My Time at Sandrock Best Ways To Make Money (Top 10 Ways To Earn Gols)

My Time At Sandrock Best Ways To Make Money
20 Jul 2024

Gols are the main currency in My Time at Sandrock and boy, you will need a ton of it to purchase all sorts of essential items and upgrades in the game.

Without sufficient gols, players will have a hard time upgrading their equipment, expanding their workshop’s yard, enhancing their machines, and even buying home decorations.

But what are the best ways to rake in as many gols as possible? Look no further, in this article we’ll be pointing out the best methods of making lots of gols.


1. Commissions! Commissions! The more the better!

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Luckily, there is always an abundance of commissions

The best way to make gols in the game is by doing something that you’ll likely be doing lots of already: commissions! Commissions are plentiful and are the basis of My Time at Sandrock’s gameplay.

Commissions are why all players should stock up on resources to craft desired items when commissioners request them.

  • Check the Commerce Guild’s commission board daily to browse through several commissions. Commissions reset daily and are random.
  • Once you acquire the blueprint for it, you can build a Commission Tracker and place it in your workshop’s yard for easier access to commissions. The blueprint can be bought in the Commerce Guild’s store.
  • The harder it is to fulfill the commission, the better the gols reward.
  • In the beginning, you’ll be able to take on only one commission at a time, but over time as your workshop ranks up, you’ll be able to take multiple at a time. Fulfill commissions successfully to gain reputation points to rank up.
  • Be sure to invest in the correct perks in the Knowledge Tree to gain even more gol bonuses as you complete commissions!

2. Farming in the desert? Yes!

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Farming is feasible despite the harsh environment in Sandrock 

Believe it or not, using Sandrock's arid lands to grow crops is profitable. Harvesting Tea Leaves and Coffee Beans in particular is an easy way of passively earning a good amount of gols once you unlock the ability to farm. 

Why is growing tea and coffee so good at making money? There are several good reasons: 

  • Coffee Beans and Tea Leaves can both be harvested from one plant: the Coffee Tea Tree.
  • Each harvest yields a lot of produce and can be stockpiled quickly.
  • Unlike other crops that you can grow in your workshop’s yard, Coffee Tea Trees do not need to be replanted once you harvest them; they are permanent producers and don’t require as much care as other crops.
  • Lastly, your workshop’s yard is very spacious when fully expanded. Why not use some of that space to grow some crops for additional income?

3. Raise animals and sell them

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Raising animals requires much care (and a lot of space), but you can get some help as you progress through the game

In addition to farming plants, you can also raise animals if you don’t mind cleaning up after them daily (yes, you will have to pick up their poop). Once your workshop’s yard is big enough, builders can install Barns, Chicken Coops, and Hutches from Construction Junction to raise Yakmels, Chickens, and Floppies.

  • Baby Yakmels, Chickens, and Floppies are bought from the Ranch Store. They will need to be raised into their adult forms to sell them for a profit. Yakmels in particular sell for the most.
  • You need a lot of space for these structures to fit in your farm, so make sure that you have expanded your workshop’s yard.
  • In addition to raising them, the animals produce items for you, such as eggs and milk for you to use or sell.
  • Earn enough relationship points and become good friends with Cooper to sell animals for more money.
  • Mounts can also be raised and sold in this way, provided that you have a Stable installed.
  • As you progress through the game, you will get access to a helper, which is a character that helps you with duties in your workshop. You’ll get help with taking care of your animals eventually, which means less work for you!

4. Refine your goods before turning them in

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This odd contraption is required for refining your items

Here’s what every sandrocker should do before they turn in their requested items for commissions: upgrade their quality in the Refiner! Provided that you have enough of the required resources to upgrade items, upgrading an item's quality is a good way to increase the reward before turning in the commission.

  • As with many machines, you must first get the diagram from Qi in order to build one at your workshop. Hopefully you have enough Data Discs!
  • Unlike other machines, Refiners do not consume fuel and the items are refined instantly. No waiting around required!

5. Advertise in the Newsstand

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The newsstand is hard to miss. It is here where players can post advertisements to earn bonus gols as rewards

Just outside the Town Hall, there is a piece of wood that all players should pay attention to: the Newsstand. In addition to keeping up with all of the news and happenings in and around Sandrock, players can use the newsstand to post an advertisement.

Posting an advertisement costs a tiny bit of money and needs to be renewed weekly, but it enables players to earn bonus rewards whenever they complete commissions. 

  • Players earn bonus experience, reputation points, and gols with the advertisement effect active.
  • You don’t always get the bonus gols effect from the newsstand, but you can cancel the ad effect and try for a new one as much as you like.
  • Earning enough relationship points with Jasmine cuts the cost of posting advertisements.

6. Befriend Sandrock’s inhabitants

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Macchiato and Banjo having a grooming contest. Having these cats as your buddies can earn you bonus gols

Becoming good friends with the various characters residing in Sandrock not only enables discounts of all kinds, but a few of them enable the perk of earning bonus gols.

  • As mentioned earlier in this article, becoming good friends with Cooper enables you to sell livestock for more gols—if you can handle all of his rants!
  • Macchiato and Banjo, the two yellow cats that roam Sandrock are worth befriending since they both give several perks relating to earning bonus gols. One of these perks is them bringing you gols every morning when you wake up.
  • You might not like him, but earning enough relationship points with Yan provides a perk that awards bonus gols whenever you fulfill a commission. If you refuse to befriend Yan (which is understandable), you can also befriend Wei later on when you meet him for similar perks as Yan.

7. Pay attention to commissions posted a week before the Day of Memories festival

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More commissions! Always do them daily to maximize your income

Throughout several points in the game’s story, the Commission Board will fill up with commissions that do not count towards the daily commission limit. The same thing happens with the Day of Memories festival that occurs every month of summer.

A week before the Day of Memories festival starts, a bunch of these types of limit-free commissions will start to be posted on the board and they pay a lot! Make sure to have a bunch of materials ready by then to accept and complete these requests to earn a lot of money.

  • Completing the commissions for the Day of Memories offers no relationship points, but the gols and the Festival Badges make up for it.
  • These commissions do not count towards the daily number of commissions that you can take. This means you can take on more daily commissions than usual!

8. Hunt monsters for Bounty Board commissions

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When doing commissions gets tiring, why not go hunt some monsters to earn gols for a change of pace?

After progressing enough through the story, players unlock the Bounty Board located inside the Civil Corps. The Bounty Board functions similarly to the Commission Board, but instead of turning in items to requesters, you go out and defeat enemies before reporting back. 

  • Fulfilling commissions from the Bounty Board can serve as a nice break from your workshop, while still earning you some gols.

9. Try your luck at catching and selling King Fish

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Pictured here is a lucky builder showing off his prized King Fish that he just caught. They sell for quite the amount of gols

Sandfishing is an activity that you do in My Time at Sandrock to catch fish. On rare occasions, you might stumble upon a rare large fish known as King Fish. These sell for a lot if you manage to catch some.

  • Before heading to a fishing spot, ensure you have enough bait to throw and lure the fish out.
  • If you have enough bait, it is best to throw 4 or 5 pieces at a time since each piece of bait lures in several fish. It is advised to space out the bait to not scare the fish when casting the trap.
  • Refine your fish trap. The higher the quality of your fish trap, the larger the radius of the fish-catching area when you throw the trap in.
  • You’ll be notified by a sound whenever a King Fish appears. It is best to ignore all the other fish and aim straight for the King Fish whenever the rare chance appears.

10. Craft your excess resources into items and sell them

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Arvio is more than happy to buy your excess goods—granted that he has enough gols in his shop to spend

The last tip is a simple but good one: if you have many resources, craft them into useful items and machines to sell them.

  • Remember the tip earlier about refining items? The same principle applies here: upgrading the quality of the items before selling them nets you bonus gols.
  • Sell when the market is high and avoid selling when the market is low to get the most gols.


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