The Tankiest of the 6 classes the Bulwark is a class that has broken the mold of generic class archetypes. Despite being the closest to a supportive, defensive class his shield and power sword have made him iconic in the game of Space Marine 2. This ability to be used in both defensive and offensive ways gives the Bulwark good build variety and this guide is here to show off 7 builds for Bulwark in PvE and PvP
7. PvP Counter Shooter Bulwark

- Weapon: N/A
- Secondary: Bolt Pistol
- Melee: Power Fist
- Grenade: Krak Grenade
This build focuses on getting close up to other ranged classes and blasting them with the bolt pistol or quickly throwing a Krak Grenade at close range. The Bulwark can do this because by holding the parry button raises the Bulwark’s shield which blocks nearly all ranged damage except grenades and melta shots.
This limits a ton of ranged classes forcing them to either stop shooting you which lets you shoot them, try to throw a grenade at you which you can dodge and close the distance, or try to melee you which won’t work because of the Power Fist. The Power Fist is used as a bit of an anti-melee melee weapon with its high damage only surmounted by the Thunder Hammer, and since most ranged classes have either the Chainsword or Combat Knife you will win the melee fight.
6. PvP Defender Bulwark

- Weapon: N/A
- Secondary: Plasma Pistol
- Melee: Power Sword
- Grenade: Shock Grenade
This PvP build has a similar mindset to the Counter Shooter in that we take a more defensive role but the Defender prioritizes his team and takes as many team fights as possible. The Plasma Pistol is the star in this build with its charge shot being able to turn the tide of any 1v1 or you can just forsake shooting the Pistol in favor of charging right into the line of fire and blocking the bullets with the shield.
We also utilize the Bulwark’s banner ability to full effect giving nearby teammates their armor back in order to heal up after a shootout or make it the tipping point to win one. The Power Sword and Shock Grenade are for assisting melee fights with the Sword being quicker than the Fist this allows us to combo with allies far easier and the Shock Grenade ensures no enemy can run away.
5. PvP Point Guard Bulwark

- Weapon: N/A
- Secondary: Plasma Pistol
- Melee: Power Fist
- Grenade: Melta Bomb
This Bulwark excels at staying on an objective and shooting at medium to long range. The Plasma Pistol is back again as your long-range option with the combination of powerful charge shots and a bullet-blocking shield ensuring that you have the advantage at range.
The Power Fist keeps its countermelee properties but being able to hold a point means that cheeky charged hits can work around corners more. And hitting around corners is what the Melta Bomb also excels at being a good trap to place down where you know you’ll be flanked. The banner serves as a good heal to top up after fights or ensure you win one.
4. PvE Wall Bulwark

- Core: Conviction/Armor of Contempt/Armor Reinforcement
- Team: Advanced Conditioning
- Gear: Focused Strength/Invigorating Icon/Rejuvenating Effect
- Signature: Armoured Advance
- Primary Weapon: N/A
- Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Ophelian Liberation (Magazine Variant)
- Standard: Fast Venting
- Master-Crafted: Rampage/Supercharged Shot
- Artificer: Great Might/Plasma Collection/Efficient Charge
- Relic: Retaliation/Fast Venting
- Melee Weapon: Power Fist (Aggamedes's Gift - Beta)
- Standard: Perpetual Strength
- Master-Crafted: Heavy Preparation/Perpetual Strength/Perpetual Strength
- Artificer: Rally/Tyranid Slayer/Chaos Slayer/Combo
- Relic: Tide of Battle
This PvE Build is all about countering attacks and absolute defense. “Conviction” and “Armor of Contempt” are your bread and butter with you being able to consistently block ranged attacks and take less health damage once your armor breaks. The Power Fist works great for this build with the “Combo” and “Heavy Preparation” perks allowing the Power Fist to weave in and out of light and heavy attacks. Finally “Rejuvenating Effect” lets your banner revive downed teammates and acts as a clutch save.
3. PvE Stunner Bulwark

- Core: Forward Momentum/Scrambled Targeting/Armor Reinforcement
- Team: Advanced Conditioning
- Gear: Focused Strength/Invigorating Icon/Rejuvenating Effect
- Signature: Armoured Advance
- Primary Weapon: N/A
- Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Ophelian Liberation (Magazine Variant)
- Standard: Fast Venting
- Master-Crafted: Rampage/Supercharged Shot
- Artificer: Great Might/Plasma Collection/Efficient Charge
- Relic: Retaliation/Fast Venting
- Melee Weapon: Chainsword (Aquilan Dedication)
- Standard: Perpetual Strength
- Master-Crafted: Swift Recover/Perpetual Strength/Perpetual Strength
- Artificer: Saw Blade/Tyranid Slayer/Minors Slayer
- Relic: Full Throttle/Extremis Slayer
This build focuses on shield bashing and stunning enemies. “Forward Momentum” is the big one here with its ability to increase melee damage by 25% for 5 seconds after a shield bash. The Chainsword is the weapon of choice since it mostly has light attacks and you want to save your heavy for the big stomp that’s available after the third light.
“Scrambled Targeting” gives good ranged damage reduction when surrounded by enemies and “Focused Strength” makes your shield bash stun enemies longer making those Chainsword combos more deadly as a result.
2. PvE DPS Bulwark

- Core: Forward Momentum/Shock and Awe/Defensive Advantage
- Team: Advanced Conditioning
- Gear: Focused Strength/Invigorating Icon/Rejuvenating Effect
- Signature: Armoured Advance
- Primary Weapon: N/A
- Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Ophelian Liberation (Magazine Variant)
- Standard: Fast Venting
- Master-Crafted: Rampage/Supercharged Shot
- Artificer: Great Might/Plasma Collection/Efficient Charge
- Relic: Retaliation/Fast Venting
- Melee Weapon: Power Fist (Aggamedes's Gift - Beta)
- Standard: Perpetual Strength
- Master-Crafted: Heavy Preparation/Perpetual Strength/Perpetual Strength
- Artificer: Rally/Tyranid Slayer/Chaos Slayer/Combo
- Relic: Tide of Battle
This build swaps the constant shield bashing with a mix of Bulwark’s shock skills and damage buffs. While we keep “Forward Momentum” skills like “Shock and Awe” and “Defensive Advantage” gives our parry a shock field like a thrown Shock Grenade while also giving all shock damage a 25% damage buff.
Other than that it’s business as normal. Weave lights and heavies with the Power Fist and keep bashing whenever you can to keep the damage buff.
1. PvE Bladeguard Bulwark

- Core: Conviction/Shock and Awe/Defensive Advantage
- Team: Advanced Conditioning
- Gear: Rapid Regeneration/Invigorating Icon/Rejuvenating Effect
- Signature: Defensive Mastery
- Primary Weapon: N/A
- Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Ophelian Liberation (Magazine Variant)
- Standard: Fast Venting
- Master-Crafted: Rampage/Supercharged Shot
- Artificer: Great Might/Plasma Collection/Efficient Charge
- Relic: Retaliation/Fast Venting
- Melee Weapon: Power Sword (Gathalamor Crusade Beta)
- Standard: Perpetual Strength
- Master-Crafted: Master of Defence/Perpetual Strength/Perpetual Strength/Momentum Gain
- Artificer: Fencing Blade/Chaos Slayer/Tyranid Slayer
- Relic: Reeling Blow/Majoris Slayer
This build revolves around the Bulwark-exclusive Power Sword. This melee weapon is the most exotic out of the entire Space Marine 2 armory boasting a stance-switching mechanic and the ability to excel in nearly any situation. Holding the melee button like you’re doing a charged attack will switch stances with unpowered being the single target stance and powered being the horde clearer.
“Defensive Advantage” and “Defensive Mastery” synergize great together with the latter being able to execute Majoris enemies on a parry and the former putting down that shock field that hurts any enemies around the parried victim. While the skills are powerful you will have to master the Power Sword and it’s two stances and once you do you will become a melee menace.
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