The specialist has the lowest health of all the standard classes in Battlefront 2, but it makes up for what it lacks in HP in tactics. In the right player’s hands, they can pick off targets from afar with their sniper rifles, seek cover in their shields, stun the enemy with shock grenades, or go into stealth mode and wreak havoc.
Once you’ve unlocked them all, there are five weapons and seventeen different star cards that either change your abilities or boost your stats.
This article highlights the three best loadouts for this class, covering the various Star Card combos and weapon(s) and modifications that will complement your tactics.
The Gamedrop’s Best Specialist Loadout
This loadout was curated by the British YouTuber The Gamedrop. This loadout is perfect for players wanting to sit back and pick off enemy after enemy.
The sniper rifle equipped in this loadout is the NT-242. It has maximum damage and range, which are critical for a sniper to get those satisfying one-shot kills. The weapon modifications attached to it are dual zoom and improved cooling.
The star cards equipped in this loadout are Stealth (which hides you from enemy radars when discharging your weapon and increases melee damage), Marksman (which reduces weapon overheat for every headshot), and Personal Shield (an ability that grants a personal shield) that replaces the default Thermal Binoculars ability.
Loadout details
NT-242 Base Stats
- Damage: 106 (translates to 141.33 DPS)
- Range: Infinite (no damage drop off)
- Heat per shot: 0.401
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 1.2 heat per second
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 5 seconds
With Dual Zoom
- Adds a second zoom level, making it easier to see faraway targets.
With Improved Cooling
- Lowers cooldown delay to 0.722 seconds.
- Lowers passive cooldown to 0.13068 heat per second.
- Reduces heat per shot to 0.32481.
Star Cards
- Hides the user from enemy radar when firing their weapon
- Increases melee damage (67 damage for tier 1, 75 for tier 2, 100 for tier 3, and 125 for tier 4)
- Reduces weapon heat buildup for each successful critical hit. (20% heat reduction for tier 1, 25% for tier 2, 30% for tier 3, and 40% for tier 4)
Personal Shield
- Grants a personal shield with 160 health at tier 1, 180 health at tier 2, 200 health at tier 3, and 240 health at tier 4.
What’s Great about this Loadout
- This loadout gives the specialist a better chance of surviving.
- Equipping a personal shield to take on enemies in hand-to-hand combat is invaluable when you’re cornered, as it can be challenging to land your shots when the enemy is so close.
- The NT-242 maximises damage output, and the mods and star cards make it even better at wiping out enemies at a distance.
- Stealth keeps you hidden, so you can genuinely be the quintessential sniper.
DezNik’s Best Specialist Class Setup
This loadout was curated by the YouTuber DezNik. For aggressive players, this loadout would be ideal.
The sniper rifle equipped in this loadout is the A280-CFE. When fitted with the Burst Mode weapon modification, it resembles an assault blaster more than the specialist’s sniper. This makes it an excellent weapon for getting in the thick of the action and fighting toe-to-toe for the objective.
The star cards equipped in this loadout are Survivalist (which reduces health regeneration delay), Hardened Infiltration (which reduces cooldown time on the Infiltration ability, excellent for staying hidden, moving fast, and ambushing objectives), and Improved Shock Grenade (which improves the Shock Grenade ability to increase its active time and range).
Loadout details
A280-CFE Base Stats
- Damage: 25-33 (translates to 133-176 DPS)
- Range: Damage drop-off starts at 20 meters and ends at 40 meters
- Heat per shot: 0.067
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 0.5 heat per second
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 10 seconds
With Burst Mode
- Damage per second increases to 168.75-222.75
Star Cards
- Your health regeneration delay is reduced. (-20% health regeneration delay for tier 1, -25% for tier 2, -30% for tier 3, and -40% for tier 4)
Hardened Infiltration
- Reduces the amount of incoming damage while infiltration is active. (18% damage reduction for tier 1, 21% for tier 2, 23% for tier 3, and 25% for tier 4)
Improved Shock Grenade
- Increases active time of the shock grenade from 3.3 seconds to 4 seconds for tier 1, 4.5 seconds for tier 2, 5 seconds for tier 3, and 6 seconds for tier 4.
What’s Great about this Loadout
- This loadout makes the specialist class viable for general combat.
- The A280-CFE is a formidable blaster that can dispose of enemies at mid-range.
- Survivalist makes your health regeneration delay shorter, essential for classes with little health.
- Hardened Infiltration and Improved Shock Grenade allow the Specialist to protect objectives and secure chokepoints more effectively.
LukesterP03’s Best Loadout for Specialists
This loadout was curated by the YouTuber LukesterP03. This loadout is ideal for players interested in taking their Specialist into close-quarters combat.
The sniper rifle equipped in this loadout is, again, the A280-CFE. This time it only has one weapon modification, Dual Zoom. Dual Zoom makes it viable for long-range kills without quickly overheating the weapon, as Tri-Burst increases the fire rate and the speed of heat buildup.
The star cards equipped in this loadout are Stealth (which was discussed above), Resourceful (which reduces the cooldown for all abilities, meaning you can use them more often), and Personal Shield (also discussed earlier in this post).
Loadout details
A280-CFE Base Stats
- Damage: 25-33 (translates to 133-176 DPS)
- Range: Damage drop-off starts at 20 meters and ends at 40 meters
- Heat per shot: 0.067
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 0.5 heat per second
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 10 seconds
With Dual Zoom
- Adds a second zoom level, making it easier to see faraway targets.
Star Cards
- Hides the user from enemy radar when firing their weapon
- Increases melee damage (67 damage for tier 1, 75 for tier 2,
- 100 for tier 3, and 125 for tier 4)
- Reduces cooldown times for your abilities. (-10% ability cooldown time for tier 1, -15% for tier 2, -20% for tier 3, and -28% for tier 4)
Personal Shield
- Grants a personal shield with 160 health at tier 1, 180 health at tier 2, 200 health at tier 3, and 240 health at tier 4.
What’s Great about this Loadout
- This loadout may seem counterintuitive, but using the A280-CFE with dual zoom is wise for snipers that don’t nail every shot. Because the heat buildup is relatively low, you can fire multiple times, and the misses are less costly than the NT-242.
- The Resourceful star card allows you to use your abilities more regularly. With abilities like shock grenade and personal shield at your disposal, you’ll want to use them as often as possible.
- Personal Shield can save your skin. When you’re flanked and taking damage, simply activate it and the infiltration ability and run to safety.
The loadout you choose will depend heavily on your playstyle and preferences. Hopefully, now that you’ve read this article, you will be able to make those kinds of choices more easily than before.
Have fun out there, and keep a safe distance from elite units!
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