MLB: The Show 24 has upgraded its famous Road to the Show (RTTS) game mode. When creating a pitcher, you want to be able to customize your player’s build to fit the game style you play to highlight your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses. In this article, we are going to break down the five best pitcher builds so you can create a player that breezes through the minor leagues and has a Hall of Fame career when making it to the show. We will go through the builds and look at each build’s strengths and the best pitches to use with the build.
5. Painted Filth

Painted filth is a pitcher build available to players who choose “break” as their focus point when first creating their player. Painted filth is great for players who want command over breaking balls and who want to limit the contact a batter makes by increasing pitch movement and control. This build allows you to paint the edges of the strike zone and put the ball exactly where you want it without much error.
Painted filth works best when you pitch right on the edge of the strike zone, specifically on the corners. You won’t have as much velocity as with other builds, but when a batter doesn’t swing at pitches inside the zone and whiffs at balls outside the zone, you can manage. We recommend a repertoire consisting of a 2-seam fastball, sinker, curveball, splitter and circle-changeup.
Painted Filth strengths:
- Improved break makes pitches much harder for batters to track leaving them vulnerable to swinging at bad pitches and watching good pitches go right down the plate
- Dominate control allows you to paint the edges of the strike zone with stunning batters who think a ball is coming with a pitch in the strike zone
- A 2-seam fastball and sinker as the fastball pitches in this build work excellent as they both have movement that needs to be controlled to be effective
- A curveball as the breaking ball gives you the ability to fool hitters by making pitches look like they are going to be high dropping into the zone for a strike while throwing pitches that look like strikes landing in the dirt
- A splitter and circle-changeup work great for this builds off-speed pitches as they both have a slight break that can fool hitters with their movement, not just their speed
Painted Filth details:
- Increased break
- Increased control
- Fastballs: 2-seam and sinker
- Breaking ball: curveball
- Off-speed: splitter and circle-changeup
4. Painted Cheese

The painted cheese build is available to players who choose “velocity” as their focus point when first creating their player. Painted cheese gives players more control and velocity allowing you to paint the corners of the strike zone with heat. This build gives you the ability to throw pitches with high velocity on the edges of the strike zone in a way that leaves batters looking down in awe.
Like painted filth, this build works best when you pitch right on the edge of the strike zone, specifically on the corners. Unlike painted filth, painted cheese allows you to throw fastballs by batters that will be struggling all game to catch up to. This build works best with a 4-seam fastball, cutter, changeup, and slider.
Painted Cheese strengths:
- Increased velocity allows you to throw blow fastballs past hitters that will struggle all game to try and catch up to
- Improved control allows you to paint the corners with command leaving hitters wondering why they didn’t swing
- A 4-seam fastball and cutter will give you pitches that can blow past hitters with some movement
- A changeup as the off-speed will confuse hitters as they will struggle to recognize what pitch is which
- A slider as the breaking ball in this build gives you a breaking ball that you can throw with velocity allowing you to fool batter’s pitch after pitch
Painted Cheese details:
- Increased velocity
- Increased control
- Fastballs: 4-seam and cutter
- Off-speed: changeup
- Breaking ball: slider
3. Filthy Painter

Filthy painter is available to players who choose “control” as their focus point when first creating their player. Filthy painter works by increasing control and movement. The difference between filthy painter and painted filth is that filthy painter gives you even more command over your pitching repertoire.
The increased control makes filthy painter an ideal pitching build for players who want to command the game. With the ability to put pitches exactly where you want them, you’ll be able to keep batters guessing with every pitch. This build works best with a 2-seam fastball, cutter, 12-6 curveball, slurve and splitter.
Filthy Painter strengths:
- Increased control gives you dominant command allowing you to control the strike zone
- With more break on pitches, the movement on pitches will fool batters and make pitch recognition nearly impossible
- A 2-seam fastball and cutter as your fastballs will give you command over pitches allowing you to paint the edges and put pitches right where you want them
- A 12-6 curveball and slurve as your breaking balls gives you two pitches that break in different directions that are much easier to control
- A splitter as your off-speed pitch gives you a pitch that can fool hitters with its velocity and that can break in the zone with control
Filthy Painter details:
- Increased control
- Increased break
- Fastballs: 2-seam and cutter
- Breaking balls: 12-6 curveball and slurve
- Off-speed: splitter
2. Cheesy Filth

Cheesy filth is a pitcher build available to players who choose “break” as their focus point when first creating their player. Cheesy filth increases the velocity and movement pitches allowing you to blow pitches past hitters with them having a chance to recognize the pitch or catch up to it.
The added break and velocity make this a great build for players who want to strike out as many batters as possible. Cheesy filth works best with a diverse arsenal of pitches and multiple breaking balls. We recommend using this build with a 4-seam fastball, sinker, circle-changeup, slider and curveball.
Cheesy filth strengths:
- Increased break makes pitches much harder for batters to track leaving them vulnerable to swinging at bad pitches
- Increased velocity allows you to throw blow fastballs past hitters that will struggle all game to try and catch up to
- A 4-seam fastball and sinker give you two fastballs with movement and velocity that will keep hitters guessing
- A circle-changeup as the off-speed pitch has just enough movement and velocity change to work opposite the sinker
- A slider and curveball as your breaking balls allow you to throw pitches that move vertically and horizontally allowing you to pick your poison against any batter
Cheesy filth details:
- Increased break
- Increased velocity
- Fastballs: 4-seam fastball and sinker
- Off-speed: circle-changeup
- Breaking balls: slider and curveball
1. Filthy Cheese

The filthy cheese build is available to players who choose “velocity” as their focus point when first creating their player. This build maximizes pitch velocity and increases break. With more velocity and break, your pitching arsenal becomes much more dangerous, giving you the ability to power pitches past batters and throw with nasty movement that batters won’t be able to recognize.
Filthy cheese works best when you throw a ton of fastballs all over the plate and a mix in hard-thrown breaking balls with the occasional off-speed pitch. This build works best with a 4-seam fastball, cutter, slider, slurve and vulcan changeup.
Filthy cheese strengths:
- Maximizing velocity
- Improved break makes pitches much harder for batters to track leaving them vulnerable to swinging at bad pitches
- A 4-seam fastball and cutter give you pitches that can blow past hitters with movement
- A slider and slurve as your breaking ball pitches gives you two breaking balls that look similar and have different speeds and finishing breaks allowing you to deceive batters even if they pick up that a breaking ball was thrown
- A vulcan changeup for your off-speed pitch gives you a changeup that not only works well off-speed but also has more vertical break and a regular changeup
Filthy cheese details:
- Increased velocity
- Increased break
- Fastballs: 4-seam and cutter
- Breaking balls: slider and slurve
- Off-speed: vulcan changeup