Let's take a look at the best hunting weapons in the Wild West.
Hunting is one of the best perks of Red Dead Online. To be a successful cowboy you have to master this trait. Hunting is essential to cook better quality foods, keep the trader business running, and earn some cash if needed. Hunting legendary animals is one of the most challenging activities in the Wild West. So, you should perhaps know what weapon to use.
5. Semi-Auto Shotgun
Price: $540
Rank Unlocked: 42
You’re probably wondering why there’s a shotgun on the list. Well, it’s not for your everyday hunting chores for sure. Only use it to kill legendary animals when the quality of the kill is not your biggest concern, but survival is. You can take down those nasty animals with a few shots from this gun, unlike others.
4. Rolling Block Rifle
Price: $411
Rank Unlocked: 13
It’s a great rifle to kill large and massive animals. It can be your go-to rifle for hunting if you’re a low-level player. That is the only reason why it ranks so low on our list. You can continue to use it in the late game, too, if you use express or high-velocity ammo but you probably won’t.
3. Varmint Rifle
Price: $72
Rank Unlocked: 8
Don’t let the price deceive you There are only 3 weapons that you must have in order to be a hunter and this is one of them. If you’re going to hunt moderate-sized animals like rabbits or geese, this weapon is your one and only shot if you want a good kill. You can’t get a 3-star moderate animal without a Varmint rifle. To sedate legendary animals in Red Dead Online, you'll need the varmint rifle and the special .22 Sedative ammo for it.
2. Bolt Action Rifle
Price: $216
Rank unlocked: 7
This is one of those weapons that you’ll carry throughout the entire game. This is the most balanced weapon in the game. You can kill anything with it except small and moderate animals. You’ll probably make a grin when you see that bear 10 times your size fall to the ground after just one shot to the head or to the heart.
1. Carcano
Price: $456
Rank unlocked: 50
Of course, this is the number one weapon on the list. This has the best stats in the game. The Carcano deals the most damage and has the longest range. The sound alone is sure to make anyone shiver. You can hunt medium, large, and massive animals with it but we only recommend using it when you’re rich enough.
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