[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Starting Mechs

04 Nov 2023

[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Starting Mechs

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Volcanic biomes are not the ideal locations to be fielding a laser ‘Mech.  

If we’re to look at ratings on Steam, Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is a great game with tons of battlemechs, weapons and a variety of missions that players can undertake for a plethora of employers in the Inner Sphere.  

Of course we, the player, do get starting ‘Mechs like the Javelin and Centurion in Campaign mode.  But once we clear the first few missions, it’s up to us to figure out what to do next.  With so many ‘Mechs to choose from, a budding mercenary commander might feel a bit overwhelmed.  

Fret not, my fellow mechwarriors.  In an effort to make playing MW5 more enjoyable, I wish to share with all of you the five ‘Mechs (based on my experience) every starting player should have or at least be on the lookout for.  


5. Wolfhound WLF-1

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The Wolfhound is a light ‘Mech with the firepower of a medium.


  • Weight:  35 tons
  • Armor:  240/250
  • Structure:  125
  • Free Tonnage:  10.69 tons
  • Top Speed:  97.2 km/h
  • Stock Armament:  2 Medium Lasers (Center Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Right Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Torso), 1 Large Laser (Right Arm) 

The Wolfhound is a light 'Mech with an all-energy weapons payload effective at a variety of combat ranges and sports the maximum amount of armor for a 'Mech of its weight class. It was built to hunt down and destroy swift lightweight 'Mechs of the Draconis Combine.  


  • Ideal for protracted engagements since its energy weapons don’t require ammo.
  • Better armed than most light ‘Mechs.
  • Has more armor than your average light ‘Mech, which means it can survive longer.  

The WLF-1 is a decent all around battlemech, with enough speed, firepower and armor for a lot of the early to mid campaign missions.  The one thing players will have to learn is proper heat management since the Wolfhound’s energy weapons will make its heat skyrocket if players don’t control their fire rate.  

The Wolfhound only starts appearing on the Lyran side of the starmap in the year 3028.  However, it becomes more common everywhere and shows up randomly in missions and industrial hubs after that year.   


4. Hunchback HBK-4G

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The Hunchback’s signature hump can house a variety of weapons, the most notable being the AC/20.  


  • Weight:  50 tons
  • Armor:  320/350
  • Structure:  175
  • Free Tonnage:  22.57 tons
  • Top Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Stock Armament:  1 AC/20 (Right Torso), 1 Small Laser (Head), 2 Medium  Lasers (Arms)

A respected and feared brawler, the Hunchback 4G is a platform built around its primary weapon. The 4G's AC/20 is capable of cutting down enemy BattleMechs with brutal efficiency. Its primary drawback is light rear armor and a relatively slow movement speed for a medium ‘Mech.


  • Comes with an Autocannon 20 that is more than capable of one-shotting lighter ‘mechs.
  • Has a wide torso twist range that can keep enemies within the AC/20’s line of fire.
  • Energy weapons on both arms & head provide decent backup should the AC/20 run out of ammo.  

The AC/20 is good for the early game and can destroy most, if not all opponents with a well aimed shot.  Players will need to get in close, aim for the enemy’s head or legs or their backs.  Watch your ammo too.  AC/20 ammo can run out if pilots become too triggerhappy.   

The 4G is readily available as salvage in many missions as early as 3015.  It’s also commonly sold in ‘mech markets on various planetary systems.  If one doesn’t appear on the market, feel free to reload a previous saved game since the spawn rate is dependent on RNG.


3. Crab CRB-27SL

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The CRB-27SL is probably one of the hardest  non hero medium ‘Mechs to obtain. 


  • Weight:  50 tons
  • Armor:  322/350 Ferro Fibrous
  • Structure:  175 
  • Free Tonnage:  22.74 tons
  • Speed:  81 km/h XL
  • Standard Loadout:  1 ER Large Laser (Right Arm), 1 Small Laser (Head), 1 Medium Laser (Center Torso), 1 ER Large Laser (Left Arm)

When originally built for the Star League in 2719, the approach taken by Cosara Weaponries was to create a battlemech that was easily maintained and well suited for high endurance raiding far from supply lines.  The Crab was seen by many as a reliable standby and the eventual standard for SLDF medium ‘Mechs.  The League’s collapse orphaned the design, however, and the loss of Ferro Fibrous armor production eventually led to centuries where the surviving units were downgraded to carry standard armor.  Even still, the Crab’s elegant simplicity practically assured that enough would survive to the present era. 


  • Laser weapons don’t require ammo, making the Crab ideal for long engagements.
  • 4 Double Heat Sinks vent waste heat quicker, enabling the Crab’s lasers to fire consistently.
  • Fairly well armored for a Medium ‘Mech.

While capable of dealing great damage from afar, those 2 ER large lasers can make the 27SL run hot.  Much like the Wolfhound, players will need to use proper heat management to utilize this ‘Mech effectively.  If it will be used only as a dedicated sniper, drop the other lasers and add heat sinks instead.  

While available early in the game, this variant of the Crab can be frustrating to obtain as it’s a rare Star League ‘Mech.  Players might have an easier time getting the 27SL by prowling the ‘Mech markets near Terra than trying to earn this variant as salvage in missions.  


2. Dervish DV-6M

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A squishier version of the Kintaro, DV-6M pilots need to keep moving to minimize incoming damage.


  • Weight:  55 tons
  • Armor:  240/382
  • Structure:  191
  • Free Tonnage:  16.07 tons
  • Speed:  81 km/h
  • Standard Loadout:  1 Medium Laser-SB & 1 SRM 2-ST (Right Arm), 1 LRM 10-ST (Right Torso), 1 LRM 10-ST (Left Torso), 1 Medium Laser-SB & 1 SRM 2-ST (Left Arm)

First released in 2520, the Dervish was one of the first battlemechs to be produced in abundant numbers.  Its primary role is that of a long range fire support platform.  Its array of secondary weapons & jump jets make it highly mobile and menacing at any range.  The trade-off to all this firepower is relatively weak armor and a cooling system incapable of keeping up with sustained fire for long.  


  • Decent long range fire support unit with 2 large & 2 small missile critical slots if fitted with LRMs.
  • Jump jets enable the 6M to traverse rough terrain with little difficulty, making it surprisingly mobile for a missile boat.
  • Makes a great skirmisher if equipped with SRMs & can deal serious damage to enemy ‘Mechs.

Personally, I’d remove the jump jets, slap on more heat sinks and/or armor on the 6M if it will be outfitted with SRMs (which is my preferred build).  The 6M plays very much like the Kintaro with an all SRM build.  Get close, fire all your SRMs, retreat and repeat.  

The Dervish 6M is a common ‘Mech that players can find easily in Federated Suns territory.  Check the ‘Mech markets in industrial hubs there or take contracts against House Davion and claim the 6M as salvage.  


1. Kintaro KTO-19B

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The Kintaro is an excellent close range brawler thanks to its SRM 6 missile launchers.  


  • Weight:  55 tons
  • Armor: 358/382 Ferro Fibrous
  • Structure:  191
  • Free Tonnage:  24.85 tons
  • Top Speed:  81 km/h XL
  • Stock Armament:  1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 SRM6 (Right Torso), 1 NARC (Center Torso), 1 SRM6, 1 LRM5 & 1 Medium Laser (Left Arm)

Introduced in 2587 for the SLDF, the Kintaro was designed with one sole mission: to tag enemy units with a Narc Missile Beacon. As such, it is a 'Mech that is intended to work in a team with a missile-heavy lance. 


  • Equipped with Ferro Fibrous armor & an XL engine, the 19B has the most free tonnage out of all the non hero KTO variants.  This gives players more customization options.
  • NARC turns enemies into missile magnets.  
  • Kills light & medium ‘mechs easily with SRM6 alpha strikes.

Honestly, any variant of the Kintaro is a great addition to any starting player’s ‘Mech forces.  A well placed SRM group fire will delete almost all incoming hostiles, particularly light & medium ‘Mechs; useful in early game where the opposition mostly consists of tanks, light & medium ‘Mechs.  If you have other missile bearing ‘Mechs, the 19B’s NARC will make their missiles home in on your chosen target. 

Players can only obtain the KTO-19B if they have the Kestrel Lancers DLC.  The 19B may be mostly found in House Kurita controlled space from 3015 onwards.  Players can salvage these at the end of missions where you encounter them as enemies or simply just buy the Kintaro from ‘mech markets in Combine space.  Players can also visit industrial hubs near Terra since the Kintaro can also spawn there randomly.


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Locusts are flimsy and players should never have A.I. team mates pilot one.

As players gain reputation, more difficult contracts will become available.  As such, we, the player, need to upgrade our weapons and ‘Mechs if we are to clear missions with minimal damage.  I advise players to continuously acquire better ‘Mechs, weapons and equipment, such as tiered lasers, missiles, LBX ACs and double heat sinks.  

What are your favorite starter ‘Mechs?  I’d love to hear your thoughts, as well.


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