So, you've come to discover the top 15 armour pieces?
I know exactly why you’ve come here, dear reader. Let’s face it, OSRS has so many dang pieces of armour that it makes us all dizzy just thinking about it. Well, you may now rest easy, weary traveller, for I’ve put together a list of the best armour pieces in OSRS. Keep in mind, this list focuses on individual pieces that hold their own, not full sets- for that would be an entirely different list altogether! Now let’s stuff some info into that noggin!
15. Barrows Gloves (Best ranged offensive bonus)
those poor fingers
Aside from the art looking like the hands of a man who shoved all his fingers into a door and got his friends to slam it repeatedly, a standout feature of these gloves is that they provide: the best offensive bonuses for ranged, the second-best magic offensive bonus, and the second-best strength bonus of all gloves in the game. Making this a fantastic choice for whatever combat style your heart desires.
These gloves become available for purchase at the Culinaromancer's Chest in the Lumbridge Castle cellar after completing the entire “Recipe for Disaster” questline.
- +12 stab attack
- +12 slash attack
- +12 crush attack
- +6 magic attack
- +12 ranged attack
- +12 stab defence
- +12 slash defence
- +12 crush defence
- +6 magic defence
- +12 ranged defence
- +12 strength
What makes the Barrows Gloves awesome:
- Best ranged offensive bonus of all gloves
- 2nd best magic offensive bonus of all gloves
- 2nd best strength bonus of all gloves
How to Get Barrows Gloves:
Barrows Gloves details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Barrows_gloves
14. Ferocious Gloves (BIS melee gloves)
kinda looks like bones, doesn't it?
Requiring an attack of 80, the Ferocious Gloves are the best-in-slot melee gloves in the game. Which is no surprise considering how bloody fantastic they look!
Once equipped, these gloves grant the player +16 slash, stab and crush attack as well as +14 strength. Being melee-focused, the gloves have a penalty of -16 magic and ranged attack, making these gloves more of a one-trick pony. But hey, at least it’s a really cool trick!
The gloves can be crafted by using Hydra leather (purchasable from the grand exchange) on the machinery in the Lithkren Vault.
- +16 stab
- +16 slash
- +16 crush
- -16 magic
- -16 ranged
- +14 strength
What makes the Ferocious Gloves awesome:
- BIS melee gloves
How to Get Ferocious Gloves:
Ferocious Gloves details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Ferocious_gloves
13. Primordial Boots (Best strength boots)
red flavour! wait, red isn't a flavour
The Primordial Boots require 75 strength and defence to wear and provide the highest strength bonus of all boots in the game, it’s got 2 brothers that we’ll also be talking about in just a minute.
Honestly, there isn’t much more to say about these boots, it’s one of the simpler items on the list and sometimes simplicity is all you really need.
- +2 stab attack
- +2 slash attack
- +2 crush attack
- -4 magic attack
- -1 ranged attack
- +22 stab defence
- +22 slash defence
- +22 crush defence
- +5 strength
What makes the Primordial Boots awesome:
- Highest strength boots in the game
How to get the Primordial Boots (purchasable from the grand exchange):
Primordial Boots details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Primordial_boots
12. Pegasian Boots (Best ranged attack boots)
green flavour? probably the sour kind
Here, we have the 2nd pair of boots of the trio. The Pegasian Boots require 75 ranged and defence to wear and provide the highest ranged attack bonus of all boots in the game.
Its stats are quite different to that of its strength-focused brother, focusing more on the ranged side of things. The Pegasian Boots may not be the most aesthetically pleasing of the trio; but with stats like these, the fashion police couldn’t get us if they tried!
- -12 magic attack
- +12 ranged attack
- +5 stab defence
- +5 slash defence
- +5 crush defence
- +5 magic defence
- +5 ranged defence
What makes the Pegasian Boots awesome:
- Highest ranged attack boots in the game
How to get the Pegasian Boots (purchasable from the grand exchange):
Pegasian Boots details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pegasian_boots
11. Eternal Boots (Best magic attack and defence boots)
I'm not assigning a flavour to this one, suffer
finally, we have the 3rd pair of boots of the trio. The Eternal Boots require 75 magic and defence to wear and provide the highest magic attack and defence bonus of all boots in the game.
Once equipped, The Eternal Boots grant the player +5 stab, slash, crush and ranged defence as well as +8 magic attack and defence. You know, if Jagex ever decided to give players 2 extra sets of legs, I bet the first thing players would do (after playing a viciously intense game of competitive leapfrog) would be to throw on this magnificent trio of boots and poke holes into anything that moves.
- +8 magic attack
- +5 stab defence
- +5 slash defence
- +5 crush defence
- +8 magic defence
- +5 ranged defence
What makes the Eternal Boots awesome:
- Highest magic attack boots in the game
- Highest magic defence boots in the game
How to get the Eternal Boots (purchasable from the grand exchange):
Eternal Boots details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Eternal_boots
10. Infernal Cape (Best melee cape)
pizza cape!
The older brother of the Fire Cape (which is lovingly referred to as “Pizza Cape”) and notoriously difficult to obtain, the Infernal Cape is only available to players who complete the “Inferno” challenge.
Along with substantial bragging rights, once equipped, the cape grants some fantastic stat bonuses- making this cape the obvious pick for all your melee murdering. The cape also has a constant animation of lava running which is absolutely enchanting!
- +4 stab attack
- +4 slash attack
- +4 crush attack
- +1 magic attack
- +1 ranged attack
- +12 stab defence
- +12 slash defence
- +12 crush defence
- +12 magic defence
- +12 ranged defence
- +8 strength
- +2 prayer
What makes the Infernal Cape awesome:
- Best melee cape available
- Offers substantial bragging rights
How to get the Infernal Cape:
Infernal Cape details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Infernal_cape
9. Imbued Saradomin Cape (Best magic cape)
blue has always been a fancy colour, apparently
This regal looking cape is one of the cape choices awarded to players upon completing “The Mage Arena” miniquest and is great if you like to dress all fancy-like. Players with 75 magic can choose to imbue it, provided they have also completed “The Mage Arena 2” miniquest.
The Imbued Saradomin Cape grants the player +15 magic attack and defence as well as +3 stab, slash and crush defence. It also provides the player with +2% magic damage.
- +15 magic attack
- +3 ranged defence
- +3 slash defence
- +3 crush defence
- +15 magic defence
- +2% magic damage
What makes the Imbued Saradomin Cape awesome:
- Best magic cape in the game
How to get the Imbued Saradomin Cape:
Imbued Saradomin Cape details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Imbued_saradomin_cape
8. Ava’s Assembler (Best ranged attack cape)
okay, but what does the stick do?
“But Kaival!” I hear you say, “That’s not a cape, it’s a backpack!”. Worry not, dear reader. This item may be a little bulkier than a uniform piece of cloth, but it still fits in the cape slot so I’m calling it a cape and there’s nothing you can do about it! Mwahahaha, the world shall burn!
Anyway, this item requires level 70 ranged to equip and it’s not only the best ranged attack cape in the game, but the only cape that provides a ranged strength bonus. It also has an 80% chance of saving ammo which is great for saving those hard-earned coins of yours.
As for getting your hands on the item: first, the player must complete the “Animal Magnetism” and “Dragon Slayer 2” quests. Then bring 4,999 coins or Ava’s Accumulator (a reward from Animal Magnetism), Vorkath’s head (Obtained from Dragon Slayer 2) as well as 75 mithril arrows to Ava in Draynor Manor.
- +8 ranged attack
- +1 ranged defence
- +1 slash defence
- +1 crush defence
- +8 magic defence
- +2 ranged defence
- +2 ranged strength
What makes the Ava’s Assembler awesome:
- Best ranged cape in the game
- Only cape that provides a ranged strength bonus
- High chance to save ammo
How to get Ava’s Accumulator:
How to complete Dragon Slayer 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BMb3Zwzk_U&ab_channel=Slayermusiq1
Ava’s Assembler details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Ava%27s_assembler
7. Berserker Helm (PVP pures)
confidence is quiet, these horns are not
Aside from those massive horns clearly compensating for something, the Berserker Helm is often used during PVP because it’s the lowest level headgear to offer a strength bonus (which is also equal to that of the obsidian helm), making this helm a popular choice for pures.
The helm requires 45 defence to wear and the completion of “ The Fremennik Trials” quest. Once equipped, it grants much more melee-focused stats.
- -5 magic attack
- -5 ranged attack
- +31 stab defence
- +29 slash defence
- +33 crush defence
- +30 ranged defence
- +3 strength
What makes the Berserker Helm awesome:
- Lowest level headgear to offer strength bonus
- Great for pures
How to get the Berserker Helm (Purchasable from the grand exchange):
Berserker Helm details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Berserker_helm
6. Armadyl Helm (Best Ranged attack helm)
you could probably use the beak as a shovel
Okay sure, the Armadyl Helm looks a little silly, but it makes up for that by having the highest ranged attack bonus of any headwear item. The helm, along with the rest of the set, is a drop from Kree’arra in GWD and requires 70 defence and ranged to wear.
- -5 stab attack
- -5 slash attack
- -5 crush track
- -5 magic attack
- +10 ranged attack
- +6 stab defence
- +8 slash defence
- +10 crush defence
- +10 magic defence
- +8 ranged defence
- +1 prayer
What makes the Armadyl Helm awesome:
- Highest ranged attack headwear item
- Grants a prayer bonus, making it useful for the fight caves
How to get the Armadyl Helm:
Armadyl Helm details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Armadyl_helmet
5. Serpentine Helm (Great Strength helm and great passive)
snakes are scary, though
The Serpentine Helm stands out for its fantastic nightmare-fuel design: Snakes are scary, and now that you’ve got a snake face, you’re scary too! It’s a degradable helmet that requires 75 defence to wear. The helmet can be charged with Zulrah’s scales and will last for 15 hours of combat before returning to its uncharged state.
The Serpentine Helm has some very useful passive effects as well. It grants immunity to venom and poison, it also has a variable chance (Depending on the weapon the player is using) to inflict venom with every successful hit on a monster, provided they’re not immune to it. These chances are as follows:
16.67 % if the player is using a non-poisoned melee weapon
50% if the player is using a poisoned weapon
100% chance if the player is using the trident of the swamp, toxic blowpipe or casting damaging spells with the toxic staff of the dead.
- -5 magic attack
- -5 ranged attack
- +52 stab defence
- +55 slash defence
- +58 crush defence
- +50 ranged defence
- +5 strength
What makes the Serpentine Helm awesome:
- Second highest strength helm
- Grants Immunity to venom and poison
- Variable chance to inflict venom
How to get the Serpentine Helm (Purchasable from the grand exchange):
Serpentine Helm details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Serpentine_helm#Charged
4. Bandos Tassets (Best strength legs)
something something skirt joke
The Bandos Tassets are just straight-up great. This item requires 65 defence to wear and provides the player with the highest strength bonus of any leg slot item. On top of that, they generally offer some of the best stats compared to any leg slot item and provide a prayer bonus, making the item great for slayer tasks, melee training and some boss encounters.
Sure, the Bandos Tassets may be a skirt, but there’s nothing more badass than showing off those pretty little knees of yours while you violently tear through hordes of monsters!
- -21 magic attack
- -7 ranged attack
- +71 stab defence
- +63 slash defence
- +66 crush defence
- -4 magic defence
- +93 ranged defence
- +2 strength
- +1 prayer
What makes the Bandos Tassets awesome:
- Best strength legs
- Some of the best overall leg stats
- Prayer bonus
How to get the Bandos Tassets (Purchasable from the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Bandos+tassets/viewitem?obj=11834
Bandos Tassets details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bandos_tassets
3. Armadyl Chestplate (lightweight and sturdy ranged chest)
the yellow thing reminds me of custard
If you’re into ranged shenanigans, oh boy have I got the chest for you! The Armadyl Chestplate is one of the best pieces the game has to offer. It’s got some of the statistically best stats while also being more lightweight than every other ranged torso armour. The chestplate, along with the rest of the set, is a drop from Kree’arra in GWD and requires 70 defence and ranged to wear.
- -7 stab attack
- -7 slash attack
- -7 crush attack
- -15 magic attack
- +33 ranged attack
- +56 stab defence
- +48 slash defence
- +61 crush defence
- +70 magic defence
- +57 ranged defence
- +1 prayer
What makes the Armadyl Chestplate awesome:
- Lightest ranged torso
- Statically best ranged torso
- Grants a prayer bonus, making it useful for the fight caves
How to get the Armadyl Chestplate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvbmz3Itfx8&ab_channel=AsukaYenOSRS
Armadyl Chestplate details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Armadyl_chestplate
2. Dragonfire Shield (A dragon slayer’s best friend)
this thing is probably extremely heavy
The Dragonfire Shield is an upgrade to the Anti-Dragon Shield and requires 75 defence along with the player having started the “Dragon Slayer 1” quest. The shield provides great protection against adult dragonfire and icy breath attacks from dragons and wyverns respectively and it also looks really freaking cool.
The shield may hold up to 50 charges, with each charge increasing its melee and ranged defensive bonus by +1; one charge is absorbed per adult dragonfire and icy breath attack aimed at the player. It can also be charged through bottled dragonbreath. Once equipped and fully charged, the Dragonfire Shield grants the player increased stats.
The shield has a neat little bonus in which stored charges can be discharged as attacks. Right-clicking “activate” on the equipped Dragonfire Shield during combat will expend a charge and fire a blast of dragonfire at the target, dealing a maximum of 25 damage with a range of 10 squares.
- -10 magic attack
- -5 ranged attack
- +70 stab defence
- +75 slash defence
- +72 crush defence
- +10 magic defence
- +72 ranged defence
- +7 strength
What makes the Dragonfire Shield awesome:
- Great protection against dragonfire and icy breath
- Can be charged to increase stats
- Charges can be released as attacks
How to get the Dragonfire Shield (purchasable from the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Dragonfire+shield/viewitem?obj=11284
Dragonfire Shield details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dragonfire_shield#Charged
1. Elysian Spirit Shield (Best crush defence and a great passive)
looks like plastic, I don't trust it
The Elysian Spirit Shield is a definite contender for the best shield in the game. It has the highest crush defence in the shield slot along with a fantastic passive. The shield requires 75 defence and 75 prayer to wield, along with a casual cost of 800,000,000+ coins (subject to variability) to purchase on the grand exchange.
One thing that makes the Elysian Spirit Shield special is its passive. The shield has a 70% chance of reducing the damage the player receives by 25% on hit (but reduces no damage from monster special attacks and non-combat damage). This effect stacks with the Justiciar armour set’s passive as well, making for a killer combo.
- +63 stab defence
- +65 slash defence
- +75 crush defence
- +2 magic defence
- +57 ranged defence
- +3 prayer
What makes the Elysian Spirit Shield awesome:
- Highest crush defence in shield slot
- Great stats
- Fantastic passive
How to get the Elysian Spirit Shield (purchasable from the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Elysian+spirit+shield/viewitem?obj=12817
Elysian Spirit Shield details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Elysian_spirit_shield
And there it is, folks! The definitive list of the: [Top 15] Old School RuneScape Best Armour Pieces (And How To Get Them). We hope you found this list helpful and hope to see you again soon at Gamers Decide. Until next time, happy murdering!
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