15 New Mobs Minecraft Developers Should Add To The Game

15 New Mobs Minecraft Developers Should Add To The Game
12 Nov 2022

What are some good ideas for new mobs in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a little bit different in the fact that while it has realistic animals, it also has different mobs that are way, way different than anything that would exist in real life.

We all love the mobs in the game, but more ideas for more mobs cannot hurt, right? These mobs can be passive, neutral, or highly hostile. Read more to find out some great and some wild ideas. Let's start!

15. Nether Dragon

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Nether Dragon is a proposed mob to the game that is pretty cool actually. It has a lot of detail about how it functions and works in the game world; so, read the next paragraphs to see how this mob might be a great idea to be added to the game.

This is another boss that drops dragon bones and a fire core, which are all new proposed items that does different things, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

But first things first, how do you summon the thing? Well, these dragons are imprisoned in nether fortresses and if the player destroys all the blaze spawners in the fortress, the dragon will be released. It is immune to fire and lava and is a pretty difficult boss overall.
How it Works:

  • It has a cool summoning mechanic where you need to go and destroy all the blaze spawners in a nether fortress. Pretty cool.
  • It is a boss added to the game and while it is somewhat the same with the ender dragons, still, bosses are cool.

14. Yeti

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This proposed mob is a variant on the enderman since it has attributes that are very similar to them, but the Yeti is a lot stronger.

Yeti has 30 hearts of health and can spawn very rarely on the Alpine Tundra biome. It does a lot of damage and can pick up blocks and throw them at the player. They also teleport and take damage from water. When killed, they drop between 1 to 3 ender pearls.

It is a cool design and something scary that is rare and only available in a single biome. It’s a really cool idea that Mojang may incorporate at some point in the future.
How it Works:

  • It spawns in the Alpine Tundra and has the properties of an enderman.
  • It is really strong but also spawns very rarely.


13. Ancient Ghast

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Ancient ghast is a proposed variant on the mob we all know and love, the ghast. What is different about this one compared to the original, let’s figure it out.

It is five times bigger than a ghast and can summon smaller ghast. It has different attacks like shooting multiple ghast fireballs at the same time. It has 150 hearts of health and is pretty difficult to kill.

It is a cool idea for a boss, and you know I always love seeing ideas for bosses in Minecraft, since there can be more, I feel like. However, it would be difficult add such a massive entity to the game, but nothing is impossible, I guess.
How it Works:

  • It is a huge ghast that does many different things and is very strong. This is basically the nightmare of a Minecraft player.
  • Everyone hates ghasts as much as I do, right? Right?


12. Deep Sea Angler

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How about something even more terrifying?

These anglerfish spawn deep within underwater ravines, and it will attack anything on sight, not only the player. It has a lot of HP but will drop even more XP and rare fishing drops if it is slain by the player.

It can swallow the player whole. When that happens, the player will have to hit the fish from the inside to make it spit the player out. Yeah, terrifying AND gross.

It is pretty terrifying but can be a good addition to the deep underwater areas in the game. Something to think about. Maybe having even deeper oceans in the game and adding this fella then might be a better idea.
How it Works:

  • It lures enemies by its “lightbulb” and will attack anything on sight.
  • It is huge, strong, and terrifying, but will give you a lot of loot if you are able to kill it.


11. Ender Blaze

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People always love seeing different variant to the blaze, and I’m definitely one of them. This blaze is a type of blaze that can be found in the end but that is not the only unique thing about it.

They do less damage to the player, but they can also teleport around the player, making them more difficult to deal with and beat. They also spawn regularly in end cities, making them another line of defense for all that good loot available in the End.

They are also damaged by water like many End mobs and will try to teleport away if they come contact in water in any way, including things like rain and splash water bottles.
How it Works:

  • It’s a blaze, but spawns in the End, does acidic damage like the Ender Dragon, and can teleport away. Simple, but effective.
  • They can also add even more challenge to end cities and to the End overall.


10. Blizzard

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While I don’t want to add every variant of Blazes that the fans came up with, I couldn’t stop myself form adding the Blizzard.

For one, the name is pretty cool. Secondly, they will throw ice balls at the player and will do Ice damage to the player if you do not have temperature resistance; yes, these are all new things that are proposed alongside the mob.

They spawn in places that are proposed alongside the mob called Aether Fortresses, which is a whole another concept proposed by the fans for the longest time.
How it Works:

  • There are cool stuff proposed alongside the mob which are pretty cool to imagine.
  • It is a cousin of the blaze that spawns in the overworld, which can be pretty cool, especially because they spawn in particular locations only.


9. Cave Fish

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Not all mobs have to be 100 block tall bosses that take around an hour to beat. No, some mobs can be as simple and boring as cave fish that add more immersion to cool visuals to the game without being overbearing to the original feel of the game itself.

Cave fish spawn in caves and have no eyes or coloration, they can also be picked up with a bucket like you could any other fish. Also, a new item called “fish food” is proposed which can be used to breed fish like the cave fish.

They add some more character to caves and the underground, they don’t offer much, but they are a cool minor addition that I can definitely see in the original game.
How it Works:

  • Simple, but effectively.
  • They work by having no eyes or coloration, which is pretty understandable for a creature who lives in pitch darkness and has lives so since forever.


8. Crawler

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If you enjoy zombie flicks and other stuff related to zombies, you are pretty much instantly familiar with the crawlers. They are in every zombie fiction out there.

They crawl, are smaller, but can attack you without you seeing or realizing them. Every zombie will have a %10 chance of spawning as a crawler, which might be a bit too much but can always be tweaked. Variants of zombies are cool, and can be added to introduce more variety in the game’s enemies.
How it Works:

  • Cool zombie variants are always welcome.
  • By crawling around on their bellies, I don’t know.


7. Creepeniarre

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Creepeniarre are smarter creeper types. They are really smart!

They can track the player in a 64-block radius, they can even make computers. I don’t even know at this point. The fandom is really creative and are making their own game bit by bit at this point.

However, if you ever wanted creepers that can ride pigs, you’ve come to the right place. The ideas of the community is endless, that’s for sure.
How it Works:

  • They are smarter creepers, basically the most terrifying thing imaginable.


6. Crow

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Similar to the cave fish, not all mobs have to have the ability to craft computers from hitting stones together and can be as simple as a crow flying around.

I think Minecraft can benefit from birds, and crows are a very smart bird that can interact with the world in interesting ways but they are thought-out properly before their addition to the game world.

They peck at farmland at certain points and can plant them back or steal the seeds away. They also spawn more frequently near witches’ huts and can be avoided with the use of scarecrows, something else proposed by the people who propose crows.
How it Works:

  • It is a bird and Minecraft lacks those; so, why not.
  • They steal crops, peck at farmland, and all other shenanigans. Pretty cool addition to the game.


5. Crystalline Guardian

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How about something a lot more extra? These mobs have 80 health and do 8 damage. They can drop different gems and are immune to fire.

The drop can be sapphire, topaz, ruby, and even diamonds. It’s a cool idea to add different gems to the game and this mob definitely looks to part to have a gem for an eye.
How it Works:

  • It hits a lot, has a lot of HP, but can be used to make automatic diamond farms (to a point)
  • It’s also colorful and definitely doesn’t fit the game, but can fit The Snare dimension that is proposed by different people as a new dimension to Minecraft.


4. Demised Knight

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Here is another mob that is more in line with RPGs and so on. It is a miniboss that spawns in castles proposed by the people who propose this mob.

They have around 30 hp and have 20 armor points; so, they are not the easiest mob the kill. They have different attacks and can bash shields, making them a worthy foe to go toe to toe with.

They also have pretty some AI and can drop their armor and tools when killed, and even diamonds.
How it Works:

  • They have armor, they look cool, they guard castles, and it might be pretty fun to fight with them: that’s how they work.


3. Bison

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This mob is a rare neutral mob, which we don’t have a lot of. Other than some variants of sheep, neutral mobs seem to be all over the place.

They can drop bison hide, wool, raw bison, and milk. They are pretty strong and difficult to kill and will charge you and deal a lot of damage if they hit you.

They are also proposed to spawn in plains, making plains a little less “plain”, if you forgive the pun.
How it Works:

  • They are simple neutral mob that adds more variant to the game.
  • They can be used as another source for wool and food.


2. Elite Wither Skeleton

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This is a variant on the wither skeleton that is much stronger than its original variant but does not drop anything extra other than having a very small chance to drop its armor, which is all protection III and unbreaking III.

It can drop its axe whenever it hits you and will do a lot less damage when it is unarmed, which is a cool mechanic, I guess, for some mobs to employ.

Overall, this is a great mob to add to the game and will or does not feel like an amateurish idea at all.
How it Works:

  • It has the Wither’s head, has armor with definite enchantments, and hits pretty hard while having a lot of HP as well.
  • It can drop its golden equipment with a small chance.


1. Ender Warrior

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Here is a cool design. Ender Warrior is a mob that spawns in the end, and while being slower than an enderman, it can teleport around and hit for a lot as well.

It has different attacks like vertical swing, horizontal swing, shield bash, stomp, and plunging attack. It will teleport around you and its attack will hit for a lot of HP. It has 50 HP and is pretty difficult to kill.

So, why would you want to kill it? Well, it has a chance of dropping that cool mace and shield, which are called the Ender Mace and Ender Shield, along with some ender pearls for good measure. Overall, great mob design for a nice miniboss.
How it Works:

  • It attacks for a lot, has a lot of HP, but drops cool stuff when killed.
  • It has varied strategies for killing it and is a unique boss to clash with if it doesn’t spawn all the time and spawns a bit more rarely.

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