Maybe you’re a new player being constantly gunned down by your own team. Maybe you're a veteran player bored with the vanilla game. Or maybe you’ve never even heard of the game. Whoever you are, there's a server for you.
Those new to Scp Secret Lab should know it's a free to play online pseudo RPG/FPS; based on a shared open narrative universe called SCP: Secure, Contain, and Protect.
It’s still in development with active support from its staff, receiving massive updates/overhauls to both gameplay and cosmetic elements. The most recent major SCP update changed SCP-173 from a humanoid feces and blood-stained statue into a twisted mass of unidentifiable composition. Granted abilities beyond the original and weaker SCP-173.

SCP Secret Lab features no pay to play schemes or loot boxes. Instead funding comes from donations supplied by the game's large fanbase.

Scp servers are either modded or vanilla with many standing between the two. Server diversity can help you find new interesting mods.Personally, my favorite plugin is stalky106, a larry portal mod.
10. Unigamia.com #1
The server is heavily modded and is somewhat playable for new players. The staff however were insufferable; they Mic Spammed with the intercom for multiple rounds and an elite moderator TKed me. I then convinced my entire team to TK each other in protest and in retaliation I was banned by said moderator. Overall a fun time but I would recommend you not to take it seriously.
Rules: Team kill Enabled and No Mic Spam
- When in a Team kill enabled server watch out for elevators as grenades can and have instantly killed entire squads.
Framework: Unlisted
Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
9. King’s SCP playground | Normal servers 1-3
King’s playground while offering lots of modding is afflicted with stuffy staff. Definitely not a place a new player wants to be and even somewhat of a headache for a veteran. It’s sometimes worth the price however.
Rules: KOS restriction, No round delaying, No teaming, No surrender Scumming
- In SCP Secret Lab the person who wins in a firefight is the one who spots the other first.
Framework: Unlisted
Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
8. [US EAST] Dr. Brights Facility #1-5
Dr. Brights Facility is a somewhat hostile and cramped server/s, but the heavy modding can help offset that for more experienced players. New players should definitely avoid this server, veteran players used to stuffy staff should give it a try.
Rules: No MicSpam, No round delaying, Detainment is required even if you see D-class surrender scumming in spectator
- When running from hostile humans or SCPs jump and then move left to right in the air. This can make it extremely hard to land a hit on you.
Framework: Unlisted
Plugins: SCP-575, SpectatorTickets, NameFilter (kicks players with names deemed “Inappropriate/Advertising”), Pro079, Better939, UltimateAFK, DCReplace, PFE, SCPDiscord, SCPSwap, SCP-966, Subclass, DoorRestartSystem, EntityCleanup, PlayerStats, Stalky106, CISpy, AntiLag, SCP-012, MVP, WaitAndChill, Lone079, Lucky Coin, SCP-035, Bright Plugin, Serpents Hand
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
7. Unlimited SCP
While Unlimited might be one of the most heavily modded servers out there I would highly recommend you avoid it unless you’re capable of dealing with bad staff (they’ve doxed me before) and crowded servers (which causes balancing issues and lag.)
Rules: No Round delaying, No Micspamming, Teamkill disabled (on Server #3 its enabled), and No teaming
- Don’t freak out if you can’t navigate around the facility, it's meant to be confusing. Just follow someone else who seems like they know what they’re doing. Barring that, just walk around randomly.
Framework: Unlisted
Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
8. Kognity’s Playhouse #1
Somewhat normal server but again very stuffy staff, someone was mic spamming behind me and I told them to stop (technically the rules let you proximity mic spam) and closed the door so I could run away. Big mistake apparently because I was instantly banned for “hostility.”
Rules: No teaming, No KOS, No Mic Spam, No closing doors (I was instantly banned for this odd rule), No round delaying
- Shutting doors on pursuing scps can be the difference between life and death.
Framework: Unlisted
Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated Plugins: Unlisted
5. Freya's Fortress #1
An average server with what seems to be light modding, all around nothing too bad or too good. Functions as a good backup serverand that’s quite good. There’s something nice about a server where nothing big or dramatic happens.
Rules: Teamkill disabled and no global micspam
- Talking or walking will cause you to show up on scp-939s senses, avoid doing those things when a dog is nearby.
Framework: Unlisted
active Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
4. Kurva
A very decent server all around with a chill staff and community. Good list of plugins. Sort of like a jack of all trades and master of a good time.
Rules: No round delaying, Tk is okay when justified or accidental, Teaming somewhat okay
- Scp-914 is where most players will be going, after finding it you can upgrade any item. Be warned however as scps will be drawn to this area like flies.
Framework: Unlisted
active Plugins: SCPStats, modified DiscordIntegration, AdminTools, modified uAFK, Kurva TK
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
3. Banana’s Bungalow (US Server 1)
Banana’s Bungalow (US Server 1) is a fun relaxed server with a twist. Sometimes the game the game will start in the Murder Mystery mode, not every game is Murder Mystery as it needs to be voted for. Murder Mystery Defaults everyone to D-class with three random roles. Those being Murderer, Detective, and Innocent.
Rules: No round delaying, No KOS, No teaming, No surrender scumming (saying you give up and then shooting), No Mic Spam, and Teamkill disabled
- If you’re out of ammo and the only pickups are guns (not ammo boxes) then you can manually unload those and use their ammo for your gun. You hold R and l you unload their mags or slugs for your own uses.
Framework: EXILED
Active Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated Plugins: Unlisted
2. Disaster Den
Disaster Den is a fun server for almost every type of player, but it was a challenge to get into. It was full at almost every hour. If there was other servers or if it wasn’t constantly full DD would rank top.
Rules: No intentional Team Killing, No Mic Spam, No round delaying, Light teaming restrictions
- As SCP don’t rush at players, instead use your environment to your advantage. You can flank them as 939 or wait and ambush them at doors.
Framework: Unlisted
active Plugins: Unlisted
Deactivated plugins: Unlisted
1. [US EAST] Lunarys SCP [#1]
Lunarys SCP [#1] is a fun and relatively vanilla server. My interactions with the staff are mostly pleasant and the community is relaxed for the most part, but the server is kept very PG and comes off as suffocating.
Rules: No Micspam, No KOS, Teamkill disabled (on server [#1]), no spawn killing, No teaming, and No round delaying.
- If someone is using slurs (very rare in my experience) or generally being a nuisance with chat you can press N and mute/report them. Depending on what rules they’re violating, reporting them can get them temp/perma banned/kicked. Never feel ashamed to report such people, they cause trouble for streamers specifically and other players generally.
Framework: EXILED
Active Plugins: AdminTools, Common Utilities, SCPsSwap, APL, stalky106, PresetBC, BetterSpawnTickets, NoCuffedKill, TeslaGateControl
Deactivated Plugins: AutoFFToggle, DoctorBuff
While some might underestimate the value of a good server I hope you won’t.