[Top 10] Red Dead Redemption 2 Most Expensive Items
There are many expensive items scattered around the massive world of Red dead redemption. You can't buy a yacht, but you can purchase explosive ammo, so it balances itself out at the end.
Let’s take a look at the most expensive items in RDR2.
PS: Some of the items exist in Story mode with a different price, don't panic; we're going to look at it from the perspective of RDR2 online. Because in solo mode, you can get money in a much easier way, so it's not as impressive as having them in RDR2 Online.
10. Explosive Slug Pamphlet ($950)
What makes this purchase Great?
- Add more damage to your shells.
- More AOE damage for multiple enemies.
- The crafting of the actual shells doesn't take much.
Where to get it :
09. Turkoman Dark Bay ($1000)
Turkoman is a great horse. It's classed as a Race Horse mixed with War Horse; although all the stats across the coats are the same and the other coats are cheaper, players grind for hours to get enough cash in order to get the Dark Bay coat for the aesthetics.
What makes this purchase Great?
- The Turkoman horses are one of the best in the game.
- Great stats on the horse.
- The Blackcoat looks very cool.
Where to get it:
8. Explosive Express Cartridge pamphlet ($1000)
Although you can only hold 20 of them at a time, explosive Cartridges are the most powerful type of ammo in red dead online. To get this type of ammo, you have to craft it, and as we have learned before, to craft something, you have to get its pamphlet first.
What makes this purchase Great?
- These cartridges are excellent in gunfights.
- Open safes with just one shot.
- Increase the velocity of the bullets
Where to get it:
- Buy the recipe from any fencer in the game
7. The Black Arabian horse ($1050)
What makes this purchase Great?
- It’s as fast as the White Arabian.
- More significant health and Stamina bar.
- Overall great stats.
- Very beautiful coat.
Where to get it:
- Buy it from Stable in Saint-Denis for $1050
6. The High-Class Missouri Fox Trotters
What makes this purchase Great?
- They are high-class horses.
- Great for long trips
- Calm breed
- Variety of coat choices
Where to get it:
- the purchase can be made from any stable
5. The White Arabian Horse ($1,200)
What makes this purchase Great?
- Great acceleration.
- Amazing speed (among the fastest in the game).
- It looks Elegant.
Where to get it:
- You can buy it from any stable.
- If you're in single-player mode, you can get it for free by finding and taming it in Lake Isabella in Ambarino (North on the map).
4. The Rose Grey Bay Arabian Horse ($1250)
The Rose Grey Bay becomes available after completing the Epilogue in story mode.
When considering every state, The Rose Grey Bay Arabian Horse is the best in Red dead redemption 2 and the most expensive one.
What makes this purchase Great?
- Best all-around stats.
- Best health and stamina.
- Fast speed paired with great acceleration.
- Looks great, really beautiful.
Where to get it:
- The Rose Grey Bay Arabian Horse can be purchased at the Blackwater Stable for $1,250
3. Rattlesnake Vaquero Saddle (20 GB)
So for what would amount to $10,000 can get you the most expensive saddle in the game.
What makes this purchase Great?
- Basically, the supreme of saddles, flex on'em.
- Looks very elegant.
- Core Stamina Drain Rate: -24%.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -22%.
- Regen Rate: +24%.
Where to get it:
- You can purchase it at any stables when you reach level 96.
2. Moonshiner's Shack (25 GB)
What makes this purchase Great?
- Progressing the moonshine role
- Great source of income
- Sustainable business in RDR2
Where to get it:
- New Austin: to the north of Greenhollow in Hennigan's Stead
- West Elizabeth: southeast o Manzanita Post in Tall Trees
- New Hanover: east of Hani's Bethel in The Heartlands
- Ambarino: southwest of Cattail Pond in Grizzlies West
- Lemoyne: southwest of Macomb's End in Bayou NWA
1. The Golden Gun
There are 6 parts of the gun you need to buy, each costing 5 gold bars which brings the total to 30 gold bars.
What makes this purchase Great?
- Nothing says I'm wealthy in RDR2 like having a golden gun
Where to get it:
- Buy the parts from any gun store
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