[Top 10] NBA 2K24 Best Badges For Point Guard

NBA 2K24 Best pg Badges
25 Oct 2024

Now It’s no secret that badges are one of the most keen and important parts of the game. The right or wrong badge can literally make or break your performance, and back when we had a choice on which badges to pick, it truly truly mattered. So in this article we will be diving into the top 10 best badges for point guards in NBA 2k24, let’s get it.

Before we dive right into the list let’s ask and answer some questions first!

What is the Point Guard and why is it a vital role? Well a point guard is usually the team's leader, the guy with the ball in his hands a majority of the time. The PG makes sure the offense and all its plays run smoothly by starting and controlling the offense. A skilled point guard can really dictate the tempo of a game just by their performance and oftentimes if a PG is off so is the rest of the team.

What kinda badges suit it? Well let’s find out shall we.

Let’s get straight into the list! First up we have,

1. “Agent 3” (Shooting)

Agent 3

Agent 3 Badge Description: Improves the ability to make pull-up or spin shots from three point range.

The "Agent 3" badge is strictly all about enhancing a player's ability to shoot off the dribble, more specifically from deep range. This is the type of badge those PG’s that play fast-paced gon love.

A couple benefits of the (“Agent 3”) badge:

Explosive Scoring Threat:

  • With "Agent 3" equipped, Any guard can transform into a scoring machine from any step beyond the arc. Bigs think about your guard bringing the ball up, and as soon as he passes half he shoots and he just greens it, no feet set and straight off balance but it goes in.

Increased Offensive Versatility:

  • This badge allows guards to keep their bag deep. Whether it's a step-back J or a quick Pullup three, they can mix it up, making it way harder for your opponents to defend. This unpredictability not only helps you as the player but also creates a lot more opportunities for the other guys on the team.


2. “Limitless Range” (Shooting)

“Limitless Range” (Shooting)

(Limitless Range) Badge Description: Extends the range from which a player can shoot three-pointers effectively from deep

(“Limitless Range”) is a badge that allows you to shoot from deeper with way higher accuracy. As any sort of guard, but specifically a point guard this is mad important because you often find yourself creating shots like it’s improv. With this badge, you can pull up from way behind the 3 and still have a damn good chance of knocking it down. When you get this badge equipped your defender is gonna have to closely guard you up top, leaving a couple of lanes for your team.

A couple benefits of the (“Limitless Range”) badge:

Spacing the Floor

  • Having "Limitless Range" also enhances floor spacing. When you can shoot lights out from deep, it opens up the court for your team. Defenders are forced to stretch out to guard you, which creates driving lanes for your guys. It really just leads to better offensive flow, calling for more scoring opportunities.

Increased Confidence

  • We can’t forget the mental aspect. Speaking for myself of course when I have this badge equipped, it boosts my in-game confidence. It’s like you know you can take that shot from deep without worrying about missing. This psychological edge not only helps me but also boosts my team’s morale. When your teammates see you confidently shooting from range, it creates an environment where everyone feels safe to take their shots.


3. “Handles For Days” (Playmaking)

“Handles For Days” (Playmaking)

(Handles For Days) Badge Description: A player takes less of an energy hit when performing consecutive dribble moves, allowing them to chain together combos quicker and for longer periods of time.

By the name you can tell ("Handles For Days") is all about ball handling. More specifically, it allows players to perform dribble moves without draining their stamina too fast. For a guard, who orchestrates & leads his offense, this badge is nothing short of perfection.

A couple benefits of the (“Handles For Days) badge:

Enhanced Dribbling and Creativity

  • I feel one of the primary advantages for point guards is their ability to string together dribble moves. With "Handles For Days," you can pull off the craziest combos, crossovers, spins, and step-backs without worrying about your stamina dipping out on you. This flexibility means you can keep defenders on their toes and create open shots, whether for yourself or your teammates.

    Late-Game Performances

  • As a game gets closer to the end, every single possession counts. A PG with "Handles For Days" can manage the clock while still being a threat. You want the ball in the hands of a player who can create space for an open shot or drive in for a layup, all while conserving energy.


4. “Unpluckable” (Playmaking)

“Unpluckable” (Playmaking)

(Unpluckable) Badge Description: Defenders have a tougher time poking the ball free with their steal attempts.

("Unpluckable") reduces the chance of you or your primary ball handler getting stripped. This is hella important for PG’s that lead the offense, often trying to convert high-pressure plays. With the fast-paced nature of 2k , having this little extra layer of protection really makes all the difference.

A couple benefits of the (“Unpluckable”) badge:

Ball Security

  • As a guard, you're usually the one directing traffic. And you have to keep the ball safe while navigating on the court. The "Unpluckable" badge majorly boosts your ability to hold onto the ball when facing aggressive steals. The badge helps maintain ball security and overall just keeps the offense flowing.

Playmaking Opportunities

  • When you're not worried about getting stripped like some tyson tenders, you can focus on creating plays. Whether it’s driving through the lane or hitting your big man in the corner for the tray , the confidence that comes with the "Unpluckable" allows you to do way more without the constant fear of a turnover. Isn’t it cool as hell to execute a flashy pass instead of immediately looking to protect the ball?


5. “Challenger” (Defensive)

“Challenger” (Defensive)

(Challenger) Badge Description: Improves the effectiveness of well-timed contests against perimeter shooters.

(“Challenger”) was made to enhance your defensive capabilities, especially when you're contesting shots. Essentially, it boosts your ability to challenge opponents who are taking shots, meaning that when you’re up against a ball handler or a shooter and this badge is equipped, there's a high probability he’ll get a little nervous and blow the shot .

A couple benefits of the (“Challenger”) badge:

Improved Contest Rates

  • With Challenger equipped, you'll be able to close out on shooters way more effectively. So when you get a hand up, even if it’s just a slight move, the chances of messing up your defender's shot goes up. This is mad useful against those damn 99 3pt guards who rely on screens and getting clean looks.

Encourages Aggressive Play

  • Speaking for myself again, but knowing I have the Challenger gives me the confidence to play more aggressively on defense. I won’t hesitate to step up against shooters, knowing that even if they have a clean look, I can still contest and potentially throw em off their game.


6. “CLAMPS” (Defensive)

“CLAMPS” (Defensive)

(Clamps) Badge Description: Clamps allows defenders have access to quicker cut off moves and are more successful when bumping or hip riding the ball handler.

In simple terms, the (“Clamps”) badge enhances your ability to stay in front of offensive players. So say you’re guarding someone, whether it’s an annoying two guard or a shifty forward, you’ll have an easier time keeping them contained.

A couple benefits of the (“Clamps”) badge:

Defensive Versatility

  • With "Clamps," you become more than just a playmaker; you become a defensive wall. You can switch onto bigger players and hold your own, which is hella important when your opponents like to exploit mismatches.

Better Containment

  • The badge allows you to control the dribble penetration of your opponents. With improved lateral quickness, it’s so much easier to match their movements, making those effective crossovers less effective.



7. “Fearless Finisher” (Finishing)

“Fearless Finisher” (Finishing)

(Fearless Finisher) Badge Description: Strengthens a player's ability to absorb contact and still finish. Also reduces the amount of energy lost from contact layups

(“Fearless Finisher”) allows players to absorb contact while finishing around the rim. It’s a game-changer for any PG that likes to drive through the lane. Instead of shying away from contact or getting pushed around a guard with this badge can confidently drive through defenders and still convert those extremely tough layups & dunks.

A couple benefits of the (“Fearless Finisher”) badge:

Psychological Edge

  • Again, I can't overlook the psychological aspect here. When you know you can finish strong regardless of who's in your way, it builds confidence. PG’s are often floor generals, and having that swagger can elevate their leadership on court. Team chem goes up when everyone sees their guard fearlessly attacking the rim, inspiring them to do the same.

    Draw Fouls Like a Pro

  • Another major benefit of this badge is that it helps point guards draw fouls more effectively. When you’re fearless in the lane, you’re not just finishing; you’re putting pressure on the defense. Opponents will be forced to foul to stop your attack, leading to more free throw opportunities. And we all know how valuable those extra points can be.



8. “Slithery” (Finishing)

“Slithery” (Finishing)

(Slithery) Badge Description: Increases a player's ability to slide through traffic, protect the ball from being stolen, and avoid contact during gathers and finishes at the rim

(“Slithery”) is designed to enhance a player’s ability to avoid defenders when attacking the rim. It helps you slip past opponents seamlessly, making it perfect for guards who find themselves driving into traffic.

A couple benefits of the (“Slithery”) badge:

Enhanced Finishing Ability

  • When you start driving in the lane, defenders are often waiting to send your shot back. With Slithery, your ability to evade these defenders increases drastically, leading to more successful layups and dunks. This is important, considering guards are usually tasked with creating their own scoring opportunities.

Consistency Under Pressure

  • In Close games, we know every possession counts. And slithery allows for way more reliability when driving to the basket. Knowing you got that extra edge in avoiding defenders can really move you, boosting your confidence as a floor general.


9. “Green Machine” (Shooting)

“Green Machine” (Shooting)

(Green Machine) Badge Description: Gives an additional shot boost when consecutively achieving excellent releases on jump shots

So basically, (“Green Machine”) just boosts your green window after making your first perfect release. This means that once you hit your first green, you’re not just feeling lucky, your chances of making more green’s are actually increasing.

A couple benefits of the (“Green Machine”) badge:

Spacing the Floor

  • With Green Machine, once you hit a few greens, defenders have to respect your shooting ability even more. This spacing can create driving lanes for you and your teammates, making it easier to attack the basket or dish out assists.

Creating Mismatches

  • Once defenders realize you’re on fire, they may switch their coverage or send extra help your way. This opens up options for your teammates, allowing them to exploit mismatches on the floor.

10. “Hyperdrive”(Playmaking)



(Hyperdrive) Badge Description: Increases the speed at which a player can perform moving dribble moves as they attack down the court


(“Hyperdrive”) enhances your my-players ability to perform quick dribble moves while on the move. The quicker you can navigate through defenders, the easier it’ll be to score, not even just for yourself but for your teammates as well.

A couple benefits of the (“Hyperdrive”) badge:

Speed Kills

  • Speed is extremely crucial in basketball, and that’s where Hyperdrive shines. As a PG it’s your job to set the pace of the game. When you have this badge equipped, you can absolutely speed past defenders with lightning-quick agility. Imagine this right, you're driving to the hoop, and suddenly, you're making split-second decisions that leave defenders guessing.

Creating Opportunities

  • The real magic happens when you combine this badge with effective playcalling. Hyperdrive allows you to chain combos way more fluidly, creating enough space to either pop a shot or dish it out. If you're already a pro at using moves like crossovers or the hesi, Hyperdrive makes them even more lethal. An unpredictable guard is a nightmare for defenses, and trust me, they’ll be scrambling to keep up.
ZeM Curt (Author)
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