Let’s find out the best beasts to hunt in Red Dead Online.
Hunting is one of the most essential activities in the Wild West. Whether you hunt for money or for your camp, it’s always fun to be a predator. It’s fun doesn’t really mean that it’s always easy. Hunting can be quite tricky in RDO.
You can find more than 150 species of animals in Red Dead Online. Hunting each animal depends on its size. Their size determines how you can get a clean kill. You should always try to kill animals with a 3 star and with a single shot.
#10 Bighorn Ram
The bighorn rams roaming their habitats
Rams are highly overlooked as an animal worth hunting and skinning. Most cowboys in RDO are unaware of the value of bringing in a perfect Ram.
Selling prices
- Perfect hide: $2.75
- Perfect carcass: $7.50
How to hunt them
Rams can be found in New Austin at Gaptooth Ridge, in Cumberland Forest near Fort Wallace, and in Big Valley near Mount Shann. Bows with Improved Arrows or Poison Arrows are effective against Rams.
#9 Whitetail Buck
A Whitetail Buck blazing in the morning sun
Whitetail Bucks are almost everywhere in the Wild West. They are very fast and gallop about sporadically when spooked. This can make it difficult to land a well-placed body shot that will not harm the pelt.
Selling prices
- Perfect pelt: $3.25
- Perfect carcass: $10.00
- Buck Antlers: $1.05
How to hunt them
The Whitetail Buck can often be found grazing alone. A headshot with a rifle or a sniper should get you a perfect kill. The Does, however, can be incredibly skittish. So, a stealthy approach to hunting them is required.
#8 Alligator
Alligators are one of the largest predators in RDO. They are incredibly easy to hunt as they are slow. However, you should never get too close to them. You won’t stand a chance if they bite you.
Selling prices
- Perfect pelt: $3.50 (large)
- Perfect carcass: $6.50 (large)
How to hunt them
Alligators can be found in the swamps of Lemoyne, Lagar, Blue Water Marsh, and near San Denis. The Bolt Action Rifle is the best weapon to use when hunting Alligators. If you use Dead Eye when hunting an Alligator, the brain will glow red, giving you an opportunity to get a perfect kill.
#7 Black Bear
Although not as big as the Grizzly Bear, the American Black Bear is still dangerous enough to give you a run for your money.
Selling prices
- Perfect pelt: $3.50
How to hunt them
Black bears are spotted north of Annesburg regularly, and at times in Lemoyne near Shady Bell. A high-powered rifle loaded with special ammo is the best combination to take one of these beasts down. It is recommended that a player keeps a Shotgun loaded with slugs, just in case things get out of hand. This will risk damaging its pelt though.
#6 Panther
The deadly Panther
Panthers are beautiful and majestic creatures. It is also true that they are deadly hunters. Panthers usually hunt at night and will attack your horse in the blink of an eye. Even in poor condition, a panther carcass is still worth $5.60 though, making the panther a great animal to hunt.
Selling prices
- Perfect fur: $3.75
- Perfect carcass: $14.00
How to hunt them
Panthers’ hunting grounds are in Lemoyne, east of Lagras, and in the area of Scarlett Meadows. You should use a Bolt Action Rifle and Express Ammo while hunting them to avoid unnecessary damage.
#5 Bison
The Bison is one of the largest herbivores roaming the Wild West. They are not seen often but are a nice haul if taken down.
Selling prices
- Perfect fur: $5.00
- Horns: $0.60 each
How to hunt them
Bison can be found in the field of New Hanover west of Heartland Overflow, not far from Emerald Ranch. Bison also graze in southwest Elizabeth on Great Plains, southwest of Black Water. You should use a powerful sniper to hunt Bison. High velocity and express ammo will always give you an edge.
#4 Cougar
Cougars in the Wild West
Hunting a Cougar can be a thrill ride for an experienced cowboy and surely a deadly endeavor for the unprepared. Cougars are large and will most likely attack a player without any warning, so those hunting them would do well to stay on their toes.
Selling prices
- Perfect pelt: $5.00
- Perfect carcass: $13.50
How to hunt them
They can be found in New Austin near Gaptooth Ridge and south of Benedict Point. These mountain lions also live in West Elizabeth outside of Big Valley. Rifles are your best friends against a Cougar.
#3 Elk
You can hunt both male and female Elk can in the Wild West. Sadly, Elk are too large for you to carry the whole carcass.
Selling prices
- Perfect pelt: $6.50
- Antlers: $1.35
How to hunt them
The Rocky Mountain Bull Elk and Cow Elk can be hunted in the mountains of Ambriano. Elk are skittish, so it is best to use a sniper rifle from a distance to minimize the risk of them running away. Other ranged weapons can be equally effective.
#2 Moose
Moose are extremely large and love the rather arctic areas of the Wild West. Moose is also a great food source, providing players with large portions of Mature venison.
Selling prices
- Perfect fur: $7.50
- Antlers: $1.75
How to hunt them
Powerful rifles work very well against Moose. A headshot will generally ensure a perfect kill. They're too big to carry away though, so there's no need to worry about damaging the carcass. Moose can be seen in the area around the Wapiti Indian Reservation.
#1 Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bears are fierce and are relentless in their pursuit of players who stumble upon them in the wilderness. Grizzlies are extremely territorial and aggressive. If one attacks you, your chance of survival is slim to none and you will surely ruin the quality of the pelt if you fight back. A damaged pelt is still worth between $3.00 and $4.50 if you win the duel.
Selling prices
- Perfect pelt: $7.50
- Claws: $1.50
How to hunt them
The best way to hunt this beast is to use Predator bait and stay out of their view. You really don’t want to get in their line of sight.
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