The 11 Best Horses In Red Dead Online (And How To Get Them)

Best Horses in Red Dead Online
04 Feb 2023

If you want to thrive in the rugged and untamed wilderness of the Wild West, it's essential to have a deep understanding of the game’s horses. Not only will this help you pick the right mount for gunfights and travel, but it will also allow you to make smart financial decisions.

Red Dead Online is known for being a bit stingy with its resources, so it's important to choose wisely when you spend your hard-earned cash. Your horses will determine how fast you are at traversing the map, and how good you can look while doing it! So, let’s get right into the top 11 best horses in Red Dead Online! 


11. Arabian Red Chestnut (Best Starter Horse)

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The cheapest and most affordable option to ride in style in the early game of Red Dead Online!

If you're eager to upgrade your horse early on in Red Dead Online, the Arabian Red Chestnut is a solid choice. As a Superior breed, this horse boasts impressive handling, speed, and acceleration stats, making it a significant step up from the starting mount. While it may not be the very best horse in the game, the Arabian Red Chestnut is a worthwhile intermediate option for players who are saving up for their dream steed. With its superior handling and speed, it's a reliable and capable mount that will serve you well in the meantime.

Why The Red Chestnut Arabian is Great:

  • The best starter stats overall.
  • High speed and acceleration, decent stamina.
  • The horse only costs $250. 
  • It runs faster than any other horse until level 25+. 

How to Get:

You can purchase The Red Chestnut Arabian at the stables for $250 after you complete the tutorial. 


10. Mustang (Best Starting Warhorse)

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A powerful steed chosen by the Natives of the Wapiti Reservation. The Mustang is a simply fearless breed! 

The Mustang breed is well-known for its combat prowess, with the Tiger Striped Bay variation standing out as the best choice for its superior stats. Chosen by the Natives in the Wapiti Reservation as their mounts, these wild and untamed horses can be difficult to fully bond with due to their fiery temperaments. However, those who are patient and put in the time will be rewarded with a loyal and faithful mount that won't hesitate to stand by your side in the face of danger. Though they may be tough to tame at first, Mustangs are well worth the effort for those seeking a reliable companion in the heat of battle.

Why the Mustang is Great:

  • These bold and fearless horses are not easily intimidated and will stand their ground in the face of any danger.
  • Highly intimidating looking horse.
  • The best option for warhorses if you’re new.

How to Get:

You can purchase the best variation of the Mustang at the stables for 14 Gold after unlocking it at level 27.


9. Hungarian Halfbred (Courageous and Graceful)

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Beauty and elegance above all, the Hungarian Halfbred exudes luxurious living in its riders. 

The Hungarian Halfbred is a reliable warhorse with strong health and stamina, perfect for any battle. While they may be slower than some other breeds, with low speed and acceleration stats, their fearless personality and ease of handling make them a valuable asset on the battlefield. Known for their fast bonding and ability to navigate sharp turns with ease, these horses are a solid choice for any rider looking for a reliable mount in the heat of combat. These horses also look incredibly graceful, giving your character a sense of personality that is rarely found in the game.

Why the Hungarian Halfbred is Great:

  • Strong health and stamina make the Hungarian Halfbred a reliable choice for combat.
  • Brave and fearless, these horses are well-suited for battle.
  • This horse is easy to bond with, and will stay with you through thick and thin. 

How to Get:

You can purchase the Dapple Dark Grey Hungarian Halfbred at the stables for 6 Gold after unlocking it at level 24. 

8. Ardennes (All Powerful Warhorse)

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The Ardennes breed is well-known for producing some of the sturdiest and most reliable warhorses in the Wild West. With excellent health and stamina, these formidable beasts are up to the task of handling the rigors of combat. However, their low speed and acceleration make them less suitable for racing. Despite their heavy build, Ardennes horses are surprisingly agile and handle well under pressure, making them a reliable choice for riders who need a brave and steady mount in the heat of battle. Known for their calm temperament, these horses fear nothing and will stay completely in control during tense situations.

Why the Ardennes is Great:

  • Known for their bravery and calm temperament, even in the midst of combat.
  • Outstanding stamina and health make them a reliable choice for any battle.
  • This horse is tough, it can straight up bash through crowds and people. 

How to Get:

You can purchase The Strawberry Roan variation at the stables for 18 Gold after unlocking it at level 36.


7. Dutch Warmblood (Worker’s Friend)

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This is a loyal, trusty work horse that will never leave you stuck in a tricky situation.

If you're in need of a reliable and sturdy workhorse for your business, the Dutch Warmblood is an excellent choice. These robust equines are known for their impressive stamina, making them well-suited for heavy lifting and endurance tasks. While they may not be the fastest or healthiest horses around, their agility and ease of handling make them a solid choice for those who value reliability over raw power. Just don't expect them to break any speed records - their acceleration leaves something to be desired.

Why The Dutch Warmblood is Great:

  • High stamina stats, it can run far and regenerate stamina on the go. 
  • It handles great, and can help you in getting through tricky terrain. 
  • It has decent health, so it’s a reliable horse that won’t die too easily. 

How to Get:

The Chocolate Roan variation of the Dutch Warmblood can be purchased at the stables for 18 Gold after you unlock it at level 36. 


6. Nokota (Versatile Runner)

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This versatile race horse is running on fumes, it's high octane energy is sure to be infectious for every player!

The Nokota horse is a rare and highly prized breed known for its endurance, agility, and unique bloodline. With a muscular neck and back, prominent withers, thick winter coat, and low-set tail, these warm-blooded equines exhibit the quickness and athleticism of hot-blooded breeds. Classified as racehorses, Nokotas are characterized by their well-built frames and sturdy legs, making them some of the fastest horses in the game. The Reverse Dapple Roan variation is particularly sought after for its impressive base speed, which can rival the Missouri Fox Trotter in a straight line race. However, Nokotas may struggle with maneuverability at turns or around obstacles, making them best suited for endurance and trail riding.

Why The Nokota Is Great: 

  • High stamina, the horse will never get tired.
  • High maneuverability, handles like a racehorse. 
  • Super fast and agile, with lots of stamina regeneration to keep you moving constantly.

How to Get:

The Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota can be purchased at the stables for $450 after unlocking at level 48.


5. Norfolk Roadster (The Speed Demon)

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If you're like me and have an avid passion for racing, the Norfolk Roadster will keep you ahead of the competition. 

For those seeking the ultimate in speed and performance, the Norfolk Roadster is the way to go. The Spotted Tricolor and Dappled Buckskin variations are particularly sought after for their exceptional stamina, speed, and acceleration. To unlock these top-tier mounts, you'll need to purchase the Moonshiner role and reach Role Level 20 within that vocation, at which point you can purchase the top coats with Role Tokens. While their low health and easily emptied health cores may be a drawback, these high-level Roadsters are the fastest horses in the game and well worth the investment for speed demons.

Why the Norfolk Roadster is Great:

  • High stamina, the horse will never get tired.
  • High maneuverability, this one handles like a proper race horse.
  • Faster than any other horse in the game by far, it runs incredibly quick. 

How to Get:

The Dappled Buckskin variation of this horse can be purchased at the stables for 3 Tokens + $950 after unlocking it at Moonshiner Role Rank 20


4. Gypsy Cob (The Resilient Explorer)

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For long journeys across the American frontier, the Gypsy Cob shall remain your humble companion. 

The 1.20 Naturalist update was a welcome addition for players of the Naturalist role in Red Dead Online, introducing the exclusive Gypsy Cob breed. This hardy horse is known for its impressive stamina, allowing players to explore the vast in-game world without worrying about tiring their mount. In addition to its exceptional endurance, the Gypsy Cob boasts impressive stats across the board, making it a top choice for Naturalists and adventurers alike. It’s not the fastest horse out there, but it’s got a ton of health and a lot of stamina, making it one of the most reliable horses in the game by far. 

Why The Gypsy Cob is Great:

  • High stamina and high health, will ensure your and its own safety. 
  • Loyal to a fault, will never get spooked.
  • The best warhorse the game, fast and tanky.

How to Get:

The Splashed Piehold variation of this horse can be purchased for 3 Tokens + $950 at the stables after unlocking it at Naturalist Role Rank 20.


3. Missouri Fox Trotter (Loyal Companion)

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A loyal and highly versatile breed, the Missouri Fox Trotter will be with you through thick and thin. 

The Missouri Fox Trotter is a breed that truly stands out, with the perfect blend of speed and strength. They are powerful horses with excellent stamina, capable of taking on a variety of tasks with ease. Whether you need a reliable steed for racing, hunting, or navigating the Wild West, the Missouri Fox Trotter's lively trot and good speed will help you cover long distances with ease. It doesn’t matter if you’re fighting an army of outlaws or galloping through a croc infested swamp, the Missouri Fox Trotter is a cut above the rest because they will be with you through thick and thin. 

Why The Missouri Fox Trotter Is Great:

  • This is the fastest multi-purpose horse in the game, it runs fast with its high speed stats. 
  • The high acceleration will get you out of any trouble real quick. 
  • It has a lot of health, so it can withstand treacherous locations. 
  • This horse is loyal to a fault, it won’t budge without you, no matter what the situation is.
  • The high amount of stamina ensures this horse can run for a long while before getting tired.

How to Get:

The Dapple Grey Missouri Fox Trotter can be purchased for $950 at the stables. It will only unlock at level 58.


2. Turkoman (Ultimate Racing Horse)

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If you're looking for a pure bred racing horse, the Turkoman simply cannot be beat, especially with the most expensive 'Gold' variant... 

The Turkoman is a unique breed, combining the strength and endurance of a warhorse with the speed and agility of a racing horse. Their impressive health, stamina, and speed make them a reliable choice for a wide range of activities. Known for their good handling and sometimes impatient nature, Turkomans are phenomenally well-suited for racing and maneuvering with ease. As a multi-class breed, they are well-equipped to handle various situations, but the best use for the Turkoman would have to be during the racing events and game modes in RDO!

Why The Turkoman Is Great:

  • This is the fastest race horse in the game, it runs like the wind due to its high speed stats. 
  • The high acceleration helps it pick up the speed faster than any other race horse. 
  • It has a lot of health, so it can withstand treacherous locations. 

How to Get:

The Perlino Turkoman can be purchased for $925 at the stables. It will only unlock at level 56.


1. Black Arabian (The Superior Steed)

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A truly superior stallion, the Black Arabian is simply unmatched when it comes to stats in Red Dead Online. 

The Arabian horse reigns supreme among all breeds, boasting impressive stats and lightning-fast speed. These noble creatures are highly sought after by wealthy owners for their superior agility and reactivity. If you're willing to put in the time and effort to fully bond with an Arabian, the Black variation is the ultimate choice for any equestrian - a faithful and versatile steed in any situation.

Why The Black Arabian is Great:

  • The horse can move through any terrain at lightning fast speeds due to the highest speed stats in the game.
  • It’ll get you out of trouble real quick due to the highest acceleration stats, couple with the high stamina regeneration. 
  • It might look tiny, but the Black Arabian horse looks incredibly gorgeous up close. Whereas, the White Arabian horse is by far the prettiest and cleanest-looking horse in the game. 
  • The most elite horse in the game, not just in terms of stats, but price and luxury

How to Get:

The Black variation can be purchased for 42 gold bars at the stables. It will only unlock at level 70

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