[Top 5] PoE Best Armor Sets for Ranger That Are Powerful
Rangers are one of the strongest classes in the game, not necessarily in power but in flexibility and potential. As such, there are myriad functional builds that dominate the meta, and they all work because of the equipment’s synergies with the classes. So here are a few of the best Ranger builds and their wearables!
5 – Poisonous Concoction
One of the best, if not THE best league starter builds, Pconc is a fantastically simple and strong that doesn’t rely on weapons for its damage, and instead uses your Life Flask Capacity as damage. Though it suffers from some issues, and you could arguably get a lot more damage by being an Occultist, Pathfinder is a lot comfier and quicker to play with.
Devouring Diadem is a great option for a couple of reasons. First, it makes the Mana Cost of abilities practically irrelevant. Secondly, it also grants a bunch of RME for auras, especially since it has been nerfed in 3.19.
Body Armor
This is a slot where you can either go with a simple Unique, like Cherrubim’s Maleficence, for easy damage, armour and evasion, as well as some life, or you go with a strong rare filled with Spell Suppression, a ton of Life, and Eldritch implicits that boost your Malevolence and other auras.
Here you’ll want as much DoT as possible, as well as Chaos DoT Multi from a Hunter Influenced Item. As such, the best base would be an Apothecary Gloves. If you get Culling Strike(Warlord/Hunter) as well, that’ll end up being a net 10% more damage, regardless of the build.
This is a good place to pick up some Resistance, more Spell Suppress, a lot of life and stats, and most importantly, a lot of Life.
None, pick up any wand that you won’t have attributes in order to level gems, but we use no weapons.
Great place to pick up as much Spell Suppression as possible, Block Chance, a ton of Life, and whatever Resistances you’re missing.
Though it isn’t mandatory by any means, an Ashes is a great amulet that will help you unlock the true potential of all your gems, while also helping you with your RME.
A beefy Stygian Vise is a great idea, with as much Life, Chaos Damage, and resistance as possible. You could of course go with a Mageblood, if you’re rich.
You’ll want at least one ring with Despair on Hit, to make it super easy and comfy to play. On the other, you can either get even more damage or go for the more approachable strategy of wearing a Circle of Nostalgia with as much Chaos damage as possible (use catalysts!).
4 – Dex Stacking Spectral Throw Deadeye
A phenomenally strong build that got a lot of traction thanks to Mathil, Dex Stacking ST can mow down screens of enemies while still dealing a truckload of damage on single target thanks to Sniper’s Mark splitting the projectiles and having a veritable wave of weapons flying around the bosses.
A staple for any cold dex stacker, Fractal Thoughts is often BiS as it provides a ton of life and 15% Dex, while also being great damage boosting helmet that grants 1% Elemental damage per 10 Dex. And since Dex builds often reach over 1.5k Dex, that’s 150% ‘free’ Ele damage.
Body Armor
On a budget, getting a Briskwrap is a great idea, as it will give you a ton of Dex and Damage, similar to Fractal Thoughts. But on a higher end, you’ll want a Hunter/Elder body armour that gives you % Dex, Attack Crit Chance, and a +1 Curse will help things out quite wonderfully. If you can, getting as much life as possible will also go a long way to your survivability.
Temple Mods, with Cold damage or Crit Chance are a great addition, while also granting you a lot of resistance. Try to get a lot of attack speed, as this is one of the best ways to scale your damage. Also try to get as much Dex as possible, since that’s the bulk of your damage!
These are Sentinel special boots that grant the same mod as Hunter weapons (and the reason Dex Stacking exists), that grant you 2 to 4 Cold damage with Attacks per 10 Dex. So at 1500 Dex, that’s 300 to 600 Cold damage. And then you double it with your weapon’s mod. This is an absurd amount of damage. You’ll also want on your boots as much Spell Suppress, Movement Speed, Dex and Life as possible.
As mentioned before, you’ll want Hunter Claws with the 2 to 4 Dex Mod, but also as much attack speed, some flat cold damage would be good, as much crit as possible, and Elemental Penetration with Attacks.
This is a great place to get as much Evasion, Spell Suppression and Life as possible while filling out Res and Dex as possible, and any Attack Speed you get is gravy.
This is a very important piece that can net you a ton of % increased Dex/Attributes, while also providing a bunch of Flat Dex and even % Damage per Dex. It’s also a good place to get as much Minus Mana Cost as possible.
Same as the Amulet, % Dex Implicits, and crafting with as Essence of Sorrow for Dex, life, resistances, whatever else you need.
Here you’ll want a lot of WED, Stats, Life, and Res as you need them. It’s also where you’ll get your Curse on Hit Frostbite and more Minus Mana Cost to skills.
3 – Vaal Lightning Strike Raider
As usual, being such a strong contester is one of the strongest builds of the meta, and it seems that it hasn’t been nerfed at all in 3.19, meaning it’s as strong as ever and will demolish monsters just like it used to. The three best ascendancies for VLS are Champion, Berserker and Raider, with Raider being the fastest, the Berserker the strongest, and the Champion being the tankiest. And here are the reasons for such!
Blizzard Crown, with as much Attributes as possible, since we are an Omni build. Try to get as much Life as you can, and the LS enchant is crucial for gameplay!
Body Armor
Our main source of Power Charges and a way to always have uptime on our Frenzy charges, since those are crucial for our speed and damage. Farrul’s Fur also grants us a Free Cat Aspect, which gives a lot of crit chance, on a pendulum mechanic, as well as some attack and movement speed.
Here you’ll want to go big on your budget, as you want a +1 Frenzy Charges and +2 Strike Skills, since this is how you double your damage against single target. Try to get as much Attack Speed as possible, since that’s your primary multiplier to your damage. Also, you’ll want to craft Aspect of the Cat either on your helmet or gloves, since you want to link it to Less Duration Support, in order to cycle between Cat’s Stealth and Speed.
You’ll want a Darkray Vectors here, as it’s the best pair you can get for what it brings, with its +1 to Frenzy as well as so much movement speed per Frenzy. At 12 constant Frenzy Charges, this boot alone grants you over 60% Movement Speed!
Basic claw, triple Elemental if you can, as much crit and attack speed as possible, and Elemental Pen or Dex is gravy.
Here is where you’ll get a bunch of Spell Suppression as well as Ailment Avoid, which combined with Raider, will top you off-handedly with only a couple of passive wheels which are already fantastic to take anyways!
Crystalized Omniscience grants us blanket resistance and damage, making it extremely easy to cap out on Res, and will provide the single greatest amount of damage possible.
Mageblood, also a fantastic item as always, the strongest unique in the game by far.
Here you’ll want as much Attribute or Added Cold Per Frenzy (remember, we stack those) so getting as much flat cold damage is crucial to your overall damage. Also, if you can, go for +1 Maximum Frenzy Charges too!
2 – Doryani’s Prototype HoWA Accuracy Stacker Flicker Strike Raider
Now that’s a mouthful! Though you might feel intimidated by the long-winded description of this build, it’s rather simple and very synergistic.
Since we’re an Int stacker, you’ll want a Hubris Circlet (Int stackers get a lot of % ES, but not much flat ES) Hunter Influenced, with as much Int as possible, as well as % Intelligence. Get as much Flat ES as possible and Resists (But avoid Lightning Resistance on gear!!!
Body Armor
Here’s Doryani’s Prototype, so there’s no getting around it. Get one with as much Armor and ES as possible. This is the reason why you don’t want any Lightning Res on gear since that’s how you’ll scale your own damage. It does mean you need to take care against Lightning Dots, since there’s no escaping that.
This is the reason this build even works. Shaper’s Touch takes all your Int and makes it into Evasion (which then becomes Armor, since we convert it with Iron Reflexes) as well as +4 Accuracy per 2 Int, and since we have over 1300 Int, that’s more than 2600 Accuracy from a single item slot!
This is the second part of our damage. With all this extra Accuracy, we get a lot of damage from Ritual-exclusive boots, called Stormrider Boots, which take our Accuracy and grant 1 to 6 Lightning Damage per 200 Accuracy. Even though this build isn’t going full-on Accuracy, it still means you’re getting a heavy chunk of damage from it!
Hand of Wisdom and Action, the famous HoWA is a claw that grants a lot of damage based on the amount of Int that you have, as well as some attack speed based on your Dex. It grants 1 to 10 Lightning Damage per 10 Int, and since we’re over 1,300, that’s more than 1300 Flat Lightning damage! Of course, there’s a ton of variance, but since we don’t crit (Precise Technique), we can use the Lucky Lightning Hits Mastery, guaranteeing as much damage as possible!
Aegis Aurora, that, though often used to help reach 90% All Res, this time is just to provide insane ES recovery on Block, which we are fully capped out, but since we’re forced into building a bunch of armour, and we’re hitting almost 100k Armor, each time we block, either spell or attack, we get almost 2,000 ES back, instantly!
This is more of a luxury item and could honestly be replaced by many things. It’s entirely up to you, but having yet another source of Negative Lightning Res is great, and will make you cap out on the negative 200% Lightening Res. Uul Netol’s Vow will grant you a lot of damage, but it’s a hefty price tag, and likely the most expensive item in the build.
The rest of the jewellery will be mostly the same. Lots of Fire and Cold Res, as much Int and ES as possible, with hopefully % Intelligence Synth implicits.
Same as the belt.
1 – Omniscience Tornado Shot Deadeye
One of the strongest builds in the entire game, because of how flexible it is in the content it can do, as well as the maximum output of damage you can deal when properly geared. The ideal situation is going with a Physical Bow and then converting the damage you deal into Cold damage since it synergises so well with Inspired Learning and Headhunters.
Loathing Essence Helmet with as much Dex and/or Int as possible and RME. If you’re going for a Melding setup, you’ll need to choose where to get it from, and picking up Maximum Lightning Resistance is a good way to go.
Body Armor
Here you’ll want as much life as possible, as well as capping out on Spell Suppress and Ailment Avoid as possible, and if you can, RME. Any extra Attributes are gravy, as we are an Omni build.
This is where you’ll get the bulk of the Phys Conversion. You’ll need Eldritch Implicits to reach 25% as well as getting either temple Mod or Jun Veiled mods, to hit 60% (so you can convert the rest through the passive tree) and as many attributes and Spell suppress as possible, and hopefully some life.
Keeping in line with the theme, as much Spell Suppress, Attributes, Movement Speed, and in this case, you’ll want to spam the boots with Loathing Essences for Ailment Avoid, to reach at least 55%, combined with Eldritch implicits, in order to reach 100% with the passive Tree and the Body Armor.
This is the most expensive part of the build, and if you don’t have the bow, you might as well use a Triple Ele Bow. Here you’ll want a bow with the most pDPS as possible, +2 Arrows and as much Crit Chance as possible, with anything else being gravy on top.
You’ll want as much Phys damage, Projectile Speed (we convert that into damage with bow hits) Crit Multi, Attack Speed and if you can, a +1 or +2 Arrows as well. Life is almost mandatory, and anything else is gravy by then.
Crystalized Omniscience. The core of this build.
Mageblood. Enough said.
Here you’ll want rings with either Onslaught on Hit or pure % Attributes Synth base, since that’s our primary way to scale attributes. Getting Life and Minus Mana Cost will go a long way to improve the comfortability of the build.
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