Naraka: Bladepoint Best Weapons For Each Character

17 May 2024

Naraka: Bladepoint is filled with tons of characters that offer a variety of fun and exciting gameplay. From assassins to supports, the game boasts numerous roles that give each player options to choose from. But characters aren’t the only ones to choose from. The game also comes with an assortment of weapons that are sure to fit any playstyle. 

But what’s really important is pairing the character with the weapon. A perfect pair grants a synergistic advantage that just takes your gameplay to the next level. With that said, let’s take a look at the best hero and weapon combinations for you to use in your next game!


1. Kurumi

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Kurumi shines as a support character on the battlefield, focusing primarily on healing her allies amidst the chaos of combat. Despite her supportive role, the reality of battle often marks her as a prime target for those wishing to cripple her team's sustainability. To counteract this, her choice of weapon must allow her to effectively defend herself while not detracting from her primary function of healing. Ideal weapons for Kurumi balance offensive capabilities with agility, enabling her to momentarily fend off attackers and quickly resume her supportive duties.

Best Weapon: Longsword

The longsword stands as Kurumi's optimal weapon choice, striking a balance between speed and the ability to deliver potent combos. This weapon empowers her to protect herself through rapid, efficient strikes, ideal for immediate defensive action that precedes a strategic withdrawal to heal allies.

2nd Best Weapon: Heng Sword

As a secondary option, the heng sword offers Kurumi agility and a diverse range of attack patterns, making it a valuable asset for quick defensive maneuvers. Its adaptability in combat scenarios ensures Kurumi can keep adversaries at bay, preserving her ability to sustain her team's efforts from a position of relative safety. This weapon serves as a reliable defense against enemies looking to shut down 


2. Akos Hu

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When talking about high damage output and incredible mobility, Akos Hu is your guy. Being raised by the tigers, you could expect that this guy does some pretty aggressive plays. While not the best at supporting allies, Akos Hu deals consistent damage that could really turn around some fights. With this, he needs an equally aggressive weapon that would complement his playstyle. A good weapon pairing helps Akos Hu tremendously in allowing him to pop off in his own all-in playstyle.

Best Weapon: Nunchucks

The nunchucks emerge as the top weapon choice for Akos Hu, perfectly suited for his high-energy combat style. Their rapid, fluid attack sequences allow Akos Hu to unleash a flurry of strikes, overwhelming opponents with speed, precision, and damage. This weapon's speed makes it ideal for capitalizing on the disarray caused by his "Roar Blast," enabling quick follow-up attacks that maximize his offensive capabilities.

2nd Best Weapon: Longsword

The longsword provides Akos Hu with a balanced option for when he needs to engage from a slightly safer distance, offering a blend of speed and power that complements his aggressive gameplay. Its charged attacks are very effective when paired with “Feral Frenzy Lockdown,” allowing Akos Hu to deliver devastating blows once the enemies become vulnerable.


3. Justina Gu

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Justina Gu is distinguished by her command over frost abilities, positioning her as a control-focused character adept at slowing enemies and orchestrating opportunities for her team. Her playstyle necessitates maintaining a strategic distance from opponents, using her abilities for crowd control, support, and dealing substantial damage when the moment arises. With this, she needs a reliable weapon that keeps her from harm’s way whenever enemies try to shut down her ice control. Light weapons such as the spear, longsword, and dual halberds, offer Justina Gu good damage while also being light on her feet.

Best Weapon: Spear

The spear is the premier choice for Justina Gu, perfectly complementing her ability to manage space and apply her frost powers effectively. It offers the reach necessary to engage enemies from afar, allowing Justina to capitalize on the slowed state of her adversaries with precise thrusts, making it an invaluable tool in her arsenal. By having great reach and defensive capabilities, the spear offers a good mix of offense and defense.

2nd Best Weapon: Longsword

The longsword provides a balanced mix of speed and power, fitting Justina Gu's need for versatility in combat. Its capacity to deliver swift, impactful strikes offers Justina the flexibility to adapt to close-range confrontations, ensuring she can exploit the openings created by her frost abilities with efficiency and precision. With a safeguard weapon that protects her as she assists her team, the longsword serves a somewhat defensive style that makes her abilities exude an extreme amount of offense.


4. Temulch

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Temulch’s close to medium-range team fighting is one of the best in the game. He excels in doing sustained damage through his ability to keep enemies disabled and at bay. While being controller support for the team, Temulch can also deal a significant amount of damage on his own. With this, melee weapons prove to be the most useful to him and his skill set. The katana, greatsword, and longsword are some of the most impactful weapons for Temulch.

Best Weapon: Katana

With the katana proving to be one of the fastest and most consistent damage dealers in the game, it’s no question that Temulch would likely pick up the weapon as well. With the katana, Temulch is able to deal as much damage as possible to enemies he has disabled and immobilized. Its speed and agility make it a perfect match for exploiting openings in enemy defenses, allowing Temulch to maintain the pressure and swiftly cut through the ranks of his foes with efficiency.

2nd Best Weapon: Greatsword

As a secondary option, the greatsword provides Temulch with the power to execute wide, sweeping attacks capable of hitting multiple targets. This weapon is particularly effective during moments when Temulch traps enemies, such as with a tornado or similar control abilities, allowing him to capitalize on the situation with a devastating charge attack that can decisively end the confrontation.


5. Wuchen

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Wuchen is a master of elemental manipulation, using his abilities to control the battlefield in both supportive and offensive roles. His strong suit involves buffing his allies and giving them chances to engage on the enemy. His combat effectiveness is greatly enhanced by weapons that complement his ability to command the elements. Selecting the right weapons is key to maximizing Wuchen's potential, focusing on those that synergize with his elemental prowess.

Best Weapon: Fan

The fan emerges as the top weapon choice for Wuchen, perfectly matching his style of elemental control. It allows him to defend himself from engaging attackers who wish to end the support’s life or attack safely from a distance. The versatility of the fan matches what Wuchen has to offer. The fan's unique properties enable Wuchen to amplify his elemental attacks, offering a seamless blend of defense and offense tailored to his tactical needs.

2nd Best Weapon: Heng Sword

As a secondary option, the heng sword provides Wuchen with versatility and the capacity for quick, decisive strikes. By pairing this with his abilities, he can take the offensive to the enemy team and easily take the win. His damage might not be the greatest but the way he allows his team to pop off makes up for it, and with the heng sword, he can contribute greatly. The heng sword's adaptability makes it a formidable choice for Wuchen, aiding in both direct combat and strategic positioning.


6. Valda Cui

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Valda Cui harnesses the power of water to gain a strategic edge on the battlefield, using her abilities to trap enemies and set up both offensive and defensive plays. She can easily set her allies up for success just by pressing one of her abilities. Her fighting style flourishes with weapons that adapt to various combat ranges, enhancing her control over the environment and her synergy with elemental powers. With this, she needs a weapon to use while her opponents are disabled by her abilities.

Best Weapon: Nunchucks

Nunchucks are the optimal weapon for Valda, providing the speed and damage output needed to capitalize on her ability to trap opponents in water. Just with the first fast attack sequence, the weapon allows Valda to deal high damage quickly to immobilize enemies, making them an excellent choice for maximizing the effectiveness of her water trap skill.

2nd Best Weapon: Katana

The katana offers Valda a blend of agility and precision, making it a valuable weapon for exploiting the vulnerabilities of trapped and disabled foes. Its swift slashes can deliver critical damage to enemies caught in Valda's elemental grasp, supporting an aggressive yet refined approach to combat.


7. Zai Ji

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Zai Ji operates as a shadow beneath the Annica, showcasing the skills and experiences she got from her painful childhood. By taking advantage of her exceptional mobility and mastery of stealth tactics, she easily takes enemies by surprise. Her combat style consists of getting the first strike on the enemy by carefully executing planned attacks and precise movements. With this, she needs weapons that complement her stealthy approach and enhance her ability to move like the wind whenever she needs to take someone down.

Best Weapon: Dagger

The dagger is the quintessential weapon for Zai Ji, perfectly aligning with her shadowy nature and stealth tactics. It just fits her perfectly as the assassin that she is. The dagger enables her to deliver swift, lethal strikes from the shadows, capitalizing on her ability to go on the enemy unnoticed. The dagger's agility and precision make it a perfect tool of destruction for Zai Ji, perfectly showing the skills she learned from the Annica and allowing for quick eliminations before creeping back into the darkness.

2nd Best Weapon: Heng Sword

With its diverse attack patterns, the heng sword serves as an excellent secondary weapon for Zai Ji. It enhances her combination of moves, offering her the ability to be unpredictable in the eyes of her enemies. The heng sword's versatility supports Zai Ji's swift and silent combat strategy, enabling powerful engagements that leave her enemies bewildered and vulnerable to further attacks. With a great reach, the weapon also offers some sort of range that makes her mid-ranged fights end quickly.


8. Tianhai

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Tianhai’s insane battlefield presence is complemented by his fighting and tanking prowess. With his amazing survival capabilities, Tianhai dominates the battlefield just with his ability to keep getting in the faces of enemies no matter how much damage they deal to him. With this ability to stay long in fights, he needs a weapon that allows him to take advantage of this in order to maximize his damage. The longsword, one of the best weapons right now, is your best bet. Some of the best also include the katana, the heng sword, and the dual halberds. 

Best Weapon: Longsword

The longsword is the optimal weapon for Tianhai, providing a balanced blend of speed and power that aligns with his need for high-damage, fast-paced combat. While his tanky nature shows some slow-paced attributes, the longsword compensates for this with its high-damage attacks. The weapon's versatility allows Tianhai to capitalize on the moments immediately following his defensive skills, delivering powerful strikes that can turn the tide of battle in his favor.

2nd Best Weapon: Katana

As a secondary weapon choice, the katana offers Tianhai agility and rapid attack sequences, making it an excellent choice for quick, decisive engagements especially when he’s exposed to the battlefield for an extended period of time. Its swift strikes are ideal for following up on the disruption caused by his ability to knock enemies airborne, allowing Tianhai to press the advantage with speed and precision.


9. Ziping Yin

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Ever tried catching a healer who just runs away unscathed? Meet Ziping Yin. She is a combat healer known for her high agility and movement, capable of playing both offensive and defensive roles without having much consequences. Her high-risk gameplay allows her to effectively support her teammates without having to rely on them for protection on the battlefield. With the unique ability to shield and heal while knocking enemies back, her playstyle demands weapons that complement her swift, versatile approach to combat. Some of these ideal weapons include the spear, fan, and longsword.

Best Weapon: Spear

The spear is the best weapon choice for Ziping Yin, providing her with great reach and the ability to control space effectively. Its damage and versatility enable her to maintain distance while still having the ability to participate well in team fights. The spear's thrusting attacks are particularly useful for Ziping Yin, allowing her to pierce through enemy lines while aiding and healing her allies, perfectly aligning with her offensive capabilities and healing duties.

2nd Best Weapon: Fan

The fan serves as an excellent weapon for Ziping Yin due to its versatility and good range. The weapon offers good offense and damage that allows her to keep enemies away from her as she strives to aid her allies through her healing capabilities. The fan's ability to knock back enemies complements her defensive maneuvers, creating space for healing and repositioning. Additionally, its swift attacks can disrupt opponents and their advances, allowing Ziping Yin to capitalize on good timing between attacking and supporting.


10. Feria Shen

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Feria Shin's design emphasizes agility, finesse, and a focus on swift and precise strikes. She can effectively take the fight to her enemies with her abilities that back her up by keeping her safe. She excels in dealing good damage to enemies no matter how far they are from her. Weapons that enable rapid, consecutive attacks align well with her combat style, suggesting a preference for engaging quickly and fluidly. Some of these are the nunchucks, dual halberd, and the katana.

Best Weapon: Nunchucks

The nunchucks are an ideal match for Feria Shin. This weapon enhances her agility and speed with the capability for quick strike combos that just decimate the opponent. This weapon's fast-paced attack pattern is exceptionally effective in keeping the enemy locked in a combo, and when this fails, she can easily fall back using her skills. For a character adept at quickly closing distances and exploiting brief openings, the nunchucks perfectly complements Feria Shin's agile combat approach.

2nd Best Weapon: Dual Halberd

Dual Halberds offer a balanced mix of reach, speed, and power, making them a top choice for Feria Shin as well. These halberds are quick and agile, allowing Feria Shen to pop off without having any real consequences. With her aggressive ability, Gunplay: Screenshot, she can easily chase and lock the enemy in the weapon’s combo. The dual halberds provide the versatility needed for swift strikes and the ability to engage at moderate distances, executing quick, powerful combos that suit her style of rapid engagements and disengagements.


11. Viper Ning

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Viper Ning's character design is personified by swift and clean strikes that look so seamless. With her extensive training, she is a good offensive partner, as her agility and deadly strikes thrive on stealthy and deadly skirmishes. V Her abilities favor quick, lethal strikes and rapid navigation across the battlefield, making her an exceptional assassin. Weapons that enhance her swift and precise combat approach, such as the katana, dual halberds, and the longsword, are good options for her.

Best Weapon: Katana

The katana stands as the optimal weapon for Viper Ning. The weapon boasts swift strikes and precision cutting attacks that perfectly complement her agile and stealthy nature. This weapon is ideal for Viper Ning, facilitating quick takedowns and enabling her to excel in fast-paced combat scenarios where clutch kills are needed to take the victory.

2nd Best Weapon: Dual Halberds

Dual halberds are a strong choice for Viper Ning, providing a good amount of speed and damage that supports her agile combat style. They allow her to extend her attack range while maintaining her ability to move quickly, perfectly suited for exploiting crucial openings that could mean the end for the enemy.


12. Tarka Ji

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Tarka Ji is just that guy. His playstyle, which consists of ruggish and hard attacks, shows his aggressive side that just decimates the enemy. With his firepower (literally), he brings down anyone with great offensive power. His weapon choices need to complement his greatest trait, which is his damage. Tarka Ji benefits from weapons that deal immense damage as his close-quarters fighting prowess is just off the charts. Weapons such as the greatsword and nunchucks go well with Tarki Ji’s front-to-back gameplay.

Best Weapon: Greatsword

The greatsword is ideally matched with Tarka Ji's aggressive tactics, boasting high damage output and aggressive strikes. This weapon complements his style by exploiting combat openings and delivering significant damage per strike, making sure every one of Tarka Ji’s attacks deals crucial damage. Tarka Ji's resilience enhances the greatsword's effectiveness, allowing him to endure incoming attacks and fully realize the potential of the weapon.

2nd Best Weapon: Nunchucks

While the nunchucks might be a little off considering Tarka Ji’s playstyle, they actually work with him well. Its rapid attack speed and fluidity express his strength and damage at a very smooth flow of combos. This weapon supports a continuous offensive, pressuring opponents and breaking their defenses with a series of fast, rhythmic attacks. The nunchucks cater to a different aspect of Tarka Ji's combat style, focusing on speed and agility to control the fight's pace.


13. Yueshan

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Yueshan’s tall stature and proud presence give him a mighty and imposing aura. It is only suiting that this is the energy exuded by one of the greatest tank characters in the game. With this strong nature, he needs an equally strong weapon such as the spear, the staff, and the greatsword in order to effectively contain the enemy with his abilities that allow him to engage the enemy on his own. By his outstanding martial prowess, he stands above the rest with his in-your-face gameplay that makes it hard for you to deal with.

Best Weapon: Spear

Reach is everything for Yueshen, which is why the spear is his weapon of choice. This allows him to extend his presence toward the enemy, making him a dignified tank on the battlefield. With these pressuring abilities, the spear just essentially improves his playmaking ability. His tanky nature, coupled with his synergy with the spear, is going to dismantle entire armies. 

2nd Best Weapon: Staff

Just like the spear, the staff offers incredible reach and flexibility. Because of this, Yueshen is able to maximize his damage output and his presence on the battlefield. His abilities pair very well with the staff as this offers good damage and attack speed. Keeping enemies stunned gives him a good amount of time to deal damage with his trusty spear.


14. Matari

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Matari is renowned for her unmatched agility and stealth capabilities. thriving with weapons that complement her fast and elusive nature. She is as slippery as the night and her combat prowess involves high levels of speed and agility. This makes her thrive in risky situations as she can easily go ahead and take the win. By utilizing the dagger, dual halberds, and katana, she can easily outplay any enemy just by the sheer speed of her movements.

Best Weapon: Dagger

The daggers go so well with Matari and her kit. They give Matari a boost in her speed since the animations just feel so natural with the character. The daggers align so well with her stealthy nature that it would be a crime to not pair her with these. The daggers enable rapid strikes and easy assassinations, capitalizing on Matari’s ability to close distance quickly and hit crucial targets. Its lethal component makes Matari an even more dangerous assassin.

2nd Best Weapon: Dual Halberds

Dual halberds are the second best option for Matari mainly due to the speed and reach that this weapon gives. The weapon allows her to continuously barrage the enemy in quick succession while making her speed a big factor. She can go in and out with these quick blades. But with the addition of its size, she can inflict damage upon multiple enemies without sacrificing her speed. It just gives her more versatility and options.


15. Yoto Hime

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Yoto Hime excels in speed and precision. Her agility and ability to deliver devastating burst damage is what makes her a formidable duelist on the battlefield. Her combat style benefits from weapons that allow for quick transitions between offense and defense, suitable for both single and multi-target engagements. By utilizing quick and handy weapons such as the longsword, dual halberds, and daggers, Yoto Hime’s playstyle takes you on a whole new level of speed.

Best Weapon: Longsword

The longsword is the top choice for Yoto Hime, thanks to its balanced blend of speed, range, and power. It supports a mix of quick strikes and powerful charged attacks, ideal for Yoto Hime's adaptive combat style. This weapon's versatility is crucial for maintaining pressure while being prepared to defend or counter as needed.

2nd Best Weapon: Dual Halberds

Dual halberds stand out as the second-best option, offering reach, speed, and the capability to control space effectively. They enable a series of rapid, damaging attacks that align well with Yoto Hime's agile fighting style, making them especially useful for engaging multiple enemies or swiftly changing targets during combat.


16. Takeda Nobutada

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Takeda Nobutada is one of the most famous characters in the game due to his design of a samurai being the vessel of a demon. With this character design, his abilities perfectly blend the samurai fighting style with the powers that come with being the vessel. His swift and decisive movements allow him to deal incredible damage just from a few strikes. With this, weapons that give him heavy damage are great for Takeda.

Best Weapon: Katana

The katana is the quintessential weapon for Takeda Nobutada, embodying the samurai's blend of artistry and combat effectiveness. Its sharpness and balance allow for precise strikes and quick counterattacks, perfectly aligning with Nobutada's agile and strategic combat style.

2nd Best Weapon: Dual Blades

The Dual Blades stand as an excellent weapon for Takeda Nobutada, known for their rapid attack capability and high burst damage. This choice complements his aggressive tactics and need for versatility in combat, providing a relentless assault that can quickly overwhelm foes.


17. Tessa 

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Tessa, the cunning fox, embodies the cunning nature and agility of a fox. She excels in controlling her enemies like puppets on the battlefield with her distinctive abilities. Her "Fox Trap" skill ensnares enemies, while "Fox Repel" forcibly distances adversaries, setting them up for powerful follow-up attacks. Her ultimate, "Enchant," leaves foes vulnerable to further assault. Tessa's arsenal requires weapons that complement her ability to manipulate and control the flow of battle, enhancing her capacity to capitalize on the immobilized enemies. With this, weapons that offer the most for the duration of the crowd control should be utilized.

Best Weapon: Dual Halberds

The dual halberds are the premier choice for Tessa, offering an excellent blend of reach, speed, and damage. This weapon synergizes well with her control-oriented skills, allowing her to swiftly engage trapped or repelled enemies with a barrage of attacks. The dual halberds' versatility makes them ideal for exploiting the openings created by "Fox Trap" and "Enchant," maximizing the impact of her crowd control capabilities.

2nd Best Weapon: Dagger

As a secondary option, the dagger is a good alternative as it provides Tessa with enhanced agility and the ability to strike quickly. This perfectly aligns with her vixen nature. The weapon’s rapid attack sequence is highly effective against enemies caught in her traps or those stunned by her ultimate, enabling precise and lethal strikes that capitalize on her ability to control opponents. The dagger's swift, decisive blows ensure Tessa can keep the pressure on her enemies.


18. Hadi Ismail 

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Hadi Ishmael is not just a young historian; he's a dynamic fighter known for his high mobility and damage output on the battlefield. His unique skills make him a versatile combatant who takes enemies by surprise. His technology serves as the weapon that gives him such an incredible boost in fighting capabilities. With the ability to fly and move around, he can easily keep his distance from enemies who are closing the gap on him. Weapons that complement these abilities allow Hadi to maximize his effectiveness in combat, taking advantage of his mobility to maneuver around enemies and his skills to control the battlefield.

Best Weapon: Heng Sword

The heng sword is the ideal weapon for Hadi Ishmael, offering a blend of versatility and damage that suits his combat style perfectly. With its unique design and multiple attack patterns that might come from anywhere, the heng sword allows Hadi to adapt to various combat situations. This enhances his ability to deal with multiple enemies at once, which is pretty useful, especially when you have bad teammates. The heng sword allows Hadi Ismail to capitalize on the openings created by his mechanical arm's capabilities.

2nd Best Weapon: Fan

As a secondary choice, the fan offers Hadi Ishmael a good source of damage, especially after the distance given by his mobility. Its ability to control space and execute quick and speedy attacks complements Hadi's skills, allowing him to create distance or close gaps as needed. The fan's utility in both offense and defense makes it a valuable weapon in Hadi's arsenal, supporting his agile and dynamic approach to combat.


19. Shayol Wei 

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Shayol Wei, who currently serves as the king's judiciary, is renowned for her high damage output and exceptional mobility on the battlefield. With a very menacing look with her sword, she sports abilities that allow her to knock back enemies after posing a defensive stance. With her defensive but largely offensive playstyle, she outplays enemies without them even noticing. Her combat style requires weapons that complement her ability to quickly close gaps between enemies and deliver decisive strikes, all while maintaining her defensive prowess.

Best Weapon: Heng Sword

The heng sword is the optimal weapon for Shayol Wei as it offers a blend of versatility and power that suits her aggressive and careful approach to combat. Its unique design and varied attack patterns enable her to exploit the openings created by her shield bash, seamlessly integrating her defensive skills with offensive maneuvers. The weapon allows her to deal decisive strikes that easily take down any enemy, making her a formidable opponent altogether.

2nd Best Weapon: Katana

As a secondary option, the katana provides Shayol Wei with swift, precise attacks that align with her high mobility and damage capabilities. This weapon allows her to capitalize on the vulnerabilities of enemies marked by her “Black Tortoise Mark,” ensuring she can quickly eliminate key targets with speed and efficiency.

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