Starfield has a ton of different ways to play and experience all it has to offer. One of the ways you can play is by building your own character wit tereown story. While there are already backgrounds, you can expand on any one and turn them into whatever you like.
Today we bring you the Top 10 Best builds for Starfield currently. There will be no spoilers for the main story as we want you to experience it for yourself.
10. The Pirate
The scum of the settle systems who care about themselves and credits. This is a build that focuses on thieves.
The pirate build works by utilizing the built in secret pirate quest line.(no spoilers) The main skills to focus on are piloting, ballistics, and thief. The backgrounds that work best are
This uses special pirate upgrades and weapons to let you deal considerable damage and lets you bring contraband into the main cities of the game.
In my opinion the pirate build is the most fun to play when you are done being the good guy. Overall this build gives you access to a lot of features no other build will have.
What The Pirate Excels In :
- Dueling. With this skill the pirate is great with any melee weapon and it can even become your main if you like that damage they put out.
- Flying. This is because for most of your missions you’ll be transporting contraband and have other spacers or pirates try to take what's yours. Having level 4 in piloting will make sure you stay ahead of them every time.
- Ballistics. The pirates main weapons are shotguns, heavy weapons and SMGs so having skill points into ballistics help make this build that much more powerful.
Choose This Build If :
- You want to roleplay as a bad guy. In starfield there are pirate missions that you can do that adds to your experience playing with this build.
- You want to make credits fast. Unlike most mission board quests I found that pirate ones pay way more than most. Around 5,000 credits per mission.
Build details:
9. Mad Scientist
#9 on the list we have the explorer of wild space. This is an explorer scientist build that has more emphasis on the exploring part.
The build works by taking advantage of the science tree as all your skills to best utilize this comes from there. The primary skills to use are surveying, geology, and research methods. The backgrounds that work best for this build are the professor, Xenobiologist and the Explorer.
In my opinion this build makes you very good at researching and any mission that requires surveying or mining. With its capabilities you’ll be able to go to any planet and see what's on it before you even land.(If maxed out) You’ll also be able to create items faster and research projects take less time.
What The Mad Scientist Excels In :
- Surveying. This is because if you pick the right background you’ll have this skill early on and be able to max it out pretty quickly.
- Mining. Since most of your skills have to do with science and exploring mining can be alot easier. Meaning you’ll mine minerals quicker and be able to find rare ones faster also.
- Research projects. If combined with stimulants you can almost cut your research time down in half or 50%. This is great for the Mad scientist build and the game as a whole because most items take minutes to finish.
Choose This Build If :
- You want to be a true member of Constellation. Since this is an explorers group at heart, having this build will make sense story wise and you’ll be able to add input that would only be known using the recommended skills.
- If you want to add a different roleplay dynamic. The mad scientist uses items like poison and small arms while being a master at building or researching.
Build details:
8. The Wanderer
The perfect build or players who want to explore and see what the game has to offer as far as roleplay. This is a starter build that lets you customize and change it as the game progresses.
This build works by utilizing the early game skills and progressing them to your liking later on. The primary trees to focus on are the physical tree, and the combat tree. The background that works best for this build is the soldier because you get access to skills like Fitness, Ballistics and boost pack training. All of which are vital early game.
In my opinion this build has the potential to be as powerful as you want granted you reach level 4 with the mentioned skills. The wanderer is a more flexible build that has tons of capabilities such as piloting, shield systems, medicine and more.
What The Wanderer Excels In :
- Class A and B ships early on. With the piloting skill unlocked early you can already fly class B ships which are the ones spacers use on occasion.
- Being flexible. This is the only build on this list that doesn't come with many guidelines on how to use it. Essentially this build is something to use to get you better skills and equipment.
Choose This Build If:
- You're brand new to RPG games. The wanderer build will allow you to get a feel for how the game works and make sure you stay alive doing so.
- You're not sure which build to make on your first playthrough. Like mentioned, this is a build to help you decide what you want later.
Build details:
7. Doomslayer
A build that has every bounty hunter running the other way. This is tank/heavy build
This works by utilizing the skills like fitness, weight lifting, and wellness. The primary trees to focus on to get the best from the doom slayer build are the Physical, Combat, and Tech. The best backgrounds that work for this build would be the bounty hunter and the soldier.
In my opinion this build is very overpowered and you don't need to be in the late game to make it so. The doom slayer is great with laser weapons, ballistics and dueling, along with a bunch of other skills.
What The Doom Slayer Excels In :
- Health. The wellness skill for this to work needs to be level 4. At this level you regenerate some of your health and gain a boost in it overall.
- Tech. Most of this skill tree will also be used for this build. With this the doom slayer will be able to have better flying along with better systems for their ship.
- Dueling. By level 30 or 28 or even sooner you can get this skill to level 3 making melee weapons a reliable backup for when you run out of ammo.
Choose This Build If :
You want to do the most with any weapon. Because most of the combat skill tree is used you’ll be able to have bonuses on all weapons by mid game.
If you're new to these types of games and want to get a better feel for the late game mechanics. This is great for new players because of the starting skills and focuses for this build
Build details: Starfield:
6. Space Ranger
Whenever there is a person that needs saving the ranger is always there to help. This is an early game build.
The space ranger build works by taking advantage of boost packs. The primary skills to focus on are boost pack training, boost assault training, and ballistics. Backgrounds that work well are the bounty hunter and the soldier.
In my opinion the space ranger build is great for space combat and traversing planets. The capabilities this build has lets you engage in combat a lot smoother. For example using boost assault training lets you slow down time and hover whenever you use your boost pack and aim down sights. Overall is a boost pack heavy build.
What The Space Ranger Excels In :
- Any and all boost packs. With boost pack training early on you'll have access to every boost pack. In my opinion the power boost pack or the balanced boost pack is the way to go.
- Ballistics training. Since you’ll have this skill you’ll have a 30% boost in all damage given with any ballistic weapon.
Choose This Build If :
- You're looking for more roleplay fun. If you go to the frontier you can become a freestar ranger. This will work great because you’ll get missions that lean towards your build.
- You like slowing down time. If you want to feel like you're in the matrix and basically freeze time all the time this build will help you get it faster and utilize it to its best capabilities.
Build details:
5. Brawler
If you're the player who wants to punch their way to victory this build is for you. The brawler is a hand to hand combat build that relies on brawn more than brains.
How to build works is by utilizing close quarters combat and combat stimulants. The primary skills for this include Boxing, Martial arts, and Wellness. The background that works best for this build is the boxer.
In my opinion this build is tricky to set up but once you do this can be one of the most powerful melee builds out there. Its capabilities allow for the use of stimulants to increase damage or give damage resistance.
What The Brawler Excels In :
- Healing. One of the major skills you need to make this work is medicine. You’ll need it to make up for lack of weapon damage as well as healing.
- Close Quarters Combat. With the boxing skill and wellness skill you’ll do a lot of damage early on allowing you to rank up the skill faster.
Choose This Build If :
- If you like depending on stimulants. This build is very reliant on consumables and stimulants so if you're the player who likes collecting them now you have a reason to put them to use.
- If you want non lethal combat.. With this build at its best you’ll be able to have a chance to knockout an enemy with your fist. The novablast disruptor is very hard to obtain so this build can make up for that.
Build details:
4. Bounty Hunter
Looks like someone took after the mantis. This is a build that turns your character into a certified bounty hunter.
How this works is by utilizing skills such as boost pack training and having access to bounty hunter quests. The primary skills to focus on are Boost pack training, Boost assault training, Ballistics, and Piloting as these are the skills that make this build powerful.
In my opinion the bounty hunter can be a overpowered build late game once you get to level 4 on each skill mentioned above. Having ballistics as a main focus lets your character deal more damage with basically any weapon that isn't melee or laser.
What The Bounty Hunter Excels In :
- Piloting. You get the piloting skill at level one and this is used to give your ship better maneuverability as well as let you fly a class B ship early on which are way better than class A.
- Boost packs. Since this skill is unlocked early you can get it to rank 4 quite easily. The bounty hunter uses this to traverse the combat area quickly without taking much damage.
Choose This Build If :
- You want extra dialogue during conversations. While the extra options don't dramatically change your game it does add more roleplay elements to your character. Plus the bounty hunter has the most options that I know of so far.
- If you want to have the full experience of the bounty hunter background. If you picked this background and want to be a full out hunter this build will let you utilize everything mentioned to its full potential.
Build details:
3. Engineer
Master of all things technology. This is a tech heavy build
How this build works is by utilizing the tech tree and maxing almost everything in it. The main skills to focus on are Robotics and Lasers as both will give you a great advantage early game. The background that works best is the cyberneticist.
In my opinion this build is great for handling a variety of different objectives. With the engineers' robotics skill you’ll be able to disable turrets and robots which is great for the story missions are any outpost you come across.
What The Engineer Excels In :
- Robotics. The robotics skill is what really makes this entire build. It's an overlooked skill that can have major benefits to your character's playstyle.
- Lasers. Lasers happen to be one of the most powerful weapons in the game next to shotguns. Overall any laser the engineer gets their hand on will be a helpful tool.
Choose This Build If :
- You prefer to take a more tech approach to the game. If you wanna roleplay in a futuristic universe it only makes sense to stay with the times.
- You want to be a better asset to your ship and its crew. This build also has a focus on flying and crew operations, so using this will put you on par with the same ones you can hire at the viewport.
Build details:
2. Ghost
Not this ghost! The ghost we're talking about is A hidden shadow. The ghost is a stealth based build.
This build works by utilizing skills like stealth and sharpshooting. The primary focus of the ghost is to remain undetected and deal massive damage from afar. The best background to use is the cyber runner because it comes with stealth, thief, and security, all skills that make this build what it is.
In my opinion the ghost build allows for non lethal combat or lets you almost avoid it all together. The capabilities it has are being able to open master locks, pickpocket from anyone except your companions, and lets you stay hidden for a longer time.
What Build Name Excels In :
- Stealth. Because this build focuses on stealth and in addition to the capabilities this has you can use a chameleon boost pack which lets you blend into your environment.
- Security. Having to unlock doors is very common within starfield. Fortunately with the security skill as a main focus you’ll be able to unlock most locks from anything. This includes safes, lockers, storage crates etc.
- Thief. Having this lets you grab access cards without having to start dialogue. It's very useful if you're trying to speed run the game to finish the main story.
Choose This Build If :
- If you want to play the game without much human combat. Once you have the stealth skill maxed out you’ll be 100% harder to detect. If you combine this with the main skills mentioned you’ll be able to complete most tasks without being noticed.
- You're the player who likes snipers. One of the main weapons the ghost uses is the sniper, though they can be versatile with most armament.
Build details:
1. Stealth Sniper
Makes very hard seem really easy.
This build works by taking advantage of critical hits, sneak multipliers, and snipers. The primary skills to focus on are stealth, security, and thief. To best utilize this build the backgrounds you want are cyber runner, long hauler, soldier, or industrialist.
The power this build has in my opinion is considered overpowered! If you invest in the right skills and take advantage of weapon perks such as hitman, you can deal 5X sneak damage and 1500 damage per shot. This lets you take down almost any legendary enemy without having much trouble.
What The Stealth Sniper Excels In :
- Weapons with the Hitman perk.
- The thief and stealth skill. With these two skills you'll be able to know if you're hidden and stay concealed for longer.
Choose This Build If :
- You're the player who maximizes stealth and stealing in RPG games.
- If you want to get more into combat and ramp up difficulty. Since you'll need certain maxed out skills this is good for players who want a bit more action instead of talking quests.
- You're struggling in the game. This build allows anyone who's struggling to get through the game a lot easier for all the reasons mentioned above.
Build details: