[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Catapults
The Catapult is a great indirect fire support heavy ‘Mech.
The Inner Sphere never disappoints when it comes to design & diversity in battlemechs. Take for example, the Catapult chassis. It’s one of the most beloved ‘Mechs that have consistently appeared in both Battletech & Mechwarrior games.
This 65 ton ‘Mech was designed to be a long range offense-based indirect fire support unit and has been in use since 2561 (which is a pretty long time in layman’s terms.) Despite its somewhat shaky first impression on the Terran Hegemony, the Catapult is a pretty solid ‘Mech. It can mount 2 of the largest missile systems in the game, is mobile enough to handle difficult terrain and can hold its own against hostile forces that come into brawling range.
Over the course of many years, the Catapult has spawned several variants with a number of them being included in Mechwarrior 5: Mercs. With numerous models to choose from, new players might find it a bit confusing as to which Catapult is worth investing time & C-bills on.
Fret not, dear readers. To ease your burdens, here is a short list of which Catapult variants you should consider to include in your heavy ‘Mech lineup.
5. Catapult CPLT-C1
The C1 can bombard enemies continuously with LRMs.
- Weight: 65 tons
- Armor: 320/434
- Structure: 217
- Free Tonnage: 25.44 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h
- Standard Loadout: 1 LRM 15 (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Right Torso), 2 Medium Lasers (Center Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Torso), 1 LRM 15 (Left Arm)
The CPLT-C1 is the classic model that comes equipped with 2 LRM launchers, making it a capable fire support ‘Mech. While it does have 4 medium lasers to deal with foes at closer range, the C1 is more effective at raining missiles at enemies, softening them up for the C1’s advancing lance mates.
- Equipped with 4 jump jets, making the C1 quite the mobile LRM platform.
- Has 2 large missile slots that can use the biggest missiles in Mechwarrior 5.
- Common ‘Mech that can be acquired early in the game.
Recommended Playstyle:
The Catapult C1 has only 1 very specific role: an indirect fire support battlemech. Players piloting the C1 shouldn’t charge headfirst into battle. Instead, they need to hang back and use the C1’s LRMs to rain hellfire on incoming enemies so friendly units can finish them quicker. Besides, the C1 doesn’t have enough firepower to destroy heavier ‘Mechs up close so it’s in your best interest to keep some distance away from the enemy.
The CPLT-C1 can be obtained more easily in Capellan territory very early in the game (around 3015). Industrial hubs there have a high chance of selling damaged C1s. Other than that, The Catapult can be taken as salvage in missions against House Liao.
4. Catapult CPLT-K2
Instead of the usual LRMs, the K2 has PPCs instead.
- Weight: 65 tons
- Armor: 352/434
- Structure: 217
- Free Tonnage: 25.44 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h
- Standard Loadout: 1 PPC (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser & 1 Machine Gun (Right Torso), 1 PPC (Left Arm), 1 Medium Laser & 1 Machine Gun (Left Torso)
While the Catapult is usually known for carrying missile weapons, the K2 was designed to use PPCs instead. Because of this, the K2 can take a more direct role on the battlefield instead of just plinking enemies from the back lines with missiles.
- Dual PPCs make it an excellent long range direct fire support ‘Mech.
- The K2 is a common ‘Mech that can be bought early in the game.
- Adequately armored for a 65 ton fire support unit.
Recommended Playstyle:
The K2’s PPCs make it perfect for taking pot shots at hostile units from long range while the rest of your team takes the fight closer to the enemy. For an easier time, I recommend outfitting the K2 with double heat sinks to keep it from overheating. And try to keep incoming damage to the K2’s arms to a minimum since the arms of a ‘Mech are not as well-protected as the torso. Losing both arms will make the K2 useless.
The CPLT-K2 has a higher chance of showing up in Draconis Combine space as early as 3015. It can appear as a purchasable rare ‘Mech in Kurita controlled industrial hubs. It can also be taken as salvage at the end of missions where players go up against Combine forces.
3. Catapult CPLT-K2-S
The K2-S is the K2 but better.
- Weight: 65 tons
- Armor: 400/434
- Structure: 217 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 36.94 tons
- Speed: 61.06 km/h XL
- Standard Loadout: 1 PPC (Right Arm), 1 AC/2 & 1 Small Laser (Right Torso), 1 AC/2 & 1 Small Laser (Left Torso), 1 PPC (Left Arm)
This Catapult variant is a significant improvement over the K2. It retains the dual PPCs & trades in the K2’s machine guns for Autocannon 2’s, giving the K2-S more ballistic punch and a longer range. It’s a great ranged DPS unit that can fulfill both sniper and brawler roles.
- Has 4 double heat sinks by default, which cool down the ‘Mech faster.
- Comes with 2 PPCs that deal great damage at long range.
- Quite tanky due to having the thickest armor out of all the other non hero CPLT variants.
Recommended Playstyle:
The K2-S is an ideal long to mid ranged brawler since it has ample armor & its weapons can deal a ton of damage from afar. This ‘Mech is also quite tanky for a 65 tonner so players don’t have to worry too much about damage unless outnumbered. I’d also suggest dropping the small lasers for more armor.
Players can obtain this Catapult variant as a reward for finishing the “Seek and Destroy” mission in The Dragon’s Gambit DLC. This can be undertaken when players decide to do multiple missions for House Kurita in the Vega system.
2. Butterbee CPLT-BB
BB can take down enemies well above its weight class.
- Weight: 65 tons
- Armor: 320/434
- Structure: 217
- Free Tonnage: 25.44 tons
- Speed: 64.8 km/h
- Standard Loadout: 2 SRM 6 (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Right Torso), 2 Medium Lasers (Center Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Torso), 2 SRM 6 (Left Arm)
While the Catapult is known for being a long range missile boat, Butterbee chose to flip the script and go with quadruple SRM 6 launchers instead. Because of this, Butterbee packs a mean punch. Not even assault ‘Mechs are safe once this ‘Mech gets close enough.
- Equipped with 4 jump jets to tackle rough terrain and get within striking distance.
- Has 4 SRM6 weapon systems that can wipe out all but the heaviest of enemies.
- BB has 4 medium lasers that are decent back up weapons which don’t require ammo.
Recommended Playstyle:
Butterbee can destroy most ‘Mechs with a salvo from its 4 SRM6 launchers, making it a very deadly short range brawler. This requires getting near enough to use those SRMs, however. So closing the distance and not getting blown up are requirements to use BB effectively.
Butterbee will start appearing in industrial hubs when players reach 3028. Check for systems marked with a skull icon and save before heading out to visit. Reload if Butterbee doesn’t appear.
1. Jester CPLT-J
Jester is a tanky sniper for a 65 ton ‘Mech.
- Weight: 65 tons
- Armor: 400/434
- Structure: 217 Endosteel
- Free Tonnage: 23.94 tons
- Speed: 73.52 km/h
- Standard Loadout: 1 Large Laser (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Right Torso), 2 Small Lasers (Center Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Torso), 1 Large Laser (Left Arm)
Unlike the standard Catapult, Jester is more suited to be a long to mid range direct fire brawler. Armed with 2 large lasers, dual AMS and thick armor, this ‘Mech can wreak havoc on an enemy’s frontlines while also being tanky enough to survive extended encounters on the field.
- 2 large energy weapon slots that can field PPCs or large pulse lasers that deal good damage from long range.
- Has 8 double heat sinks that cool down the ‘Mech faster. (Very good for those using dual PPCs)
- 2 anti missile systems make the Jester virtually immune to long range missiles.
Recommended Playstyle:
Jester works best as a long range damage dealer and sniper thanks to its ability to carry dual ER PPCs or large pulse lasers. Players won’t have to fear incoming LRMs since this ‘Mech has 2 anti missile systems and can focus their attention on killing hostile forces from afar with the Jester’s large energy weapons. I’d also suggest dropping the small lasers & jump jets for more double heat sinks instead.
The CPLT-J can be bought in industrial hubs as early as 3015. Pay attention to any hub system that has a skull icon. Save before heading to that planetary system and reload if a different hero ‘Mech appears.
LRMs are perfect for softening up enemies from a distance.
The fun thing about these widely diverse Catapult models is their playstyle. Players might be using a Catapult C1 to spam LRMs in one mission and blasting enemies with a Catapult K2’s PPCs in the next. It all boils down to how we, the players, want to have fun with Mechwarrior 5. That’s the important thing and let nobody tell you guys any different.