[Top 10] Starfield Best Backgrounds (Ranked)

14 Oct 2023

Starfield has so much to offer as far as roleplay goes. Not only can you customize your character but you can pick your starting background. Your background in starfield provides you with 3 starting skills. 

Today we are giving you 10 of the best backgrounds ranked from worst to best. 


10. Professor 

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You’ve taught in a classroom for most of your adult life. You know most scientific theory yet all from books and lessons. 

The professor trait is good if you do constellation missions often. This is because most of the researchers there, including Sarah, know a bit about astrodynamics. With skills such as geology and research methods you'll be able to learn more about resources faster and research faster as well. This is very useful in my opinion for crafting. 

Why Professor is Great : 

  • Research methods. This background is great for this because at level 1 you’ll be able to research plans 10% faster than normal so crafting will be alot easier and tolerable. 
  • Astrodynamics.With this skill you’ll be able to jump further in one go. For example say you wanted to get to the key but you're in the SOL system, you'd usually need 2 jumps but with the skill it will take 1.

Professor details:

  • Astrodynamics
  • Geology 
  • Research Methods

9. Xenobiologist  

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You always knew there were other life forms out there and when you had the chance you studied them. You're an expert on Xeno life and the science behind it. 

The Xenobiologist is good for players who just want to explore and learn about the different wildlife on other planets. With skills like lasers and surveying you'll be able to deal more damage with laser weapons and survey planets or minerals faster. 

Why Xenobiologist is Great:

  • Surveying. Believe it or not there are missions that give you credits for doing nothing but surveying a planet. The skill is useful early on for knowing what kind of conditions you'll face before landing on the surface. (If the planet even has a surface that is)

Xenobiologist details: 

  • Lasers
  • Surveying 
  • Fitness 


8. Gangster 

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Growing up on the streets of neon this life was forgerd for you. Your rough demeanor and attitude makes people think twice before messing with you. 

The gangster is a background that's meant for players looking to be a criminal in the game or maybe have some type of redemption arc. With skills like shotgun certification and boxing you'll have an easier time dealing with higher level baddies who get in your way. 

Why Gangster is Great: 

  • You get access to one of the best skills in the game. The shotgun certification at the moment is the best because shotguns deal the most damage out of any ballistic weapon. 
  • Because you get to be a criminal early on. Because of your background, anytime you bring up your background people tend to be a bit cautious. 

Gangster details: 

  • Shotgun certification
  • Boxing 
  • Theft 


7. Diplomat 

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The master of negotiations. You understand that fighting isn't the only way to achieve your goal and with that you smoothly talk your way in or out of most situations. 

The diplomat background is meant for players who prefer not to fight.(Though fighting is unavoidable sometimes in this game) With skills like persuasion and commerce you'll be able to level up fast and buy things at a lower price which makes this background very useful if you want credits fast. The only downside is you lack fighting skills until you level up. 

Why Diplomat is Great:

  • Because you can persuade instead of fight. With the persuasion skill you get the chance to persuade someone, in a mini game fashion where you get a certain amount of turns and points for each reply. The color goes from green to red, red being the most difficult to pull off. 

Diplomat details:

  • Persuasion
  • Commerce 
  • Wellness 


6. Combat Medic 

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Always the first one to the rescue during any fire fight. Flying lasers and bullets won't get in the combat medics' way of saving a life.

The combat medic is useful for its healing capabilities. With the medicine skill you’ll be able to heal 10% faster with med packs or food. The dialogue you get is also useful because you can heal others.

Why Combat Medic is Great:

  • The medicine skill. This is one of the most useful skills to have in the game because you'll find yourself healing from damage a lot. Like mentioned, the medicine skill lets you heal 10% faster with med packs or food. 
  • You'll get medic dialogue. Whenever you run into a situation where someone is hurt you'll have the option to tell them what's wrong or try to fix it. 

Combat Medic details:

  • Pistol certification
  • Medicin
  • Wellness  


5. Soldier 

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You’ve seen your fair share of combat within the settled systems, and you're always prepared for the next battle. 

The soldier background comes with fitness, Ballistics, and boost pack training. These skills are useful at level 1. You'll get more health and O2 from fitness, 10% more damage done with any ballistic weapon with ballistics and you'll be able to use your boost pack one extra time with boost pack training. Overall if you're looking for a combat based build this is the one for you.

Why Soldier is Great:

  • Access to boost packs early on. With boost pack training you can not equip any packs or get the “boost”
  • Ballistics. Because you wont get laser weapons starting out this can be useful for enemy weapons that drop. Use them to your advantage.

Soldier details:

  • Fitness
  • Ballistics 
  • Boost pack training 


4. Space Scoundrel 

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You've spent all your time traveling the stars. Instead of exploration you've been smuggling cargo and looting from abandoned outposts. 

The space scoundrel comes with a pistol certification, the first level in the piloting skill tree, and the first level in persuasion. In my opinion this background is useful for players who want to avoid action but still be able to defend themselves. 

Why Space Scoundrel is Great:

  • You get skills like persuasion. This skill is very handy in a game like this as you can bypass most combat if you use it correctly. I've talked my way out of a few fights because of this. 
  • It adds with the undercover storyline. If you pick up black market goods and then try to enter a port you'll start a quest line where you get to be a part of the pirate gang known as the crimson fleet. Having the space scoundrel background will give you dialogue. 

Space Scoundrel details: 

. Pistol certification

. Piloting

. Persuasion  



3. File Not Found 

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No one except you knows your background. Mysteriously your file was cleaned from every record database..

The file not found background doesn't give much dialogue from others. Instead get to say what you've done, or be completely silent about it. In my opinion this background is good for players who want to explore the game and can't find the right fit for them. 

Why File Not Found is Great: 

  • Great for players who can't decide or would rather make up something new entirely. 
  • It adds mystery to the already complex game. 

File Not Found details:

  • Wellness 
  • Ballistics 
  • Piloting

2. Ronin 

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You made your mark taking out some of the worst criminals in the settled systems. Your swiftness with a blade and cunningness made you a force to be reckoned with. 

The ronin background is more focused on melee weapons with skills such as dueling, stealth and scaving. This character background is very useful at the beginning of the game when you don't have much other than your starting gear. 

Why Ronin is Great: 

  • You get three very useful skill traits. The scavenging trait is good for finding loot and credits. The dueling trait allows you to deal more damage with melee weapons. The stealth trait gives you a meter when crouching so you know if you're in stealth or not. 
  • The dialogue is incredible. When you wake up from your experience if you choose the ronin, Lin will make a comment on how they made a bet that you killed some high ranking official. 

Ronin details : 

  • Dueling 
  • Stealth 
  • Scavenging


1. Bounty Hunter 

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After years of capturing targets you never lost a bounty. 

The bounty Hunter background is tech focused. With the starship skills you'll have a huge advantage during space battles. In my opinion this background is very useful for dialogue and for the undercover SYSDEF mission.  

Why Bounty Hunter is Great:  

  • Starship skills. With skills such as targeting, piloting you’ll be able to take out low level ships at ease. The targeting is useful for disabling parts of a ship. 
  • More dialogue. While I was playing as a few different characters with different backgrounds I found that the bounty hunter has the most dialogue choices. Not to mention you can become a bounty hunter for credits in game. 

Bounty Hunter details: 

  • Piloting 
  • Targeting control systems
  • Boost pack training 


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