With over 20 years’ worth of games, the Pokemon franchise is one of the best-known video game franchises in the world. But with all that fame, it makes joining the fandom an intimidating challenge, but I’m here today to narrow down the best games for both veteran players and new fans who want to get into the series.
10. Pokemon X and Y (Released in 2013 for the 3DS)
Pokemon X Let's Play by PurpleRodri
Pokemon X and Y take place in Kalos, the brand-new region based on France where the player faces off against team Flare to save the world while training to become the champion. They were the first Pokemon games to allow character customization, already placing it high on the list of all Pokemon games. Not only that, it allowed better graphics and a large leap from the previous games’ capabilities. While it is considered an easy game with its expanded EXP share and EXP from catching Pokemon, that was necessary to bring more kids to the franchise.
A show of the game’s new type, fairy, strong against dragon, dark, and fighting.
One of the new mega evolutions included in the game.
#9 Pokemon Fire Red Leaf Green
Released in 2004 for the Gameboy Advance