Everything you need to know about the weapons in RE7!
In Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, there's no shortage of dangerous enemies lurking. Finding the best weaponry is invaluable in assuring your survival. After all, what's survival horror without the impressive firepower?
1. Axe
The Axe You'll Use to Fight Mia
How to Get the Axe
How to Get the Axe
The axe is the first available weapon in the game. It makes for a reliable melee weapon, but you don't get it for very long. It appears during your first fight with Mia. After the boss fight with her is over, you get knocked out by Jack Baker, who removes all items from your inventory.
- This item is in Guest House 1F.
- After fighting with Mia for a while, she will grab you and throw you through a wall.
- When Ethan lands, the axe is on the floor to his right.
- When you land the final blow to Mia, she'll fall to the ground with the axe buried into her neck.
- If you walk away and then come back to where Mia fell, the axe will be on the floor. You'll be able to grab it and use it until Jack removes it.
Axe Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Axe
2. M19 Handgun
The M19 Before It Gets Tragically Broken
How to Get the M19 Handgun
How to Get the M19 Handgun
The M19 is the first gun you can find in the game, and you technically find it twice. The first time, you can find it in the Guest House 3F on your way to the attic. Jack removes this weapon from your inventory as well, but you can find it again. This time it's broken, but you can fix it with a repair kit.
The M19 packs a slightly bigger punch than the G17 and MPM. It's a great weapon for shooting from a distance, especially if you land headshots. When Jack keeps chasing you through the house like an episode of Scooby-Doo, this pistol is handy.
First time:
- After you encounter Mia and obtain the axe, you'll need to head for the attic. In the attic, you'll have a boss fight against chainsaw-wielding Mia.
- After you climb the stairs to the attic, you'll be in a hallway with a door on the right. Go through the door to see the M19, along with some ammo and a First Aid Med bottle, on a table on the right side of the room.
Second time:
- You can find it on the bed inside Zoe's trailer. Instead of M19, it will show up as "Broken Handgun."
- To use it, you'll need a repair kit. The first repair kit is in the yard underneath the porch. You can find the spot by looking for the sheet metal covering the crawlspace.
- The other repair kit is found by viewing the treasure photo located in the Master Bedroom Storage Closet in the Main House. The picture is of Lucas' Testing Area. The kit is on top of a cage in the corner of the room, placed underneath a mannequin head.
M19 Handgun Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/M19_Handgun
3. Pocket Knife
It's Not Much, but It'll Have to Do!
How to Get the Pocket Knife
How to Get the Pocket Knife
After you leave the dinner table unexcused and slip away from Jack through the hatch, you'll find a phone and hear from Zoe. Once you exit that room and look around a bit, you'll hear someone banging on a window. You'll have a chat with the Deputy at the window and beg for a weapon until you reach him in the garage. He'll oblige! Well, with a pocketknife, anyway.
You'll need this pocketknife to cut the tape that's sealing the button that allows you to access the garage. You can also use it throughout the game to smash boxes without wasting ammo. If you're an adrenaline-seeker, you can run around using it to slice up some of those Molded monsters!
- This item is given to you by the Deputy. You'll find him at the window in the hallway next to the dining area of the Main House.
Pocket Knife Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Knife_(RE7)
4. G17 Handgun
I Might as Well Nickname It "the Deputy."
How to Get the G17 Handgun
How to Get the G17 Handgun
Our kind Deputy friend gifts us with yet another weapon, although not willingly! The G17 isn't incredibly powerful, but it does the job until you have access to other guns. On the plus side, it holds 10 rounds, whereas the M19 only holds 7. It stores regular and enhanced ammo in separate chambers, so the ammo loaded into both chambers doesn't occupy inventory space.
- When you enter the garage, Jack kills the Deputy before coming after you. The Deputy's G17 drops on the floor next to them, where you can pick it up and use it in your fight with Jack.
G17 Handgun Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/G17_Handgun
5. M37 Shotgun
Don't Worry, the Soldier Won't Miss It!
How to Get the M37 Shotgun
How to Get the M37 Shotgun
The M37 is your first shotgun option. It does a considerable amount of damage at close range with a wide spread of pellets. It has the advantage of holding 4 bullets as opposed to the 2-round capacity of the M21. Although it's easy to find, removing it from its location is tricky.
- You'll find it in the Main Hall of the Main House 1F. It rests in the hands of a soldier statue.
- When you try to remove it, the door seals shut and traps you until you put the shotgun back. To keep the gun, you'll need to put something else in its place.
- To obtain the replacement item, you'll need the Scorpion key from the Processing Area.
- Use the Scorpion key to unlock Grandma's Room in the Main House 2F.
- A "Broken Shotgun" is leaning against the wall next to the door. Grab it and head back to the statue. Be sure to have enough inventory space to have 2 shotguns temporarily. Otherwise, you won't be able to grab the M37 and swap them.
- Grab the M37 and put the Broken Shotgun in the statue's hands. Voilà! Now you can leave freely with the M37 in hand.
M37 Shotgun Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/M37_Shotgun
6. Chainsaw
There's Gonna Be a New Chainsaw Massacre!
How to Get the Chainsaw
How to Get the Chainsaw
The chainsaw is a useful weapon against Jack in the few precious moments before you lose it. Not only does it deal plenty of damage but using it when Jack attacks will block his otherwise lethal assault. Unfortunately, you don't get to leave the area with it. Ethan uses the chainsaw to cut the lock off the gate, causing it to break. Ethan discards it, and it becomes unavailable to pick up.
- It's located in the Dissection Room of the Processing Area. Entering this area triggers your second boss fight with Jack.
- Jack tears through some chain-link fencing to grab the beautifully crafted death scissors he made by combining a long blade with his chainsaw. Your chainsaw is right next to Jack's weapon, so you can run right up and grab it.
Chainsaw Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Chainsaw_(RE7)
7. 44 MAG
Worth Every Coin
How to Get the 44 MAG
How to Get the 44 MAG
The 44 MAG is an extremely powerful firearm capable of blowing away Molded monsters with one headshot. It holds 7 bullets at a time, but ammo for this gun is hard to come by. It is the most damaging firearm weapon available in a regular playthrough. On the downside, it takes up 2 inventory slots and the recoil can be a hindrance. Otherwise, the 44 MAG is an excellent weapon choice.
- It is inside Zoe's trailer locked up in a small birdcage. In 2 other birdcages, you'll see steroids and a stabilizer.
- I hope you've been diligently snatching and saving Antique Coins! The 44 MAG is all yours if you insert 9 Antique Coins into the mechanism locking the cage.
- If you don't buy the 44 MAG in Zoe's trailer, the cage shows up in the Mine Office in the swamp later in the game. The Salt Mines are swarming with Molded, so it's an excellent investment to make at this point if you haven't beforehand.
Chainsaw Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/44_MAG
8. Burner
Burn, Baby, Burn!
How to Get the Burner
How to Get the Burner
Some people just want to watch the world burn. If you're one of them, you'll love the Burner. This flamethrower is rigged up by combining a burner nozzle and grip. These 2 pieces are found in separate areas, so you'll need both to craft it.
The Burner sprays flames at the enemy, inflicting damage over time. You can also use it to burn away spiders and Marguerite's insect friends. It's easy to keep burner fuel on hand since the chem fluid and solid fuel you need to craft it is abundant.
- The burner grip is in a garbage can atop the trash next to the Old House. You can get a first glimpse of the grip if you play through the "Mia" tape in the Recreation Room of the Main House.
- For the burner nozzle, first head to the Kitchen of the Old House. A white door with screened windows will lead you outside. Open it and follow the path to the right to find a little shack. The nozzle is on the small table in the center of this shack.
- Combine them in your inventory and wreak havoc.
Burner Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Burner
9. Grenade Launcher
Watch Your Problems Explode!
How to Get the Grenade Launcher
How to Get the Grenade Launcher
The Grenade Launcher uses 2 types of power-packed ammunition, Flame and Neuro rounds.
The flame rounds explode on your enemy for intense ongoing fire damage. Marguerite is weak to flame rounds, so it's useful in a fight with her. It's also great for your battle with Mutated Jack and the fat Molded monsters.
Neuro rounds deal damage while slowing your enemy down for a short time. They're handy when you need to keep your enemy at bay for a moment, or you want to inflict a ton of damage while they move sluggishly.
Ammo is sparse, especially Neuro rounds, but every round you can find is worth it.
- You'll first need to find the Crow key. The Crow key is in another small shack by the Old House. You can get to this shack by using the crank to raise a walkway to the shack.
- Head to the Main House 1F with the key and use it to open the Supplies room. The Grenade Launcher is on top of some tarp-covered items along with some other supplies you can snag.
- Madhouse Difficulty: In Madhouse, this weapon is relocated to the table in Zoe's trailer. Like the 44 MAG, it appears in the Mine Office in the swamp later in the game if you didn't grab it before.
Grenade Launcher Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Grenade_Launcher_(RE7)
10. M21 Shotgun
Boost Your Firepower With the M21 Shotgun
How to Get the M21 Shotgun
How to Get the M21 Shotgun
At this point, you've already found the M21. It's the "Broken Shotgun" you put in place of the M37. The M21 packs more power than the M37 with a tighter spread of pellets.
Since the M21 only holds 2 rounds, reloading is a potential problem. Stabilizers can increase your reload speed, so you spend less time vulnerable and fumbling with shotgun shells.
- If you grabbed the M21 before, you'd find it still in the hands of the statue in the Main House 1F Main Hall.
- You can put the M37 back in its place, or you can use the Model Shotgun. The Model Shotgun is on a set of shelves in the attic of the Main House.
- If you didn't use the M21 to swap at the statue, you'd find it in Grandma's Room in the Main House 2F.
M21 Shotgun Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/M21_Shotgun
11. MPM Handgun
Beggars Can't Be Choosers When There Are No Other Guns!
How to Get the MPM Handgun
How to Get the MPM Handgun
When you play as Mia on the Wrecked Ship, you're quickly surrounded by Molded without a weapon. Luckily, you can grab the MPM and keep them at bay.
The MPM is equal to the G17 in damage and holds 9 bullets. When you find it, 2 rounds are in the chamber waiting for you to introduce them to some monsters.
- On the Wrecked Ship 1F, find the Maintenance Room. Sneak your way past the Molded into the Maintenance Room and close the door for good measure.
- There's a dead crew member on the floor with their hand still grasping the handle the desk drawer in front of him. Open the drawer that he's grabbing.
- When you finish this area and switch back to Ethan, the MPM will automatically transfer from Mia's inventory to Ethan's item box.
- Madhouse Difficulty: You'll have to trek a bit further to find the MPM. It's located on the Wrecked Ship 3F on a desk in the Sick Bay.
MPM Handgun Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/MPM_Handgun
12. Remote Bombs
Want to Have That Epic Moment Where You Walk Away From an Explosion?
Using Remote Bombs
How to Get Remote Bombs
Remote bombs are an available weapon while playing as Mia during the tape that Eveline makes Mia watch on the Wrecked Ship. They can easily blow the legs off Molded while you detonate it from a comfortable distance.
If you kill a Molded by attaching a remote bomb to them, there's a PS4 trophy called "That's a Spicy Meat-a-ball!"
- During this segment, remote bombs are in several places, much like ammo.
- When the tape is over, you can find a remote bomb on the Wrecked Ship 4F in the Control Room.
Remote Bomb Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Remote_Bomb_(RE7)
13. Survival Knife
Look Out, Monsters! I've Got A...Knife?
How to Get the Survival Knife
How to Get the Survival Knife
The survival knife is an available melee weapon for Mia during the tape that Eveline forces her to watch. This knife does more damage than Ethan's pocketknife and has a slightly longer range.
- During the tape, Mia will already have the knife.
- After the tape, you can find the knife on the Wrecked Ship 2F. When you climb to the 2F through the elevator, directly ahead is the knife sticking out of an overturned bench.
- Madhouse Difficulty: You'll need to find some corrosive to reach the knife. Once you have corrosive, head to the Rec Room on the Wrecked Ship 1F. You'll need to use the corrosive to open the door. You'll see the knife sticking out of a tabletop.
Survival Knife Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Survival_Knife_(RE7)
14. P19 Machine Gun
Mia Packs More Heat Than I Thought!
How to Get the P19 Machine Gun
How to Get the P19 Machine Gun
The P19 also becomes available during the tape on the ship, and it can be found after finishing the tape. Although it does little damage, it compensates with a large clip and a rapid firing rate.
- The P19 is on the Wrecked Ship 4F in the Captain's Cabin. It's stored away in a locker, so you'll need the key.
- The key is on the Wrecked Ship 2F Crew Room. You'll find it sitting on a desk next to a lamp.
- Make the long trek back to the Captain's Cabin and use the key on the locker.
P19 Machine Gun Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/P19_Machine_Gun
15. Crowbar
You Can't Fight Mia Empty-Handed!
How to Get the Crowbar
How to Get the Crowbar
The crowbar is a special weapon made available if you chose to use the serum on Zoe instead of Mia. Choosing Zoe shifts the events Ethan faces after you find him, forcing him into a fight to the death with Mia. Since this fight happens before you can regain Ethan's items from an item box, you'll need the crowbar as a makeshift weapon.
- Playing as Mia, you'll find Ethan on the Wrecked Ship SF in the No. 2 Engine Room. You'll regain control of Ethan after he is free from the mold Eveline covered him with.
- After Mia gives Ethan the vial to stop Eveline, she shoves him away. The crowbar is on the floor near Ethan after she pushes him.
Crowbar Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Crowbar_(RE7)
16. Albert-01 Replica
The Ultimate Weapon Against Molded
How to Get the Albert-01 Replica
How to Get the Albert-01 Replica
The Albert-01 is a replica of the anti-bioweapon gun that Ethan is instructed to finish off Eveline. It is incredibly powerful and deals damage comparable to the 44 MAG. While the original Albert-01 holds 9 bullets, the Replica only holds 3. The Replica also has some serious recoil.
- The Albert-01 Replica becomes available after completing the game on any difficulty.
- To use it, load a previous save or begin a new playthrough.
- When you open an item box, a message will pop up informing you of the addition of the Replica.
- Transfer it into your inventory and go test it out!
Albert-01 Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Albert-01
17. Circular Saw
This Circular Saw Cuts Much More Than Wood
How to Get the Circular Saw
How to Get the Circular Saw
The circular saw is difficult to get, but surprisingly handy. It is more powerful than other melee weapons. If you're running low on ammo, just save the ammo and run around like a crazed carpenter! You can either hit enemies with a brief slash or attack them with a continuous run of the saw.
- The saw is awarded to you after completing the game in 4 hours or less on any difficulty.
- Like the Albert-01 Replica, you can access it via an item box.
Circular Saw Details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Circular_Saw