M&B 2 Bannerlord Best Horses (All Horses Ranked)

M&B 2 Bannerlord Best Horses (All Horses Ranked)
25 Oct 2022

Weapons and armor can get you far in your conquering of Calradia, but a solid mount can do you a world of good. Whether you’re aiming for mounted archer, polearm specialist, or swordsman, the horse is a big part of the equation.

Here we’ll rank all horses from best to worst and give you all the details you need to pick the ideal mount. Remember, it’s not just about your character, either. You can give your heroes a better horse to massively improve their strength.

We’re skipping the Mule, Pack Camel, and Sumpter Horse because those aren’t proper mounts—just ways to carry more stuff. The game won’t let you ride them, so don’t even try.


17. Battanian Pony (OK)

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Looks like these guys have mastered synchronized horse prancing. Maybe they'll add that skill in an update?

Well, it’s a pony. What do you expect? They’re slow, weak, difficult to maneuver, and easy to kill. Pick something else. Warriors deserve better.

Maybe that’s a little unfair, though. At 250 HP, they’re relatively hardy—but if you can’t control them, you’ll get easily surrounded, and even a ton of HP means nothing.

What Battanian Pony Excels In

  • Being slow
  • One of the cheapest options—though you get what you pay for
  • Low riding score means lower-level (or even non-cavalry) troops can ride them

Battanian Pony details:

  • Weight: 462
  • Riding: 10
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 44
  • Maneuver: 56
  • HP: 250


16. Midlands Palfrey (OK)

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One benefit to horse-riding is you won't get lost in super tall grass!

A slight improvement over the useless pony, the Midlands Palfrey is at least a proper horse. They weigh a bit more, go a bit faster, and maneuver a bit better. Still, they’re better as a backup instead of a main mount.

What Midlands Palfrey Excels In

  • Being slightly faster than Battanian Ponies
  • Saving you money and time since they’re cheap and easy to find
  • Low riding score means lower-level (or even non-cavalry) troops can ride them

Battanian Pony details:

  • Weight: 473
  • Riding: 10
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 47
  • Maneuver: 61
  • HP: 200


15. Desert Horse (OK)

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Another benefit to riding a horse is your feet won't get cold in the snow.

Though a step back in the maneuvering department, Desert Horses gallop at a reasonable clip. And remember, you get a speed bonus to damage, so even if their charge is terrible, their speed can sometimes make up for it.

What Desert Horse Excels In

  • Low riding score means lower-level (or even non-cavalry) troops can ride them
  • Charging in quickly
  • Saving money and time, though not as cheap or easy to find as Palfreys

Battanian Pony details:

  • Weight: 431
  • Riding: 10
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 54
  • Maneuver: 56
  • HP: 200


14. Sturgian Trotter (OK)

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Don't forget to deck out your horse with an excellent saddle. They're good for comfort, too.

With a nice boost in HP and meanuever skills, this horse is an improvement over the previous choices. It’s nothing particularly special, but it serves the basic purpose of charging into battle.


What Sturgian Trotter Excels In

  • Solid health means it’ll survive a bit longer than others
  • Low riding score, so it’s an option for low-level troops
  • Good maneuver can also help with survival by avoiding attacks

Sturgian Trotter details:

  • Weight: 458
  • Riding: 10
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 44
  • Maneuver: 62
  • HP: 220


13. Saddle Horse (OK)

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Watch out for trees! Unfortunately, no horse can crash through them.

Finally, a step up in the Charge score! These are actually the best chargers of the lower-tier horses. However, their Speed and Maneuver scores keep them near the bottom. If charging is your goal, you might need a better horse than this.

But hey, at least the name will remind you to buy a saddle for it.

What Saddle Horse Excels In

  • Best charging score from lower-tier (cheap) horses
  • Low riding score means lower-level (or even non-cavalry) troops can ride them
  • Weight bonus helps carry more stuff for your party

Battanian Pony details:

  • Weight: 462
  • Riding: 10
  • Charge: 12
  • Speed: 48
  • Maneuver: 62
  • HP: 200


12. Steppe Horse (OK)

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And a third benefit to horse riding: no sand in your shoes. Although they kick up quite a bit.

Although pretty lame as a charger, the Steppe Horse is a great option for hit-and-run with good Speed and excellent Maneuver. The only horses with better control are the warhorses we’ll look at later. But unlike warhorses, these guys are still in the 10-riding tier, so an excellent choice for heroes less skilled in riding.

What Steppe Horse Excels In

  • Excellent option for low Riding skill
  • Relatively fast with great maneuver
  • Easy to find and relatively cheap

Steppe Horse details:

  • Weight: 456
  • Riding: 10
  • Charge: 8
  • Speed: 46
  • Maneuver: 69
  • HP: 210


11. Battanian Warmount (Good)

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Getting off the horse is a good idea for stealthing through the forest. Good thing is, it'll wait forever for you!

The first “warhorse” horse on this list, the Battanian Warmount is a big step up from the lower tier. The rest of the horses require a decently experienced rider , but their stats make up for it. 

The Battanian Warmount is on the slow side, but makes up for it with good maneuverability and charge.

What Battanian Warmount Excels In

  • Solid entry-level warhorse if you can’t find (or afford) the others
  • Heavy weight and good Charge means tackling the opposition is a breeze
  • Speed isn’t great, but still a step up from most normal horses

Battanian Warmount details:

  • Weight: 542
  • Riding: 60
  • Charge: 11
  • Speed: 48
  • Maneuver: 77
  • HP: 240


10. Steppe Warhorse (Good)

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A horse can be a portable platform for an archer, and we all know the benefits of being on the high ground.

It’s like a Steppe Horse, but prepared for war. And that’s what you’re in the business of, right? So these must be a great choice.

Well, they are easy to control, and pretty hardy. Although a definite improvement over the non-war variation, they lack the power and drive of most horses at this tier.

At least they’re easy to find.

What Steppe Warhorse Excels In

  • Easily obtainable
  • One of the best Maneuver scores in the game
  • Speed is decent enough for this tier

Steppe Warhorse details:

  • Weight: 498
  • Riding: 60
  • Charge: 9
  • Speed: 50
  • Maneuver: 78
  • HP: 250


9. Imperial Charger (Good)

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Don't want to get your feet wet? Ride a horse!

Although more difficult to maneuver than the previous warhorses, the Imperial Charger is good at one thing. Can you guess what it is? That’s right, , charging! Their high HP almost makes up for their terrible Maneuver, since they’re basically a tank with four legs.

What Imperial Charger Excels In

  • Beefy boy with tons of health
  • Excellent Charge score to trample unruly peasants
  • Mid-tier heroes can handle the mid-range riding requirement with ease

Imperial Charger details:

  • Weight: 548
  • Riding: 60
  • Charge: 12
  • Speed: 44
  • Maneuver: 66
  • HP: 290


8. Sturgian Hunter (Good)

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This guy would have an arrow (or four) in the back if not for his fast horse.

The Sturgian Hunter might not be super fast, but it will do what you tell it to do. Their Maneuver is top-tier, making up for a lack in other areas. They’re better for stalking and hunting than warfare—hence the name.

What Sturgian Hunter Excels In

  • Easy to control with excellent Maneuver score
  • Speed and HP that fits reasonably in this tier
  • Great for one-handed combat with tight turns around your opponent

Sturgian Hunter details:

  • Weight: 510
  • Riding: 60
  • Charge: 9
  • Speed: 54
  • Maneuver: 74
  • HP: 210


7. Aserai Horse (Good)

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Nothing says "impending doom" like a polearm wielding Bannerlord on horseback.

The Aserai are known for mounted archers and this is a fitting steed for them. With the second-highest Speed among horses in the game, the Aserai Horse will drive its rider quickly by an opponent to unleash a hail of arrows. Then they can race off into the desert sunset and live to fight another day.

Don’t try to charge with them, though. You’ll be sorely disappointed. Or possibly dead.

What Aserai Horse Excels In

  • Going fast
  • Moderate Maneuver
  • An excellent choice for mounted archers

Aserai Horse details:

  • Weight: 515
  • Riding: 60
  • Charge: 7
  • Speed: 66
  • Maneuver: 70
  • HP: 200


6. Vlandian Courser (Great)

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Unfortunately, horses sometimes rear up, but at least Bannerlord has you permanently glued to the saddle!

Now we’re getting into the properly useful horses. The Courser has a nice balance of Maneuver and HP with a high Charge rating. It’s a bit on the slow side, but you could definitely do worse.

What Vlandian Courser Excels In

  • Solid Charge score for trampling enemies
  • Pretty good HP for surviving attacks
  • Adequate Maneuver skill, given its other benefits

Vlandian Courser details:

  • Weight: 531
  • Riding: 60
  • Charge: 12
  • Speed: 52
  • Maneuver: 68
  • HP: 240


5. Asaligat (Great)

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Two horses are always better than one. And by that logic, a couple dozen horses are even better!

We now turn our attention to the purebred horses, which can be difficult to find. Your best bet is to win tournaments for these beasts. The Asaligat is the least of them, but with a massive Maneuver score it almost makes up for its weak points.

What Asaligat Excels In

  • Best Maneuver score among all horses, so it’s easy to control
  • Fast enough to outrun most other horses
  • High HP, so even if it can’t outrun the enemy it can survive

Asaligat details:

  • Weight: 510
  • Riding: 90
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 57
  • Maneuver: 82
  • HP: 260


4. Destrier (Great)

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Don't forget to take a moment on horseback to enjoy the view.

Maybe they meant to call this a Charger, but needed a fancier name? Because it’ ha the best Charge in the game, as far as statistics are concerned. It’s not super fast, and its low maneuverability holds it back. But for raw force of charge, this is the beast of choice.

What Destrier Excels In

  • Charging, trampling, and bashing through walls of opposition
  • Surviving said charges with beefy HP
  • Decent enough Speed and Maneuver to get out of a jam

Destrier details:

  • Weight: 533
  • Riding: 90
  • Charge: 13
  • Speed: 60
  • Maneuver: 71
  • HP: 250


3. Battanian Thoroughbred (Best)

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Even after you've won it can be a lot of fun riding around the battlefield, covered with your defeated enemy.

All three of these last horses will shine depending on your preference. The Battanian Thoroughbred is the jack of all trades, master of none. Not the fastest, not the lightest, and not the strongest charger. But solid enough to compete with the best as an all-rounder.

What Battanian Thoroughbred Excels In

  • Good enough charge
  • Good enough maneuver
  • Good enough speed
  • An excellent all-rounder

Battanian Thoroughbred details:

  • Weight: 532
  • Riding: 90
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 66
  • Maneuver: 76
  • HP: 230


2. Nahasawi (Best)

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If your horse looks like this, it's probably hard to kill.

If speed is your game, Nahasawi is your ideal mount. The fastest horse in the game also sports impressive maneuver and health making for powerful hit-and-run tactics. Whether you’re flying by to loose arrows at your opponent or charging through the enemy, it’s an excellent choice.

What Nahasawi Excels In

  • Raw speed as the fastest horse in the game
  • Enough HP bto keep it going
  • Good Charge and Maneuver to support raw speed

Nahasawi details:

  • Weight: 520
  • Riding: 90
  • Charge: 10
  • Speed: 68
  • Maneuver: 72
  • HP: 225


1. Tyal Horse (Best)

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The best thing to do when you have a better horse than your enemy? Taunt them with a raised spear, of course.

Among the three best horses, the Tyal Horse excels in a meaty combo of Charge, Maneuver, and HP. It’s not as fast as the other two, but that extra point in charge can be the difference between kill or be killed.

What Tyal Horse Excels In

  • Charging into the fray
  • Maneuvering as you’d expect
  • Keeping pace with most other mounts at decent Speed

Tyal Horse details:

  • Weight: 515
  • Riding: 90
  • Charge: 11
  • Speed: 56
  • Maneuver: 76
  • HP: 230

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