Top 15 Movies Like The Perfection

Movies like The Perfection
28 Jul 2020

Have you ever wondered what drives people towards success? Below lists the films eager to rise to fame at whatever cost.

The girls in The Perfection are nothing less than flawless, except being replaced hits hard when you’re the next prodigy. Revenge is bitter, and finding out your career is based on the blood of others is shocking. Below are fifteen movies like The Perfection.

15. The Craft

The Craft Trailer

New friends, new city, Sarah is adapting to LA in her own way. Although they are considered outcasts, they have more in common than the popular girls. They form a coven after witnessing Sarah’s powers. One of the girls takes it too far, and the rest of the coven must use their powers of good to protect themselves and the people around them.

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A remake of the film was announced in 2019. 

14. Get Out

Get Out Trailer

Chris is nervous to meet his girlfriend’s parents, but with good reason. He soon realizes something is not right. The house staff is acting strangely, and Rose’s parents are not the most open-minded people he’s met. It takes one phone call to his friend back home to open his own mind to what is really going on. 

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At the 90th Academy Awards, the film won Best Original Screenplay. 

13. Velvet Buzzsaw

Velvet Buzzsaw Official Trailer

The artworld is competitive, and most of all, everyone has a reputation to uphold. When Josephina steals the art of a dead person, she convinces her employer to exhibit the paintings at their gallery, but only if she gets credit, thus expanding her reputation. It doesn’t take long for everyone to realize selling art that is not theirs has grave consequences.

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The credit sequence in the film is inspired by Dan Gilroy’s own experience after a project he was working got canceled. 

12. Shutter Island

Shutter Island Trailer

Teddy investigates a hospital for the criminally insane after he and his partner get word one of a missing patient. It isn’t long before Teddy suffers from migraines and hallucinations of his family tragedy. Further into the hospital, Teddy gathers clues leading to the unauthorized experiments of its patients. 

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The movie is based on a novel written by Dennis Lehane.

11. Mandy

Mandy Trailer

A cult wants Mandy for themselves, but she is happily married to Red, living the simple life. The cult leader is offended and takes to violence. Red is left with no other choice, except  to seek revenge on every single person involved regardless of how many drugs are pulsing through his system.

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The film received several accolades, including best limited release at the Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. 

10. Bound to Vengeance

Bound to Vengeance Trailer

Eve escapes her captor after she bashes him on the head. They strike a deal, and the man takes her to his other victims. Though Eve’s intention was to save them, they all die out of fear and their own disbelief, but she manages to save one girl while exacting her revenge on those who took her.

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The movie premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2015.

9. Shutter (2008)

Shutter Trailer

A couple is haunted by a spirit upon their arrival to Tokyo. Every photograph they take wields the spirit’s image. The couple asks a medium for answers, but Ben’s wife is the only one who can unlock the truth through the clues she’s been dealt by the entity.

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The film was remade four separate times from the Thai original. 

8. I Spit on Your Grave 

I Spit on Your Grave Trailer

Jennifer wanted a quiet cabin getaway to focus on her writing, but local men thought they would pay her back for disregarding their advances. She barely escapes and plans her revenge by stalking her assailants. She gets back at them in a grisly way. 

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The film is a remake of the controversial 1978 original. 

7. Cam

Cam Trailer

Alice has a chance to top the ranks as a cam girl, but her identity is stolen. She is curious who her rival is and what she is doing to rise the ranks. Alice soon realizes she has a doppelganger and attempts to take back her top status. 

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Cam is based on writer, Isa Mazzei, real-life struggles as a camgirl. She thought horror was a better medium to tell her story than a documentary.

6. Hard Candy

Hard Candy Trailer

Hayley is a 14-year-old, who lures an older man she suspects to be a child kidnapper and known pedophile. She goes back to his house and plots her revenge against him for his vile acts. The man is adamant he is not a monster, but Hayley isn’t fooled. 

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The film was inspired by a 20/20 story about young girls who would lure businessmen and mug them. 

5. The Prestige

The Prestige Trailer

A rivalry starts between two magicians after a stage accident. Each show, they try to best each other at an act of transporting across the stage. After the success of the trick, the losing magician ventures to America to find an actual teleportation device to take it one step further, but each trick has its consequence. 

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The film is an adaptation of a novel written by Christopher Priest.

4. Whiplash

Whiplash Trailer

Andrew is a first-year student at a prestigious university. He is invited into the school’s band, but soon learns the conductor is incredibly abusive after a chair is thrown at him for performing a less than perfect tempo. Another student, who is far less talented, is placed as core drummer. Andrew competes for his place back in the band to prove he is the best, despite his teacher’s opinion.

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Damien Chazelle wrote the film based on his experience in a high school jazz band. 

3. The Neon Demon

The Neon Demon Trailer

Jesse is sought out by a modeling agency for her natural beauty, thanks to Sarah and Gigi. The girls become jealous of Jesse’s new fame because they are no longer desirable. The two conspire to kill Jesse to bask in the spotlight once again.

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The Neon Demon premiered at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

2. Suspiria (2018)

Suspiria Trailer

Susie enters a dance academy after the disappearance of another student. Susie performs for the director after her routine gains attention. The dance inflicts pain on a girl who suspects the academies matrons are entangled in the school covens’ scheme.

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Suspiria won several awards for its film score. 

1. Black Swan

Black Swan Trailer

Nina auditions for the prestigious role in Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake,” but she just doesn’t encompass the black swan. To much of her surprise, she is still picked for the lead role. A new, more suitable, dancer auditions and tricks Nina into taking her place. Nina must prove she is perfect for the role, by putting on a flawless performance. 

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Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis underwent intense training for the film, but dance doubles were still required. 


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