It's time to embark on the ultimate Minecraft adventure. These survival seeds offers players an exciting world ranging from lush forests, hills, caves and islands.
A good seed is a good game, so here are 20 seeds that you should try out to spice up your survival world.
Let these seeds tickle your imagination and test your survival skills.
1. Sacred Mooshroom Island (Seed: -2247295913449376310)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 1000, 1000
Taken from: Reddit (u/DamgodW_-_)
Presided over by Elder Guardians, ocean monuments are among the hardest world structures to conquer. So will you have what it takes to bring down four sitting smugly in the same waters?
This Java Minecraft seed features something never seen before — a mooshroom island, a rare find by itself, boxed in by four ocean monuments. As eerie as the sight is, this seed is a survival player’s dream. After all, who can turn down infinite mushroom stew and all the goodies that soundly sleep in those underwater wonders?
While you’re there, you should consider…
- Proving you’re a true warrior by confronting the relentless swarms of Elder Guardians head-on. There being four ocean monuments means there’s going to be four times as many mobs as usual.
- Bringing a few mooshrooms home. They’re cute, yes, but breed them and you’ll have a lifetime supply of mushroom stew.
- Clearing out every room in the four monuments. With great danger comes great reward. Those sponge blocks in the treasure rooms can be used to drain large amounts of water, making room for your next generator build.
2. An Uphill Battle (Seed: -344539134)

Edition: Bedrock
Coordinates: 13, 294
Facing off against hordes of pillagers can be a pain in the neck, but uphill battles aren’t always as bad as they seem, especially when you’re the one who has the high ground.
Not far from spawn is a quaint little village, with imminent danger lurking just across the river. With this Bedrock seed, you can become the hero of the village and protect its poor innocent residents against their antagonistic counterparts.
All you need to do is obtain the Bad Omen effect from the outpost at the back and saunter into the village. If done right, a raid should start, where you can make use of the elevated landscape to deal some extra fall damage against the offenders. So what are you waiting for? Gear up and good luck!
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Starting a raid. You can start the raid in the village immediately after getting the Bad Omen effect from the pillager captain.
- Becoming the hero. If you manage to get past all the waves in the raid, the thankful locals in the village will offer you better trades for saving their lives. Just try not to let them find out that it’s you who brought the disaster upon them.
- Repeating the process. The close proximity between the outpost and the village means you can easily reacquire that trading boost after it wears off.
3. From Green to Yellow (Seed: 1559701409609232210)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: -215, 166
Taken from: Reddit (u/adamsinnerself)
I know, I know. Wasn’t the last seed already about a village? What’s another village doing here? But trust me, this one’s different.
This Java seed has a knack for mashing biomes together and turning them into a survivalist’s heaven. Everything clicks once you realize how the village means a stable source of food, while the bamboo forest at the back makes up for the lack of timber in the desert biome. And that, right there, is the beauty of nature, but perhaps in a more binary and technological sense.
While you’re there, you should consider…
- Stocking up on some bamboo. Bamboo regenerates relatively quickly and is the perfect substitute for wood.
- Taming a camel. While camels are not as fast as horses, having a pal who can carry you through the lonely desert is still one of the best things you can be doing to save yourself some time.
- Getting your beginner’s supplies from the village. Certainly we’re not forgetting this essential part of the routine, right?
4. The Chambers of Blood and Tears (Seed: 926428635396144169)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: -3997, 3637
Taken from: Reddit
I’m not one for overstatements, so you know this seed is truly something else when I gave this seed the name of “The Chambers of Blood and Tears”
You might want to take a seat and adjust your netherite helmet for what I’m about to tell you. This seed presents the player with the challenge of their life by placing a series of trial chambers, a stronghold and an ancient city in the same area of the map.
Be careful not to awaken the Warden, or it’ll chase you through the halls of the trial chamber, drawing in more mobs than you can ever imagine. Being able to merely step out of this place is deemed a marvelous feat, even for the most hardcore of gamers.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Completing the trial chambers. The trial chambers offer their own distinct rewards, like the bolt armor trim.
- Diving into the End. It’s a step that every player takes at some point in their survival journey, so why not take advantage of the presence of an end portal?
- Defeating the Warden. The Warden is the new black and the strongest enemy that you can face in the current Minecraft version.
5. The Odyssey (Seed: 1801900794)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: -125, 288
Most of us have never lived the life of a pirate, maybe except for those few times when a blockbuster charges a whopping $5.99 for a single pay-per-view session. If you’ve ever dreamed of being one though, then this seed is for you.
This Java seed spawns the player right next to the shoreline, one that entails a lukewarm ocean biome that holds rewards galore. You might first want to head southwest to scavenge that solitary shipwreck, but don’t forget to check the map you’ve just obtained from the structure for directions that’ll lead you to that coveted buried treasure. Continue traveling down south and you’ll find a large cold ruin with six other small ruins, all waiting for the next sailor who calls the seas their home.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Looting the shipwreck. Located at -136, 104, the shipwreck contains important farming resources like carrots and potatoes to help you get through the early game.
- Digging up the buried treasure. In the chest you can find a Heart of the Sea, along with numerous iron ingots for your next armor upgrade.
- Swimming through the ruins. The joy of the odyssey lies in continuous and constant discovery. Who knows? You just might find another treasure map in one of those chests in the six small ruins.
6. Flying through the End (Seed: -708889641318524059)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 91, -29
Taken from: Reddit (u/realredkittty)
The Proclaimers once sang that they would walk a thousand miles just to meet their partner. As romantic as that sounds, I think I can safely say the love of their life is still far more attainable than the elusive elytra.
Anyone who’s tried searching for an elytra understands the excruciating pain that comes with the process. If you too are tired of waltzing through the wasteland that is the End, this Java seed’s for you. Simply defeat the Ender Dragon and go through the end gateway on the main island. And boom, you’re directly on top of an end city with an end ship right by the docks.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Defeating the Ender Dragon. Wait, what do you mean you don’t want to take down the canonical boss, the almighty Ender Dragon?
- Capture the end city. End cities are crawling with shulkers (metaphorically, of course. Shulkers scarcely even move). Slay them and you’ll be able to make yourself a shulker box in no time.
- Obtaining the elytra. Head into the end ship and make a turn for the cabin directly underneath the deck. In there you’ll find what’s commonly known as the most effective mode of transportation in Minecraft survival mode.
7. Highway to Hell (Seed: -3609008888896313056)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 17, 56
Going to the nether is an integral part of any survival playthrough. With this convenient seed, those pesky blazes and wither skeletons will be facing your blocky wrath just minutes into the game.
You can probably tell from the image that one of the best things about this Java seed is that it spawns you next to a ruined portal. But to see what’s truly mesmerizing about it, you’ll have to do a little walking. The dilapidated portal sits in the intersection of three different villages (and a giant cave, if you’re up for a bit of mining), from which you can obtain all the necessary resources to rebuild the structure to its former glory.
While you’re there, you should consider…
- Visiting all three villages. They all have their own blacksmiths and will give you exactly what you need to begin reconstructing that portal.
- Touring the cave. You know what they say, better safe than sorry. Try hitting the cave and doing some mining for better armor before heading into the nether.
- Making your grand entry into the nether. Using the bucket method, you can rebuild the portal and progress to the next stage of the game in no time.
8. Village Mosaic (Seed:2705044953757288621)

Edition: Bedrock
Coordinates: 125, 200
Taken from: Reddit (u/YourLocalKnight)
Believe me when I say it: playing on this seed at two in the morning was a mistake. Go ahead, take a look at this image. Perhaps you can be the one to tell me what’s going on.
Within the bounds of this village are a desert temple, a ruined portal and, perhaps what is the most baffling, a pillager outpost. Oh, and there’s a mysterious shipwreck lying at the side of the poor little residential nightmare. But of course, with all that is to loot and take, this chaos is sure to grant you a huge head start in your survival world.
While you’re there, you should consider…
- Exploring the village. I mean, who can resist that fruitful visit to the blacksmith? If you’re lucky, you might even get a golden apple.
- Heading down to the desert temple. If you didn’t manage to secure your fill of fruits and veggies laced with gold, this is another chance for you to get your share.
- Salvage the shipwreck. It’s not advised that you set foot on a crime scene, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you gathering the evidence for them.
9. Badlands Gone Bad (Seed: -8998851778018704360)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 174,201
Sure, the badlands in Minecraft are barren, but so are deserts and mesa biomes. How bad can the badlands really be?
If you’re looking for a bit of extra challenge to your survival world, you’ll have to try this Java seed out. Yes, being spawned in the middle of the badlands is a minor convenience, but you’d be sorely mistaken if you thought that was the worst of it all. Below the surface of the region are four monster rooms tucked together in close proximity. Tread carefully, since this may be your next monster farm or your grave.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Deactivating the spawners. Placing a few torches around it should provide high enough of a light level to stop mobs from spawning.
- Grabbing the loot. Every monster room has up to 2 chests, so you better get going and rummage through every single one to see what's in store for you.
- Building a mob farm. The four monster rooms can be refurbished and be turned into one single gargantuan mob farm.
10. Journey to the Center of the Earth (Seed: 1607316213640141717)

Edition: Bedrock
Coordinates: 160, 63
You don’t know it yet, but this unassuming archway leads to something that’s bigger than you can ever imagine.
I think we can all agree that mining, despite taking up half of the name of the game, is something that we all somewhat despise. You can, however, skip the hassle by using this Bedrock seed, where two ravines open up before you right beside spawn. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself in an intricate cave system with large open spaces that penetrate different ore generation levels.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Scaling the walls of the ravines. A plethora of ores embed themselves onto the face of the cliffs. With the right tools in hand, you can mine them all in just a couple minutes.
- Entering the cave system. Remember to bring enough torches, both as a source of light and an indication of paths explored.
- Racing to the bottom. The cave extends all the way to levels where diamond ores spawn. So get your iron pickaxe ready because, in here, you’ll be swinging that trusty tool like there’s no tomorrow.
11. The Gaping Hole (Seed: 7183718686364421633)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: -308, -66
There’s a gaping hole before you that seems to stretch endlessly downwards. Are you willing to risk it all for what could be down there?
Much like seed number 10, this Java seed features a pathway for you to quickly traverse through various ore levels. The trip, to your dismay, will not be all smooth sailing this time. At the bottom of this pit lies the domicile of the Warden, so you better watch your step or you’ll be compelled to confront this monstrosity with no way of backing out.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Excavating the area. Thanks to the vastness of the cave, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find diamonds just lying in the open. With enough luck, you can breeze through early game like it’s nothing.
- Foraging some glow berries. Sandwiched between the vibrant jungle biome on the surface and the dark tunnels harboring innumerable skulk blocks is a platform teeming with life. Harvest a few glow berries from there and you’ll have a natural source of light.
- Sneaking through the infested shafts. One wrong move and you’ll awaken the Warden, which may be a curse or a blessing depending on what stage of the game you’re at.
12. Let the Trials Begin (Seed: 402504705)

Edition: Bedrock
Coordinates: 0, 0
Look what we have here, another series of trial chambers! Oh man, think of all the emeralds and wind charges you’re gonna get. But wait, what’s that status effect on your screen?
Despite its somewhat deterring name, trial chambers, as a new combat-oriented structure added in 1.21, are widely loved by players. This Bedrock seed takes things to the next level by spawning the player beside a pillager outpost, effectively granting them the Bad Omen status effect. When the unsuspecting player attempts to take on the trial chambers under the nearby mushroom fields, instead of facing the same old regular challenges, they’ll be met with a variant known as the ominous trials.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Wreaking havoc on the pillagers. Not only do you get to wipe these evil forces off the face of the earth, you, more importantly, get to seize whatever riches they’ve taken from those they’ve persecuted.
- Setting up a base on the mushroom fields. Just like how the mushroom fields extend beyond the horizon, you too can garner mushroom stews that stretch your belly to the limit if you’re clever enough to make this your base.
- Completing the ominous trials. Mobs spawning from ominous mob spawners give better loot, but first you’d have to cut through their enhanced armor.
13. Metropolis (Seed: -7096828587805744419)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 0, 0
Taken from: Reddit (u/SwartyNine2691)
Not everyone is into trading, but none can deny that trading is the most reliable way to get the enchantments you want on your armor.
This Java seed is an interesting one. The player spawns on an island, on the edge of which are three villages. There’s also a ruined portal in the middle, which may remind you of seed number 7. The thing is, the floating prairie doesn’t offer many opportunities for mining, so you may want to choose your approach wisely.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Getting all you need for early game. It has been said a thousand times, but the best way to kickstart your journey is to visit the local blacksmiths.
- Adjusting your playstyle. You’re boxed in by the ocean, which means you’ll have limited mobility and resources — a little bit of an extra challenge for those who are familiar with the game.
- Constructing an iron farm. Build a floating box with a few beds inside and invite one or two villagers along for a sleepover. Soon you’ll have an iron farm running.
- Building a trading station. As said before, trading is the most viable way for players to get specific enchantments. It would be a waste not to build a trading station between these three bustling villages.
14. Mineshaft City (Seed: -683340194644242409)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 100, -442
You might think you’re diligent for being out there every night, taking down mobs and chopping trees, but you’ll never compare to the digital miners who dug out this entire mineshaft city.
I said it and I’ll say it again: mining is boring. But sometimes, structures like these can make me do a double-take. This Java seed features an extensive, three-level mineshaft system that goes on as far as the eye can see. Though if you’re playing in survival, you’d probably have to experience this with your feet (or fingers) rather than your eyes.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Reeling in some rails. Rails aren’t cheap to craft. Luckily for you, this mineshaft has got tons premade for you.
- Taking the minecarts. What use are rails when there are no minecarts? Those who are reluctant to use five whole iron ingots to make these handy vehicles can scour the area for some.
- Opening every chest. Just like every other world structure, mineshafts hold a fair share of loot as well and since you’re the only one in the world capable of opening chests with your blocky hands, you might as well take the contents for yourself.
15. Keeping up with the Pillagers (Seed:-2867948536818844204)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 0, 0
This seed is the testimony to being a true Minecraft survivalist. Drop yourself onto the map blindly and you won’t last 10 minutes.
There are no lush hills of green nor rolling dunes of gold here. All you will see upon spawning with this Java seed are wooden planks, laid down neatly to form the rooftop of arguably the most dangerous structure in 1.21.1 Minecraft – a woodland mansion. There is no escape as the ocean surrounds you. What would you do?
While you’re there, you should consider…
- There are a few trees outside the mansion. Chop them down and you might find yourself a few apples to satiate your growling stomach.
- Breaking into the mansion. There’s nowhere else to go. Try not to alert the pillagers though, or you’ll quickly find yourself overwhelmed.
- Taking down the pillagers. Pillagers occasionally drop arrows and crossbows. These will be your weapon of choice.
- Enjoying your time. This seed is great for a short, thrilling adventure in survival mode, so throw your long-term plans out the window.
16. Get a Pal (Seed: -2448290300232662676)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 0, 0
Unless you’re running a humongous villager trading post at your base, things can sometimes get a bit quiet at your home. Have you considered getting a pal who would not only keep you company, but also fight alongside you?
Upon entering this Java seed, you’ll be spawned directly in a taiga village. The residences there offer respite against the relentless waves of incoming mobs. Face them in battle, though, and you’ll earn yourself stacks of bones to tame the wolves that roam the biome.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Taking on those nasty skeletons. Even if you aren’t looking to build an army of canines, bones can still be turned into bone meal and be used as fertilizer if you’re tired of waiting three whole days for trees to grow.
- Taming a few wolves. Wolves naturally spawn in taiga biomes, making this seed the perfect map for dog lovers.
- Building an army. Dogs are more than just great companions. Get enough of them and you’ll have yourself an unstoppable force that bites through everything that’s in its way, just like in real life.
17. Get Another Pal (Seed: 6553158274602629924)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: 3, 127
Okay, I get it. Not everyone is a dog person (but seriously, how can anyone not be a dog person?). So here’s a little something for those who are into keeping bossy, aggressive, hissing furballs.
This Java seed conveniently places the player in the jungle biome, the natural habitat for ocelots, upon spawning. However, to tame those cranky ocelots and turn them into equally cranky cats, you first have to feed them fish, which can be caught with a fishing rod. And pro tip: the exposed spider monster rooms scattered around spawn are a sure-fire way to obtain string, an essential material for crafting, you guessed it, that hook, line and sinker.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Weeding out the spiders. There are multiple spider monster rooms near spawn. Make a visit to any of them and you’ll be returning with stacks upon stacks of string.
- Doing some fishing. There’s a river that snakes around the jungle that is perfect for fishing. And pro-tip: you’ll very likely need more than one fish to tame an ocelot. Get at least 15, just to be on the safe side.
- Taming an ocelot. Ocelots, once tamed, become cats. While cats can sometimes be brats with their fondness of sitting on chests, they’re actually a terrific means of defense against creepers.
18. Fortress Express

Edition: Bedrock
Coordinates: -247, -413
Taken from: Reddit (u/manngamania)
It’s hot. It’s dangerous. It’s smoggy. It’s the nether, but the nether fortress is nowhere in sight. Well, say hello to this seed.
Buried beneath layers and layers of dirt and stone, a ruined nether portal lies dormant in this Bedrock seed. And sure, it seems almost excessive to be breaking shovels and pickaxes over what appears to be just another portal, but you’d be wrong to think that. Have faith and this underground gateway will lead you straight to a nether fortress, saving you countless hours that would’ve been spent on the search for one.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Getting some blaze rods. Clearing out blazes is a risky task, but the portal offers a quick getaway plan.
- Developing a high-speed transportation system. A lot of resources in the nether are, in fact, vital in the progression of survival gameplay. Since the portal is right on top of the fortress, you can try setting things up in such a way that materials can swiftly be teleported back to the overworld.
- Setting up a second base. Nether fortresses make for awesome bases. Your nether base can serve as your primary point of operation specifically in the nether.
19. The Glittering Cavern (Seed: -1814463882260910401)

Edition: Java
Coordinates: -1158, 391
The way that those diamonds glitter on the cavern walls, alluring, isn’t it? Be too mesmerized, though, and you’ll plunge into the lava pool below.
I didn’t think much of this Java seed at first, but then it proved itself to be a hidden gem with one of the largest caverns I’ve ever seen. With dripleaves sprouting from the ground and ores dotted across the walls, the expansive cavern seems to have come straight out of a fairy tale. Just take a look at the picture and see for yourself: the iron, the gold, the redstone, the diamonds. What can’t you find here?
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Harvesting some big dripleaves. Did you know that when a big dripleaf springs back up, it forces the player standing on the same block into a sneaking position? This trick can be useful when you’re trying to crawl through spaces that are only one-block tall.
- Unleashing your inner miner. This cavern is the ultimate wonderland for anyone who’s got a passion for mining. And even if you haven’t got that burning desire to mine everything you see, you should still whip out your pickaxe for those diamonds and craft yourself a brand new set of diamond armor.
- Acquiring some freshly-made obsidian. You’ve got all the ingredients here: water, lava and diamonds for the diamond pickaxe.
20. The 12-eye Portal (Seed: 7306815763343810136)

Edition: Bedrock
Coordinates: 342, 1267
Taken from: Reddit (u/Fragrant_Result_186)
I’ve been saving the best for last, something that’s truly rare, truly spectacular for a Minecraft survival world. And here I present to you: the 12-eye portal.
And no, I didn’t insert the ender eyes myself. This miracle of a Bedrock seed grants the player a free pass to the End. Oh, did you run out of ender eyes right before reaching the portal? No problem, this ender portal, with all 12 eyes already in place, has got you covered.
While you’re here, you should consider…
- Breaking the silverfish spawner. Breaking it won’t give you anything, but it will definitely stop more silverfish from spawning and potentially shoving you into the portal by accident.
- Discarding your remaining ender eyes. You won’t need them since the portal’s been already activated for you. Instead, leave some room for the dragon egg you’re going to get.
- Taking a leap of faith. This portal works just as well as the ones that are manually activated. All you need to do is jump.