11. Pompadoot
The cactus-inspired fruit that’s key to making the delectable lurge latty in Ooblets
Ever wanted to cuddle a cactus? Well, now you can! The pompadoot is an adorably oob-ified cactus that provides valuable milk.
Although this crop doesn’t bring in very many gummies right off the stalk, pompadoot juice is an important resource used in many recipes. I recommend keeping a couple dozen of these in your storage at all times in case you find yourself craving a Delislush on a hot summer’s night.
Before you start tilling your fields, however, you will have to make sure you’ve purchased the Meed’s Seeds Expansion from the Wishy Well. This upgrade is available at player level two and can be purchased for 75 wishies.
What makes Pompadoots great:
- Earn 3.6 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 8 gummies a piece and sell them for 26 gummies 5 days later.
- Available at Meed’s Seeds. Meed will put one seed variety on clearance each day, so it’s possible to pick up your pompadoots for 4 gummies a piece.
- Squeeze out some pompadoot juice. This milky stuff is used in several recipes, so you can never have enough on hand.
10. Fartichoke
The gassier version of an artichoke in Ooblets
If you’ve got a flatulence-related sense of humor, then this is the crop for you. Existing solely to be grown and sold, you’ll only get a handful of gummies from nurturing these seeds. But at least you’’l have a hearty giggle every time you cash in this stinky vegetable!
I recommend growing this crop if you abhor indecision; you’ll never have to wonder if you should sell all your fartichokes as they are or process them into higher-paying goods.
These seeds can only be purchased at the Mamoonia seed stall, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the stall after completing three Tinstle Tasks (thus unlocking the Oobnet questline). After activating Badgetown’s Oobnet tower, Gimble will offer to take you to Mamoonia.
What makes Fartichokes great:
- Earn 3.67 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 8 gummies a piece and sell them for 30 gummies 6 days later.
- Get a good laugh. Ooblets is full of silly names and sayings, but a crop named after a bodily function tops the list of wacky words the creators came up with.
- Keep it simple. Fartichokes aren’t used in any recipes, so you don’t have to choose between selling them raw and cooking them up.
9. Springbean
The source of Badgetown’s liquid gold in Ooblets
If you’d like to support a struggling, local business, plant as many springbeans as you can. Dubble, Badgetown’s worst businessperson, will pay you handsomely for any fresh springbeans, ground springbeans, or steaming beanjuice you bring to Cuddlecups Cafe. Just ignore her selling your goods back to the public at a loss.
Before you start tilling your fields, however, you will have to make sure you’ve purchased the Meed’s Seeds Expansion from the Wishy Well. This upgrade is available at player level two and can be purchased for 75 wishies.
What makes Springbeans great:
- Earn 4.2 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 2 gummies a piece and sell them for 9 gummies 5 days later.
- Grinding beans for days. Ground springbeans, while mostly useless by themselves, can be made into the coveted beanjuice. As a great source of energy (as well as gummies), it’s always a great idea to maintain a healthy store of springbeans.
- Available at Meed’s Seeds. Meed will put one seed variety on clearance each day, so it’s possible to pick up your springbeans for 1 gummy a piece.
8. Zinooka
The familiar, blueberry-esque fruit of Ooblets
If you’re a fan of deliciously-colored pastries, you’ll want to plant a few handfuls of these blue fruits. With just three zinookas, you can make either a Blue Goo Pie or an aptly-named Zinooka Cake.
As the most profitable crop available for purchase in Badgetown, zinookas are a great pick for early-game. When you pick these up from Meed, you also have a chance of increasing your profit if you manage to nab them for 50% off.
Before you start tilling your fields, however, you will have to make sure you’ve purchased the Meed’s Seeds Expansion from the Wishy Well. This upgrade is available at player level two and can be purchased for 75 wishies.
What makes Zinookas great:
- Earn 4.25 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 3.33 gummies a piece and sell them for 9 gummies 4 days later.
- Bake the rainbow. Zinooka cakes and blue goo pies are undoubtedly the most colorful meals in all of Oob. If you’re tired of eating drab gloom buns, consider baking a few of these sweet treats instead.
- Available at Meed’s Seeds. Meed will put one seed variety on clearance each day, so it’s possible to pick up your zinookas for 1.66 gummies a piece.
7. Cellulettuce
The cutified crunchy water of Ooblets
No sandwich is complete without a few lettuce leaves. Thankfully, the Ooblets creators have blessed us with a crop for just that purpose.
Cellulettuce, while a staple of the food pyramid, is only used for sprucing up your Bread Sammys. As a sub-par option for earning money, it’s easy to overlook cellulettuce altogether.
These seeds can only be purchased in the Port Forward seed shop, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the shop after completing the Nullwhere storyline. Once you’ve activated Nullwhere’s oobnet tower, you’ll be able to ride with Gimble to the endlessly entertaining Port Forward.
What makes Cellulettuce great:
- Earn 5 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 45 gummies a piece and sell them for 50 gummies 1 day later.
- Perfect for on-the-go meals. Cellulettuce combines with plain, old Bread Sammies to make A Very Cellulettuce Sammy .
- Befriend the axolotl-ly inspired ooblet, Quabbo. Each ooblet takes a special item to initiate a dance battle with, and Quabbo is no different. Make three Very Cellulettuce Sammies to win yourself a quabbo seed.
6. Sparkflower
One of a handful of spices growable in Ooblets
Oob is a world of color, and it just makes sense to include at least one bright crop on your farm. Aside from their perky design, sparkflowers are also critical for making Mamoonia Macaroons.
Even though sparkflowers have limited uses and bring in only a fair amount of gummies, this flavorful bud deserves at least a small plot on any player’s farm. A few flowering fields will do wonders to improve the atmosphere of your home, and you’ll be able to attract a Bristlebud or two once you crank out their favorite macaroons. Who doesn’t want a friendly succulent waltzing through their yard?
These seeds can only be purchased at the Mamoonia seed stall, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the stall after completing three Tinstle Tasks (thus unlocking the Oobnet questline) After activating Badgetown’s Oobnet tower, Gimble will offer to take you to Mamoonia.
What makes Sparkflowers great:
- Earn 6 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 5 gummies a piece and sell them for 10 gummies 5 days later.
- Make a Mamoonia Macaroon. As the favorite treat of Bristlebuds everywhere, cactus fanatics around Oob should prioritize growing at least a handful of sparkflowers.
- Bring home a little bit of Mamoonia. Mamoonia is a brightly-colored desert full of pinks, yellows, and oranges. Take a bit of this unique biome home with a bouquet of sparkflowers.
5. Freep
The deliciously purple freep in Ooblets
Similarly to the zinooka, the freep is a fruit known for its deep color. The two plants even look alike, but they hail from very different regions. The starkest difference is that freeps produce six berries upon harvest whereas zinookas only produce three.
If you’re a fan of off-brand hamburgers, though, the freep should be your top pick. As a key ingredient for the Nullwhere Gloom Bun, players with a taste for depressing patties need look no further. As an added bonus, freeps can also rake in a handsome profit when mass-produced.
These seeds can only be purchased at the Nullwhere seed stall, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the stall after completing the Mamoonia storyline. Once you’ve activated Mamoonia’s Oobnet tower, you’ll be able to fly with Gimble to the spook-inducing Nullwhere.
What makes Freeps great:
- Earn 12 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 4 gummies a piece and sell them for 12 gummies 4 days later.
- Grill up the spook-infused Gloom Bun. Freeps offer this classic meal a bruised color indicative of its homeland.
- Befriend Lickzer. Lickzer follows the example of its Oob siblings in requiring a special item to initiate a dance battle with. Grow 3 freeps to earn a lickzer seed.
4. Hyperglob
The otherworldly watermelon of Ooblets
Ever felt like watermelons were too cute and friendly? Apparently, the creators of Ooblets agreed because they gave this fruit a spooky twist. The hyperglob, reminiscent of the well-loved watermelon, provides players with a sweet ingredient, a little bit of light, and (of course) a large mound of gummies.
Although hyperglobs bring in more profit per plant than dregplants (a staggering 140 gummies), the ovular hyperglob takes longer to grow, so it evens out to the same profit per day. Still, if you have a soft spot for purple and don’t mind the extra day of labor, hyperglobs are a wonderful addition to any farm.
These seeds can only be purchased at the Nullwhere seed stall, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the stall after completing the Mamoonia storyline. Once you’ve activated Mamoonia’s Oobnet tower, you’ll be able to ride with Gimble to the spook-inducing Nullwhere.
What makes Hyperglobs great:
- Earn 20 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 4 gummies a piece and sell them for 180 gummies 7 days later.
- Befriend the proboscis-ly gifted Snurfler. To satisfy the snurfler, you’ll have to bring three hyperglobs as an offering.
- Keep it simple. Hyperglobs aren’t used in any recipes, so you don’t have to choose between selling them raw and cooking them up.
3. Dregplant
The all-natural Fripp doppelganger in Ooblets
Ooblets is full of strange creatures, and one of the strangest may be Fripp. If studied closely enough, that little antenna-blessed biped almost appears to be wearing a hollowed-out dregplant over his head and neck. Despite its visual affinity to dregplants, however, the fripp does not accept that particular veggie as a peace token.
The dregplant itself, however, bears a fruit that is worth its weight in gummies. As the highest-paying Nullwhere crop, dregplants earn their title by wrangling an impressive 120-gummy profit per plant. Throw in the recipe for roast dregs, and you’ve got yourself a competitor for the top-dog of Ooblets crops.
These seeds can only be purchased at the Nullwhere seed stall, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the stall after completing the Mamoonia storyline. Once you’ve activated Mamoonia’s Oobnet tower, you’ll be able to ride with Gimble to the spook-inducing Nullwhere.
What makes Dregplants great:
- Earn 20 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 40 gummies a piece and sell them for 160 gummies 6 days later.
- Appease the adorably terrifying Skuffalo. Skuffalo also takes a special item to initiate a dance battle with, and it has an appetite for dregplants. Grow three dregplants to earn skuffalo’s respect.
- Brew up some Roast Dregs. As one of the few warm drinks available for Badgetown residents, roast dregs are in short supply. Take a few cups to Cuddlecups Cafe for a few extra gummies or offer a sip to Glanter to make a new friend.
2. Thimbi
The Ooblets-ified fungi
Any oceanside dock would be incomplete without a little bit of mold growing along the edges. Luckily, the fungal thimbi provides some variation for Oob’s plantlife. Despite its less-appealing cousins, thimbis are a cute clump of turquoise caps.
Of the two Port Forward crops, the thimbi is worth significantly more. If you’d like to take home a little bit of the sea, I’d recommend planting a few waves of thimbis on your farm.
These seeds can only be purchased at the Port Forward seed shop, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the shop after completing the Nullwhere storyline. Once you’ve activated Nullwhere’s Oobnet tower, you’ll be able to fly with Gimble to the endlessly entertaining Port Forward.
What makes Thimbis great:
- Earn 24.29 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 12.5 gummies a piece and sell them for 55 gummies 7 days later.
- Bake the posh Thimbi Tartare. Feel like one of the Peak Snubs when you bring this fancy concoction to Meed’s.
- Befriend the Tella-Tubby-like Gubwee. If you’ve ever wanted a Tella-Tubby look alike follow you around all day, then just cook up three Thimbi Tartares and get ready to dance.
1. Bubblesprout
The bubbliest crop in Ooblets
The undeniable cuteness of bubbles is a natural fit for Ooblets. And the bubblesprout utilizes this cuteness to its full advantage. There’s something so satisfying about the thought of squeezing all those sprouts out of the bubblesprout pods.
As the only crop from the mythical Pantsabear Hill, bubblesprouts represent their hometown well. Bringing in almost 100 gummies/sprout per day, the quest to unlocking bubblesprout seeds is a worthwhile adventure.
These seeds can only be purchased at the Pantsabear Hill seed stall, so you’ll have to take a field trip to stock up on them. You can access the stall after completing the Port Forward storyline. Once you’ve activated Port Forward’s Oobnet tower and located the missing relic, Gimble can take you to the once-forbidden Pantsabear Hill.
What makes Bubblesprouts great:
- Earn 71.43 gummies per day. Grab these seeds at 20 gummies a piece and sell them for 70 gummies 7 days later.
- Keep it simple. Bubblesprouts aren’t used in any recipes, so you don’t have to choose between selling them raw and cooking them up.
- Roll in the gummies. With each sprout bringing in almost 100 gummies per day, you will never run out of that precious currency.