[Top 10] Mechwarrior 5 Best Hero Mechs
The Nightstar, while not a hero ‘Mech, comes equipped with 2 Gauss Rifles. It’s a capable sniper.
Most of us, except those who have been living under a rock for the past 5 years, would’ve probably heard of Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries, the battle simulation game where players get to pilot their very own battlemech and manage their own budding mercenary company.
During the course of the game, players will have the chance to acquire several unique (and hellishly expensive) battlemech variants. These “hero” variants are easily identified by the exclusive paint jobs they sport and the loadouts they come equipped with (which are oftentimes better than that of their more common counterparts) They even come with information that lets us, the player, know more about the background of said hero variant.
In most cases, these hero ‘Mechs outperform their more common models due to them either having better weapons & equipment or by being faster and/or tankier. So without further ado, let this battletech nerd show you his top 10 best hero battlemechs in Mechwarrior 5.
10. Arrow BJ-A
The Arrow’s 6 machine guns can deal a crap ton of damage very quickly.
- Weight: 45 tons
- Armor: 304/318 Ferro Fibrous
- Structure: 159 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 17.63 tons
- Speed: 84.6 km/h
- Standard Loadout: 3 Machine Guns (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Right Torso), 1 Large Pulse Laser (Center Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Torso), 3 Machine Guns (Left Torso)
Receiving wide acclaim during the defense of Xhosa VII, Michael Ubodo and his Blackjack, The Arrow, earned a permanent commission with the Federated Suns’s 8th Light Cavalry. An outspoken defender of the poorly regarded Blackjack, Ubodo would often challenge anyone who criticized the much maligned design.
- Ideal for raid & demolition missions because its 6 machine guns can deal a lot of damage to buildings in a short period of time.
- Fastest among all the other Blackjack variants which makes it perfect for hit and run attacks.
- Lasers on its torso make for great back up weapons in case the machine guns run out of ammo.
The Arrow is a great addition to the player’s ‘Mech forces in the early stages of the game. It’s fast enough to level buildings and shoot enemy ‘Mechs from behind with its 6 machine guns. Since you’re going to be in close proximity with enemies, you can opt to ditch the large pulse laser for more machine gun ammo & armor. Also try to get higher tier machine guns to deal more damage.
The Arrow can be found in industrial hubs that litter the Inner Sphere. Since finding a specific hero ‘Mech is entirely dependent on RNG, I suggest saving before traveling to industrial hubs in the year 3015 and up. Reload the game if you can’t find the ‘Mech you want.
9. Loup De Guerre TBT-LG
SRMs make the Loup De Guerre a good close range brawler.
- Weight: 50 tons
- Armor: 320/350
- Structure: 175 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 17.57 tons
- Speed: 105.3 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 Streak SRM 2 (Right Torso), 1 Streak SRM 2 (Left Torso), 1 SRM 4 & 1 Medium Pulse Laser (Right Arm), 1 SRM 4 & 1 Medium Pulse Laser (Left Arm)
Named for the largest Trebuchet in medieval Terra, Loup De Guerre was a gift to the young scion of the famous Chandlers of Tiber. Serving in the Regulan Hussars, Lt. Peter Chandler distinguished himself in battle on Tellmann IV. Discovering a Thunderbolt had broken through their defensive line and looting supplies, he promptly pounded the ‘Mech to scrap. When asked why he’d engaged the much larger ‘Mech alone, his only comment was, “It was only what one should expect from a Chandler.”
- 4 SRM weapons can make short work of enemies.
- With its XL engine, the Loup De Guerre can run around the battlefield spamming SRMs
- Has an anti-missile system and a Beagle Active Probe that makes the Loup De Guerre a great support ‘Mech
The Loup De Guerre can spam its SRMs to great effect. With a bit of skill, players can easily do hit and run attacks on enemies, as well as make a quick getaway via jump jets when things get too dicey.
The Loup De Guerre is available at the start of the game although players probably won’t have enough C-bills to buy it immediately then. Also, it takes a bit of luck finding it in industrial hubs due to hero ‘Mechs spawn being wholly dependent on RNG. Save first, go to an industrial hub. Reload if you didn’t get the hero you want. Rinse and repeat.
8. Golden Boy KTO-GB
The Golden Boy packs more punch than most ‘Mechs its size due to its 5 SRM weapons.
- Weight: 55 tons
- Armor: 368/382
- Structure: 191
- Free Tonnage: 28.57 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 2 Medium Pulse Lasers (Right Arm), 1 Medium Pulse Laser & 2 SRM 6 (Left Arm), 1 SRM 6 (Right Torso), 2 SRM 4 (Center Torso)
The Kintaro was originally designed in 2578 as a frontline unit designed to deliver NARC missile beacons for allied forces. With the loss of the last known NARC factory in 2792, the Kintaro simply became another missile platform, and eventually led to the production of the downgraded KTO-18 by the Federated Suns. Whatever the variant, the KTO is still a tough frontline ‘Mech capable of delivering an impressive salvo for a ‘Mech of its size.
- While slower than other Kintaro variants, the Golden Boy more than makes up for it by being a very deadly SRM spammer.
- 6 Double Heat Sinks help manage thermal buildup, ensuring the Golden Boy can keep shooting those SRMs
- 3 Medium Pulse Lasers work well as back up weapons when your SRMs are in cooldown.
The Golden Boy can pretty much destroy any ‘Mech unlucky enough to get caught in its SRM salvos. Just remember to shoot those SRMs only when enemies are moving towards you so that your missiles have more chances to hit. Never fire your SRMs at enemies circling you. You’ll waste your shots that way.
The Golden Boy can be found in industrial hubs very early in the game, around the year 3015 and above. If you’re specifically hunting for it, save before going to various industrial hubs. That way, you can reload your save if the Golden Boy doesn’t appear.
7. Agincourt ARC-AGC
The Agincourt can rain destruction from afar or up close. Yes, it’s that versatile.
- Weight: 70 tons
- Armor: 432/446
- Structure: 223
- Free Tonnage: 35.07 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 LRM 10 Stream & 1 Streak SRM 2 (Right Torso), 1 Medium Laser & 1 SRM 6 (Right Arm), 2 Medium Pulse Lasers (Center Torso), 1 LRM 10 Stream & 1 Streak SRM 2 (Left Torso), 1 Medium Laser & 1 SRM 6 (Left Arm)
Baron Oliver Kincaid’s life was filled with remarkable ups and downs. His posting with the prestigious Free Worlds Guards, his dishonorable discharge and stint as a mercenary before eventually, many years later, working his way back around to being able to show his face at the Marik Court. During his time as a mercenary serving with Nik’s Cavaliers, he gave his battlemech a name, Agincourt. When prompted to explain the name, he replied that it was there to remind him how powerful turns of fate can be, and to work hard to earn back what he once had. As far as what it’s armed with, a search of the cockpit found a note attached under the weapons list that read ‘kitchen sink.'
- Arguably the best missile boat in the entire game due to its 6 missile critical slots.
- Equipped with a Beagle Active Probe, the Agincourt can spot & target enemies with its missiles sooner than other ‘Mechs without the BAP.
- 4 Double Heat Sinks dissipate heat faster, allowing the Agincourt’s missiles to fire more frequently.
While the ARC-AGC can be used effectively at long range if you arm it with only LRMs, it’s surprisingly good as a close range SRM brawler. Just swap out all of its LRMs for SRMs and everything you target will go boom. Additionally, the Agincourt is one of the only two Archer variants outfitted with Double Heat Sinks.
The good news is unlike other hero ‘Mechs, you don’t have to go looking in industrial hubs for the Agincourt. The bad news is you have to complete the Bow and Arrow questline from the Heroes of the Inner Sphere DLC, which will give you the Agincourt as a quest reward.
6. Bounty Hunter MAD-BH2
The Marauder BH2 might be slow but it doesn’t lack the firepower to take you out from long range.
- Weight: 75 tons
- Armor: 464/474
- Structure: 237
- Free Tonnage: 42.69 tons
- Speed: 48.6 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 Gauss Rifle (Right Torso), 1 ER PPC & 1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Head), 1 ER PPC & 1 Medium Laser (Left Arm)
Hailed as the pinnacle of Battlemech design when it was unveiled in 2819, the Marauder was one of the ‘Mechs to step away from the purely humanoid body type and embrace a more menacing appearance. The ‘Mech quickly became popular as a command vehicle, and throughout the Succession Wars, many battalion and regimental commanders made their Marauders their second homes on the battlefield. Often deployed in heavy shock units with Warhammers and Thunderbolts, the Marauder is known for laying down an impressive long-range barrage before its opponents can close the distance.
- Comes with 6 Double Heatsinks to help cooldown the MAD-BH2’s energy weapons, which guarantee its PPCs can be fired more often.
- Equipped with jump jets, making up for its slow top speed.
- Great for sniping enemies from afar due to its long range PPCs and Gauss rifle.
With only a top speed of 48.6 km/h, it’s better for the BH2 to be far from the fighting, sniping enemies while the rest of your team deals with the enemy from closer ranges. Also, using high tier PPCs and Gauss rifles on your BH2 will make your headshots more lethal.
The BH2 becomes available when the year hits 3044. Check industrial hubs with the skull icon. And again, don’t forget to save before traveling to an industrial hub since RNG plays a large part on what hero ‘Mech will show up on sale.
5. Sleipnir CP-S
3 words. Dual. Gauss. Rifles. That’s all you need to know.
- Weight: 90 tons
- Armor: 544/570
- Structure: 285 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 44.19 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 Gauss Rifle (Right Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Head), 1 SRM 4 (Center Torso), 1 Gauss Rifle (Left Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Arm)
The daughter of Col. Charles Wilson, Ariana was a mercenary raised by the soldiers of the Eridani Light Horse. What could easily have turned into nepotism was anything but as she joined basic training after her nineteenth birthday. Forswearing even a hint of favoritism, her poor study skills left her struggling under the extra burden of too many watchful eyes. Despite an inauspicious start, through grit and determination, she ultimately graduated top of her class. Upon taking command of the Seventh Striker Battalion, she chose a Cyclops (which she named Sleipnir) knowing the ‘Mech’s poor reputation would test her skills even further.
- The Sleipnir can take on enemies from all ranges due to its varied default loadout.
- Outfitted with Endosteel structure and an XL engine, giving the Sleipnir more free tonnage to use on ammo, heat sinks, armor & weapons.
- 2 Gauss rifles make it an exceptional sniper
The Sleipnir is best used as a long range damage dealer & sniper mostly due to its 2 torso-mounted Gauss rifles. Equip high tier versions of those Gauss rifles. Practice those headshots and soon you’ll be taking out Banshees, Atlases and Annihilators with little difficulty.
The Sleipnir will start showing up in industrial hubs from 3031 onwards. Save & pray to RNGesus before heading out to an industrial hub with a skull icon. Reload if unsuccessful.
4. Privateer COR-PVT
Sure, it’s ugly. But it’s still a threat when it gets close enough to make you eat Autocannon fire.
- Weight: 95 tons
- Armor: 576/598
- Structure: 299
- Free Tonnage: 52.32 tons
- Speed: 48.6 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 Heavy Rifle & 1 LRM 10 (Right Torso), 1 Autocannon/20 (Right Arm), 2 Large Chem Lasers (Left Torso)
In the Periphery, battlemechs aren’t simply field repaired. All too often, mashups and grafting whole parts to make something combat worthy is the only resort. Some call them “FrankenMechs”; the Oberon Confederation scoundrels call the big ones Corsairs. This one’s about as big as they come, and the wretch that got pulled from it, one Tyler Erickson called it “Privateer.” It makes you wonder how these pirates got their hands on so many ‘Mechs in recent years.
- 2 Large Ballistic hard points that can equip the biggest autocannons you have. This makes the Privateer a deadly brawler.
- 2 Large Energy hard points that can be fitted with long range lasers or PPCs make this ‘Mech capable of dealing damage from afar.
- 4 Double Heat Sinks dissipate excess heat faster, allowing the Privateer to shoot more often.
- Has a good amount of armor that makes the ‘Mech able to tank hits to a certain extent.
Don’t let the Privateer’s looks fool you. This is a deadly ‘Mech once it gets close, especially if it’s equipped with 2 AC/20s (or LBX AC 10s if you want some free tonnage and range). This machine is like a much bigger, meaner version of the Hunchback 4G. Get close, aim for the center torso or head, fire all your ACs. Enemy dies. Just remember to play it a bit smart since the Privateer is as slow as an Atlas but without the extra armor.
The Privateer can be obtained as a reward after finishing the X Marks the Spot questline. It will be damaged and in need of repairs so make sure to fix it up as soon as possible if you plan on using it.
3. Carapace KGC-CAR
Bow before the king of dakka.
- Weight: 100 tons
- Armor: 576/626
- Structure: 313
- Free Tonnage: 54.94 tons
- Speed: 48.6 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 2 Ultra AC/5 (Right Arm), 1 LRM 15 Stream (Right Torso), 1 LRM 15 Stream (Left Torso), 2 Ultra AC/5 (Left Arm)
Lionell Stanz was once a respected member of Steiner High Command. His ardent opposition to the merging of the Lyran Commonwealth with the Federated Suns became politically isolating, and in frustration, he resigned. Those who knew him during his service never dreamed he’d go this far, and thought that he’d quietly retire on planet Summer. Apparently, he found fast friends among the Sky Separatists there, and with a new battlemech. Carapace is clearly a product of Lyran battle doctrine, as big as they come and armed to the teeth.
- Comes with 4 Medium Ballistic hard points that can be outfitted with Ultra ACs or LBX ACs. Either way, no ‘Mech is standing up after getting hit in the head with those.
- 2 Stream LRM 15s make the Carapace a passable indirect fire support ‘Mech should the need arise (like having both its arms blown off)
- XL engine technology gives the Carapace more free tonnage to use on ammo, armor and heat sinks.
The Carapace is for those of us who love ballistic weaponry a bit too much. Equip this ‘Mech with 4 high tier Ultra ACs and you’ll be dropping enemies like flies. The downside is you have to make sure to keep damage to your arms minimal since most of your DPS comes from those 4 ballistic weapons you have equipped.
Players will get a damaged Carapace as a reward for completing the Stop the Launch questline.
2. Boar’s Head AS7-BH
The Boar’s Head can make scrap metal out of most ‘Mechs thanks to its 6 Medium Pulse Lasers.
- Weight: 100 tons
- Armor: 592/626
- Structure: 313 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 41.94 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 AC/10 (Right Torso), 3 Medium Pulse Lasers (Right Arm), 1 LRM 10 (Left Torso), 3 Medium Pulse Lasers (Left Arm)
At home on the frontlines, the Boar’s Head is the very definition of reckless bravado. By 3022, the ‘Mech piloted by the impetus Rodney Van Kleven of the 6th Sytris Fusiliers, had already made a name for itself, crushing its way to victory after victory. Famed for overheating and shutting down in the thick of the fight, Van Kleven’s Atlas is feared by allies and enemies alike, who can never afford to let this behemoth out of their sight.
- 6 Medium Pulse Lasers make the Boar’s Head an effective brawler, especially if you use high tier lasers.
- The only Atlas variant that has a top speed of 64.8 km/h. (Other variants only have a maximum speed of 48.6 km/h)
- Can deal with enemies from all ranges due to its varied weapons loadout.
- While it has a bit less armor than other Atlas variants, The Boar’s Head can still tank hits to a decent extent.
First, slap a shitload of double heat sinks on this thing!!! Second, I suggest making the Boar’s Head into a truly dedicated brawler by either removing the Autocannon & LRM entirely or replacing them with a much lighter AC & an SRM. Use the extra weight for more double heat sinks instead.
When the year hits 3023, the Boar’s Head will have a chance to be sold in industrial hubs. Like I’ve stated before, the appearance of hero ‘Mechs is entirely RNG dependent so save before hunting this ‘Mech down.
1. Skokomish ZEU-SK
Skokomish has decent speed to be an SRM brawler assault ‘Mech.
- Weight: 80 tons
- Armor: 400/506
- Structure: 253 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 41.69 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 2 SRM 6 (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Center Torso), 2 LRM 10 & 1 PPC (Left Torso), 1 Autocannon 5 (Left Arm)
Skokomish is purportedly the personal battlemech of Stealth, a famed mechwarrior who served with the Tenth Skye Rangers during the 4th Succession War. A pilot known for his remarkable ability in a ‘Mech, using it to distract and dodge enemy fire while his lance mates moved in for the kill. Whether this Zeus was really his isn’t clear. It isn’t forest green, and the battle computer got wiped during extensive upgrades. It’s not known whether the MASC system is among the recent additions though, leading to speculation whether Stealth really was so talented, or whether someone with more money than skills wanted to copy his tactics.
- With Endosteel and XL engine technology, Skokomish has more free tonnage to use on weapons, armor, ammo and heat sinks.
- MASC enhances Skokomish’s movement speed, making it an ideal harasser with enough firepower to take down most enemies.
- Equipped with 3 Double Heat Sinks that help dissipate heat faster, allowing weapons to fire more consistently.
I suggest playing Skokomish as an SRM boat since it has enough mobility and missile slots to do so effectively. Replace the LRMs with more SRMs. Equip high tier SRMs to maximize the damage, as well. I’d drop the AC/10 for more SRM ammo and double heat sinks, too. Spam SRMs. Watch things explode. The end.
If you want to own Skokomish, wait for the year to hit 3030 before hunting it down in industrial hubs. That’s when this ‘Mech starts to appear, but like a lot of hero ‘Mechs, RNG plays a huge role on whether it shows up early or not. So as always, save first before traveling to any industrial hub with the skull icon.
The faster you eliminate hostile forces, the less damage they can inflict.
One last friendly reminder to all players out there, while hero ‘Mechs are mostly better than their other more common variants, they are also more expensive to repair. Keep that in mind when you want to field a squad of 4 hero ‘Mechs. Sometimes the repair bill isn’t worth the C-bills you get paid at the end of the mission. Other than that, remember to enjoy your game. Happy gaming, everyone.