchantments.
You can combine the offensive nature of your “Fire” element with your rock wall, not only hold back those vile hordes of goblins but damage them! Of course, you can use other elements as well but there is nothing as cool as creating ‘volcanoes’ like this!
“Volcanic Rock Barriers’” details
- The elements needed are “Rock” (D) and “Fire (F)”.
- For maximum damage, stacking 4 “Fire” elements before adding the final “Earth” element.
- If you wanted to strengthen your rock barriers, prioritise your “Earth” elements by stacking 4 of those and adding the last one as “Fire”.
- You can either cast the spell in a ring around you by pressing “Shift” and right-clicking.
- Or just create a barrier to block and slow down the mobs, by right-clicking.
- Special tip: You can charge your extra weapon with the spell (Shift and Left Click) and swing your weapon to cast the spell. This will cause the spell to cast itself
Why “Volcanic Rock Barrier” is Awesome
- Rock barriers can hold out a good length of time, so you can use it slow down your enemies or as a temporary stronghold for a quick healing break.
- Adding “Fire” to the mix will burn your enemies as they try to break through your shield to get you.
- With some clever strategy and the help of a “Teleport” spell, you can trap your enemies in the ring of volcanic rock.
8. Explosive Fireball
The fireball is a classic wizard move, even in mythology stories, fairy tales and fantasy novels. It is simple but effective. In Magicka, Wizards can merge other elements to transform what is already a deadly magic spell, into a more devastating weapon of mass destruction. Behold, the Explosive Fireball!
“Explosive Fireball” details
- “Rocks (D)”, “Arcane (S)” and “Fire (F)” are the core elements for the spell.
- “Rocks” to act as the carrier for the spell, “Fire” for the fiery damage and “Arcane” for its explosiveness.
- Stack more “Arcane” elements to increase the effect of the explosion.
- Right-click and hold down the mouse button to charge your fireball.
- The longer you charge, the further it can travel.
Why “Explosive Fireball” is Awesome
- The spell can be formed and cast, quickly and easily from a distance.
- Apart from damaging and inflicting “Fire” damage, the explosion will knock down any enemy who is not immediately killed.
- This spell is especially effective against large swarms of monsters. Just aim the spell at the centre and watch them scream and burn! Muahahaha!!
7. Lightning Fire Beam
Like Natsu Dragneel the Dragon-slayer (from Fairy Tail) with his Lightning Fire Dragon mode, you too can roast and shock your enemies with this awesome-sounding spell! Courtesy of the “Arcane” element, they will also blow up! Gruesome stuff!
Lightning Fire Beam's details
- The required elements are simple: “Fire (F)”, “Lightning (A)” and “Arcane (S)”
- Stack 2 of “Fire” and “Lightning” for additional fire and lightning damage and one “Arcane” element.
- Aim at your target, right-click your mouse and hold it to keep up the blast!
Why “Lightning Fire Beam” is Awesome
- The name of the spell speaks for itself!
- The simplicity of the spell and its required ingredients makes it a go-to spell if you want to deliver decent damage swiftly from a distance.
- What’s more epic than killing your enemies with fire or lightning individually? Blasting them with a concentrated energy beam of flames AND electricity!!!
6. Arcane Blazing Earthquake
What are you to do if you are swamped by some of those irritating Goblin pests? Like a true Wizard, do something extreme! Like an earthquake with fire and magical explosions to knock them down, with a side of 3rd-degree burns
“Arcane Blazing Earthquake’s” details
- You will need “Earth (D)”, “Fire (F), and “Arcane (S)”
- You will want to increase the radius of your earthquake, prioritise your “Earth” elements over “Fire” and “Arcane” in your stack.
- Press “Shift” and “Right-click” to release your spell
Why “Arcane Blazing Earthquake” is Awesome
- You can slow down pursuing enemy mobs by knocking them down.
- It is a remarkable simple spell; even if you are unable to load offensive elements like “Fire”, a full stack of “Earth” elements are enough to shake up the ground. Enough to buy you a few seconds to regroup.
- The visuals of this spell are very impressive and you will feel like Gandalf the Grey when you strike the ground to create the earthquake.
5. Arcane Lightning Ice Walls
Unlike the sturdy Rock Walls, Ice Walls provided a different form of defence. Infused with a mixture of “Lightning” and “Arcane”, your Ice Walls will chill and electrocute those mobs and then, explode!
“Arcane Lightning Ice Walls’” details
- To set up the spell, you must use “Arcane (S)”, “Lightning (A)”, “Shield (E)” and “Ice” (“Water” + ”Cold”)
- Cast this spell around you with “Shift” and “Right-click” or just a simple barrier by “right-clicking’
- Special Tips: Your wizard will be armed with an extra weapon such as a sword. You can charge this weapon with the spell (Shift and Left Click) and swing your weapon to cast the spell. This will cause the spell to be created in a straight line away from you.
Why “Arcane Lightning Ice Walls” are Awesome
- Don’t let the name “Ice walls” fool you. This spell with the right elements is one of the deadliest in your arsenal!
- Unlike rock walls, you can add “Lightning” into the ice walls. Those pesky Goblins are in for a chilly shock, literally!
- By adding “Arcane” into the mix, you can set the ice walls to explode and inflict massive damage!
4. Arcane Steam Lightning Mines
“Arcane” elements’ explosive nature makes them a core component needed in creating explosive spells like mines. Arcane mines are usually more than enough to badly hurt or even kill those mobs but how about stacking your deck with more nasty elements like “Lightning” to add insult to injury?
Arcane Steam Lightning Mines’ details
- You will need “Arcane (S)”, “Lightning (A)”, a combination of “Fire” and “Water” to create “Steam” and finally “Shield (E)
- Like the Healing mines, you can either drop 4 of these mines to slow down and hurt any pursuing mobs (Left Click)
- Or you can drop them in a ring around you and wait for the mobs to approach you. (Shift and Right Click)
- Special trick: Cast an area shield around yourself. Then cast the spell to drop mines around your shield on the outside. Enemies hammering at your shield will get blown to kingdom come.
Why “Arcane Steam Lightning Mines” is Awesome
- This spell inflicts massive damage to any mobs foolish enough to trip the mines.
- With “Steam” and “Lightning” to inflict maximum damage.
- It is not enough to blow up enemies; they must die a painful and shocking death!
3. Ice Rock Missile
You have to give credit to Magicka’s game developers for putting various creative ways of killing into their game mechanics. One of these is to wet your opponent, freeze them then hit them with rock projectile to shatter them to pieces.
However, this is a rather an inefficient way to kill. Veteran Wizards have created a spell which will allow them to freeze and shatter their opponents AT THE SAME TIME!
Ice Rock Missile’ details
- To fill your deck with 5 elements for maximum impact, you must use one “Earth (D)” element and fuse “Water(Q)” and ”Cold(Q)” four times to create 4 stacks of “Ice”.
- Right-click and hold the mouse button to charge your spell to maximise the distance.
- To cast the spell, release the mouse button.
Why “Ice Rock Missile” is Awesome
- This spell can do a ton of damage, even against big tough monsters like Trolls.
- You can cast this spell from a distance by charging it (Hold down right-mouse-button)
- Even if you fail to kill off a particularly tough monster with the first shot, you can still slow it down with the “Freeze” effect.
2. Steam Lightning Beam
There is nothing more fun than stacking your deck with “Arcane” elements and releasing all of it in a single focused blast of mystic force! Drunk with power, many Magicka players would turn their ‘Arcane” spells on the nearest monster mobs and sometimes, accidentally toast their fellow Wizards into a bloody pulp of exploded flesh.
This, however, is not enough for Magicka Wizards. In their quest for more power, these wacky Wizards would combine “Arcane” beams with other elements too, eventually create a beam attack of absolute power: The Steam Lighting Beam! Cos’ exploding your enemies is apparently, not enough!
“Steam Lighting Beam’s” details
- To cast the spell, you need “Arcane (S)”, “Lightning (A)” and a combination of “Fire” and “Water” to create “Steam”.
- “Steam” on its own, is weak but it has the effect of wetting the enemy.
- “Lightning” element s has an extra shocking effect on them!
- Right-click your mouse and hold to unleash and maintain your attack. Be sure to aim first, though!!!
Why “Steam Lighting Beam” is Awesome
- As a beam attack, you can blast your enemies from a distance. Particular useful against a single boss enemy or a large, slow-moving Troll!
- By adding “Steam” as an element to the spell, you can wet your enemies without soaking yourself.
- This means that you will not risk electrocuting yourself with the “Lightning” element which will deliver maximum damage to a wet enemy! This is easily the strongest beam attack in the game!
1. Steam Lightning Storms
Storms are spells which you can release in an AOE around yourself. There are many variations, depending on the elements used. Fire Storms, Snow Storms, Rain Storms, you name it. However, the Lightning Storms with the added element of “Steam” is thought to be the nastiest, most damaging one. Any melee enemy trying to attack you will get the shock of their lives!
“Steam Lightning Storms” details
- You must use “Lightning (A)”, “Shield (E)” and “Steam”, which is made up from “Fire” and “Water”.
- Cast the spell by pressing “Shift” and “Right-click”
- Stand still in the centre of your Storm spell and watch your enemies electrocute themselves trying to get to you.
Why “Steam Lightning Storms” are Awesome
- This spell does not look like much but the effects are SHOCKINGLY devastating, especially against melee mobs like Goblins.
- Amongst the other types of Storm spells, the “Steam” and “Lightning” combination can dole out the best damage.
- It is a very efficient way to kill those melee mobs, without having to move at all!
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