[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Farming Spots That Are Great
Path of Exile is a massively complicated and complex game. You can essentially play however you want. But there are a few strategies that will always give you more currency, depending on your preference of content, and if you’re well geared for it. As such, it’s obvious tons of strategies were created to exploit the numerous systems in the game, and here is a list of the 10 best as of Patch 3.18 Sentinel League!
10 – Influence Rushing
This method of farming, perhaps not directly created by DSLily, was something she shared with the larger public about this simple and easy farming strategy. You need some capital to start with, unless you already have a nice supply of random Tier 14 or higher maps.
It essentially works by burning through maps, activating (finding the influenced mobs), killing a few packs and then leaving. After 28 maps (bare minimum, but there’s a passive in the Atlas Tree that grants 10% chance to double the progress once), you’ll get an invitation to either Searing Exarch or Eater of Worlds, which you can just sell it. Rinse and repeat, easy profit.
Why Influence Spamming is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Super chill and easy to do.
- Can watch TV or a show while doing it, 0 stress and focus needed.
- Doesn’t need hundreds of chaos of investment, and you’ll always profit.
- Maps cost barely anything nowadays, don’t need to roll them.
9 – Heist
One of the least liked mechanics in the game, and yet with the highest potential for profit, Heist was a controversial league but it introduced Replica Uniques and Alternative Quality gems, both types of items mostly unobtainable from any other sources, except some divination cards.
The biggest pain to get Heisting started is that you need to level up your rogues, and then run a bunch of Gianna Contracts, so you get Blueprints discounts. And also gear up the rogues with good equipment, which is another massive pain point. All said though, it’s a great league starting strategy, before doing act 10, to farm a lot of currency, but at the top end, you can make builds that zoom at 400% Movement Speed, and farm Heist so efficiently, you’ll be rolling in the money.
Why Heisting is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- The sole source of Replica Uniques and Alt Quality Gems.
- Tons of Stacked Decks and random currency.
- Easy and doesn’t need a lot of gear to do.
- Raiders are your best bet, as they’re the fastest Ascendancy in the game.
- Not a lot of competition, since most people hate doing Heist.
8 – Delve
Yet another divisive mechanic, Delve is a fantastically profitable league mechanic if you know what you’re doing, but it also comes with a few pain points.
First, you need to reach around 300 to 400 Depth, and that takes a lot of time and Sulphite. When you’re down to that level, then things start to evolve. The best way to generate currency, besides getting lucky boss spawns, like Aul, or great Fossil caches, like faceted or fractured fossils, you’ll get a lot of money by converting any azurite you get into resonators with Niko.
Delve’s the only place where resonators actually drop or can be mass produced, and especially mid to late league, people want to spam fossil crafting hundreds of times. Right now, the Primitive Chaotic Resonator sells in bulk for 80:1 exalt. And you, down in depth 350, can get over 200 of those in a single Sulphite tank.
Why Delving is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Low to no competition.
- Relaxed and cyclic to do, though monotonous for some.
- The only source of Resonators.
- With the new Atlas Passive Tree, it’s easier than ever to farm Sulphite alone. No more Rotas!
7 – Incursion/Temple of Atzoatl
Though many people use Incursion as a way to generate even more mobs and juice their maps further, especially for Deli Mirror and Deli Maps, it is still a fantastic farming strategy to do it solely for that, and with the Atlas Passive tree, it’s easier than ever to get your Locus of Corruption and Doryani’s Institutes for massive happiness or massive sadness in the shape of Gambas!
Just run your regular maps with Alva and all the needed passives, be sure to pick out the best choices during incursions, and don’t forget to lock in those special ones. And if you don’t want to run the Temples, you can convert them into Chronicles, to sell to other players or keep them for a later date.
Why Doing Alva is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Fantastic farming strat for extra mobs, loot, and exp, especially in high-end juicing.
- Can blast through dozens of Alvas in sequence and then sell all the Temples in one go.
- There’s an infinite demand, so you’ll always be able to sell your Chronicles.
- Has the potential, with Locus of Corruption, to net you the best possible corruption on meta equipment.
6 – Boss Rushing
In a similar vein to Influence Rushing, this one mixes Influence Rushing and the Eldritch Altar (#5, see below) strategies, but in Shore Map, which is the best map to run if you want to farm a lot of Crimson Temples, while also farming a ton of Invitations, to sell for profit.
But since you kill the Shore boss (the pirate king!), you also have a chance of getting Synthetized Maps, Guardian Maps, Conqueror Maps and more regular maps. All of which you can sell in bulk, and you can run over 150 maps in less than 3 hours if you’re slow, and 2 if you’re mediocre!
Super relaxed and simple to do, with insane profit margin, and not a single micro-manage of scarabs or sextants. You don’t even need to roll your maps! Blue, white, corrupted, anything, as long as you can run it, we don’t care about anything, just the boss!
Why X is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Super chill and fun to do.
- Costly to re-roll the Atlas for this strategy, so do tons of maps.
- Easily over 5ex/hour.
- Easy to sell all the loot, not a lot of trades.
5 – Eldritch Altars
This one, popularized by Grimro last league and just as strong now as it ever was, especially with Sentinels, is simply a boss rushing strategy, that aims to prevent any Eldritch Altars that affects the Map Boss, and guarantees it’s either Player or Pack-oriented, which are your best bets for farming insane currency.
You’ll need a properly set up Atlas, to abuse this, and there are really only two maps that are worth doing this strategy on Mesa. Now, which influence you’ll farm is entirely dependent on the market or your needs. If you desperately need to farm Eater of Worlds, for whatever reason, know that your eldritch currency, the ichors, are less valuable, not by much, than embers, the Searing Exarch’s currency. That said, Eater of Worlds Invitations are much more valuable since they drop Melding of the Flesh, and yet, Forbidden Flame Jewels are much more expensive, per node, than its blue and Fleshy counterpart.
Why Altar Spamming is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Extra Juice on every map.
- Easy to start.
- An infinite supply of maps if you know how to set up your Atlas.
- Can farm hundreds of Exalts weekly if you know what you’re doing.
4 – Sentinel Spamming
Sentinel Spamming became a thing right from week 1 or 2 of the league, and it settled mostly on a few maps. Dunes, Beach, and finally the most popular, Glacier. The strategy works by rolling good Sentinels, with Power Cores, and getting your Pandemonium Sentinel to activate on essentially hundreds of mobs, for insane loot explosions.
The preferred Sentinel rewards are Expedition, Currency, and Sentinel Rewards, as they not only give you back Sentinels to run with but also Recombinators, which are the bread and butter of crafting this league, and works from low-tier to high-end crafting.
Why is Sentinel Spamming a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Simple and easy to do, you just lure all the mobs into a cluster and pop your sentinels.
- After you kill them, especially if you have some form of explosion, reap your rewards.
- You don’t need much to get started, just a few Pandemonium Sentinels and some crafting knowledge to get the best for your buck.
3 – Uber Boss Farming
In Patch 3.18 Sentinel League, a new version of all bosses was introduced, the Uber Bosses and they came with substantially higher thresholds to be killed. They’re much tankier, a lot harder, sometimes even unkillable with the proper combination of mods. As such, for every problem there is a solution, and many people developed builds that are made to demolish and farm those bosses.
All uber variants have something extra on top of their regular loot pool, with unobtainable items that only drop from them, and are exceedingly powerful, like a Massive Ring Thread of Hope or an Impossible Escape.
Since those bosses are so hard to do and the items they drop can be quite valuable, it’s obviously a profitable venture, and that’s what this strategy is all about. Killing the bosses with ease to be able to generate tons of profit.
Why is Uber Bossing a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Hard to do, and as such, few people CAN do it.
- Jackpot items as well as consistent farming materials, like Exceptional Ichors and Embers.
- Super fun and skill-required gameplay, unless you have the money to trivialize this Uber Content, which is not easy!
2 – Delirium Mirror
Predominantly done to generate and sell Simulacrums in bulk, as well as the massively satisfying loot explosion at the end, Deli Mirror is all about juicing the map as much as possible, while also going as far away from the start of the map as possible, to both increase the Delirious level as well as the loot rewards.
People can reach over 300 Splinters in a single Deli Mirror map, and they can juice maps to take upwards of 20 minutes to clear, between Alva missions, Breaches, Harvest, Blight, anything that stops the timer and lets you kill tons of mobs while doing so.
It’s mostly done in either Promenade or Tropical Island and it’s a matter of preference or Divination Cards.
Why is Delirium Mirror a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- One of the best EXP and raw loot you can have in the game.
- Best way to generate Simulacrums and Deli Orbs for Deli Maps.
- Super rewarding and perfect for going fast and destroying everything!
1 – Crimson Temple
This is perfectly well combined with Deli Map strategy (not Mirror!) because, though Crimson Temple has a good linear layout, it isn’t the best for Mirrors, being a short map, but you’ll increase the mob count exponentially, which is perfectly suited for Magic Finding this wonderful Map, which drops the most coveted Divination card in the game, The Apothecary, which is a 1/5 set that grants you the Mageblood!
It also has other valuable Divination Cards, like The Enlightened, which grants, you guessed it, an Enlighten Gem Level 3, as well as Seven Years Bad Luck, which grants you a Mirror Shard, and seeing as Mirror of Kalandra are going for over 450exalteds right now, that’s a massive drop.
Why Crimson Temple is a Great Unique Farming Strategy:
- Mageblood!
- Mageblood!!!
- Seriously, Mageblood is such a broken item that it’s no surprise it’s such a coveted item. While last league it was worth over a Mirror, now, because of this card, it dropped in value so much that now it’s ‘buyable’ at a measly low price of 170 exalts!
- Besides the other fantastic cards, It’s a linear and easy-to-run map, that’s perfect for low AoE builds, and can run through maps quickly.
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