Pokemon Scarlet and Violet brings an all new wave of S-tier Normal Type Pokemon to the game!!! From the additions of new dual typings to the introduction of Tera Types, this game is sure to entice Pokemon lovers and newcomers alike!!!
Their Normal typing may seem like a bland pick to add to your team, but if you take into account their unique dual typings, little weaknesses (Fire Types do double damage), and range of attacks– you’ll begin to see why these Pokemon (old and new) are a reason to give ‘em a shot!
Normal Type Strengths:
- Great against Ghost, Rock and Steel Typings.
- Immune to Ghost
- Normal, Fighting and Ghost are great Tera choices for Normal Type Pokemon.
- Lvl 100 Normal Types are great to have when battling against Pokemon like Raquazza, in case you need to do normal damage to slowly break down it's health without killing it. Teaching your Normal Type Pokemon the move Sturdy will also help keep its HP at 1 in case you accidentally one shot it.
With the right learnset and good strategy in battle, these Normal Types will make opponents rue the day they have decided to battle against them…
15. Pyroar

Don’t let this ball of fury get away!!!
Pyroar is a Fire/Normal Type that would be an extremely wise choice to add to your team. It has a variety of resistances and strengths, as well as a great design scheme!
Pyroar’s Strengths:
- Resistant to Bug, Fire, Grass, Ice and Fairy Types.
- It has a 2 Sp. Attack EV Yield, making Timid the best Nature to have as it increases Speed and decreases Attack. Pyroar is an amazing Special Attacker.
- Its Ability Rivalry deals more damage to Pokemon of the same gender. They only do a little more damage against opponents of the opposite gender.
- Its Hidden Ability Moxie increases its Attack upon attacking and knocking out an opponent.
- Giga Impact, Overheat, Flare Blitz and Hyper Beam are some of the best moves for it to learn.
Pyroar’s Stats:
- 86 HP
- 68 Attack
- 72 Defense
- 109 Sp. Atk
- 66 Sp. Def
- 106 Speed
- 507 Total
14. Hisuian Zoroark

It shines in battle!
Don’t underestimate this Normal/Ghost Type as it is lethal in battle.
Hisuian Zoroark's Strengths:
- Immune to Normal, Ghost and Fighting Types
- Resistant to Poison and Bug Types
- When Hisuian Zoroark is switched into battle, its Ability, Illusion transforms Hisuian Zoroark into the form of the Pokémon in last place (6th) of the player's party.
Hisuian Zoroark’s Stats:
- 55 HP
- 100 Attack
- 60 Defense
- 125 Sp. Atk
- 60 Sp. Def
- 110 Speed
- 510 Total
13. Arboliva

Let us commence battle!!!
Arboliva is a new Grass/Normal Type in Scarlet and Violet. It is known to be the only Pokemon capable of learning the move Terrain Pulse by leveling up. Also, it is the only known Pokemon that can have Seed Sower as an Ability.
Arboliva's Strengths:
- Its Ability, Seed Sower turns the ground into Grassy Terrain when hit by an Attack. This makes Arboliva’s Grass type moves really shine in battle!
- Its Hidden Ability, Harvest may create another Berry after one is used.
- Has a 3 Special Attack EV Yield, making Quiet one of the best Natures, as the highest IV stat is Sp. Atk.
- Strength Sap, Tera Blast, Giga Drain and Substitute are great moves for Arboliva to learn for a physically defensive team. This will take advantage of its STAB moves while also leaving room for defensive strategies with Substitute.
- Arboliva is resistant to: Electric, Water and Grass Types as well.
Arboliva’s Stats:
- 78 HP
- 69 Attack
- 90 Defense
- 125 Sp. Atk
- 109 Sp. Def
- 39 Speed
- 510 Speed
12. Braviary

Braviary flaps his wings with tremendous force!
Braviary is a Normal/Flying Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Braviary’s Strengths:
- It is immune to Ground Types and resistant to Bug and Grass Types.
- Bulk Up, Brave Bird and Close Combat are great physically damaging moves for him to learn.
- Roost is also a stellar move to have on hand as it heals 50% HP.
- Ability, Keen Eye prevents Braviary from losing accuracy in battle.
- Its Hidden Ability, Defiant, increases Attack when its stats are lowered.
Braviary’s Stats:
- 100 HP
- 123 Attack
- 75 Defense
- 57 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 80 Speed
- 510 Total
11. Farigiraf

Farigiraf controls the battlefield!
Farigiraf is a new Psychic/Normal type in Scarlet and Violet with a 3 HP EV Yield!
Farigiraf’s Strengths:
- After using a Berry, it will then use it again with the same effect at the end of the player's turn with its Ability, Cud Chew.
- Its Hidden Ability, Sap Sipper boosts Attack when hit by a Grass Type move.
- It is also resistant to Psychic Types.
- Tera Blast is great for Physical Attacks. Stored Power, Agility and Nasty Plot are great for increasing the stats of your moves.
Farigiraf’s Stats:
- 120 HP
- 90 Attack
- 70 Defense
- 110 Sp. Atk
- 70 Sp. Def
- 60 Speed
- 520 Total
10. Dudunsparce

What a beautiful winged creature!!!
Dundunsparce is a beautiful serpentine introduced in Scarlet and Violet.
Dudunsparce’s Strengths:
- Its Ability Serene Grace, doubles the chance of move’s secondary effects such as stat changes or status ailments.
- Its Hidden Ability, Rattled gets its Speed increased a bit when hit by a Bug, Ghost or Dark Type Pokemon.
- It has a 2 HP EV Yield, making a Brave Nature one of the best to have.
- It has two separate forms: Two Segments and Three Segments. When it evolves it has a 1/100 chance of evolving into a Three Segment Dudunsparce.
- Great for Defensive teams as Toxic can be learned to poison an enemy in battle, making the opponent either use a Potion or let the Pokemon’s health deteriorate over time.
Dudunsparce’s Stats:
- 125 HP
- 100 Atk
- 80 Defense
- 85 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 55 Speed
- 520 Total
9. Wyrdeer

Get ready to weather the icy terrain….
This pristine arctic looking deer with significant character design such as latter fur resembling a beard or its large, golden antlers with one black orb near the base on each one.
Wyrdeer’s Strengths:
- Its Ability Intimidate lower’s the Attack of all opponents when Wyrdeer switches in. This stellar Ability makes Wyrdeer a boss in battle.
- Its Hidden Ability Sap Sipper boosts Attack when hit by a Grass-type move.
- It resists Psychic Types.
- Imprison and Trick Room are great moves to encapture your enemies weak points!
Wyrdeer’s Stats:
- 103 HP
- 105 Attack
- 72 Defense
- 105 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 65 Speed
- 525 Total
8. Porygon-Z

Watch out for this offensive attacker!
Porygon-Z is a very versatile Normal Type Pokemon with awesome moves like Tri-Attack and Nasty Plot.
Porygon-Z's Strengths:
- Its Ability, Adaptability, increases the user's STAB multiplier to 2.0x instead of the normal 1.5x.
- Its Second Ability, Download, increases either its Attack or Special Attack stat depending on what would be more effective against the opponent.
- With its Hidden Ability, Analytic, attacks will have more power if it is the last to move in a turn.
- It has a 3 Special Attack EV Yield making Modest and Timid two of the best Natures for Porygon-Z.
- Hyper Beam, Dark Pulse and Trick are great moves for Porygon-Z.
Porygon-Z’s Stats:
- 85 HP
- 80 Attack
- 70 Defense
- 135 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 90 Speed
- 535 Overall Total
7. Blissey

Smell the flowers!
Blissey is one of the tankiest Sp. Def users. She can wither down your foes with Toxic and heal yourself up with Soft-Boiled.Blissey’s Strengths:
- Her Ability, Natural Cure, diminishes all status problems and heals when it switches out.
- Her Hidden Ability, Healer, has the potential to cure an ally’s status condition at the end of each turn.
- She has a 3 HP EV Yield and high Sp. Def making Calm a well-suited Nature for her.
- She has the potential to learn wall-breaking moves like Light Screen, Thrash and Last Resort.
- Dark, Water and Fairy are the best Tera Types for her. Dark Tera gives her Psychic immunity. Water Tera offers her resistance to Water, Fire and Steel. Tera Fairy turns her fighting weakness into a resistance.
Blissey’s Stats:
- 255 HP
- 10 Atk
- 10 Def
- 75 Sp. Atk
- 135 Sp. Def
- 55 Speed
- 540 Overall Total
6. Porygon2

Bask in the beauty of Porygon2….
This tanky polygon of a critter will surely make its mark in battle as it is an amazing defender!
Porygon2’s Strengths:
- Its Ability Trace copies the Ability of the opponent.
- Its 2nd Ability, Download increases either its Attack or Special Attack stat depending on what would be more effective against the opponent.
- Porygon2’s Attack power is increased by 30% if the user is the last to attack in battlle with its Hidden Ability Analytic.
- Has amazing Ice and Electric offensive coverage.
- Have it hold an Eviolite to increase its Defense and Special Defense stats by 50%, making Porygon2 a tank!!!
Porygon2's Stats:
- 85 HP
- 80 Attack
- 90 Defense
- 105 Sp. Atk
- 95 Sp. Def
- 60 Speed
- 515 Overall Total
5. Snorlax

Snorlax gets angry when woken up from a nap…
Snorlax is a mighty fine choice to have on your team as its Abilities and Moves can keep up in any battle. Using the right strategy– Snorlax will dominate.
Snorlax’s Strengths:
- With its Ability, Immunity removes the possibility of Snorlax getting poisoned in battle, which is a huge relief if battling a Pokemon that knows Toxic.
- With its Ability Thick Fat, damage received from Fire-type and Ice-type moves is reduced.
- With its Hidden Ability Gluttony will use a Berry when its HP drops below 50%.
- With Leftovers to heal you a little after each turn and Rest to heal you while in battle, Snorlax can withstand its own in competition.
- Careful is a great Nature for Snorlax to have as its highest IV Stat is Defense. This pairs well with Snorlax’s already great Sp. Def stats.
- Has the move Rest, which is incredibly useful when you're in a pinch to restore your full health.
Snorlax’s Stats:
- 160 HP
- 110 Attack
- 65 Defense
- 65 Sp. Atk
- 110 Sp. Def
- 30 Speed
- 540 Total
4. Bloodmoon Ursaluna

It makes its presence known all across the land…
Ursaluna was first introduced in Pokemon Arceus. In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Ursaluna gets a new variant, Bloodmoon Ursaluna. This Ground/Normal Type Pokemon is bulky, ferocious and has high stats. With all of these great additions, you’ll definitely want to catch this Pokemon.
Bloodmoon Ursaluna’s Strengths:
- With its Ability Mind Eye, it ignores changes to opponents' evasiveness, its accuracy can't be lowered, and it can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves.
- It is unique in that it cannot evolve or change form.
- Bloodmoon Ursaluna gets a sick move called Blood Moon, in which it unleashes the full force from its red moon mark and laser beams the opponent with extremely high power.
- It has a 3 Sp. Attack EV Yield which can be further enhanced by defeating Girafarigs, Goldducks and Glimmets. Give him a Genius Mochi to hold to further boost its already great Sp. Atk stats.
- Immune to Electric Types. Super effective against Water, Grass, Ice and Fighting Types.
Bloodmoon Ursaluna's Stats:
- 113 HP
- 70 Attack
- 120 Defense
- 135 Sp. Atk
- 65 Sp. Def
- 52 Speed
- 555 Overall Total

Look into my laser beam…
3. Meloetta
Meloetta is a Normal/Psychic Mythical Pokemon that should not be overlooked. Its amazing stats and strengths bring heat to any battle.
Meloetta has an unusual catching method (you must switch your camera to the sepia filter in order to see her), but it is very worthwhile due to its many strengths and high stats.
Meloetta's Strengths:
- Normal and Psychic Tera Types are the best choices for this Pokemon as it endures twice as much damage while making Meloetta a great STAB Attacker.
- If you use the move Relic Song during a battle, Meloetta will change into its Pirouette form! In Pirouette form it turns into a Normal/Fighting Type and its stats are upgraded. In Aria form it is a Normal/Psychic Type.
- Its Ability, Serene Grace, doubles the chances of the user's moves with secondary effects.
- Modest is a great choice for Meloetta as the highest IV stat is Sp. Atk.
- Hyper Voice, Psychic and Shadow Ball are great offensive moves.
Use Relic Song to boost some of its stats!
Meloetta’s (Aria Form) Stats:
- 100 HP
- 77 Attack
- 77 Defense
- 128 Sp. Atk
- 128 Sp. Def
- 90 Speed
- 600 Overall Total
Meloetta’s (Pirouette Form) Stats:
- 100 HP
- 128 Attack
- 90 Defense
- 77 Sp. Atk
- 77 Sp. Def
- 128 Speed
- 600 Overall Total
Be sure not to miss Meloetta on your journey to catch ‘em all!\
2. Slaking

Slaking leaps into battle!
Slaking is an S Tier Pokemon with high stats, strengths, learnset versatility and a sweet 3 HP EV Yield.
Slaking’s Strengths:
- Great for double battles as it has the capability to one shot an opponent with its amazing stats.
- Mega Kick and Hyper Beam are amazing STAB moves.
- Slaking is near perfect with his wide array of moves of different typings. This makes Slaking a great ally to have against any opponent.
- Naughty is recommended as its highest IV stat increases Attack.
- Give it a Clear Amulet to protect Slaking from having its stats lowered by an opponent's move or Ability.
Slaking’s Stats:
- 150 HP
- 160 Attack
- 100 Defense
- 95 Sp. Atk
- 65 Sp. Defense
- 100 Speed
- 670 Overall Total

Howdy partner…
1. Terapagos

Terapagos makes its grand entrance!!!
Terapagos is a new S-Tier Pokemon in the Indigo Disk. Hidden in the underdepths of Area Zero, Terapagos’s stellar artform will leave players in awe and bewilderment!
Terapagos’s Strengths:
- With its Ability, Tera Shift, Terapegos will automatically turn into its Terrastal form.
- Once in Terrastal form, it changes Ability to Tera Shell. With this Ability, all damage-dealing moves that hit the Pokémon when its HP is full will not be very effective.
- In its Stellar Form, it has the Ability Terraform Zero which negates the effects of weather and terrain.
- When it is in Stellar form, it gains the signature move, Tera Sandstorm. With 100% Accuracy and 120 Damage, the attack hits both opposing Pokemon. If the opponent is a Tera Type then it is super effective against them regardless of types. If they are not terrastalllized, then it will do neutral damage to all types.

Experience its shine in battle!
Terapegos's Stats (Normal Form):
- 90 HP
- 65 Attack
- 85 Defense
- 65 Sp. Atk
- 85 Sp. Def
- 60 Speed
- 450 Overall Total
Terapegos's Stats (Terastal Form):
- 95 HP
- 95 Attack
- 110 Defense
- 105 Sp. Atk
- 110 Sp. Def
- 85 Speed
- 600 Overall Total
Terapegos's Stats (Stellar Form):
- 160 HP
- 105 Attack
- 110 Defense
- 130 Sp. Atk
- 110 Sp. Def
- 85 Speed
- 700 Overall Total
Terapagos is a new Pokemon added to the game that really brings the heat. Players can take advantage of its high stats, plethora of strengths and abilities, as well as spectacular moves.
Normal Types have been around since the beginning and have only gotten better. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduces tons of new Normal Types to the game, most of them with all new Typings and Abilities.
With all of the many resources throughout Paldea and the DLC to enhance your Pokemon such as Ability Capsules, Tera Shards, EV and IV Training, etc. players will love the changes and upgrades that Pokemon Violet and Scarlet have to offer!
So what do you think? Are Normal Types worth the catch? What is your favorite Pokemon?
Let us know what you think down below in the comments.