[Top 5] Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Best Builds That Are Powerful

Fallen Order Best Builds Powerful
06 Aug 2024

The levelling up system in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is probably the most fun and rewarding part of the game; by squashing enough bugs, slaughtering enough stormtroopers and taking down enough inquisitors you will earn yourself some skill points; but the question is, what to do with them?

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Upgrade your Skill Tree to master Lightsaber, Survival and Force

The Skill Tree

For new players it is important to spend your skill points wisely, particularly in the early game where it can be a bit of a slog earning them, and with 33 different options you don’t want to choose the wrong one. This article will help you navigate the Skill Tree which is divided into three branches; Lightsaber, Survival and Force, so you can confidently select skills which will match your playstyle in the early game and help you turn Cal Kestis from a Jedi Padawan to a Master.


The Anakin Build: Lightsaber Upgrades

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Anakin Skywalker, AKA The Chosen One

Lightsaber skills are pivotal in the early game when you are learning the controls and want to be dispatching enemies as quickly as possible. This setup will help you develop a prowess with the lightsaber like Anakin Skywalker which will have your enemies fighting on the backfoot in no time.

Early Game Upgrades

·      Once you have filled up the skill point bar with enough XP, you should swiftly make your first purchase of Overhead Slash; this will make those early game battles a little easier with a powerful overhead strike which will one-shot weaker enemies. 

Cost - 1 Skill point

·      The next upgrades you should purchase  in quick succession are Dash and Improved Dash. These skills will allow you to quickly shut down space between you and your opponents on the battlefield. This is very useful in the early game against stormtroopers and mercenaries who tend to hold back and fire shots at you from a distance. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point each

·      Fallen Order is a fast-moving game and the action never ceases, so Sprint Strike is essential. While you’re dashing around alien worlds or Empire bases, enemies can strike at any moment, so being able to react quickly with this special lightsaber attack helps to give you the edge even in an ambush. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

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Cal Kestis versus the mysterious Second Sister

Late Game Upgrades

These are the most powerful upgrades the skill  tree has to offer, but they tend to cost more skill points and will not be available to you right away. But if you want to overcome your enemies through lightsaber mastery it is crucial  that you save up your skill points and unlock them as soon as possible.

·      Lightsaber Throw is an essential skill which offers a ranged method of attack to target pesky enemies who are keeping their distance. Though this skill is quite expensive, it is definitely worth it. 

Cost - 3 Skill Points

·      The Lightsaber Mastery skill is simple but effective. This upgrade allows you to deal heavier blows which inflict more damage on your enemy in all lightsaber attacks. 

Cost - 3 Skill Points

·      With Evasive Kick unlocked, after quick-evading an enemy attack you can perform a counter kick attack which will knock your enemy off balance and leave them vulnerable to follow up attacks.

 Cost - 1 Skill Point                                        


The Yoda Build: Force Upgrades

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Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order and little green menace

If you were drawn to Fallen Order with a desire to become as strong in the ways of the force as Master Yoda, then you should use your hard earned skill points to level up the Force skills outlined below early on in your game.

Early Game Upgrades

·      Force Attunement is a vital skill to unlock in the early game regardless of which setup you choose. So many of your skills and abilities like Dash or Overhead Slash will drain your Force metre, so it is important that you strengthen your connection with the force as quickly as possible.

 Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Mass Push is a very useful early game upgrade because you spend a lot of your time on mountainous alien worlds with an abundance of sheer drops. This skill will allow you to swiftly and satisfyingly dispatch groups of stormtroopers by sending them hurtling off the edge of a cliff. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Enhanced Force Recovery is the best value for skill points upgrade in the game. For just one skill point, this skill increases your longevity in a fight by allowing you to regain force stamina whilst blocking and killing enemies. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

Late Game Upgrades

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Cal learns a cool Force pose

Some force skills only become available later on in the game and are a little more expensive, but you should make unlocking them a priority if you want to truly immerse yourself in the role of a Jedi Master who has learnt to make an ally of the force.

·      Howling Pull allows you to pull large groups of enemies towards you so you can quickly slice them to pieces. This skill will catch strong enemies like Purge Troopers off guard and yank them towards you so you can inflict some serious damage. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·      Howling Push is essentially the opposite of Howling Pull but just as powerful. This skill lets you send large groups of enemies flying and topple your strongest opponents. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·      Ultimate Force Attunement allows you to truly become one with the force. This extends Cal’s force metre to the maximum which means you can use all of your force abilities freely without having to worry much about running out of force stamina. 

Cost - 2 Skill Point


The Ahsoka Build: Survivor Upgrades

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Ahsoka Tano, Order 66 Survivor and Former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker

Do you have the natural instincts of a survivor? By unlocking these skills as quickly as possible you will find yourself primed to avoid the Empire’s grasp as adeptly as Ahsoka Tano. Although the survivor skills are less flashy than the others, they are just as important.

Early Game Upgrades

·      Survival Skills is the first skill on the survivor branch and you should make unlocking it a priority. This extends your health bar so you will be a little more resilient in those early game skirmishes. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      The Improved Stims skill will help to keep you alive by making stims a little more potent. Stims will provide you with extra health when you use them in the heat of battle. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Superior Blocking is another passive skill which allows you to block for longer. This skill is extremely helpful in the early game because you will likely be relying on blocking as your main method of evading enemy attacks while you are still learning the controls and movement.

Cost - 1 Skill Point

Late Game Upgrades

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The Ninth Sister; as formidable in battle as she is unpleasant to look at

The Survivor skills available later on in the game are crucial especially if you play  on a higher difficulty because they significantly improve your vitality and will make you more than a handful  for the most powerful Inquisitors. .

·      The Precision Evade skill is for survival experts. By waiting to dodge at the last-minute Cal will evade an oncoming attack, recover a small amount of Force stamina, briefly slow enemies and put you in the perfect position to counterattack. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·      Agile Deflection is a very helpful skill which should be unlocked as early as possible because it helps you to avoid taking unnecessary damage from oncoming blaster bolts by automatically deflecting shots while sprinting or wall-running. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Expert Survival Skills will increase your health bar to the maximum level. This skill is crucial later on,  particularly for those playing on a higher difficulty, because when you are up against the toughest bosses in the game every inch of your health bar is vital. 

Cost - 2 Skill Point


The Maul Build: Lightsaber/Survivor Upgrades

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Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice and owner of the most iconic lightsaber in the galaxy

If you want to spread your skill points more evenly across the skill tree, then the Maul setup might be for you. This build aims to emulate Maul’s savagery and unwillingness to die through a lethal combo of survival skills and the most deadly lightsaber attacks in the game.

Early Game Upgrades

·      The first thing you need to unlock  is not found on the skill tree; to truly embrace the spirit of Maul you need to unlock the Double-Blade Upgrade for your lightsaber. You will unlock this upgrade by following the storyline until you reach the Tomb of Eilram on Zeffo which you will have to battle through to obtain the Scomp Link. This can then be used to unlock a door in  the Abandoned Workshop on Bogano which contains the workbench where you can upgrade your lightsaber. With a two pronged attack that Maul would certainly approve of, this weapon upgrade allows you to unleash a maelstrom of destruction on large groups of enemies. 

Cost - N/A

·      Once you have unlocked the double-bladed lightsaber, you should then purchase Whirlwind Throw from the Skill Tree. This defensive move enables Cal to throw his lightsaber so it circles around him, slicing through any enemies who have come too close. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·     Like the Ahsoka build, you should also make unlocking Survival Skills a matter of priority to improve your vitality.

 Cost - 1 Skill Point

Late Game Upgrades

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Cal lands on Dathomir, home planet of Darth Maul and the Nightsisters

The following skills available later in the game will allow you to truly unlock the savagery and unquenchable bloodthirst possessed by Darth Maul. 

·      Switch Attack is a helpful addition to the Maul build because it makes  swapping between a single or double bladed lightsaber in the heat of combat easier with a special attack. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Personalised Stims allows you to get more of a health boost out of stims which is pivotal later on when you are up fighting the toughest bosses in the game and you need as much health as possible. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·      Delay Combo is a skill for expert double-bladed lightsaber wielders because by slowing down and pacing your lightsaber swings you will perform continuous high damage attacks. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point


The Windu Build: Lightsaber/Force Upgrades

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An awesome Jedi with an even cooler lightsaber

This setup is inspired by the awesome power of Jedi Master Mace Windu because it takes the strongest abilities from the lightsaber and force sections of the Skill Tree and combines them into a build which will have you rivalling the most powerful dark side force users in the galaxy. Plus it is highly recommended that you switch your lightsaber colour to purple to channel Windu’s menacing aura!

Early Game Upgrades

·      Like the Anakin build, you want to purchase Overhead Slash as quickly as possible to gain the ability to one shot weaker enemies. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Next, you want to unlock Leaping Slash; this follow up attack adds another powerful leaping assault right after completing an Overhead Slash attack. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·      Empowered Slow is a very helpful skill in the early game because it enhances your force slow ability. By slowing down your targets for an even longer duration, this ability leaves enemies defenceless to your attacks. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

Late Game Upgrades

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This build makes taking down AT-STs a breeze

The following upgrades available later in the game will let you truly embrace Windu’s character by combining the most devastating Force and Lightsaber attacks on offer.

·      Delay Thrust is a skill for expert lightsaber wielders because by slowing down your lightsaber swings you can perform a special attack which allows you to do increased damage from range. 

Cost - 1 Skill Point

·      Repulse is a crucial skill which helps you get out of sticky situations. It is an airborne leaping attack which will send nearby enemies flying. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

·      Burst Slow is a powerful force ability which will help you gain the advantage against overwhelming odds. Holding slow allows you to slow all enemy targets around you for an increased duration, leaving your enemies vulnerable to a vicious counterattack. 

Cost - 2 Skill Points

So, whether you want to be as lethal with a lightsaber as Anakin and Maul, forge a deep bond with the force like Yoda and Windu, or become a survivor resilient to the might of the Empire like Ahsoka, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order caters to the needs of all aspiring Jedi Knights.

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