The SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) Foundation is a well-known fictional organization that aims to save the planet from many dangerous creatures, artifacts, and other supernatural or paranormal phenomena while remaining hidden from society. There are many video game adaptations, commonly in the horror or action genre, based on SCP, such as “Control,” “Lobotomy Corporation,” “SCP: Containment Breach,” “SCP: Secret Laboratory,” “SCP:5K,” “SCP: Secret Files,” and others.
On their official website, which was founded in 2008, several users contributed stories about this foundation. Characters are sorted into various categories (Safe, Euclid, and Keter) based on their level of containment difficulty and the extent of their aggression and predictability. To learn more about the foundation and its intriguing lore, here are the top fifteen SCP characters and their stories:
15. SCP-966: Sleep Killer

The appearance of SCP-966 in Breach, a mode within the video game “Garry’s Mod”, is set on the foundation site.
Object Class: Euclid
Containment Procedure: Sleep Killers must be imprisoned in a specialized cell equipped with soundproof walls, subdued lighting, and thermal imaging systems. Any staff assigned to interact with these creatures are required to wear infrared goggles and noise-canceling headsets.
SCP-966 are carnivorous predators that feed on medium to large animals, including humans. They resemble large, eyeless, hairless humanoids with elongated faces, needle-like teeth, and claws that can reach lengths of 20 cm. Sleep Killers possess agility but are physically weak, with a bony structure and a height of 1.4 to 1.6 meters.
They hunt by releasing a sound wave that robs the affected creatures of their ability to sleep, suffering from hallucinations and sudden outbursts of rage with no external stimuli. Most victims die from exhaustion due to sleep deprivation, as researchers have yet to discover a cure once exposed to this SCP. They are often found in secluded locations such as caves, sewers, or remote forests.
14. SCP-590: He Feels Your Pain
A photo of SCP-590’s first arrival is posted on the SCP Foundation's official website.
Object Class: Safe
Containment Procedure: Resides at a standard SCP living space at Sector 7 but is not permitted to leave the premises without authorization. A guard must be stationed near SCP-590 at all times to prevent self-inflicted harm and ensure that SCP-590 consumes only the vitamin-enriched protein gruel, the sole approved food for SCP-590.
SCP-590 is a sixteen-year-old boy who has not shown any signs of aging since his arrival at the SCP Foundation. Furthermore, he also has the capability to heal injuries in other individuals, whether those injuries are physical or emotional, by simply touching them. However, this remarkable talent comes at a significant cost, as all of the injuries he heals are transferred to him. Additionally, SCP-590 is unable to heal any psionic induction caused by other SCPs or anomalies.
This ability of SCP-590 has given him a hard life because not only were there instances where he was bed-ridden and was put on life support, he permanently has the mental capacity of a three-year-old because he was instructed to heal other people in several cases of mental retardation.
13. SCP-2521: ●●|●●●●●|●●|●
The sole photograph of SCP-22521’s appearance was posted on the site (It is twice the height of a normal human, and layers of sticky black tendrils cover its skin).
Object Class: Keter
Containment Procedure: Due to its unpredictability, SCP-2521 poses a significant challenge to the organization. It is a hard-to-study anomaly that the foundation hasn't successfully contained yet. Any of their conventional research and documentation methods used for other SCPs are ineffective when dealing with this anomaly.
SCP-2521 is one of the most enigmatic entities within the SCP universe, as there is limited available information about it. This creature has the capability to steal every piece of written or verbal knowledge about its nature. It also forcefully abducts the individuals with the said information. As a result, any descriptions on the website are only photos or ideograms.
A prevailing theory suggests that SCP-2521 may not be malevolent and could, in fact, be empathetic. Its actions may be driven by a desire to understand more about itself, possibly due to its own lack of knowledge regarding its history. This hypothesis could explain its consistent efforts to acquire information about itself.
12. SCP-6330: Guardians of the Innocent
A recovered SCP-6330-1, a stuffed animal that became a catalyst, from a household.
Object Class: Safe
Containment Procedure: SCP-6330 is a phenomenon that only occurs in stuffed animals (referred to as the Sleepwalker Event) and is hard to contain. However, if successful, SCP-6330-1 is stored within a small item locker at the nearest Foundation site following its recovery.
Sleepwalker events happen in households with young children. This phenomenon commences when an aggressive SCP-6330-2 entity emits a shadow resembling creatures from fantasies, such as dragons or ogres, beneath the child’s bed. Subsequently, SCP-6330-1 is awakened and manifests a wooden weapon to protect the child against the ‘monster.’ These battles usually last for approximately twenty minutes, with SCP-6300-1 emerging victorious most of the time. However, its lifespan is usually exhausted in these events, and it ‘passes away’ after climbing into bed, having successfully fulfilled its duties.
11. SCP-049: Plague Doctor

Appearance of SCP-049, which resembles a medieval plague doctor. The ceramic mask is said to have grown out of his body and isn't possible to be removed as it became attached to his humanoid skull.
Object Class: Euclid
Containment Procedure: SCP-049 is contained within a specialized cell situated in Research Sector 02 at Site 19. This creature must be sedated when transported, and he is no longer permitted to interact with human subjects due to its sudden change in behavior at times. In such instances, personnel are allowed to use lavender to calm the entity.
SCP-049 was first discovered in Montauban, Southern France. Despite being courteous and compliant with the staff most of the time, SCP-049 is fearsome because of his obsessive desire to cure the ‘Pestilence’, a concept that the foundation isn’t able to comprehend fully, primarily because SCP-049 provides vague and inadequate explanations. Once the Plague Doctor feels that someone is afflicted by the Pestilence, he will become very aggressive and kill that individual immediately.
10. SCP-2295: The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork
SCP-2295 is in its inactive state, similar to a normal patchwork teddy bear that is filled with synthetic fiber and cotton. It is approximately 0.46m in size.
Object Class: Safe
Containment Procedure: SCP-2295 is stored in a conventional containment locker located at Storage Wing 25 in Site 37. Any personnel with higher security clearance are permitted to run tests and experiments with this entity after the completion of the required paperwork.
SCP-2295, referred to as “The Bear with the Heart of Patchwork,” enters an active state when it detects a human, who is suffering any type of injury in their body organ, within a two-meter radius. As a response, the teddy bear will immediately retrieve scissors, white thread, and other sewing materials from his mouth, which will be consequently used in crafting SCP-2295-1, a crocheted organ that serves as a healthy replica of the human’s damaged organ. Through unknown means, this SCP would be able to magically swap the organs in an attempt to restore the patient to health. These methods are often successful, but there have been instances where the stuffed animal is observed shedding tears and offering a chocolate bar to an individual suffering from cerebral hemorrhaging; the foundation assumes that the SCP is incapable of replicating the brain.
9. SCP-426: I am a Toaster
SCP-426’s appearance in a console game titled “SCP: Secret Files.” This entity shares similar qualities with an ordinary toaster and can be utilized when supplied with electricity.
Object Class: Euclid
Containment Procedure: “I am Toaster” is an emotionally harmful entity upon contact with any human; therefore, it must be sealed in a place with no windows. Only Level 3 and higher staff are allowed to know about its existence and attributes. Those who are assigned to this SCP are mandated to undergo psychiatric evaluation and are subjected to daily monitoring to ensure they are not affected by its power.
This SCP’s file log stands out from others because it is written from a first-person point of view. It is explained that humans are not able to describe SCP-426 in the third person, either verbally or in writing. When an individual is exposed to this seemingly ordinary toaster for a continuous period of two months, the person will also recognize themselves as a toaster to the extent of hurting themselves in an attempt to emulate the appliance’s functions. The foundation became aware of its abilities after the gruesome demise of family members who owned it first.
8. SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
A SCP-682 sighting while it is still recovering from acid immersion after escaping from containment. It is a large reptile-like creature with unknown origins and expresses hatred for all life forms.
Object Class: Keter
Containment Procedure: The SCP Foundation strongly advises destroying this monster at all costs because of the massive damage it can inflict on society. The title “Hard-to-Destroy Reptile” is well-earned, as no SCP team has been successful in defeating it up until now. This SCP must be confined within a 5m x 5m x 5m chamber, lined with 25 reinforced acid-resistant steel plates on its inner surfaces, and then filled with hydrochloric acid to neutralize the entity. All personnel are strictly forbidden to engage in any communication with SCP-682.
Hard-to-Destroy Reptile is one of the most formidable SCPs in terms of combat and defense, having extraordinary strength, speed, and reflexes. It is able to replenish its energy when it has something to digest. This SCP is also believed to be the offspring of the Scarlet King (SCP-001) and poses a significant public threat because of its aggressive nature. This is backed up by previous incidents where it once killed a group of farmers in their vicinity, and during containment breaches, it was able to slaughter hundreds of personnel.
7. SCP-131: Eye Pods
SCP-131-A (burnt orange) with SCP-131-B (mustard yellow). They are a pair of gentle teardrop-shaped creatures, roughly 30 cm in height. They have a wheel-like protrusion at the bottom of their bodies, which allows them to roam easily.
Object Class: Safe
Containment Procedure: “Eye Pods” are permitted to travel freely around Site 19, as long as they refrain from entering any restricted cells and attempting to escape the facility. Personnel may engage in casual interaction with these SCPs, although it is not advisable to form any strong attachments with them. Given their classification as Safe entities, any form of mistreatment towards them is prohibited.
SCP-131 is characterized by its biomechanical origins. They are agile beings that cover a distance of 60 meters within seconds, albeit causing minor mishaps as they lack a braking system. They exhibit the intelligence and curiosity of a house cat or dog, making them very appealing to the staff. Eye Pods can also communicate with one another by high-pitched babbling and require no maintenance or care from the foundation to survive, as they can care for themselves perfectly.
6. SCP-106: The Old Man

At the mid-emergence of SCP-106, it appears to be an elderly man with obvious signs of advanced decomposition.
Object Class: Keter
Containment Procedure: SCP-106 is one of the Keter classes that require maximum security. He is staying in a sealed container, made of lead-line steel. These would then be sealed within forty layers of identical material to counter its special abilities. Any corrosion near its cell must be reported by any staff immediately.
“The Old Man” is the SCP that doesn't rely on speed since its strange ability to catch its prey induces a rotting, rusting, or cracking effect on anything it touches, including humans. This corrosion would last for six hours. Additionally, the creature has remarkable immobility, as it can stay motionless or remain suspended upside down indefinitely. Securing this SCP is hard since he can enter his surreal realm, which is called pocket dimensions; most of the victims were transported there as well.
5. SCP-610: The Flesh that Hates

In an infected area of SCP-610, a biological virus, any creature can get infected by this anomaly upon physical contact.
Object Class: Keter
Containment Procedure: Containment for this SCP is deemed infeasible due to the extensive reach of its infectious effects. The practical approach they considered was to isolate affected areas to prevent widespread contamination. The foundation reached out to the Russian Government to establish a perimeter, camouflaged as military operations, to restrict public access to these areas.
The SCP was discovered at Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia. The virus would initially appear as a typical skin ailment, displaying symptoms of rash, itching, and intense skin sensitivity. But as hours pass by, the afflicted regions gradually transform into scar-tissue-like blemishes, making the victim’s appearance resemble nothing more than flesh before dying.
Given its high contagiousness, observations are done by remote robots or rovers. “The Flesh that Hates” remains a Keter class and a neutralized threat, as long as the said area is not disturbed by anyone.
4. SCP-096: ShyGuy
SCP-096 is a humanoid entity standing at a height of 2.38 meters. It lacks any hair, minimal muscle mass due to malnutrition, disproportionately elongated arms, a jaw that can open four times wider than an average person's, and its skin does not have any pigmentation or color.
Object Class: Euclid
Containment Procedure: “ShyGuy” is contained in its 5m x 5m x 5m sealed steel chamber. His cell must always be inspected weekly for any holes or cracks. The staff uses pressure sensors to detect the SCP’s presence inside because video surveillance and optical tools are not advisable.
SCP-096 typically spends the day in its containment cell, pacing around. However, when someone is able to catch a glimpse of its face, it undergoes uncontrollable emotional distress. ShyGuy reacts by concealing its face and begins screaming or crying. Subsequently, it would chase the individual and try to kill it. There are no records showing that the victim survived the attack. Following its violent episode, the SCP reverts to its passive demeanor and returns to its habitat.
3. SCP-999: The Tickle Monster

A depiction of SCP-999, an amorphous entity made out of orange slime that is dome-shaped. It can stretch up to two centimeters in width or height and weighs about 54 kilograms.
Object Class: Safe
Containment Procedure: “The Tickle Monster” is a harmless creature that is allowed to roam around the facility, with the exception of lockdowns and its designated sleeping schedule, which is 8 PM to 9 PM. It has a specific pen and holding area, which staff must keep clean and replenish with food at least twice a day. Its favorite foods are candies.
SCP-999 is among the most beloved SCP due to its endearing and playful attitude. It expresses happiness when approached by an individual and will begin to hug them with its pair of pseudopods while emitting soothing cooing sounds. It also calms the person by releasing pleasant scents like chocolate, fresh laundry, and roses.
Despite being the offspring of the Scarlet King, it differs from most creatures because once this SCP has been touched, a person can feel a mild sense of euphoria. There are no recorded instances where this creature has purposely hurt any other personnel or SCP.
2. SCP-173: The Sculpture
“The Sculpture” in its containment cell. This SCP is made out of concrete and rebar with additional traces of Krylon brand spray paint.
Object Class: Euclid
Containment Procedure: SCP-173 is required to be kept in a locked cell because of its hostility. A minimum of three personnel is required for bi-weekly cleaning of the containment chamber, which is frequently contaminated with bodily fluids or blood. The number of staff is necessary to ensure their safety in close proximity to the entity.
Known for being the first SCP to be written in the year 2007, The Sculpture is an animate and dangerous creature. One must maintain visual contact with SCP-173 in order to remain unharmed. Any interruption in the line of sight or blink of an eye, the entity instantly kills the victims by snapping their necks at the cranial base. A notable vulnerability of this SCP is that it is incapable of moving when in the direct line of sight of a person.
1. SCP-001: Scarlet King
SCP-001, “The Scarlet King”, is an eldritch god often depicted as a sentient entity always wearing a crown. In some articles, he is described as a humanoid with a bleeding red maw surrounded by grasping arms and poured with endless blood.
Object Class: Keter
Containment Procedure: Capturing the Scarlet King is impossible for the foundation as this SCP is described as currently located in several alternate dimensions simultaneously and cannot enter the prime dimension on Earth.
The Scarlet King is the most formidable and gravest threat within the SCP universe. He is a being that is a manifestation of the tension or rage between the modern and premodern worlds. He has the outstanding power to manipulate reality at will.
The SCP foundation remains uncertain of the full extent of Scarlet King’s capabilities. But it was documented that he was able to impregnate several females on Earth through the use of his Scarlet Spawns. Some of his children include SCP-999 and SCP-682. There are theories circulating about whether these offspring can match the power of their father.
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