15. Afterlife with Archie

When Jughead’s beloved dog is hit by a car, he will do anything to bring him back. Even console a witch to revive him. However, the spell comes with consequences. Jughead’s dog is alive again. But at the cost of Jughead’s own life and nearly everyone else’s in Riverdale.
The whole Walking Dead thing is overrated. But still terrifies me.
I hate the live-action TV show Riverdale already. They had to bring the issues from that into this?
I won’t lie, between zombies and the incredibly flawed cast: which one is truly the monster?
14. Sweet Home

A teen loses his family in an accident. And doesn’t give a rat’s ass. Anti-social and hating on the world, he actually scheduled a date to kill himself. However, fate has other plans when his city is suddenly overcome with...something very hard to explain. And they feed on the emotions that humans can’t refrain from having.
I discovered this webcomic through a YouTube ad that I just couldn’t skip. Those 30 seconds had me on edge, like really terrified me. And my dumbass decided it would be a GREAT IDEA to read the comic in the middle of the night while home alone.
I can’t look at that comic anymore. It’s scary. It’s disgusting. It gives me anxiety. And it’s no wonder it got so popular and is getting a TV series!
Yes, there are monsters roaming around and killing people in this. But that’s not the “apocalyptic” part.
It’s how fast humanity can digress. And you end up wondering who are the real monsters...
I did love how the story starts off by introducing the MC as this cold, unsympathetic asshole. And then halfway through the series we’re all hating ourselves because the dude has every reason to spit on the world. (won’t spoil!)
13. Adventure Time

A lot of things have happened. Princesses. Desperate and lonely kings. Adventures who are trying to understand what the heart really wants. And fart clouds are sentient. Finn and Jake have their work cut out for them as daily adventurers.
Right when this series ended, they decided to make a spin-off. And everyone still obsesses over Marceline and Princess Bubblegum.
I will not lie, the comics are as extra as the series itself.
Yes, the show was made more for adults and kids with lethal imagination. But just like Marvel, the story feels all over the place. Even the filler episodes are something not worth remembering.
The comics were supposed to present a light-hearted slice-of-life (like Uncle Grandpa). But instead we got edgy teens and bitchy royals.
12. Carl

Carl is a humanoid robot built for psychiatric solutions. He is able to break even the most difficult of patients and determine their mentality. However, for a bot that listens to other people’s feelings...he really wishes someone would listen to his.
I love robots with true sentience. And I love comics that you can just read online.
Carl gives me “I, Robot” vibes, and I love it (one of the better Will Smith movies).
I don’t know if it was on purpose or not, but the human characters are kind of bland. But then again, they built robots like Carl to make life more interesting, right?
11. Planet of the Apes

The world isn’t the same. Primates now roam the Earth, sentient and practically human. Actually, they prove to be more human than even our own kind as people try to get rid of their way of life. In a long, anguishing struggle for prosperity, those daring to challenge man will meet consequences. And humanity may find itself deeper into Hell.
I knew only about the movie. I didn’t even know it had comics until I looked it up.
Believe me when I say that when it comes to films/books involving magical or scientific creatures...we humans are always the assholes, aren’t we?
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" showed cartoons as practically second-class citizens to the “non-animated”. And let’s not forget "The Happy Time Murders" where muppets dealt with racism and bullsh*t.
The latest movie of this franchise was “War for the Planet of the Apes”, which was bonkers and made me cry buckets. My favorite character was Nova. She gives hope for peace.
10. Rick and Morty

Bonding between grandparents and grandchildren is a beautiful thing. For Rick and Morty, it’s practically the end of the world. Or the end of one dimension which results in them skipping to another.
You got a psycho old guy who has committed felonies throughout the galaxy and every dimension mentioned so far. And you got the grandson who just wants one day to go right and get a girlfriend.
Yeah, this show ain’t for me. Too much f*cked uppery.
The first episode I watched was “Total Rickall”. And Jerry said it best about this show: there are no good people.
9. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts

Netflix’s popular cartoon series actually scored a short comic series! The adventures of Kipo and her gang settle for good slice-of-life value in the creator’s small stack of self-published issues! But don’t let that deter you from watching the series! It is a prime example of a good modern cartoon!
I’m really surprised the creator didn’t just go for an ongoing comic series. Rebecca Sugar did it, and her show had WAY MORE gay characters.
When it comes to Netflix, I’m more of a Glitch Techs fan. Kipo’s great, but survival of the fittest can’t measure up to fighting actual videogame characters!
(Speaking of which, when WILL Glitch Techs get its own comic series?)
8. Seed

You know the old sci-fi plot: technology becomes more advanced, and humanity declines. Well, for this comic, humanity didn’t die. Only emotionally. One teen girl, who is constantly butting heads with her divorced mother, discovers an AI hidden in her phone. She’s not sure whether to trust him. Only that he definitely needs her help.
The last time I witnessed a character trust an AI, Wall-E almost died (god, that was a great Pixar movie).
This series shows a world where technology has separated people from each other. You think with new devices and easier access to things, people would be more approachable.
No, people are assholes. Science does not solve the problems of the emotionally wounded and depressed.
And how bad do things have to be for an AI to end up becoming the closest thing to a BFF?
7. Simpsons

How long has this series been going? 20 years? 30 years? People complain about Ash Ketchum being forever ten yet they never say anything about Bart being that age forever. Sure, the Simpsons have gone through a lot and the series feels like one giant ATM now. But we can’t 100% hate them. After all, they're practically a national treasure. One that is still valuable no matter how many times it’s been vandalized.
My favorite moments in the comics will have to be whenever Dr. Nick is in the spotlight. He is one of the few Simpsons characters I adore (besides Sideshow Mel and Disco Stu). I definitely prefer him over Dr. Hibbert. Going to the doctor is never boring if he’s your primary physician! Risky, but never boring!
Word of advice when buying the comics: get them in compiled novels. You’ll basically be buying six issues for the price of one!

Think dating apps are controlling your life? Well, in this world, they do. Science has carefully crafted who your soulmate is, among career and even lifestyle. For one woman, the system suddenly gives her not just a soulmate...but two! Never in history has there been a “double perfect match”! Now she’s got two men to juggle. As well as trying to live her life without an app telling her how to do so.
As if Tinder isn't enough of a curse. Imagine an app that actually decides your lifetime partner. At first, it feels convenient. But what if your “soulmate” sucks?
What if you won’t even want a partner? What if the system told you who you’re destined with but you want the opposite sex?
And I thought face scanning for the iPhone was stupid as hell…
5. Woman World

The men have become extinct! Women run the world now! They get right to work filling in what their opposite sex had left behind. But keep in mind that despite the so-called “Girl Power”, a world of only women isn’t really all sunshine and roses.
When I first discovered this comic, the thumbnail had a naked woman with her hairy cooch out (see image below).
Overlooking that minor detail, I love how this comic doesn’t shine the whole “girls rule, boys drool” stereotype. Yes, the men have vanished. The women don’t celebrate, they try to make the world function without them.
And, believe it or not, they often wonder how they can manage without men. Not just sexually.
A brother. A father. A grandfather. A platonic male friend.
Through some of the pages, there’s this wise grandmother who teaches her granddaughter the ways of how things “used to be”. Basically fill her curious mind with what the world was like when men were around. It’s almost a tearjerker.
And yes, there is some lesbian romance in this comic. And nudity.

Imagine finally graduating from adventurer college so you can fight monsters and make the world a better place. Imagine that soon as you get your degree, humans and monsters make peace. With a now worthless degree and no other skills, a young woman is forced to take any job she can get.
As hilarious as this comic can be...it hits too close to home.
Some people go to college to become artists. And then later down the road they can’t find a job with that kind of degree.
So they either work with what little they can acquire (like making commissions), or take on a random job like say Burger King. (Please don’t hate me, people with actual art degrees like Graphic Design…)
Hell, even some in the medical field can go through this kind of sh*t. Because the world can be that way sometimes.
Of course, there’s always this thing called luck. TheOdd1sOut would know what that’s like.
3. Sonic the Hedgehog
Blue hedgehog who gives The Flash a run for his money. 30 years of merch, mediocre games, and internet memes. Who’s friendship with Pikachu became canon from that one Smash commercial. Who apparently copied off The Walking Dead.
Not exactly Walking Dead, but pretty close. And it’s still f*cking scary.
Sonic franchise has its nightmare fuel moments (the crappy glitches in Sonic DX is one). But there was this one story in the comics where the citizens of Sonic’s World were getting infected by “Zombots”.
You have to read to understand how the hell this even happened. It’s not pretty.
And thank god it’s not permanent.
2. Circuits and Veins

Peace between human and android has finally come to be. One certain android frolics in her new freedom. Yet her curiosity and amazement about humans is fresher than ever. Like how does something as pretty as an apple taste? She might actually get questions like that answered when she meets a young woman who just went through a breakup.
I love this comic. I really do.
It is SO hard to find one where it’s okay for man and machine to fall in love! If Astro Boy can do it, why can’t there be more?!
This comic takes place in a world where technology doesn’t exactly separate people (like Seed). But instead it helps them stay connected.
You can actually meet friends from other places and sit with them at the same table thanks to virtual travel. It’s just like the Oasis from Ready Player One.
But, like I’ve been gushing over, this comic is all about how androids really do have feelings. And they have the potential to fall in love just as any human can do.
This comic is just SO wholesome! And so romantic! You have to read it!
1. Wacky Raceland

Remember Hanna-Barbera’s classic cartoon Wacky Races? Yeah, imagine if that took place in the world of Mad Max. Dick Dastardly and Muttley among other memorable characters are now living in a world that has gone through hell and still living it. The race is their one chance of getting a prosperous, non-hellish life. And if you remember the classic cartoon, Dick will do anything to reunite with the wife and son he lost in the disasters. Especially cheat.
Yeah, I’m well-aware that the Hanna-Barbera cartoons like Flintsones and even Top Cat are getting “makeovers” to fit the edgy side of the fandom.
I can’t tell if it’s a blessing or a curse or both.
I’ll say both.
I can’t believe I was actually on board with this comic. And I can’t believe it got cancelled because people thought it wasn’t good enough.
You guys f*cking read Snagglepuss fighting the Supreme Court and yet THIS isn’t good enough?
Yes, I read it from beginning to end.
The ending f*cking sucks.