As a veteran player of this wonderful and in-depth game I will give you my best tips and tricks to help you as you run, walk, sneak, and cause mayhem in this game for all Middle Earth lovers. To make it easier they are in order from early to late game!
1. Actually watch/play the tutorial
Talion & Dirhael training/ Talion and wife
If you have played any of the Batman Arkham games this will be familiar and you will do great. If you haven’t, actually pay attention, it’s important!
If you love stories and plot remember this whole thing, it’s important to know both from a nerdy Middle Earth perspective and for what drives the main character Talion throughout the game.
How it works:
- Getting control of main character is 1st and you begin by practicing blocking with your son Dirhael
- Then it moves to retaliating blows
- Scene moves forward and you practice what you learned on incoming Uruk enemies
- Learn about filling the combo meter to perform a takedown move
- Then it moves to a happier memory where you practice stealth to sneak up on your wife and kiss her.
- Soon gets darker as Uruks appear and you need to sneak up on then kill them
- Unfortunately it doesn’t get better as the scene will end badly and you learn that Talion is now tied to a Wraith (which you should remember hearing the name of).
2. Reforge Towers
Bring back the Light
The towers found throughout the game are important as they allow you to travel all across the map as you find more of them. Without them you will be walking/running/sneaking everywhere slowly.
My advice, just reforge any towers you come across for both travel and sometimes safety purposes.
How it works:
- Unforged towers will be a dark tower icon on the map
- Go to dark icon and climb to top of tower
- Press corresponding button to activate
3. Use map frequently to find intel (green dots)
Find these symbols for intel
The Uruks or human slaves will have information on various captains which is important in defeating them.
Don’t kill them, intel can only be gotten while alive
How it works:
- Sneak approach the green dot Uruks and chokehold them
- Press corresponding button to gain intel
- Use accordingly
- On humans just press the gain intel button
4. Get collectibles found on map
Ithilden & Artifacts
On the map there are various icons. Two of which are Ithildin and Artifacts. Both of these are useful for getting Mirian, which is the currency of this world. Find them and use them for weapons upgrades and level ups.
Personally, I made it a point to find both of these continuously due to the Mirian (money) thing. But getting to some of them can be interesting so be careful.\
How it works:
For Ithildin
- Put it as your current mission
- Go Wraith mode to seek and find them
- Once found press corresponding button
For Artifacts
- Once the artifact shows up on screen rotate the object around repeatedly
- Somewhere the controller will vibrate or make a noise to let you know you are close
- A blue dot will appear and a corresponding button
- Press it and read/listen to the dialogue
5. Explore the area to gain familiarity
Going on an adventure
Each area has different objects to find and can be useful to know where dangers are or places to hide
Always have escape plans for each area in case you are seen or attacked unexpectedly. Personally I made sure to have knowledge of any health options and any climbable objects in case of attack.
How it works:
- Check each area for health options which is marked on the map with a red dot
- Be aware of enemies such as wargs or cave trolls that you may not be strong enough to handle at present
- Any arrow icons need to be marked in your brain in case a reload is necessary
6. Do Dagger Missions
Acharn, your dagger
At first this is more a side mission than an actual important thing. But it is important because without proper weapons you can’t cause proper damage.
How it works:
- Go to where there is a dagger icon
- Do the task it sets
- Get a new rune upgrade for the dagger
7. Do Bow Missions
Azkâr, your bow
As with the dagger it is important, even as a side mission, to upgrade weapons as much as possible. Being over prepared for any enemy is better than dying because your weapon is bad.
How it works: same as the dagger
- Go to where there is a bow mission
- Enter the area and succeed in mission
- Get new bow rune upgrade
8. Do Sword Missions
Urfael, your sword
The sword is one of my favorite tools in this game and it needs to be upgraded to succeed in most missions.
How it works: same as others
- Go to where sword icon is
- Go through the mission successfully
- Get new rune upgrade
9. Help outcasts
Help will come
This may sound like a waste of valuable time but I found it was quite important. They can also offer help in minor attacks against Uruks and offer intel.
How it works:
- See a white fist icon the humans need help
- White fist inside a shield is an Outcast side mission that helps with side stories
- Do them!
10. Level up abilities
Abilities screen
In the beginning of the game it is explained about leveling up and the higher you get the better the abilities open for you.
I always keep an eye on these as some of the abilities are amazing like caragor riding or more arrow capacity.
How it works:
- Go to abilities screen
- Points will be in top left side
- Use them to unlock specific abilities
- Locked ones will be shown with a red lock icon
- Yellow locked ones apply to main missions
11. Fast travel between towers
Travel and reforge the Towers
Towers were explained previously but the ability to fast travel is only unlocked when you find more than one tower and reforge them. Finding them helps but reforging is the part that counts
How it works:
- Go to a reforged tower
- Climb to top and approach the anvil
- Press corresponding button and select tower you wish to travel to
12. Captains
Off with his head!
These Uruks are generally stronger and better equipped than normal ones. They also have strengths and weaknesses.
Use intel to gain information on a Captain’s strengths and weaknesses. Exploit them because they don’t die easily.
How it works:
- Gain intel from humans or Uruks
- Reveal strengths and weaknesses
- Use weaknesses against them to defeat them
13. Wraith World usage
You will suffer me
This comes in handy when following the tracks in “An Interested Party” mission. You cannot see the tracks or Ithildin without it. It also allows you to spot plants that provide health and plants that help refresh your powers.
I used it to see all enemies or when searching for captains. It is highly recommended you use it just as frequently
How it works:
- Press button for wraith world
- Everything should turn dark with white spots marking enemies, things to check out, etc
14. Don’t be too carefree with any enemies that seem to want to help
We help the Bright Master..yes....
In-game you have 2 enemies that you can choose to help. Both do NOT have your best interests in mind.
Be leery of the Uruk, the other, called Gollum, wouldn’t care if you were harmed but does help the story along.
How it works:
Helping the Uruk Ratbag
- Save him from execution
- He offers a plan to get insider info on captains if you help him become one
- Help him
- Follow tracks and corner him
- Accept his offer to help the Bright Master
- He is key to understanding the reason why Talion and the Wraith Celebrimbor are connected
15.Strongholds are dangerous but useful in finding Captains
The Watcher
These areas are crawling with Uruks and if they set off an alarm you won't be able to move about as freely whether you use ground travel and sneak or wall travel with ease.
My advice, learned over and over, is if you see a torch bearing Uruk running to an alarm beacon, kill them.
How it works:
- Get a high vantage point away from Enemy eyes
- Go into wraith mode and see if any captains are about (they will be marked in your sight)
- If so make sure you have intel on weaknesses
- Engage them and gain more xp, mirian, or just to scare the others within the stronghold
16. Unlock Ride Caragor skill
You are taught this by a dwarf so technically a mission worth doing. Also it can save even more time if you need to exploit a Captain’s weakness for caragors. Useful since you can shoot from the back of one and use it to maul/kill other Uruks
Unlock as soon as possible. This was one of the most enjoyable parts of the game, riding a caragor through Uruk filled areas and leaving them all behind when on a mission to get somewhere.
How it works:- Get to the point where it is unlocked
- Avoid/counter their attack
- Dominate is successful if they turn the blue-white color of Wraith world
- You can now ride caragors
- Extra mission of riding Dire Caragor can be done with Torven the dwarf
17. Bodyguards
You will protect until called
These guys are who protect Warchiefs in the game. You eliminate bodyguards to get a Warchief to reveal themselves
How it works:
- Use intel to find out a bodyguard’s weakness
- Exploit it/use gain intel when they are near dead to get the information on the next one
- Kill them after
18. Warchiefs
Be careful or he will have your skull too
Simply some of the biggest bosses in the game. Eliminate bodyguards to draw these guys out but be warned they are much stronger than you think.
Gain intel as before, just remember you need to get intel twice. Once to reveal location, again to reveal strengths and weaknesses.
How it works:
- Draw out/find bodyguards
- Kill/brand both
- Warchief will appear
- Attempt to kill
19. Multiple maps
2nd map, area called Nurn
The new second map is obtained when the Black Captain is defeated. As a side note travel is still allowed between maps and events do continue without you being present in previous map
How it works:
- Kill the Black Captain
- New map opens
- Go exploring!
20. Unlockable skill called Branding
You will obey!
This skill is fantastic. It allows you to control various Uruks you have “claimed”. They will kill for you but still act normal mostly. If found by other non-branded Uruks they will be killed.
Brand as many as you can, Captains and Bodyguards included. Gaining intel also will brand them.
How it works:
- Sneak up on regular Uruks and click button to brand them
- Drain most health from Captains and Bodyguards before branding or it won’t take
- Branding can be interrupted if you are attacked before it is completed
21. Graugs
Graugs are the biggest enemies in the game and usually only 1 or 2 appear at a time. Using Graug Bleed and the corresponding buttons to dominate it unlock the ability to ride it.
Be wary of attacks because they are quite strong. However, I like gaining the ability then riding one to an outpost and releasing it to cause mayhem.How it works:
- Follow Torvin to the Graug
- Do the tutorial
22. Command Captains
Save your captain or he will be dead!
Another bonus of branding is you can do it to Captains as mentioned previously. You gain the ability to command them in a main mission called “Power of the Wraith” where the branded Captain becomes a Bodyguard.
How it works:
- Branded Captain will create a Power Struggle with a Bodyguard of your choosing
- Help your Captain win and he becomes Bodyguard of chosen Warchief
- When time comes to kill Warchief make sure your branded Bodyguard survives so he can help kill Warchief
23. Dire Caragor
We ride!
This is the bigger, stronger version mentioned earlier. If you can dominate this one, regular caragors will come to your call to help in battle if you are riding this type of caragor.
How it works:
- Do the mission with Torvin
- Brand this caragor
24. Big Boss Fights
Scary lookin' ain't he?
There are only 2 remaining fights left so get prepped. Make sure you branded all 5 Warchiefs so they fight for you. Also make sure all relevant skills have been unlocked because it’s going to be rough before the end.
How it works:- Fight all enemies, the Tower appears
- Defeat him
- Go climb on a caragor
- Ride to the Black Gate
- Engage last enemy
- Hopefully defeat him
- The game is now finished and you are free to roam around
25. Enjoy the game
Free to roam
As you travel through the game, do missions, and learn some cool Middle Earth lore just enjoy it. No speedruns, no just the main stuff, have fun with it!
How it works:
- Pick a direction and travel all over
- unlock everything
- get achievements
- have fun