[Top 5] Marvel Strike Force Best Asgardian Teams
Asgardians you say? Yes, Asgardians. We’re going to talk about a group with one of the coolest lures in Marvel. Asgardians are the residents of Asgard which is the home of mythical heroes such as Odin, Thor, Loki, Hela, and others. In this article, we’re going to talk about the best way to mix and match them to work for you in Marvel Strive Force.
5. The OG Asgardians: Thor + Loki + Hela + Heimdall + Sif
The original defenders members of Asgard make an appearance
Though not as useful as they once were, this team can still be used sparingly in a few game modes. Outside of an incomplete Undying team, you can find Hela’s original use.
This team will appear periodically in a war defense room. It’s not extremely common, but it does have war utility with Thor and Sif as part of the team. Hela helps this team with her debuff spread and a summon that helps disperse attacks.
These characters can all be unlocked easily in early campaign nodes or the different stores, so the best part about this team is its accessibility.
OG Asgardian Strengths
- War - Throw these bad boys and girls on war defense and let them chill. If you aren’t sure who to put in your defense and you’re a newer player, this would be a great place to start.
- Cosmic Crucible - Again, you can throw this team in on defense and get some benefit. Be sure to choose the room with the most relevant buffs.
- Blitz - Save this team for your blitz rotation. If you choose your matchup wisely, you’ll get some wins here.
How OG Asgardians Work
- Thor - He’s slow but packs a nice punch. His passive gives him a damage boost and gains additional damage for each Asgardian ally.
- Loki - Loki creates diversions by granting stealth to your entire team and summoning clones of himself with evade. Clones are useful because they take damage in place of your marquee characters.
- Hela - She is my favorite character on this team. Her abilities that perma-kill and spread debuffs make her a valuable member. She also summons Greg (an undead Asgardian) who heals here he dies by enemy attack or self destructs..
- Heimdall - There’s no hiding from this guy. He flips stealth on all enemies and also clears heal block from your team. On his turn, he can also heal himself.
- Sif - She’ll keep your team alive. She baits people by taunting and then applies counters to make people think twice about attacking her.
4. Hero Asgardians: Valkyrie + Heimdall + Thor + Mighty Thor + Sif
If you like Thor, you'll love Lady Thor.
One of the early war defenses, Hero Asgardians still have plenty of gas left in the tank. You’ll often find these toons on the helicarrier because of the war buffs. They are on my personal war defense because they aren’t great attackers against many of the teams you’ll come across but can be tough to take down without the right team.
The addition of Mighty Thor and Valkyrie adds significantly higher defense and cleansing power to an already decent team. With so many taunts and defense ups, it powers Thor’s passive rather quickly. Her passive is useful because it is a free AEO attack that hits all enemies and is charged by Asgardians taking damage.
Hero Asgardian Strengths
- War - As I stated above, war is the primary use of this team. They gain ability enhancements in war defense.
- Cosmic Crucible - I have this team on my Crucible defense. Since they aren’t great at attacking, I can put them on defense without missing them.
- Blitz - Keep this team together for a solid blitz rotation team. Make sure you pick your matchup well.
How Hero Asgardians Work
- Valkyrie - This toon provides the buffs. Counter, defense up, and offense up all come from this character’s special ability. She can also heal herself on each turn.
- Heimdall - He flips stealth on all enemies and also clears heal block on your team. He can also heal himself on his turn. In war, he generates energy for allies.
- Thor - He’s slow but packs a nice punch. His passive gives him a damage boost and gets additional damage for each Asgardian ally. The passive also charges anytime an Asgardian takes damage which causes an attack on all enemies when fully charged.
- Mighty Thor - In war, each time a Hero Asgardian attacks, she adds a charge to herself and HA allies. All of the attacks ignore defense up in war so she’s going to be your primary damage bringer.
- Sif - She applies taunts and counters to keep charging Thor’s passive by directing attacks at herself.
3. Thor + Mighty Thor + Vahl + Valkyrie + Sif
With a sword as big as their value, Vahl and their trusty pheonix are ready to party.
I know what you’re thinkin’ – this is just the Hero Asgardians without Heimdall. Great deduction! Why does this team rank higher than the Hero Asgardians, you ask? Well, it’s simple. Vahl is overpowered.
Vahl, one of the MSF original characters, is the reason this team is better. By losing Heimdall, you’re gaining the ability to revive characters and an absolute monster of an attacker. Vahl is one of the best characters in the entire game and can be slotted into any hero team with ease.
Hero Vahlgardian Strengths
- War - We give this team the same reason as the above except now you’re going to last even longer and deal more damage.
- Raid - Vahl gets a lot of buffs for raids. Vahl has the ability to carry this team especially in lower-level raids.
- Cosmic Crucible - You’ll be able to throw this team on defense or even use them on offense if you have them built up high enough. Vahl’s damage and sustain makes this team viable in either placement.
How Hero Vahlgardians Work
- Thor - Thor’s role doesn’t change here with the addition of Vahl since they are an Asgardian. His passive gives him a damage boost and grants additional damage for each Asgardian ally.
- Mighty Thor - In war, each time a Hero Asgardian attacks she adds a charge to herself and HA allies. All of her attacks ignore defense up in war so she’s going to help Vahl knock out enemies.
- Vahl - You’ll want to protect this one with everything you got. Do not let Vahl die because of his revive ability and damage output. Let Sif and Might Thor take all of the damage and Vahl will heal or revive them if necessary.
- Valkyrie - The buffs still apply here. Counter, defense up, and offense up all come from this character’s special ability. She can also heal herself on each turn so it helps to protect Vahl.
- Sif - She applies taunts and counters to keep charging Thor’s passive and now serves the purpose of diverting attacks away from Vahl. Put her on the opposite side of the battlefield of Vahl.
2. Thor + Mighty Thor + Beta Ray Bill + Vahl + Valkyrie
It's not often you have a hero named Bill.
We’re taking it a step further and making this team a little more attack-centric by replacing Sif with Beta Ray Bill. BRB has synergy with other Asgardian allies to increase his damage and utility which makes this swap more punishing.
I don’t personally use this team that often, but I have seen it used in raids, war, and crucible. He also works as a good Vahl protector replacement because his passive willheal himself for 30% of his max health and gain taunt when Vahl drops below 50% health.
Of course, this team will work best if you keep Vahl alive.
- War - This team is probably best used as a war attack team. You can target key enemies with the high damage of BRB and Vahl to make sure you can claim victory.
- Raid - We can start dipping into the raid scene with both Vahl and BRB having bonuses applied in raids. While still not enough to simulate in Incursion raids, they would be sufficient for Doom raids.
- Cosmic Crucible - Similar to raids, you can use this team as an attack option in a favorable matchup. It is best to user control the team to ensure you can take out the biggest threats first.
How They Work
- Thor - Thor’s role yet again doesn’t change here with the addition of Vahl and BRB since they are also Asgardian. His passive gives him a damage boost and gets additional damage for each Asgardian ally.
- Mighty Thor - In war, each time a Hero Asgardian attacks she adds a charge to herself and HA allies, and the new members qualify.
- Vahl - You’ll still want to protect Vahl. The primary damage and sustain flows through Vahl.
- Valkyrie - Counter, defense up, and offense up all come from this character’s special ability. She can also heal herself on each turn so it helps to protect Vahl.
- Beta Ray Bill - BRB helps keep Vahl alive by taunting when low on health. His ultimate gains extra damage per Asgardian ally and attacks all enemies, while his special applies stun. He is your second damage dealer behind Vahl.
1. Biofrost: Beta Ray Bill + Loki + Loki (Teen) + Sylvie + Vahl
You've seen the bifrost, but you haven't lived until you've used the Bifrost team.
One of the top 5 teams in the meta right now, the Bifrost team is a monster. For this team, we’re adding some villains from Asgard into the fold to give them some extra juice. Designed for high-level raids, this team lives up to its purpose.
I use this team on a daily basis to simulate my way through the mystic section of Incursion raids. Since this team was announced, I’ve had them powered up as much as humanly possible for doing raids quickly and effectively.
The best part is that they’re not only useful in raids. I use them in every game mode regularly except for arena. It’s such a pain to go against this team because it has so few counters. For me, it’s always an attack team because I like being able to control my own destiny with the battle.
More often than not, you are able to punch up pretty far without losing a single character. Like I said, it’s probably a top 5 team in nearly every game mode if you have them maxed.
Bifrost Strengths
- Raids - Like I mentioned above, this team was specifically created with mystic raids in mind. They are the primary team for Incursion raids and their abilities have raid-specific benefits.
- Cosmic Crucible - Put this team in your attack arsenal, and you won’t be disappointed. Power them up enough and you can handle the majority of defenses.
- War - It never hurts to have them on your war roster. I use them on offense, but they’re annoying to face when they’re on defense too. You can choose whichever works best for you.
How Bifrost Works
- Beta Ray Bill - BRB will boost your armor and also apply defense up and deflect to your team. He is also going to taunt while dealing AEO damage to enemies.
- Loki - He’ll apply speed up and offense up to your team. This will keep attacks coming while also giving Sylvie a nice damage boost. The ability to summon clones and stealth your entire team keeps your main toons alive longer. Finally, he will apply evades and deathproofs to an ally that drops below 50%
- Loki (Teen) - The teen version of Loki has a lot to do with health regeneration and cleansing. He’s going to attack and redistribute the health to allies, apply immunity, and remove defense down. His health isn’t the greatest, but it seems to come back plenty and often.
- Sylvie - She has pretty solid damage, but her main goal is to manipulate the speedbar. She speeds up her team while applying slow and stun enemies. After the death of Loki or a clone, she gives all Bifrost allies more speedbar. This is one of your most valuable toons for this team. Second only to Vahl.
- Vahl - Speaking of Vahl, the role doesn’t change much. Vahl provides ability energy and high damage, but also has the ability to revive allies. In raids, the passive becomes even more useful by increasing max health and damage of all Bifrost allies and also having speed bar manipulation.