5 – Qosmoz’s Low Life CoC Ice Nova/Ice Spear
What a mouthful. But LL Cast on Crit is a staple to PoE. With the buffs to both Ice Nova and Ice Spear, it’s difficult to say which would be the best and having played both extensively, I feel that Ice spear wins out in damage. Still, Ice Nova wins out in the delightful clearing it has. Both are so similar that you can mostly switch between one another at your leisure.
What Qosmoz’s Low Life CoC Ice Nova/Spear Excels in:
- Surprisingly Tanky
- Buttery smooth clearing
- Scales supremely well with investment
- Looks amazing with MTX
- Freezes screens of monsters
Pick Qosmoz’s LL CoC Ice Nova/Spear if you Like:
- Cast on Crit Builds
- Cyclonning around
- Massive bursts of damage and freezing your enemies into popsicles
Qosmoz’s Ice Nova/Spear LL CoC full details:
- As a Low Life build, we use Shavrone’s Wrappings, and to further make use of our life pool, we use a Prism Guardian in order to reserve 3 50% auras (Hatred, Grace, and Zealotry) and then still have all of our mana to reserve other auras and utilities, like Skitterbots, herald of Ice, or banners.
- If you go with the Ice Spear, I’d recommend getting a +2 Proj helm to enchant, as that is a massive boost to DPS, since Ice Spear can shotgun enemies. With the changes to how Ice Spear works in this league, I’d expect it to be much better now than previously since you don’t have to be at a certain distance to maximize your damage, and Ice Nova got a massive boost in flat damage against chilled enemies, which should offset the nerfs to Cast on Crit.
- You can scale your Evasion as high as 25k, with Grace and use Ghost Shrouds to help with ES sustain and tanking hits. With the introduction of Forbidden jewels, you can also yoink extra damage by having a 5th Ascendancy node, and good options are Born in the Shadows, for more survivability, Explosive Experts for tons of damage, Harness the Void to gain Non-Chaos as Chaos damage, or even if you’re rich, Swift Killer, for free Frenzy generation and +1 Frenzy/Power Charge.
For more information, click here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2971773
4 – Cast on Crit Forbidden Rite
While it has fallen out of favour a bit, since Sentinel league, with the nerfs to % Global Defense and other, stronger meta-skills popping up, FR is still one of the most powerfull skills, mechanically, in the game, and it is, personally, the strongest build I’ve ever played.
What Cast on Crit Forbidden Rite Excels in:
- Immortal build.
- Can do any content, even Uber Bosses with Height of Hubris and insane Mods.
- Perfect Simulacrum Farmer can play while watching a show or a movie without needing to focus.
- More than respectable damage and clearing.
Pick FR CoC if you Like:
- Having a build that can do everything and anything, without gear swaps.
- Able to play a build without more than a button press, gliding across the screen cycloning.
- Face tanking pretty much everything without a care in the world.
Cast on Crit Forbidden Rite full details:
- It’s a build that can do any content, any of the Uber Bosses (which I’ve farmed Uber Maven now so much that I’ve gotten 2 Woke Enlightens!), 100% Delirious Maps, The Feared, Sanctum, you name it.
- Forbidden Rite gets its damage scaling off 5% of our Energy Shield (we’re CI), so the more ES we have, the more damage we deal. This means you’ll want to be as tankier as possible because you’ll be dealing the most damage potential.
- As such, things like Global Defense Fractured Chests are the way to go, as you can scale your FR’s level insanely high with Faceted Fossils and get a ton of ES from your Grasping Mail.
For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/jmsplat/Waiter?i=0&search=class%3DOccultist%26skill%3DForbidden-Rite%26sort%3Ddps
3 – MobyFett’s Cast on Crit Elementalist
This build takes an age-old build, Cast on Crit Ice Nova, and uses newly buffed and reworked uniques to breathe life into this old archetype. It’s cheap and easy to play, with a comfortable playstyle, and you won’t be lacking for damage at all.
What MobyFett’s Cast on Crit Excels in:
- Fairly tanky despite being an Elementalist
- Fantastic clearing
- High single-target damage
- Quite cheap to start and can scale well into the endgame.
Pick MobyFett’s Cast on Crit if you Like:
- Cast on Crit builds
- Cycloning around while mayhem happens around you
- Dealing Shapers per second amounts of damage
MobyFett’s Cast on Crit full details:
- The build uses the broken and buffed helmet, Heatshiver, to give us around 140% of our Cold Damage (we use Ice Nova and Frostbolt) gained as fire, thus dealing more fire damage than cold.
- Since Elementalist has issues capping crit chance, MobyFett uses a seldom used jewel, added in 3.19, Sublime Vision, with the Precision variant, granting us 25% more crit chance at the cost of not allowing another aura to be used.
- And we also use Maligaro’s Restraint, in a way of not caring about investing into Critical Strike Multiplier in the passive tree, allowing us to use our points for more damage and life elsewhere.
For more information, check here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0p1hTbo8bk
2 – Palsteron’s Cast on Crit Fireball Nimis Deadeye
A build made because of the fabled Nimis ring, combined with the desire to bring back an old skill, often forgotten by most. Unlike most CoC builds, it doesn’t use Cyclone, but Kinetic Blast, making it a massive eyesore of the goodness of a build.
What Cast on Crit Fireball Deadeye Excels in:
- Insane Clearing
- Nearly immortal while attacking (LGoH)
- Massive single target
- Extremely expensive
Pick Cast on Crit Fireball Deadeye if you Like:
- Cast on Crit builds
- Ranged CoC
- Nimis craziness
- Spending a fortune
Palsteron’s Cast on Crit Fireball Nimis Deadeye full details:
- Nimis is a ring that makes all projectiles you fire to return to you. This means that when it hits an enemy, certain spells and attacks with an area of effect component will return to you and hit the same enemy again, effectively doubling your damage.
- So we take two very synergistic skills, Kinetic Blast as the conveyor of the Cast on Crit, and Fireball. Because KB explodes multiple times (based on pierce/chain/fork) when it hits enemies, each explosion can trigger Fireball, and Fireball will do the same per enemy it hits. And then it all returns to you, doing the same again.
- As a CoC build, you’ll want to make sure you reach the breakpoints of CoC by having at least 52% (you don’t need more) Cooldown Recovery and get as much attack speed as possible, which is fairly easy considering we are a Deadeye with Tailwind.
For more information, check here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-HCWHcJA68
1 – Cast on Crit Ice Spear Occultist
This is what CoC Ice Spear looks like when you have a near-infinite budget and can toy around with one of the best and most broken uniques introduced in this league, Nimis. It’s a ring that makes it so all projectiles return to you, regardless of their travel. This means they can also double-hit and shotgun. However, it comes with a drawback (which isn’t a big drawback depending on the skill): it fires your projectiles in random directions.
What Cast on Crit Ice Spear Excels in:
- Insane clearing.
- Buttery smooth gameplay. You kill as you spin.
- Amazing single-target damage.
- Can clear all content.
Pick Cast on Crit Ice Spear if you Like:
- CoC Builds
- Clear as fast as you move
- Demolish all content
Cast on Crit Ice Spear full details:
- Nimis, as I said before, makes it so all your projectiles fire in random directions and then return to you, hitting enemies on their path once again. And since Ice Spear is an exceptionally quick projectile, and Sniper’s Mark creates over a dozen more projectiles with Nimis, you’re dealing, by sheer virtue of projectile count, a buttload of damage.
- You can either go with a Cospri’s Malice as your weapon, or you can use a dagger with Vagan Mod to not worry about accuracy at all while also getting a ton of good benefits, like Crit Multi, Crit Chance, +1 to all Cold (levels for spells are the best to increase their damage) and attack speed.
- That is important because there are certain thresholds you wanna reach with CoC builds, those being 7.57 and 10.10 attacks per second (with all buffs active). So you need a quick weapon to reach that attack speed threshold (and not go over it), as it will significantly ruin your damage. So aim to get it as close but UNDER the point. As well as getting a ton of CDR, with 52% being required for 10 aps.
For more information, check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/phasegrenade/CallMeKermitTheFrog?time-machine=week-3&i=1&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26skill%3DIce-Spear%26item%3DNimis%26sort%3Ddps
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